mutation killing

Chapter 15 · Human Assault

The huge beam emitted by human cities can easily eliminate more than 200,000 new humans, which is basically one fifth of the combat power of new humans.

Humans took advantage of the attack, and a large number of human beings rushed up with swords. Many new humans who are closer to human cities have not recovered from the rush of a huge beam of light and are stabbed by the human sword, but the places where they are stabbed quickly dry, like a water-filled radish being dried into a radish. If it is the key to be stabbed, the whole person's speed will dry down. The sword in the hands of human beings will be absorbed by the biological energy in the body of the new human body.

Li Jiaming and others are now neither close nor far from the human city, but a large number of human soldiers have rushed to them in a few minutes.

Li Jiaming noticed that after one of the human warriors killed a green-level new human, the sword in his hand suddenly emitted a strange brilliance, and the human had an excited expression. After the brilliance of the sword disappeared, the sword, which could only be equivalent to a sharp weapon, suddenly fired a large number of flames from it, as if it were a A flamethrower.

Low-level new human beings were stained by flames and burned little by little from the contaminated place. The flames shot by the sword could not be extinguished. Some newcomers kept howling, and their bodies were burned out little by little. And this human being is more excited to kill new humans.

Li Jiaming noticed that there are many evolutions of swords in human hands. Some can emit blue cold air after evolution, and low-level new humans infected by cold air quickly turn into an ice sculpture and break into ice on the ground when they are hit. Some emit a large amount of current, and the low-level new humans touched by the electric current instantly turn into coke.

The low-level new human beings referred to here are mainly below the yellow level. Although the yellow level and above are not fatal, they will rarely be injured. However, there are also a large number of new humans below the green level and advancing human beings are fighting together, and all kinds of powers bombard the rushing humans.

Human strong armor often requires several green-level new humans to attack at the same time to break their defenses and kill them. Blue-level new humans need to fight one-on-on-single. Those with relatively abnormal evolutionary powers can also quickly solve their opponents. The slightly higher-level blue-level new humans can fight against those New humans without evolutionary swords can tear out their internal organs as long as they are close to them. And their differences can make killing easier.

Li Jiaming saw several blue-level new humans, one of whom turned into two huge hammers. With each hammer, one human turned into meat sauce. Two square boxes appeared on the other shoulder, in which the same thing was constantly shot out. When it came into contact with human beings, it immediately exploded, which was so powerful that it even blew up human beings in armor into two pieces.

There are continuous deaths on both sides of the field, and a large amount of biological energy is filled in the field. New humans drink the sword in human hands and continue to absorb this huge biological energy.

With the advancement of the human front, although the number of new humans has an advantage, the weapons in the hands of humans can easily harm new humans, and there seem to be a large number of snipers in human cities. Although bullets cannot harm new humans, they can interfere with them in battle. A green-level new human finally broke the armor of a human warrior. As soon as he grabbed it, he would die and absorb his energy. Suddenly, a bullet accurately hit his eyes. At the moment of covering his eyes, the human warrior counterattacked and killed the young new human.

The new human side keeps retreating. Once the black-level new humans take action, it is convenient for people with epee-held to stand with them. The people who gradually advanced quickly came to Li Jiaming and others. And they also found Li Jiaming and Yang Hu sitting on the ground resting.

It was found that a large number of purple-level new human warriors surrounded them, and the purple biological armor on Yang Hu and others marked their level, so that human warriors did not dare to act rashly.

"Purple-level new human! Speed Report Captain! Four purple levels! He may have been injured in the rush just now, and there is also a yellow level!"

Li Jiaming heard a human soldier spread the situation here. Looking at the older and more people surrounding him, he couldn't help frowning.

Yang Hu, Zhang Weilong and Zhou Meifeng are temporarily out of strength, while Lin Ziyang is completely unconscious. Now it can be said that he is the only one who has combat effectiveness.

