How to become a lover

Chapter 22 causing trouble

"Have you found it?"

Seeing her happy face, Bai Yun didn't know that she must have found what she was looking for.

"What on earth is so important in it?"

Unexpectedly, she sneaked out of the hospital and looked for it at home for a day.

"Secret." Looking at her, Cao Jingjing mysteriously walked out of the utility room with the mobile hard disk in her arms. "In a word, there will be a good show soon."

The two walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa.

"I'm so hungry. Do you have anything to eat?"

Cao Jingjing glanced, stood aside, hugged her half-brother's Filipino maid, and ordered.

"Go outside and buy a takeaway for me."

The Filipino maid, who had been lowering her head and didn't dare to look directly at her face, realized that the other party asked her to go shopping.

"However, I want to take care of the young master..."

"Give it to me." Bai Yun reached out and hugged her son and put him in the stroller.

Then, she took out the money from her wallet and handed it to the Filipino maid, telling her to go out and buy a bowl of wonton noodles.

After the Filipino maid left, Bai Yun pulled the stroller and teased her son.

"If you leave the hospital without permission, what should you do? Even if you really don't want to be hospitalized, you can't sneak out without saying a word. After dinner, you can go back with me.

"No, if I'm stuck in the hospital again, I'll go crazy."

She has been sleeping in the hospital for several years, and this time she almost repeated her coma, so she has a shadow on the hospital. If possible, she will never be hospitalized again.

Cao Jingjing got up and wanted to pour tea, but found that the kettle was empty.

"If you don't go back to the hospital, just go home with me. You are the only one living here. I don't worry." Bai Yun said again.

"No." She vetoed, "I'm over the age to be a drag bottle, and I don't want to be looked down upon."

Yes, Puzhai is much bigger than this house and is used by servants. Everything there is good, but there is a little bad, just to make her feel like she is under the shelter of others.

Although it is small here, it is better to be free enough. She can do whatever she wants.

Before, when she hadn't changed back to herself, she went there several times and heard Pu Xin scold Sun En behind her back. She could imagine that if she lived in, the other party would definitely fight against her.

Also, she has been hospitalized these days. Although Pu Sheng has also come to visit her, that kind of alienation and politeness shows that he doesn't like her at all.

Since she is not a popular person, why does she have to live in other people's houses and suffer all kinds of eyes?

"However, you live here alone. If something happens and no one is here, mom can't rest assured."

Bai Yun always felt that she owed this daughter, and now she finally recognizes her. Of course, she wants to spend more time with her.

"I have lived here for more than ten or twenty years. What's there to worry about?" Cao Jingjing said mercilessly, "Anyway, I won't live with your man and his daughter."

Seeing that she was stubborn and knew her temper, Bai Yun didn't say any more and changed the topic.

"Forget it, I'll let her stay and take care of you. By the way, I helped you find a plastic surgery authority. I told him about your situation, and he said he was sure to help you with surgery.

"Really?" Cao Jingjing was refreshed when she heard this, "So, can I restore my previous beauty after surgery?"

"This--" Bai Yun stopped talking.

"You don't want to say that he can't do it, do you?"

"It's not impossible, but he said that your wound was too deep and it was a little difficult to change back to the same as before. However, he said that as long as you cover it with concealer, others will not notice the scar on your face."

"Do you mean that even if I have plastic surgery, I will still leave scars on my face, and I am still as ugly as I am now?" Cao Jingjing raised her eyebrows.

"..." Bai Yun originally wanted to say that even if she couldn't restore her previous beauty, it was at least much better than now, but when she saw her face, she knew that it was useless to say more.

"Mom, you said you would help me, just help me find such a useless guy? I ignore it. If I can't reply to my previous appearance, I'd rather die. Cao Jingjing said.

"In the final analysis, it's all that Sun En's bitch is not good. She pretends to be affectionate. She actually uses her body to block the glass for him. The body is mine, not hers. Why does she use my body to save him?"

Listening to her words, Bai Yun frowned. Before she could say anything, the Filipino maid had come back with the takeaway.

Seeing her come back, Bai Yun's mother and daughter subconsciously didn't say any more.

Maybe she was really hungry. As soon as Cao Jingjing took the wonton noodles, she wolfed it up.

