How to become a lover

Chapter 9 Father-son Enmity

"Actually, I just passed by and saw you quarreling with that man."

Sun En looked away with some modesty and did not dare to face him. Suddenly thinking of something, she suddenly raised her eyes.

"Why are you always so impulsive? I only fight with people all day long, like a gangster.

"Are you caring about me?" Pu Minglan opened a happy smile on her lips.

"Don't think too much, I just care about my friends. I won't tell you. I have something else to do. I'll go first."

stared at by his fiery gaze, Sun En couldn't help but panic and looked away in embarrassment. He was about to turn around and leave, but was caught by him.

"Do you want to avoid me again?"

In the past two days, he went to the company to pick her up, but every time it was empty, which made him suspect that she avoided herself as before.

"Who avoided you?"

Sun En did not avoid his eyes, but there was unconscious resistance in his eyes.

"So, why did you escape through the back door of the company? If you don't want to avoid me, you can come out openly.

"I'm not avoiding you, I'm just..."

"Just what?" Pu Minglan narrowed her eyes slightly and asked.

"I..." Unable to say the real reason, Sun En stared at him angrily.

"Why are you pestering me all the time? According to your conditions, there must be many girls who like you. Go and find them.

"Yes, except for you, there are many girls who want to be my woman. If you push me out like this again and make me angry..."

"So what?" Sun Endu has a long mouth.

The next moment, she only felt his face suddenly magnify in front of her eyes, and then she trembled all over and finally came to her senses. The blocked mouth made a vague protest, and her hand pushed his shoulder hard.

But he held her harder and held her down with the advantage of her body shape, crazy ** her soft lips...

I don't know how long it took for her to be let go by him. After breathing was smoother than before, she blushed and pointed at him and scolded.

"You are a scoundrel! Bastard!"

"I'm an asshole, but it's also because of you that I became like this."

There was no shame of being scolded at all. Pu Minglan still smiled complacently and stretched out his tongue to lick the silver silk at his mouth, which made Sun En angry.

"No, don't allow you to kiss me again! Otherwise, I will break up with you."

Listening to her childish words, Pu Minglan smiled more happily.

"Why not? There is no reason why you are not allowed to kiss your woman.

"When did I become your woman?"

Hey, who gave him this right? She didn't say she wanted to be his girlfriend from beginning to end.

"People can't be trustworthy. Last time in the bar, I beat Song Sinan..."

Before he finished speaking, Sun En interrupted.

"Last time you said to yourself, I didn't promise anything. I'm not your booty.

Besides, don't forget that last time you said that if you can't play a moonlight song within a month, you won't pester me anymore.

When he heard the words, he was speech at a moment.

Although the agreement at that time was that as long as he could play the moonlight song within a month, she would be his girlfriend, but if he really said that he couldn't do it, he would really appear in front of her.

"Why, you won't tell me. You can only say it in your mouth. In fact, you can't do it at all, right?" Sun En provoked him with words.

"Who said that, right? As long as I play the moonlight song within a month, you promise to be my girlfriend?"

"Yes." Only then did he say that he caught the smile that flashed in his eyes, and Sun En suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Come with me." He took her with one hand.

"Where are you going to take me?"

"You will know when you follow."

About 20 minutes, they came to a musical instrument line.

Pu Minglan sat down in front of a piano, "Listen."

After saying this to Sun En, he opened the lid.

After a while, the beautiful melody floated out of his hand. Looking at his smooth movements and listening to the beautiful movement, Sun En had only one feeling.

She was deceived!

She does not deny that there are so-called geniuses in this world who have never forgotten. They can watch others play, and then draw a gourd as they are, imitating that person to play it.

But after knowing him for so long, she doesn't think he will be a musical genius.

Now, in a short time, he can make rapid progress and play so well by a person who can hardly play the piano for one reason.

He can play the piano at all.

Before, he deliberately pretended not to play the piano in front of her, in order to lure her into the game and ask her to promise him to be his girlfriend.

"I'm like this, can I pass the test?"

After the song, Pu Minglan looked up and smiled, as if he wanted to be appreciated by her, but he was scolded by her.

"You are so bad that I don't want to see you again!"

After saying that, Sun En turned around and ran out of the music industry.

stunned, Pu Minglan quickly chased him out.

"Hey, okay, why are you angry again?"

