Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 450 1909 Finance

Although Zhao Dongyun is self-proportionate and thick-skinned, and doesn't care much about what future generations evaluate him, since he can unify the country and gain the highest power by more peaceful and easy means, why does he have to do this kind of thing that makes him bear eternal reputation?

In order to win over the business community, Zhao Dongyun must continue to support industry and commerce, which can not only win over the loyalty of the business community, but also bring rich financial revenue to the Soviet system.

The collection of industrial and commercial tax is much more than the collection of agricultural tax. At present, although agricultural tax is also important in the financial revenue of the Soviet system, it is different from the previous feudal era when it all relied on agricultural tax. By the end of the Qing Dynasty, in fact, industrial and commercial tax had occupied the majority, and agricultural tax fell to the second largest tax source.

In the Soviet financial budget in 1909, the central national tax revenue is expected to reach 3-8 billion yuan, but agricultural tax only accounts for about 25% of it, business tax and value-added tax in the industrial and commercial industry together account for about 55 percent, salt tax accounts for about 15 percent, and other miscellaneous Taxes account for the remaining 5%.

It can be seen that the tax provided by industry and commerce has become the most important tax in contemporary China.

Among the above-mentioned projected 3-8 billion tax revenue, according to local classification, Fengtian Province has contributed more than 60 million tax revenue, surpassing Jiangsu to become the largest tax-added province in China. Fengtian's fiscal revenue has increased from 10 million to 60 million in just a few years, which is Zhao Dongyun's vigorous development of Fengtian. It is inseparable. The continuous migration to Fengtian has developed wasteland to grow rice, soybeans and other crops. At the same time, the increase in agricultural taxes has stimulated the development of Fengtian's soybean processing industry. The soybean industry and textile industries have brought a lot of taxes to Fengtian.

Fengtian is the traditional economically strong province Jiangsu. Although Jiangsu has experienced two years of war and destruction, whether it is Duan Qirui or Zhao Dongyun, they will try their best to avoid destroying the local economic system when they fight the south of the Yangtze River. Therefore, although the situation in Jiangsu has not been very good in the past two years, most of them have gone through most of them. After the recovery of the year, the Ministry of Finance predicts that Jiangsu's fiscal revenue this year will return to the level of previous years, which is expected to reach 50 million yuan.

There is also Guangdong. The situation in Guangdong is relatively similar to that of Jiangsu. It was also affected by the war, resulting in a halt in economic development. The Ministry of Finance predicts that a series of fiscal rectifications will be carried out after the Soviet takeover of Guangdong, which is expected to collect nearly 50 million yuan of tax revenue from Guangdong.

Then there are three areas: Tangshan Administrative Office, Zhili and Zhejiang. Due to the existence of Tangshan Industrial Zone, Tangshan Administrative Office has developed into the largest heavy industrial base in China. Therefore, although the salt tax and agricultural tax contributed by the area are not much, and the population in the jurisdiction is not large, it can't stand the industrial development. Well, the Ministry of Finance predicts that the Tangshan Administrative Office is expected to provide 30 million yuan of national tax revenue for the central government in 1909, of which Luanzhou alone, a county-level city, provided at least five million yuan of national tax revenue.

Zhili has also developed a certain amount of industry and commerce in recent years, especially textile and other light industrial industries. In addition, Zhili is also driven by big cities such as Tianjin and Beijing, and the Tangshan Industrial Zone on the side is also relatively strong economic pull to the nearby Zhili area, although Zhili does not have much success. Large-scale industries, but the tax level of contribution is not bad. The Ministry of Finance predicts that it can receive at least 30 million national tax revenue from the province in 1909.

Due to the existence of northern Zhejiang, a traditional rich agricultural area, coupled with the early capture of northern Zhejiang by Fengjun, after more than half a year of recovery, the whole Zhejiang can also provide more than 20 million national tax revenue.

Other Fujian, Jiangxi, Henan, Shandong and Anhui are economically backward provinces in contemporary China, and each province can provide about 10 million to 20 million in taxes.

The above taxes add up, and the Ministry of Finance gives a forecast of 3-8 billion!

And it is worth noting that the Soviet Ministry of Finance only counts the national tax, not the local tax!

After the Soviet system rectified the fiscal system, although the Ministry of Finance is a unified collection of taxes, it is impossible to enrich all the money into the treasury. You have to leave a certain proportion of taxes for local governments at each level, which are referred to as local taxes. Although this money can also be included in the country's overall fiscal revenue, it has no practical significance for Soviet finance, because those local taxes are not under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance and are under the management of local governments at every level.

Take the most typical Luanzhou as an example. The city predicts that in addition to paying 15 million of national taxes to the national treasury in 1909, there are also about 5 million local taxes, which is 5 million. If it is put in the eyes of other warlords, it must have been taken to expand the army to buy arms, but according to the Soviet tax system In addition to part of the five million yuan handed over to the provincial finance, most of them will be retained by the local government of Luanzhou County.

How to spend this money is the business of the Luanzhou county government, which has nothing to do with the central government. How can Luanzhou County and City spend such a huge local income? At present, it is mainly engaged in urban reconstruction, planning, public construction, transportation renovation, etc., education, and provide benefits for administrative personnel.

In terms of the establishment of education, Luanzhou County and City officially allocated three new high schools in 1908, namely Luanzhou County High School, which is fully officially run; Tangshan Industrial Middle School, which is jointly organized by the official and Tangshan Industrial Company, is regarded as a supplement to Tangshan University of Technology; In addition, there is Yongping High School.

