Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 448 Duan Qirui enters Beijing

The domestic situation in 1908 mainly revolved around the hegemony of the two armies of Feng and Anhui. The two largest warlords in the Beiyang system fought with each other for more than a year and finally won or lost in the summer of 1908. As for the end of the Jiangnan Campaign in the summer of 1908, although the Feng and Anhui armies fought several times Large-scale battles, such as the Jinhua Campaign, the Jiujiang Campaign and the Nanchang Campaign, but in fact, these battles are not too suspenseful. The Anhui army was basically hanged by the Feng army, and there is no possibility of losing or winning.

After the Wan army lost Jiangxi and Fujian one after another, even optimistic people will not think that the Anhui army can still support it, and the next loss of Guangdong can be expected.

At the beginning of 1909, although Duan Qirui still had nearly 50,000 soldiers, in fact, he had failed and could not fail any more.

Although Duan Qirui is full of unwillingness, he also knows that it is useless to continue to struggle indifferently at this point.

While he was unwilling, he was also completely desperate.

Now Duan Qirui is not considering how to fight against Zhao Dongyun and compete for hegemony in China. He is considering how to use the only capital in his hand to negotiate with Zhao Dongyun in exchange for the best conditions. He does not expect Zhao Dongyun to treat himself well. He only hopes to find a way out for his subordinates who have been following him for many years. A way to continue to live.

Today, the Anhui officials and generals who can still follow Duan Qirui's direct line can be said to be Duan Qirui's direct line. As for those wall grasses who have already defected to the Soviet Union in Jiangxi, Fujian and other places, Duan Qirui is no longer confident to lead them to continue to fight for hegemony, but he does not want these to fight with him. Years of his men completely failed, were expelled from the country, exiled to the concession, and even committed suicide like Lei Zhenchun.

In addition to seeking a future for his subordinates, Duan Qirui has another idea in his heart, that is, although the Anhui system was defeated, this is the failure of the Beiyang internal war. Although Duan Qirui is the head of the Anhui system, he is also a member of the Beiyang system. Now that he cannot lead Beiyang to unify China, So as a member of Beiyang, he still hopes to see Zhao Dongyun unify China. For this reason, he intends to contribute his last strength to the Beiyang system.

In the face of Duan Qirui's conditions, Zhao Dongyun did not think about it for too long, but agreed happily!

He promised Duan Qirui that if the senior generals in the Anhui army are willing to continue to serve in the Central Army, they will be re-conferated with the ranks according to the Anhui military ranks and enrich them in various troops. In principle, as long as the member is willing to turn to be loyal to the central republican government, he will also accept it and send him to another position.

In terms of dealing with the remnants of the Anhui army, because the Feng army itself has successively adapted the mixed brigade into divisions, and in principle, no new units such as the mixed brigade have been built. In addition, the second mixed brigade has died in name and less than 1,000 remnants, so the second mixed brigade will be revoked and the remnants will be incorporated into the fourth division.

And the fourth division will also be restructured according to the establishment of the Feng army. The original fourth division was a three- brigade system, but since the destruction of the supplementary brigade in Jinling, only the fourth division has only the seventh and eighth brigades. By now, the fourth division actually has more than 10,000 left, even if there are thousands of people in the second mixed brigade. The remaining soldiers are less than 14,000, which is actually not enough for the ordinary infantry division in the army.

After the number of the second mixed brigade was revoked, and the remnants were incorporated into the fourth division, Duan Qirui resigned as the division commander, and Jin Yunpeng, the commander of the second mixed brigade, took over as the commander of the fourth division.

Moreover, Zhao Dongyun also accepted Duan Qirui's request and will pay two months' compensation to the remnants of the 4th Division and the 2nd Mixed Brigade, because the Anhui army has retreated in the past few months. Even if it is a direct unit of the 4th Division, Duan Qirui can't provide enough military expenses to pay military pay.