Sun En shook off the hand he wanted to hold her arm, but he didn't give up again. She grabbed his hand angrily and took a bite in his hand hard.


When he was bitten off guard, Pu Minglan quickly withdrew his hand.

"You're crazy. Why do you bite people?"

"You're crazy, you liar!"

"Where did I lie to you?" Pu Minglan looked at her inexplicably.

Sun En stretched out his index finger and pointed straight at him and scolded.

"You said no? You lied to me that you can't play the piano. The purpose is to make me promise to be your girlfriend and pretend to be really in front of me. In fact, you can play the piano at all."

Hearing this, Pu Minglan smiled.

"You're still laughing, you bastard!"

Sun En was so angry that he wanted to kill him when he thought that he had been cheated by him for so long and accepted his request.

"I never said that I can't play the piano." Pu Minglan spread out his hands innocently.

I just said that I don't like playing the piano. It's really unfair to say that I pretend that I can't play the piano in front of you.

I will do that, just because I haven't touched the piano for many years, so the movements are inevitably strange. I haven't sat down and played the piano for almost ten years.

Listening to his words, Sun En recalled the scene at that time. He did not seem to say that he could not play, but that he did not want to play.

Moreover, at that time, he sat in front of the piano and his movements were stiff, but he really didn't look like he didn't understand it at all.

"You really didn't lie to me?"

Sun En did not give any questions. After receiving his affirmative reply, she had to sigh at her bad luck.

Incalculation! I thought I would force him away with a difficult problem, but I didn't expect to count myself.

Looking up at his smiling face, Sun En was irritable and casually found a topic to ask.

"I think you also play well. Why didn't you play it again before?"

"If you don't want to play, don't play." The smile on his face replaced his unhappy face.

Staring at him, she intuitively had a lot of articles.

People are like this. They are unhappy, and naturally they don't want others to be too happy. Knowing that he didn't like to talk about this issue, she had to ask.

"Is there something wrong? Because you have been scolded by the teacher? Or won't your parents allow you to play?

His face was half dark with her words, and he looked at her excited expression. He turned around and left, as if he didn't want to talk more.

"Ty, let's hear it, I want to know."

As if he couldn't understand his bad mood, Sun En caught up and insisted on pestering him.

"Do you really want to know?"

Being pestered by her, he wanted to scold but couldn't say it, he sighed.

Sun En nodded hurriedly, "Say it."

“...... Because my mother, I have never touched the piano since she was gone.

Pu Minglan's face is the loneliness that Sun En has never seen before. His usually bright eyes are unconsciously stained with a trace of sad sadness.

"Although my grandfather is the boss of the underworld, he has trained his mother to be a lady. She knows everything that a lady should know, including playing the piano.

When I was a child, my parents didn't have a good relationship. It's not that Dad will beat and scold her mother, but that he always neglects her at home. Every day, he spends no days at home except socializing.

However, Dad likes to listen to his mother play the piano. Therefore, since my mother sent us to learn to play the piano, she wants to please my father..."

Listening to him talk about the past, although his expression seemed light, Sun En knew that he was sad. Sun Enton felt guilty and felt that someone had grabbed him hard in his heart.

She really shouldn't provoke other people's sadness. Thinking about this, she stretched out her hand and held him as a sign of comfort.

"I'm fine." Pu Minglan understood her thoughts and smiled at her.

"Actually, I also know that in my father's mind, he doesn't regard us as a family at all. He doesn't love his mother or us. All he loves is his career."

He remembered that when he was a child, he always saw his mother playing the piano alone and waiting for a man who didn't know when he would come home.

At a very young age, he knew how much cold violence harmed a person. Sometimes, you hate a person and don't need to beat and scold her at all, as long as you are indifferent.

"I think your father may also love you, but he won't express his feelings. You know, some men are like that. They always collect their thoughts in their hearts. They don't know how to communicate with their families."

Sun En said so, but he had something else in his mind.

Before, I heard from Bai Yun that Pu Sheng was forced to marry the fuck. May I ask who will look good to a woman who is forced to marry home?

However, Bai Yun's words are just partial words.

If Pu Sheng really has no feelings for his wife, why did he give birth to one child after another, and she has died for many years and hasn't seen him marry again.

"Who knows what he thinks."

Pu Minglan sneered at Sun En's words.