mutation killing

Chapter 6 · First sight of purple


A majestic voice suddenly sounded, and a purple figure appeared on one side of the hall. The biological armor was wrapped tightly like an ancient heavy cavalry. Although each piece of armor was purple, it showed a metal texture.

With the sound, the noisy crowd in the hall suddenly quieted down and closed together with the music.

"What are you arguing about?" The purple figure asked.

"Lord Zi, Lord He Feng and Zhou Lin were killed!" A young new human replied

"Who did it?"

In the hall, all the new human beings looked at the location of Li Jiaming.

Suddenly being noticed by so many people, Li Jiaming was a little unaccustomed to it, but he still pretended to be calm on the surface.

"Yellow level? Or is it incomplete biological armor? Are you kidding me?" The voice of purple-level new humans is a little annoyed

"Lord Zi, we dare not! He did it! Everyone present can prove that the voice of the green-level new human is a little trembling. It seems that he is very afraid of this Lord Purple.

"Oh? Do you need me to teach you how to do it? Kill him!" The purple-level new human ruthlessly gave the order to kill. In fact, this was also his test. He noticed that the bodies of He Feng and Zhou Lin in the middle of the hall were killed and their whole body was fractured, which could not be done by yellow-level new humans.

But the other party must still stand in front of him without fear. In addition to the necessary luck, it is still very important to be able to rise to the purple level. A large number of his men can just test for themselves. If one or two die, he will be happy to absorb his biological energy.

With Lord Zi's order, new human beings at all levels on the field rushed to Li Jiaming one after another.

Look at the dense new human beings. Li Jiaming frowned. After all, these people are all of their own kind. Although they don't want to kill, it doesn't mean that they will obediently offer their heads when their lives are in danger.

The new humans on the field are very excited. Li Jiaming looks just yellow or incomplete biological armor. Killing him can not only leave a good impression in front of Lord Zi, but may also absorb Li Jiaming's biological energy. Many new human beings suddenly saw a fat sheep like a group of hungry wolves, and an old pervert who had been single for decades saw a ** virgin and rushed over from the perspective of all the attacking Li Jiaming. They even forgot that there was a body of a blue-level and a blue-level new human on the field.

A blue-level newcomer rushed to Li Jiaming in a blink of an eye and punched him on the head. The blue-level new human's face showed a ferocious smile. It seemed that he had seen Li Jiaming's brain burst, and he enjoyed Li Jiaming's biological energy and was praised by Lord Purple.

But his fist failed to hit Li Jiaming. His smile froze in mid-air, and a huge force came from his chest. He shot back uncontrollably, many times faster than he rushed.

Boom, another wall was broken, and such a blue-level new human fell into the hall and lost his life, but this man's death did not seem to attract the attention of the crazy new human, and still rushed to Li Jiaming.

The highest level of the new human beings who rushed over without suspense is also blue. Although Li Jiaming's biological armor seems to be only yellow on the surface, its biological energy does reach 50W. Basically, every time Li Jiaming punches, a new human being is blown away.

Although Li Jiaming has not received much combat training, he is in a good defensive position where he stands in the corridor. At most, only four people can attack him, and the attack of these people is like scratching for him.

One after another, new humans were blown away by him, and the purple new humans finally changed color.

"Stop!" Purple-level new human beings roared. In fact, even if he does not order everyone's new human beings to only besiege in the face of Li Jiaming, although they are still crazy, they can often wake up in the face of life threats. This different level is equivalent to death. No one does not cherish their lives.

"Crop down, let's talk about it." Purple-level new humans walked to the center of the hall

"What's there to talk about?" Having said that, Li Jiaming still jumped from the corridor to the center of the hall. He seemed calm. In fact, his muscles were tight all over his body. Killing Jindan kept choosing to send a trace of energy to all parts of his body. Perhaps in the eyes of many people, Li Jiaming is too careful. In fact, Li Jiaming does not know how much money his power is, but the blue level. Although he can kill him with one punch, Li Chuan also told him that the energy needed to evolve from the blue level to the purple level is 500,000, and this energy level alone is not the same level. Other than that, for the first time in the face of purple new humans, he had to be on guard.

"I'm curious. You only have yellow or incomplete biological armor but have the power of purple. How did you do it?" Purple-level new humans exposed their armored head.

This is Li Jiaming who found out that his new human should be a middle-aged man in his forties

"Are you a new generation of human beings?" Li Jiaming ignored the question of purple-level new humans.

"Well" purple-level new human did not expect Li Jiaming to ask this question, but still answered him, "I am a second-generation new human. Is there any problem? What's your name?"

"Do you know what happened to what started three years ago?" Li Jiaming was a little disappointed when he heard that the other party was a second-generation new human. This person should not know the answer he wanted, but he still asked him with a chance

"Ha? Three years ago?" The purple-level newcomer laughed and said, "No matter what happened to him three years ago, it's just killing and being killed!" And I was lucky to be embraced by the first generation three years ago and now I have purple power! It's you! It interests me very much! How to join me! We are not responsible for everything you have done before, and we will integrate the forces of this four parties together!"

"No, I have something else to do." Li Jiaming shook his head with a look of disappointment and turned around to leave

"stop" purple-level new humans roared "Can't? Where do you think I, Yang Hu, are here? Let's just say let's go? Has my white tiger power been too low-key recently? Can anyone be arrogant here? Did you come to my place and kill someone and leave? What will you do to make me face in the future? You only have two choices now! First, join us and become my biological energy! To be honest, I want to know how much biological energy you can provide me, but I would prefer you to join us, so that wouldn't it be better for us to wipe out other forces and become the hegemon of this generation! Think about it: right! Energy! Woman! What do you want? As long as you cooperate with me!"

It seems that Yang Hu is a very ambitious person, and at this time he also kept lobbying Li Jiaming to join him. But Li Jiaming still shook his head.

"Hey! Hello! Li Jiaming! This is a good idea!" Li Chuan appeared from the side and shouted to Li Jiaming, and smiled flatteringly at Yang Huha.

"I remember your name is Li Chuan, right?" Yang Hu asked

"Yes, my lord" Li Chuan's voice is very respectful but more fearful

"Do you know this person?"

"Yes, my lord, his name is Li Jiaming. I brought it. This time when I went on a mission to find energy, I met Zhang Ao of the Xuanwu force. He tried to absorb my energy. It was Li Jiaming who saved me, and I was promoted to the youth level." Li Chuan told the story.

"Oh? Is that right? Then you persuade him to point to Li Jiaming, right? I'll give you the last chance. Not everyone is so patient! Those who resist me have only two results! One becomes my energy, and the other is rewarded by me as the energy of my subordinates"

"Hey! Hello! Li Jiaming, don't you think that if you join together with Lord Zi to conquer the forces around you, can you change the world better? Start from this place, and designate the corresponding system after integration"

"If you cooperate with me, you are half the boss of this place" Yang Hu opened more attractive conditions

Li Jiaming still shook his head. Although it is a dream to change the world, it is still too far from realizing this dream. Now Li Jiaming wants to know what happened at the beginning. Did he really kill his classmates?

"You! Don't drink a toast!" Li Jiaming repeatedly refused his kindness. Yang Hu finally became angry, and his right arm covered with purple armor bombarded Li Jiaming with a broken sound. At the same time, the previously exposed head was again covered by purple biological armor.

"Lord Zi, wait, let me persuade..." Li Chuan seemed to be trying to persuade Li Jiaming, but Yang Hu did not give him a chance. The purple biological armor like a heavy cavalry hit him. Li Chuan was accidentally wiped by Yang Hu, and spit blood and flew out and fell aside.