After she finished eating, Bai Yun asked the Filipino maid to take care of her son. She took out the medicine to monitor Cao Jingjing and help her change the medicine on her back.

After helping her change the medicine and telling her a few words, Bai Yun took her son back home.

"Miss, what else do you want me to go?"

The Filipino maid who was left to serve (or monitor) Cao Jingjing asked her that she had been holding a laptop since just now.

"There is no boiling water at home. Go and simmer some, and take care of my previous room and help me change some new sheets and so on..."

Hearing a lot of things she told, Fei still turned around and walked into the kitchen with a bitter face.

After she walked away, Cao Jingjing also found the file she wanted in the mobile hard disk.

Clicking on the file and looking at the dozens of unsightly pornographic photos inside, she raised a ferocious smile.

Her current appearance is scary enough, and she laughed so maliciously that she just walked into the kitchen, but forgot to ask her something. The Filipino maid who came out again looked at it and suddenly felt numb as if she had seen a ghost.

"Fight with me? Laugh at me for being ugly, right? You are more beautiful than me now. In this case, I will take it as a good thing to let people all over the world know you, Cao Jixin, and let all men appreciate your beautiful and flawless body, haha.

With that, she put all the photos in the file on the Internet.

She wants to see whether Cao Jixin's mother-in-law can still laugh this time.


How does it feel to become famous overnight?

If this question is to ask some people who are interested in developing in the entertainment industry, or even want to become Internet celebrities, of course, they are excited and inexplicably. Even ordinary people are happy to become well-known celebrities overnight.

Of course, it also depends on the reason for becoming famous. For today's entertainment industry, as long as people become popular, they don't care about the reason. Being popular means fame and fortune follow.

However, if you ask Cao Jixin about this question, there is only one answer.

See you faceless.

She never thought that she would inexplicably become an 'Internet celebrity' as soon as she woke up. Because someone sent dozens of photos of her beds to the Internet, hundreds of thousands of clicks a day.

Originally, there were some nosebleed pornographic photos on the Internet, but she would be so eye-catching. In addition to her identity as a celebrity, some entertainment reporters who discovered her identity also reported the matter as headlines.

As soon as she received the news, her fruit photo was maliciously posted on the Internet. Tang Mingliang expected that things would be out of control. Before those entertainment reporters came, she had taken her mother and son to her apartment to avoid the limelight.

"I have issued an injunction to the court and will no longer allow those photos to appear on the Internet."

Tang Mingliang sat on the sofa, hugged his son, and looked at Cao Jixin, who had been silent since morning, and was very worried.

However, she didn't seem to hear it and didn't react at all.

"Why don't you eat something? You haven't eaten for a day, which will make you hungry."

Looking at the bowl of noodles on the coffee table, just when she thought Cao Jixin didn't want to eat it, she saw that she gave her son to herself, and then picked up the noodles and ate it.

"If you let me know who did this time, let me see if I don't skin him."

Seeing that she was willing to eat, Tang Mingliang was also relieved, but when he thought of the culprit this time, he cursed angrily.

"It must be Cao Jingjing's ugly woman, because I laughed at her before, so in order to retaliate against me, I posted my photos on the Internet." Cao Jixin gritted his teeth and said.

"Is it her?" Tang Mingliang's eyes widened.

Of course, what surprised her was not that the other party would do such a thing, but how could she have Cao Jixin's photo.

"Because those photos were taken by her who asked someone to catch me." Cao Jixin is full of coldness.

"It's all my careless. Before, I tried my best to get that batch of photos from her. Although I also suspected that those photos were not alone, she hasn't taken them out over the years, so I thought she really didn't have photos in her hand, but I didn't expect..."

After eating all the noodles and soup in the bowl, she put the bowl and chopsticks heavily on the table, with a grim look on her face.

"Do you think this can defeat me? It's not that easy. I will definitely return this revenge to you. If I don't avenge this, I will be in vain!"

At the same time.

"Did you do this?"

Bai Yun, who didn't know about this matter until she read the magazine, ran home as soon as possible and questioned Cao Jingjing.

"You also saw it."

Cao Jingjing raised the corners of her mouth proudly, as if she didn't feel Bai Yun's upset at all.

"Why did you do this?" Bai Yun asked.

"Why?" Cao Jingjing held her chin in one hand and smiled lazily.