"Li Jiaming, kill them! Buy us time!" Yang Hu shouted to Li Jiaming

Li Jiaming's eyebrows are locked. He really doesn't want to kill these human beings. It can be said that he even wanted to lose Yang Hu and others in front of him, but he knew that it was impossible. For a moment, when the beam of light hit, they did not hesitate to block themselves behind him. Twenty His brain consciousness was constantly trying to control his body to kill the human beings in front of him to gain the ability. If he hadn't practiced the killing formula Cheng, it may fight against the consciousness in the brain. Maybe he has jumped out now.

This is also the reason why a large number of new human beings continue to retreat, but still keep attacking human beings. It can be said that the advance of the human front is not because of the retreat of new human beings, but because of the front they killed. Where they advanced, a large number of corpses are left by new human beings.

The Li family knows that if they leave like this, it will obviously violate the consciousness of the brain. If they do so, it will be easily discovered by unknown Taoists.

"What are you still hesitating about?" Yang Hu roared, and he was also secretly shocked. The consciousness in his brain kept urging him to kill the human beings in front of him. If it hadn't been for the lack of energy in his body, at this moment, he had already started killing in the crowd and absorbed their biological energy freely. Killing these ordinary human warriors was like cutting melons and vegetables for him.

And Li Jiaming is still standing to show that he at least has energy, but he can control himself not attacking these ordinary human warriors in front of him.

"Is there an injured purple level? Let me see where it is!" A rough voice suddenly came to mind. A human warrior holding a red sword pushed through the crowd and appeared in front of Li Jiaming. The soldier is also wearing black metal armor, slightly taller than ordinary humans, about two meters, with a beard on his face. The sword in his hand is about two meters long and one palm wide, and the whole sword is red. Obviously, this is not a newly evolved sword of human beings.

"Ha! There are really four injured purple levels! There is also a yellow follower! This is a great achievement! Hahaha, will my sword evolve three times if I kill them? Hahaha" laughed loudly.

"Internoying! I pinched a person like you to death with one hand! Come and see if I'm hurt," Zhang Weilong roared and struggled to stand up. Perhaps the purple level can indeed cause considerable killing to them. Zhang Weilong's roar, the human beings around him actually retreated several steps, and the bearded man's face also showed a frightened expression. But Zhang Weilong still did not stand up, and the energy in his body blocked his beam, which can be said to have penetrated Lin Ziyang.

"Haha, brothers, he's just bluffing! Look at him, he can't move!" Looking at Zhang Weilong's inability to stand up, he had the courage again. Hey! Did you pinch me to death? Then I'll cut you first!" The big man raised his sword to cut, and the red sword fell on Zhang Weilong's neck.

"Get out!" Li Jiaming suddenly opened his mouth and roared! Hu Dahan, who raised his sword and fell on his cheek, was repeatedly retreated by Li Jiaming. I don't want to kill people! Don't force me to do it."

Li Jiaming felt that he could not leave the four people in front of him from any angle. He only hoped that the human beings around him would not be so blind, and it would be best to bypass them and leave quickly. But the bearded man wanted to look like Zhang Weilong, which forced him to take action.

"Hahaha! Listen! This guy actually said that he didn't want to kill us." After being repulsed by Li Jiaming, he listened to Li Jiaming's words and laughed, and then roared ferociously

"Damn it! You said you didn't want to kill us! Then why didn't you think about it when you killed my sister? Why didn't you think about it when you killed our family? You damn ogre! Now tell me that you don't want to! Go to hell!"

The words of the big-toned man aroused the resonance of the people around him. They all looked at Li Jiaming angrily and kept scolding. If it weren't for these ogre, their family, friends, lovers, children and parents would not have died. Listening to the scolding of the people around him, Li Jiaming darkened and remembered the little girl who had died in his hands.

Looking at Li Jiaming's distraction, his beard suddenly raised his sword and slashed him. The red sword body suddenly glowed red, and a flame rose from the sword body and rushed straight to Li Jiaming! If only the yellow-level new humans are hit by this flame, the iron will be burned to ashes in an instant.

The sudden rising temperature on his body made Li Jiaming come to his senses and looked at the incoming flames. He punched him, and the originally fierce flame was shaken away by Li Jiaming's punch.

"Cut him to death!" The big man with cheeks roared! The people around raised their swords and slashed at Li Jiaming.