It is not so easy to set up a high school these days. It is very simple for you to set up a primary school, it is barely feasible to set up a primary school, and it is not too difficult to set up a normal school, but if you want to set up a high school, it is actually not much easier than to set up a university or a higher normal school.

Another term of high school is a preparatory school. Students go to a high school, and its ultimate purpose is to apply for various universities or simply study abroad.

Luanzhou County has run three high schools with great wealth, and even the enrollment of students is for the whole country. In addition, Luanzhou County has also officially allocated more than 20 primary schools and junior high schools. The continuous investment of official wealth has made Luanzhou the largest number of official schools in China. At the same time, colleges and universities The most dense cities, even traditional big cities such as Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai are not as good as it.

Luanzhou has more money to engage in education. No matter how jealous Zhao Dongyun is, he can't take out this part of the money directly, because it will shake the most fundamental tax system currently implemented by the Soviet system.

In the Soviet financial system, the Ministry of Finance collects taxes uniformly, and the taxes are paid to the national treasury and local taxes for local use.

In this system, the better the local economic development is, the more taxes will be retained by local governments. If there is more money, local officials can use more funds. If they have more money, it is easier to do education, develop industries or other things. Achievements.

Of course, it is inevitable that local governments have more money, and local government officials and ordinary employees can get more salaries.

Zhao Dongyun implements high salaries for officials, but this part of the salary is directly spent on the national treasury. If the local government's economic development is good, the local government will naturally give more benefits to government employees.

The Soviet government's support for the development of industry is not only the policy of the central government, but also the struggle of local governments.

After Duan Qirui arrived in Beijing, he first had several private talks with Zhao Dongyun. Naturally, outsiders did not know what he was talking about.

Subsequently, Duan Qirui officially became the deputy marshal of the command department. At the same time, he also retained the position of commander of the army and the rank of general of the army.

After Duan Qirui arrived in Beijing, the Feng army's actions in various parts of the south did not stop. On the one hand, the Feng army sent troops into Guangdong to thoroughly accept Guangdong and reorganized the Anhui troops. On the other hand, the Feng army also launched a large-scale offensive in the new year under the strategic arrangement of the combat office.

The direction of the attack is mainly Hunan, assisted by Hubei and Guangxi.

In the direction of Guangxi, Jiang Guiti frowned and looked at Wuzhou in the distance. The messenger he had previously sent to Wuzhou had been driven back by Wang Zhanyuan.

After Jiang Guiti turned to loyalty to the central government, he did not change much. He is still the brigade commander of the sixth mixed brigade, with the rank of lieutenant general and four honors.

After the Feng army entered Guangdong, his sixth mixed brigade was under the jurisdiction of Xu Bangjie's Second Army, and the 24th Division was also under the jurisdiction of the Second Army. The reorganized Fourth Division will be under the jurisdiction of the Fourth Army.

The 20th Division and the 4th Division are under the jurisdiction of the two armies respectively. Of course, there is a way to avoid these old Anhui troops being formed into a regiment and affect the subsequent integration of the Feng army for them.

The 4th Division and the 24th Division are still being reorganized in Guangdong, and it is impossible to go to the battlefield in a short time, but Jiang Guiti's 6th Mixed Brigade does not have such a problem. The 6th Mixed Brigade has always maintained a complete organization, coupled with Zhao Dongyun's preferential commitment to Jiang Guiti, so the 6th Mixed Brigade has not changed much. .

After being integrated into the second army, Jiang Guiti's sixth mixed brigade was ordered to enter Guangxi, because in the strategic deployment of the combat office, Xu Bangjie's second army will be stationed in Guangdong and have to undertake combat tasks in the direction of Guangxi.

So Jiang Guiti's sixth mixed brigade soon left Guangdong and went straight to Guangxi.

Before coming to Guangxi, Jiang Guiti not only met Xu Bangjie, but also met Jin Yunpeng and Zhang Yongcheng. The so-called thing is to figure out what he was going to do after arriving in Guangxi.

At the beginning, Xu Bangjie politely told him, "What order I give you, you can do. As for why you do this, you don't have to worry!"

Although Jin Yunpeng and Zhang Yongcheng said different things, they expressed similar meanings, that is: "Clip your tail and do things with a positive attitude!"

Therefore, Jiang Guiti, an old general in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Ming Dynasty, also knew that after arriving in Guangxi, he didn't have to worry about anything. Even if he met Wang Zhanyuan in Wuzhou, he didn't have to bother much. After reporting directly to the Second Army, Xu Bangjie gave him an order: "Reclaim Guang West, if Wang Zhanyuan is in the front, then fight!"

Jiang Guiti withdrew his sight of Wuzhou City, and then turned his head and asked the adjutant beside him, "Where is the 10th Division?"

"Ren Shuai's troops are 30 kilometers away from us, and it is expected that his forward troops will arrive on our side tomorrow!" The adjutant next to him replied.

Jiang Guiti immediately said, "Then Lu Wuyou, what are you afraid of? Fight and tell your brothers that this battle will play the prestige of our sixth mixed brigade!"

Jiang Guiti didn't say another sentence: "You have to let Zhao Dongyun know that Jiang Guiti is not worth mentioning, and his sixth mixed brigade is not an ordinary provincial army. He needs to prove himself with this battle and prove that he is worthy of Zhao Dongyun's efforts!"