In addition to the 4th Division and the 2nd Mixed Brigade, the other Liangjiang troops of the Anhui army will be dealt with according to the uneven quality of the remaining 30,000 troops. After screening these 30,000 people, half of them will be selected and reduced to the 24th Division. The division commander will be selected as another general in the Anhui army. Zhang Yongcheng.

In addition to these orthodox Anhui army, there is also a collateral force of the Anhui army, that is, Jiang Guiti's sixth mixed brigade, in addition to Wang Zhanyuan's seventh division.

In addition, there is Jiang Guiti's Sixth Mixed Brigade of the Central Army, which did not participate in the battles of Jiangbei and Jiangnan before. From 1907 to 1908, it fought in Guangdong and Guangxi. In the second half of 1908, it went north to Jiangxi and carried out several small-scale battles with the Feng army. Although there were some losses, there were no losses. Big.

And although Jiang Guiti belongs to the Anhui system, his status in the Anhui system is in a semi-independent state. It is not a direct force of the Anhui army. The troops of the department are not many, only more than 7,000 people, and its combat effectiveness is stronger than that of the ordinary provincial army, but it is not comparable to the fourth division and the second mixed brigade. Generally speaking, it is similar to the two rivers. The treatment of the Sixth Division was sent by Zhao Dongyun to talk with Jiang Gui alone.

The result of the discussion is very simple, that is, Jiang Guiti declared his allegiance to the central government, and the Sixth Mixed Brigade remained unchanged. Jiang Guiti accepted the command and dispatch of the central government, while the central government was responsible for supplying the military expenses and personnel of the Sixth Mixed Brigade.

The situation is relatively similar to the relationship between the sixth mixed brigade and the Anhui army. They are strategically subject to the command of their superiors, but the army's own management and detailed tactics are under Jiang Gui's own control.

Wang Zhanyuan's 7th Division is more interesting. This person is just like Xiaoqiang, who can't be killed. When he was in Zhejiang, as soon as Fengjun went south to southern Zhejiang, he immediately gave up Hangzhou, which was plagued by him, and then went all the way south to southern Zhejiang. Later, he went all the way south to Fujian. After staying in Fujian for a few months, he saw Fengjun took Fuzhou again, and he immediately ran to Guangdong with the 7th Division, which had expanded to 30,000 people.

However, this person did not stay in Guangzhou and other places for a long time, but continued to move westward. At present, he is stationed in the area of Wuzhou in eastern Guangxi, and this person ignored the secret ceasefire agreement reached by Duan Qirui and Zhang Zhidong. As soon as he arrived in Guangxi, he couldn't wait to launch an attack on the hinterland of Guangxi and the end of the Southern Federation. He was very angry and hurriedly transferred troops from Yungui and other places into Guangxi to resist Wang Zhanyuan's attack.

Because Wang Zhanyuan is not under Duan Qirui's control, and Wang Zhanyuan does not seem to be willing to bow down to Zhao Dongyun now, otherwise he would not have worked so hard to build a land in Guangxi.

Therefore, the follow-up treatment of Wang Zhanyuan's 7th Division has nothing to do with Duan Qirui. Zhao Dongyun still has to send another person to negotiate with Wang Zhanyuan. As for whether he can talk about achievements, it depends on the subsequent development of the situation.

In addition to the arrangement of troops and officials, Duan Qirui's own arrangement is also a very difficult problem. First of all, Duan Qirui is not an ordinary warlord, and his political influence in China is very huge.

In contemporary China, since Yuan Shikai was stabbed to death, Wang Yingkai went out of the field, and Zhang Zhidong died of illness, there are only a handful of political leaders in China, including Zhao Dongyun of the Soviet line, Duan Qirui of Anhui, and the end of the Southern Federation.

As for Wu Fengling, Wang Shizhen, Wang Zhanyuan in the Beiyang system, as well as Zhao Erxun, Zhang Biao and others in the Southern Federation, are all princes, but their national influence is limited.

