mutation killing

Chapter 23 · The Magical Use of Domination

When Li Jiaming's hand touched the green indicator light, it seemed that someone was telling him that as long as he wanted to, the door in front of him would automatically open.

This is a wonderful feeling, as if a computer displays a large amount of information, as long as he chooses to get the specific situation of this information or let the computer perform a certain task.

Li Jiaming thought of a power that evolved in battle: domination! Can this ability not only dominate powers, but also these electronic components?

Not only that, the situation of Li Jiaming's room slowly appeared in his mind. Not only that, but also several rooms around him, including what the people inside were doing, reacted truthfully in his mind.

It was like a camera shooting them. Suddenly, Li Jiaming was shocked and a cold sweat appeared on his forehead. Isn't the angle of the picture like a surveillance camera? In fact, my every move is monitored.

Li Jiaming was right. The actions of ten black-level newcomers were indeed monitored, including the actions they made in the room, all appeared in the room full of monitors.

It can be said that Li Jiaming was very lucky. After ten people walked into the room, he saw that they did not have any abnormal movements. The golden figure that originally looked at the people in front of the monitor disappeared, so no one noticed the mutiny caused by Li Jiaming during his practice.

Li Jiaming wondered if he could block his monitoring. The monitor that originally monitored Li Jiaming suddenly turned dark, and this result also told Li Jiaming a wonderful message. He knew he had done it.

But Li Jiaming thought that everyone had to monitor normally, but he didn't. Isn't that too obvious? At the same time, he issued a command in his brain to show himself the appearance of resting cross-legged, including the previous lens.

Sure enough, when Li Jiaming appeared on the monitor again, he was sitting cross-legged on the ground as if he was resting with his eyes closed. This result also came back to Li Jiaming's mind.

The corners of Li Jiaming's mouth are slightly raised, and his ability to dominate is too strong. At the same time, his brain issued instructions for details of his place.

But this time he didn't get the information he wanted. Only a map of the surrounding rooms and a long corridor appeared in his brain, and a room on the map at the end of the corridor marked a red dot.

Li Jiaming also tried to touch other things, but there was no response. Only when he touched the door lock with the green indicator light was effective. And when he took his hand away from the indicator light, there was also no response.

Li Jiaming nodded with some enlightenment. After all, what he came into contact with was an electronic door lock, and it was impossible to know too much. If he wanted to know more, he must come into contact with a higher-end electronic system, and what he touched must be similar to a terminal system for sending and receiving information, such as a wire or something. The effect, and the red dot in his brain should be the place where he can get more information.

Li Jiaming is a little hesitant. Everything around him is unknown. Do you want to risk exploring the situation here? If you meet that golden new human, the consequences will not be unimaginable.

Finally, Li Jiaming gritted his teeth and issued an order to open the door. There were too many question marks in his heart. Li Jiaming wanted to know what was going on, and there may be the answer he wanted. If he didn't enter the tiger's den, he would not get a tiger!

Li Jiaming learned through the electronic door that there is also monitoring equipment outside. Perhaps the owner of the UFO is quite confident in the security situation here, and there is no patrol in this long corridor.

But through these indicators, Li Jiaming clearly sensed the defense force in this corridor. At his current position, there are at least three laser guns above his head, six laser rays on both sides of the wall, and heavy magnetic bombs under his feet. The names of these defensive weapons were told to him after Li Jiaming touched the indicator light. There are also dozens of nuclear fission* outside the door.

Li Jiaming couldn't help but be a little afraid. If he didn't have the ability but break out of the door, he should be shot into pieces as soon as he went out.

As soon as the door opened, there was no strong light outside, even as dim as the room. Li Jiaming quickly walked out. Go to the red dot marked on this map.

There is a long corridor outside, and there is a green indicator light on the surrounding walls every distance. Every time Li Jiaming walks a distance, he will touch the indicator light to check the surrounding situation.

Li Jiaming carefully walked for an hour and finally walked to the room marked with the red dot on the map. After checking the situation inside through the electronic door, he quickly opened the door and flashed into it.

As soon as the door behind him closed, Li Jiaming immediately loosened his mouth. Although nothing happened all the way, his spirit was indeed highly nervous, and Li Jiaming still felt a strange excitement, as if he were shooting a 007 movie.

Entering the room, Li Jiaming found that the room was almost full of monitors, and each monitor showed different pictures. This should be the situation in various places of the spacecraft.

Li Jiaming also found the screen monitoring their three rooms, and there was a scene of Li Jiaming sitting on the ground on one screen.

There is a square machine in the middle of the room with many strange buttons. Li Jiaming walked over and put his hand on it.

"Tell me the specific information of the spacecraft" Li Jiaming thought in his mind. Suddenly, Li Jiaming had a pain in his brain, and he quickly let go of his hand touching the square machine.

Just as his brain issued instructions, a large amount of information from the spacecraft entered his brain, what materials were wrapped in, how many materials were used, and what proportions of these materials were obtained, and a large number of useful and useless ones were imported into his brain. The huge information gave Li Jiaming a headache.

Li Jiaming rubbed his temple and touched his hand on the square machine again

"Tell me the topographic map of the spacecraft, mark the important areas of the spacecraft, and tell me the follow-up arrangements of our newly uploaded black-level human beings"

Li Jiaming changed his question, and then still felt his head rise. A huge spaceship topographic map appeared in his brain, and five red dots appeared on this huge map

Looking at the huge map in his mind, Li Jiaming was a little ashamed. Perhaps the smaller countries in the world were not as large as the spaceship before, and the square machine told him that the model of the spacecraft was actually the smallest model.

"Tell me what's in the five regions" Li Jiaming asked again

However, Li Jiaming only knows the regional uses of its two red dots, one is the energy warehouse and the other is the arsenal. The remaining three were told that they needed access passwords.

Originally, Li Jiaming wanted to use the power to forcibly obtain the password, but he was told that if it was not accessed through a normal way, it would trigger an alarm.

For security, Li Jiaming still gave up his intention to forcibly obtain the password with his power. He could not know through this square machine that he had to check it by himself.

Li Jiaming is curious about what these three places have. They actually need access passwords, and their dominant powers can't obtain the information of these three places.

Originally, Li Jiaming wanted to ask if there was any relevant information about himself three years ago, but he was accused of being in these three red areas, which strengthened Li Jiaming's idea of checking the remaining three areas.

At this time, it has been two hours since Li Jiaming left the room. At the same time, Li Jiaming learned that everything had been planned from the beginning of their ten black-level new humans on board, and everything was being carried out step by step, and the large amount of purple biological energy given at the beginning was only the first step.

The next training will start three hours after they have absorbed biological energy. Li Jiaming calculated that he has been out for two hours, that is, the next arrangement will be carried out in two hours.

It will take an hour to return to his room. Li Jiaming did not have much time to check other things. After confirming whether the situation outside was safe, he quickly returned to his room.

Not long after Li Jiaming left, the golden new human opened the door and reappeared in the room full of monitors. He frowned and looked suspicious.

"Why does it smell like other people? It shouldn't be!"

Jinjin's new human walked to the square machine and pressed a few keys on it. The screen of Li Jiaming and ten others appeared in front of him and quickly played all the processes from his departure to now.

"Everything is normal. Do I feel wrong?" The gold-level new human said to himself.

At this time, Li Jiaming on the screen was standing up from the ground, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.