mutation killing

Chapter 3 · Original Reason

The green figure's outstretched hand stopped in mid-air, and he was surprised to find that the biological energy of the ordinary human in front of him was still growing.

"1000...10000...50000...500000" The green figure adds a cold sweat on its forehead every time it reads a data, and then it's almost sweating like rain.

" can this be, half a million! 500,000 is the purple energy standard! Is this person the hidden boss of which force..." The green figure was sweating, and his outstretched hand was frozen there and he didn't know whether to catch it or not.

Suddenly, Li Jiaming's eyes opened, and a substantial black light shot out of his eyes. The green figure was shot directly by the black light in the face of Li Jiaming, and his body uncontrollably shot backwards, penetrating the gate of McDonald's and into a building not far away.

Li Jiaming stood up and knocked on his forehead. Obviously, a long sleep made him a little unclear. He frowned, and the strange feeling of his body made him very uncomfortable. With a slight shock, Li Jiaming's skin began to crack, but with the cracking of the skin in his imagination; the red muscles did not appear, but the glazed glory was revealed inside. A large number of dry dead skins fell off their bodies like eggshells with Li Jiaming's shock. The remaining clothes on his body also turned into ashes. At this time, Li Jiaming's whole body was white, like a baby, and there was a faint luster under his skin.

Li Jiaming stood in the frozen warehouse and walked out for a moment. In his memory, he seemed to lock himself in the freezer in order to resist the consciousness of constantly asking him to obtain biological energy, and then touched the gathering beads, and then the unimaginable pain and then he didn't know anything...

Li Jiaming walked out of McDonald's. The sky was very dark and had been in the darkness of the freezer for a long time. Although the sky was dim, it still made Li Jiaming a little uncomfortable. He closed his eyes for a moment, and when he opened his eyes again, his pupils suddenly contracted.

"What happened!" Li Jiaming looked around in horror, and there were no clean and busy streets before sleeping; pedestrians coming and going were also missing, and there were abandoned cars, broken stores, collapsed buildings everywhere, and there was a hint of pungent smell of blood in the air.

"What the hell happened! Why does everything change every time I wake up? First, classmates, and then this!" Li Jiaming grabbed his head in pain.

The shot green figure was not injured after entering the building. He got up and quietly hid in the building to peep at Li Jiaming. This guy who looked like an ordinary person made him curious.

"Come out!" The green figure heard a cry, and Li Jiaming was looking in his direction.

"I don't think I called me." There is still a trace of luck in the green figure

"Come out, or I mind if I get you out in person!" Li Jiaming was still a little guilty when he said this. He didn't know who was hiding in the dark, but the message from his right eye was something with 2500 biological energy. Although Li Jiaming's own yellow biological armor has contracted to his eyebrows, the detection function of his right eye can still be used.

"Hey! Out, out! Other creatures. Don't be angry" Green figure walks out of the building and approaches Li Jiaming

Li Jiaming looked at the green figure coming out. He noticed that the left arm of the green figure had turned into a cylindrical thing, a little like the muzzle of an artillery. Although Li Jiaming was a little surprised, his face pretended to be calm.

"Okay, stop! Don't get close! Who are you? Why are you here!" The green figure stopped ten meters away from Li Jiaming, and both sides sweated. Li Jiaming was because he didn't know what kind of person he was facing, while Li Chuan clearly understood that the man in front of him had purple energy. It was easier to kill himself than to kill an ant. The real purple master disdains himself, and the strange person in front of him, although there is no biological armor, Li Chuan feels that this may be some kind of opportunity waiting for him, and he wants to gamble. And it was he who seized this opportunity. Although there are many dangers in the future, his name has also resounded throughout the world. Of course, this is the aftert.

"Me? My name is Li Chuan. I'm here to look for energy. Don't be nervous. I'm not malicious." Li Chuan tried to make himself look easy-going, and his left hand, which turned into a muzzle, turned into an ordinary arm again, but looking at Li Jiaming, he still looked a little strange. "Are you strange about everything around you?"

"I don't know, everything changed when I woke up?" Li Jiaming grabbed his head in pain

"Wake up? Don't worry! Maybe I can tell you what happened"

"Then tell me quickly." In the blink of an eye, Li Jiaming disappeared from the same place, and Li Chuan's arms were caught by Li Jiaming, and a sound of fracture came out.

Li Chuan's painful green face suddenly turned white

"'re going to crush me!" Li Chuan struggled to squeeze a few words out of his mouth

"I'm sorry, I'm so excited." Li Jiaming blushed and quickly let go of Li Chuan.

I have to say that Li Chuan's recovery ability is very strong. Just now, his shoulder knew that he had been crushed by Li Jiaming, but as Li Jiaming let go, he had recovered as before.

