How to become a lover

Chapter 44 Take the opportunity to retaliate

The next day was an outdoor shooting on the beach.

The people in the world who collect intelligence better than the CIA are fans. They can always know where their idols will appear at the first time. Therefore, before their car reaches the beach, they see a large number of people surrounding the beach in the distance.

After getting out of the car and signing with several fans, everyone began to shoot.

"Card! Everyone take a five-minute break."

In the same film, Sun En shot more than a dozen times today. Looking at the director with a little ugly face, she apologized to Hou Yujie beside her.

"I'm sorry, it's all because of you reshoot so many times."

He was not impatient, but comforted her.

"Actually, I can't blame you. Even if there are so many people watching here, I will be nervous. Well, when I shoot again, you will keep looking at me, and the others will just treat them as if they don't exist."

I don't know if she remembered his words, whether she regarded others as transparent or he was too handsome. He just looked at him and was naturally taken into the play by him. The next shooting went smoothly.

After shooting the location, go back to the TV station to make up two more shots, and this shooting is completed.

Hou Yujie and his assistant left as soon as they finished shooting and rushed to the famous store to cut the ribbon.

Sun En took the photo he just took with Hou Yujie and signed it. He slowly walked into the elevator and was ready to go back.

Suddenly, someone shouted, "Wait a minute."

Hearing this, she subconsciously pressed the button and waited for someone to come in.

"Thank you."

The person came in with a little gasp, holding his mobile phone and talking on the phone while thanking her.

"You're welcome."

Seeing the person coming, Sun En was stunned. After a long time, he whispered.

Yang Shuxue only talked to the other end of the phone and didn't notice that the elevator didn't move until he finished talking on the phone and looked up. Why was he still on the fourth floor? Only then did I find that the number key of the floor was not pressed.

So, he pressed the number key on the first floor. Looking at the time, I calculated whether I could get to the club in half an hour from the TV station.

Originally, I didn't have to be in such a hurry. As soon as I heard that he was going to the TV station today to talk about jewelry sponsorship, I asked him to help her get the signature of her favorite actor, so she was delayed for so long.

Suddenly, the elevator trembled, and the lights in the elevator flashed, and there was a loud noise. He suddenly felt that the elevator would fail, right?

It's really a good and ugly spirit. The next moment, the elevator really broke down. Not only is it dark, but the elevator is no longer moving.

After cursing, he hurriedly asked the control room for help.

"How many people are there in the elevator? Are you hurt?" The voice of the security guard came from the intercom.

"There are two people here, and the situation is fine for the time being." Yang Shuxue said anxiously, "I'm still in a hurry. Please find someone to help us out."

"Please rest assured that we have informed the people in the maintenance department that someone will come to save you soon..."

Listening to the other party's leisurely voice, he scolded in his heart, what can you rest assured? Not to mention that he is in a hurry now and is trapped here, which is dark and impenetrable. His mood is terrible.

No longer listening to the other party's nagging, he released the button, leaned against the wall of the elevator, and then called the customer to clarify the situation so that he didn't have to wait for himself.

It's so annoying! After making one phone call after another, I found that less than 20 minutes had passed, and the elevator was still motionless, and the surroundings were still dark.

Turning on the light of the mobile phone, the bright light dispelled the darkness. He urged the security guard again and got the answer. The people in the maintenance department were still on the way, making people wait at ease.

In fact, he also knew that it was useless for him to be anxious about this situation, but he still couldn't help but feel good. Why didn't he have something to do in his spare time to let him encounter this kind of thing?

Just as he was struggling in his heart, he suddenly smelled a very fragrant smell, and then he heard the sound of someone eating.

It's past seven o'clock in the evening. Generally, it's time for him to have dinner, but he is trapped here, not to mention eating, he can't even drink water.

TMD! This man must have done it on purpose. He knew that he was also hungry and had nothing to eat, but he still ate in front of him. He still had to eat so loudly and fragrant that he didn't have to stimulate people, did he?

"Are you hungry?" In the dark, the man's voice sounded.

It turned out to be a woman, and Yang Shuxue remembered that when he entered the elevator just now, the corner of his eyes seemed to catch a glimpse of the other party as a woman.

"A little, I don't know how long I will be stuck here. If I had known it would be like this, I would have eaten something before."

He said so, thinking that the other party would kindly share some food for himself to eat, but the other party seemed to have no intention of inviting him to eat.

He blinked his usual fascinating electric eyes and looked at the other party. In the light of his mobile phone, he could not see the other party's appearance clearly, but he could also see that the other party was not ugly. Could he be an actor of the TV station?

