mutation killing

Chapter 25 · Black Death

Looking at the approaching Art ray wall, the broken foot of the new human struggled to stand up, and the black biological armor once again densely covered his broken foot to form a shell-only mechanical foot.

His eyes were full of panic, and suddenly there was a roar, and all departments of his body opened like hatches to reveal the dense running tubes inside.

"Let me smash it!" The new humans in the turret roared, and all the gunshots on their bodies opened fire at the same time! All kinds of energy beams, *, howitzers! From his changing barrel, it poured out of the channel composed of Alt rays in front of him.

The firepower that broke out at this time stunned Li Jiaming, but not long after, the new human beings in the fort stopped attacking. Under the pouring of his powerful firepower, the Alto ray channel in front of him was intact, which could destroy an army's firepower and could not destroy the passage composed of Arter ray rays.

"Impossible!" The new human of the fort muttered, and suddenly his eyes became very crazy, "I know! There must be not enough firepower! It must be!"

He read imperably, and the armor of his whole body suddenly contracted to form a huge rectangular box from his back, as if a big man was carrying a refrigerator on his back.

The new human in the fort roared again, and his face turned red. At this time, the top of the box behind him suddenly opened, and a * head slowly moved out of the box.

Since ordinary attacks are invalid! Then I will make a nuclear bomb and blow it up here! Nuclear bombs don't work! And*! Hahaha" The new humans of the battery laughed crazily.

The remaining three people's faces changed when they heard the laughter of this new human. If this guy is really allowed to do this, they don't know if they can destroy this place. They will definitely be implicated in the explosion in this narrow space.

"Stop him!" Li Jiaming roared and wanted to take action, but suddenly the new human body of the turret moved uncontrollably, and a strange force retreated him to the beam of the Alpine Ray.

The new humans in the battery are still crazy about making nuclear bombs for themselves, and then find that they can't control their bodies to move, and he is slowly approaching thea er te rays, and his crazy eyes turn into panic.

"No! Ah!" The new humans of the fort howled crazily, and his body moved uncontrollably forward and finally approached the Art ray. Then the screams of the new humans of the fort stopped abruptly. His body was cut into countless pieces in an instant, a large amount of blood spewed out, and finally turned into a green smoke and evaporated.

Li Jiaming looked at the new humans in the turret being pushed into thea er ray, and then found that another black new human not far away kept his arm out in the direction of the new humans in the fort.

"Did you do it?" Li Jiaming looked at the new human, which impressed him with the strange method of obtaining energy when killing the purple level.

The black new human ignored Li Jiaming's inquiry and looked at the Alte ray channel in front of him in silence. The approaching Alt ray wall behind them is only 150 meters away from him. At his current movement speed, it will coincide with the Alte ray channel in front of him in at most ten minutes. .

"How about it? Do you have any questions?" Yang Hu thought about Li Jiaming. His impression was that Li Jiaming's power-enhanced power did not seem to be enough for him to pass through this channel.

"You are still worried about yourself! I have no problem." Li Jiaming didn't expect Yang Hu to care about himself at this time.

"That's good! I'll try it first!"

Yang Hu walked to the ray channel, and purple snow appeared in his hand. After being promoted to the black level, the purple snow would turn black, but Yang Hu still kept the snow purple.

Yang Hu carefully held the fine snow sword, and the black energy in his body kept compressing. The purple fine snow sword turned black, and there was a faint black electric light flow on it, which was a phenomenon of energy compression to the extreme.

Drink! Yang Hu suddenly roared and disappeared out of thin snow sword in his hand and suddenly doubled. The original thin sword more than one meter long became a thousand kilometers long and instantly opened the whole channel. At this time, Alt Ray began to cut the doubled fine snow sword, and the thin snow sword in the ray channel was cut into pieces one after another.

"Worry!" Li Jiaming couldn't scream well and faintly worried about Yang Hu.

The doubled fine snow sword was constantly cut and broken, but because of the sudden doubled, part of the tip of the sword penetrated the passage of thea er ray. Although it was also cut off by the rays, it fell outside the door to the other end.

Just when Li Jiaming thought that Yang Hu was likely to be chopped into this ray, the remaining tip of the sword began to slowly change and then formed Yang Hu's appearance at the other end of the channel. However, Yang Hu looked particularly embarrassed compared with several black-level new humans who passed before. His face was extremely pale and his body All the smoke rose faintly.

When he saw Yang Hu's achievements, he secretly breathed himself through Li Jiaming, and then he looked at the last black-level new human beside him.

"Good luck!" Li Jiaming walked over and stretched out his hand to him.

The black new human was stunned. He didn't expect Li Jiaming to wish him good luck, and there were only two of them left here. The Art ray wall behind him was only 50 meters away from them.

"You are the same!" Perhaps because of being in a desperate situation, this black-level new human did not refuse people as usual, but stretched out his hand to hold Li Jiaming.

"Then I'll go first! "Bye" Li Jiaming smiled and disappeared in an instant and then appeared on the other side of the channel. His back was dangerously attached to an alte ray. Like the new human who refused to shake hands with Li Jiaming before, Li Jiaming also used almost teleportation skills.

"What's wrong with you?" Looking at Li Jiaming who suddenly appeared in front of him, Yang Hu couldn't believe it.

"Hey! Secret! Let's go." Li Jiaming grinned. After looking back at the black new humans who were still at the other end of the passage, he walked into the gate in front of him.

In fact, even if the Li family had calculated all this morning, Li Jiaming noticed that the black-level new human who used a sickle might have a teleportation-like power when he first killed to obtain energy.

When he was ready to pass through this channel, Li Jiaming took the initiative to shake hands with him just to touch him. Li Jiaming's new acquisition of replication power is the same as his dominant power, which needs to be touched before it can take effect.

Although the black new human did not shake hands with Li Jiaming, he also had the touch effect when he took away Li Jiaming's arm in the end, so Li Jiaming could completely copy this guy's power, but Li Jiaming was not sure that the effect of this power replication was strong.

But not to mention that Li Jiaming is lucky. Although he considered that the replication effect is not as good as the effect of the original power, he still made him sweat through the channel when using teleportation. If the channel is longer, the place where his teleportation will only appear will be in the channel, and then Li Jiaming will be Erte ray is cut into pieces.

Before he passed, he chose to shake hands with the last black-level new human, which was also to replicate his ability. Although he did not know what his power was, the strange ability seemed to be unpreventable, and there was no more way to save his life.

After Li Jiaming shook hands with him, he also knew that this guy's power was actually the mind. The purple-level animalized new human died strangely just because he crushed their brains and hearts with his thoughts.

However, this guy is still not lucky enough. Although this power is very strange, it can't help him pass through the passage of the Alte ray. The only thing waiting for him is to be cut into pieces.

Li Jiaming's use of teleportation power to appear on the other side of the channel also appeared in the eyes of gold-level new humans through the display. In

"Transportation? Not like that. Under the order of the gold-level new human, a large amount of data flow on the display, and even the distance difference between Li Jiaming's teleportation and the previous sickle new human teleportation is shown.

"The possibility of teleportation ability is 20%, the possibility of replication ability is 50%, and other possibilities are 30%. If the data is insufficient, it cannot be fully analyzed." A mechanical sound sounded.

Copy? This person makes me more and more curious!" Gold-level new human beings looked at Li Jiaming on the monitor with full interest.