"It's July 18, 2026. How long have you been asleep?" Li Chuan asked

"It seems that in June 2023, I forgot the specific date," Li Jiaming thought for a moment and then answered.

"Have you slept for three years? You can really sleep..." Li Chuan was very surprised

"En" Li Jiaming's face turned red. "People in the previous class called me to sleep." Thinking of his classmates, Li Jiaming was sad.

"What about the people in your class?"


"Dead? How did you die?"

"Maybe..." Li Jiaming grabbed his hair painfully and continued to say in silence for a moment, "Maybe it was killed by me!"

"Well, I'm sorry" Li Chuan knew that the question just touched Li Jiaming's pain and quickly changed the topic. "Then do you know that you got a new human* three years ago?"

"New humans three years ago*? New humans? What is that?" Li Jiaming showed a confused look.

"Okay, let's do it step by step" Li Chuan sorted out his thoughts

First of all, three years ago*, three years ago, on June 18, 2023, a large number of people in red biological armor appeared in five schools around the city, and they killed many human beings along the way. The guns of the police army were completely useless to people wearing biological armor. This group of people quickly occupied the whole city, and this group of people were known as a new generation of human beings, which was also their own name.

As they kill more and more people and absorb enough biological energy, the red biological armor begins to evolve. As the biological armor looks and colors different each time, it also evolves a variety of abilities, such as my gunner.

Li Chuan turned his left hand into a barrel again and looked at Li Jiaming and continued to say

"After red is yellow, then green, cyan, blue, purple, black, gold. Before purple, only 500 biological energy is needed when the red level evolves into yellow, and later it is a multiple of five, but it takes 500,000 biological energy to upgrade blue to purple, and I don't know what happens after that.

After reaching the purple level, this group of people found that they can develop other new people. They can turn ordinary people into new humans like them. This is the second generation of new humans. The second generation of new humans has the same evolutionary ability as the first generation. Then after the second generation reaches the purple level, they can also develop new humans, but these third generation of new humans At most, the class can only reach the level of purple level, and the fourth generation is even lower. At the same time, with the increase of algebra and evolution, the acquisition of new abilities is becoming more and more single. You see, although I am only green now, I accept the transformation of a new generation of human beings, and I have infinite evolutionary ability.

Listening to Li Chuan's complaint, Li Jiaming flashed in his brain the scene of attacking and killing human beings along the road, constantly appearing in his hand, the broken head, the white brain, and the little girl who was cut off her neck...

Li Jiaming's whole body twitched faintly, and Li Chuan found his abnormal

"What's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine" Li Jiaming almost roared this sentence, and his eyes were red, but then the redness faded from his eyes.

"Well," Li Jiaming's performance just now scared Li Chuan and was stunned there for a moment

"I'm sorry, I'm fine. I just remembered something unpleasant. You continue." Li Jiaming stretched out his hands and wiped his face.

"Oh, with the increasing number of new human beings, because evolution requires biological energy, it began to move towards other parts of the country. In the first year, the whole country had few effective means to resist these new human beings. Bullets and other things did not work for the lowest level of red new human beings, slightly more powerful. Although weapons, tanks and cannons have killed new humans, the energy of these dead new humans can be absorbed by the same kind. Even if the number of people is reduced, the quality has increased. New humans continue to advance in the war, and gradually one-third of the land is occupied by new humans.

But after that, I heard that there were new weapons from ordinary human beings. These weapons can effectively cause damage to new human beings and directly deprive the biological energy of new human beings. From then on, ordinary human beings can effectively defend against the invasion of new human beings.

But it didn't last long. About a year later, that is, in 2027, some powerful guys who were eager to evolve in a generation of new human beings launched a general attack under their leadership. Among them, there were a large number of black masters, and even gold-level ones. At the beginning of the battle, ordinary humans retreated. The black-level biological armor is like Gundam, and a black level almost sweeps the whole battlefield.

Seeing that ordinary human beings are about to die, an ordinary human side appeared a figure floating in the air with a sword. He killed a black-level new human with one sword and caused a sensation in the whole battlefield, but at the same time, the darkness of the sky seemed to be a huge flying saucer hovering in the air. The beam of light fell, and a big-headed guy appeared, holding strange weapons and fighting with the human side with a sword.

But I don't know when the two sides suddenly stopped, and the master of the new human side was ordered not to attack ordinary human beings, ordering all new humans to limit their activities within the existing territory, but the biological energy within the existing territory has almost been absorbed, which may completely limit those forces. New humans who want to evolve? Not only are they preying on normal humans, but new humans are also killing each other."

After saying that, Li Chuan was silent for a while and said helplessly, "Although we talk about ordinary human beings, new human beings!" Aren't we human beings in the first place? But what can we do to survive?"