"I heard from the TV station that the elevator here will break down once a month, and it will not be good in two or three hours each time. Therefore, if the people of the TV station are in a hurry, they will not take the elevator." She broke the news leisurely.

After waiting for a while, he suddenly realized that there was not enough light here, so his handsome appearance was useless at this time, because she didn't see it at all.

"Since I heard about this, when I came here today, I also specially prepared mineral water and dry food. Just in case, I really didn't expect it to come in handy, so the opportunity is reserved for those who are prepared. Do you think I'm smart?"

"Very smart." He smiled dryly.

If you are really so smart, why can't you see that I'm hungry and thirsty now? Don't you know a little social etiquette and give me some food?

Chi Chun, after being stared at by him for a long time, she reacted and asked.

"Are you hungry?"

"I had an appointment with a client, but I was trapped here, so I was a little hungry." He said gently, asking her to take the initiative to share some food with him.

"Well, why didn't you open your mouth earlier? If you don't open your mouth to call me, how can I know that you also want to eat? There are only two of us here. You really don't have to be so shy. Just say it directly when you are hungry. It's not a girl who wants to pretend to be sven, right?"

The corners of Yang Shuxue's mouth twitched. Why did she feel like she was squeezing him?

"Well, why didn't you tell me earlier? You didn't tell me that you were hungry until I finished eating. Next time you remember to tell me earlier."

Finally, she blinked at him innocently.

She must have intended it! He said to himself, and at the same time, he opened his eyes to see the other party clearly. Who was she and when did he offend her?

"I know, I'm good-looking, but I'll be embarrassed if you stare at me like this." She blinked and said the words that made him vomit blood, "Don't fall in love with me secretly. I have a boyfriend."

If he hadn't always been rude to women, if he hadn't been weak from hunger now, if he hadn't been trapped here and couldn't leave, he would definitely...

Look up to the sky and sigh, crying without tears!

It's really unlucky today. The elevator broke down. It was unlucky enough to be trapped here and cut off food and water. Unexpectedly, he met a selfish ghost and just had to eat by himself. She still had to say a lot of annoying words. At the thought of being trapped here with her for a few hours, he wanted to commit suicide.

Suddenly, she took out a piece of her bag.

"Look at my memory. It turns out that there is still a piece of chocolate in my bag. Although I know that boys don't like this very much, if you are really hungry, take it."

Looking at the chocolate handed to him, Yang Shuxue was very entangled. God knows that the thing he hates most is chocolate. As soon as he smells it, he wants to vomit, but his stomach is really hungry!

"Don't you want it? I don't know how long I will be trapped here. Maybe there are still a few hours to endure. If you really don't want it, I will eat it myself.

"I want it." Seeing that she wanted to take it back, he immediately reached out and took the chocolate decisively.

He stared at the chocolate in his hand, his eyebrows were tightly clamped, and his eyes looked at it as if it were poison.

"Well, it is not poisonous and has not expired. Don't worry about it."

Sun En held back his smile and knew that he hated chocolate the most, but he still ate it.

"Well, if you really don't want to eat, don't force it."

"No, I'm not reluctant."

After saying that, he tore off the package, closed his eyes, and spit the chocolate into his stomach with a generous look.

Because he closed his eyes, he didn't find that she was taking pictures of him with his mobile phone.

"Would you like some water?"

When he finished eating and looked at him with a bitter face, she asked kindly.

"I want." Taking over the mineral spring she handed over, he drank all the water in it in one breath.

After drinking, when he saw her staring straight at himself, he found that he had drunk all her water and felt a little embarrassed.

"Sorry, I forgot to leave some for you."

She shook her head and watched him stop talking. After hesitating for a moment, she still asked.

"GeneralLY speaking, how often do you go to the toilet?"

"One or two, what's wrong?" He didn't understand why she asked.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking that after drinking so much water in one breath, we don't know how long we will be stuck here. I'm afraid you'll think it's convenient, but..."

Listening to her words, his face twitched.

"Yes, if you really can't help it later, you can use this." She pointed to the plastic bottle in his hand.

"If you need it, just tell me. I'll turn around to make it convenient for you. However, remember to turn off the light of your mobile phone, otherwise it won't be taken by a closed-circuit camera."

I don't know if it has a psychological effect. Originally, he was not in a hurry, but as soon as he heard her say this, he began to feel a little anxious.

"Remember, you really can't help it later, just tell me generously, I will never laugh at you, don't be like just now, you are obviously hungry but don't open your mouth, and you have to wait until I finish eating..."

"Stop!" He interrupted her endless words, "I don't need that."

Even if there is, he won't say it.

"That's it." Somehow, I always felt that her tone sounded disappointed.