Duan Qirui's status is so special, so how to deal with it is a big problem. It is impossible to take it directly and continue to be important, but you can't directly let Duan Qirui go into exile in the concession, and house arrest is even worse.

Finally, after considering many options, Zhao Dongyun decided to reserve the position of chief of the Army Department for Duan Qirui and let him serve as the deputy marshal of the command.

In the Soviet military system, the military power has always been controlled by the command department, and the army department has long existed in name. You can see that Duan Qirui has been serving as the chief of the army department since 1906. This army department is simply an empty shelf.

In the command department, all affairs are the responsibility of the General Staff Department, the Ministry of Education, the Ordnance Department, the Quartermaster Department, the Naval Department, the Military Department and the General Affairs Office. The above departments are directly responsible to Zhao Dongyun, the marshal of the commander-in-chief. Previously, there was no position of deputy marshal in the command department. Now it is a precedent for Duan Qirui, but this deputy marshal is still a false title, because this position will not govern any department of the command.

Give Duan Qirui enough political status to make his face better, but at the same time, it strictly restricts Duan Qirui's real power. This is Zhao Dongyun's treatment of Duan Qirui.

After Duan Qirui and Zhao Dongyun reached an agreement on the status of the Anhui army, the status of Anhui officials and Duan Qirui's personal arrangements, this secret negotiation between the two armies also came to an end.

On March 1619, 1909, Duan Qirui took the lead in issuing a national telegram, saying that the whole Anhui army was deeply disturbed by the secession situation in the country. As a Chinese and a member of Beiyang, Duan was willing to put down all his previous predeprejudices and support the central government to unify China.

Immediately after, Zhao Dongyun issued a telegram, greatly praising Duan Qirui's high-profile behavior, saying that Duan Shuai's support for the central government would strongly support the complete unification of the whole country. At the same time, he also invited Duan Qirui to go north to serve as the deputy marshal of the command.

Subsequently, Duan Qirui naturally issued another telegram, saying that he had accepted the invitation of President Zhao and was about to go north to become the deputy marshal of the command.

As soon as the above three telegrams were released, it immediately caused an uproar across the whole country. Whether it was the warlords, large and small or ordinary people, they were not understanding that Duan Qirui was so straightforward to defect to the Soviet faction. At least Duan Qirui still has a Guangdong and tens of thousands of troops. You announced your surrender before Feng Bureau entered Guangdong. This bone Your head is too soft. Even if you don't learn from Wang Yingkai and others, you will surrender at the last minute.

However, no matter what the Chinese say, it is true that Duan Qirui surrendered. Oh, no, according to the official statement, Duan Qirui did not surrender. Now he just accepted Zhao Dongyun's invitation to go north to serve as the deputy commander of the command.

On March 17, Duan Qirui took the cruiser Hairong from Guangzhou and went north to Beijing. At the same time, many troops of the Feng army began to enter Guangdong, accept the surrender of the Anhui army in Guangdong, and began to reorganise these Anhui troops. The command also officially set up the 24th division on this day.

and appointed Jin Yunpeng as the second division commander of the 4th Division, with the rank of lieutenant general in the army. Zhang Yong was appointed as the commander of the 24th Division and awarded the rank of lieutenant general in the army.

When the Feng army adapted the remnants of the Anhui army, Duan Qirui's Hairong also arrived in Tianjin. After getting off the ship, he took the train of the Beijing-Feng Railway and successfully arrived in Beijing on March 20.

After getting off the train and seeing this city that has been separated for more than two years, Duan Qirui felt extremely messy. In the past two years, he has thought countless times that he would set foot on the land of Beijing again, but he imagined how he led the army to attack the city, and then stepped on this area fiercely. On the land, he never thought that he would set foot on this land again as a surrenderer.

He took a deep breath. He looked up and saw a young man wearing a black tweed coat and an eight-character beard not far away. Facing a smiling young man, he was Zhao Dongyun!

He took a deep breath again. He cleaned up the messy mood in his heart, and then squeezed out a smile on his face and walked towards Zhao Dongyun.