mutation killing

Chapter 27 · Test 2

After returning to the room, Li Jiaming and Li Jiaming calmed down from his anger. He felt that the room that had just made a purple animalized new human should not be so simple.

Since they can make a large number of purple-level new humans, it can be said that it is quite easy to attack human cities. Isn't it very simple that they only need to use a large number of purple-level animalized new humans to attack? And they also have biochemical beasts!

But why are these beastly new humans not used in battle? Do you think they can't use power? Purple-level animalized new humans are Cui Sheng's scientific and technological products. They do not have IQ, so they cannot use powers.

But the purple power and defense alone will also pose a great threat to human beings! Why did we take us black-class humans to the spaceship after the battle? Then feed us energy with purple-level animalized new humans? Then train us with dangerous tests? Don't even hesitate to let the black level die in the test? What is the purpose of all this?

There are too many doubts about all this. Li Jiaming has a headache and seems to have been trapped in one mystery after another since he woke up.

Not long after, the door of Li Jiaming's room opened automatically, and the remaining eight new humans walked out of the door. As the ground shook, they appeared again in a room the size of a basketball court.

As soon as it appeared in this room, eight red light curtains fell in the air, dividing the space into eight parts, and each new person occupied a space.

Do you want to know what it feels like to be smashed into a meat pie? Now let's experience it." As soon as the words of the golden new human fell, eight iron pillars suddenly fell over the room, as fierce as a pile driver. These eight iron pillars just covered the space where the eight newcomers were, so that they had no possibility of avoiding and could only resist.

The faces of the eight black-level new humans changed, and they raised their hands to resist the suddenly falling iron pillar. The sound of heavy bombardment sounded eight times in a row, and then the eight iron columns slowly shrank back.

Li Jiaming's power is originally a power enhancement, and the bombardment of this power does not pose any threat to him, but the power of this iron pillar bombardment still makes Li Jiaming a little unsistield, feeling like being shot head-on by the original biochemical beast.

Under the bombardment of this iron pillar, the thunder flower's new human beings directly exploded into a diffuse electric current. After the iron pillar was taken back, it turned into a new human form, but their faces were particularly pale.

Yang Hu and the new human beings who used the sickle respectively blocked the iron pillar bombarded with their own power weapons. Yang Hu doubled his thin snow sword, and the sickle of the new human was just as tall as one person just supported the stone pillar bombarded.

New humans who use black flames, cold air and storms are also crushed into elements all over the sky during the bombardment. After the stone pillar is recovered, they become human again, but their faces are particularly pale. It seems that such bombardment is particularly harmful to them.

The new human, which can turn into black juice, has been in a state of black juice after the bombardment, but it seems that there is gradually a red occupation seeping out. Soon his light curtain disappears. Under this blow, the black-level new human was completely crushed into juice and can never recover, and another black-level new human was killed.

Then the remaining seven iron pillars slowly fell down again. This time, it was not a sudden attack, but slowly landed, but everyone's expressions did not seem to be relaxed. It seemed that the iron pillar was also going to be pressed to the end.

How many people can withstand this gradual increase of force? This is like a warm pig frog. If you throw a frog in cold water and slowly heat it up, then the frog will eventually be cooked, and if you suddenly throw the frog into the boiling water, his reaction will jump out immediately. At present, the people are the frogs thrown into the slowly heated water.

Looking at the gradually falling iron pillar Yang Hu roared, the fine snow sword in his hand directly resisted the falling iron pillar, but it could not stop the decline of the iron pillar. The speed of the iron pillar with obstacles slowed down a lot, and the doubled fine snow sword was constantly shrinking.

The new human who copied the teleportation power by Li Jiaming put his sickle upright, holding the sickle tightly with both hands to inject energy into it, and a sickle that was originally black became darker.

Originally, he planned to escape from here with the power of teleportation, but the iron pillars landed everywhere in the whole field, even if the teleportation is only teleported under another iron pillar.

New human beings who used the power of the ice system imitated Yang Hu to create a huge icicle to withstand the falling iron column, but this icicle was broken inch by inch by the iron column, and he immediately made a new icicle after the icicle broke to fight for a little time to delay the falling iron column.

The iron pillar slowly fell and soon fell to more than one person's height. Here, Yang Hu's doubled fine snow sword obviously had an effect, and the iron pillar above him was obviously much higher than others. It's just that his pale face seems to be that the magnification of the thin snow sword consumes his energy very much.

The iron pillar continued to fall, and the telemoving new human's long-handled sickle first touched the iron pillar. The sickle flashed black, and the falling iron pillar made a creaking sound and was abruptly resisted by the sickle. This new hand, my sickle energy is continuously injected into the sickle. It seems that as long as the energy is interrupted, the sickle will not support the downward pressure of the iron column.

New ice humans are still making icicles, but the icicles are getting thicker and darker in color.

The new human who used the black flame roared in the face of the approaching iron pillar, and the black flame rose all over its body. Its horrible high temperature made the new humans feel hot. At this time, with his continuous exertion, the black flame faintly changed to white, and the last one mixed with black and white flames bombarded the falling iron pillar. .

I don't know what material this iron pillar is made of, but it can withstand this terrible high temperature. Under the bombardment of this flame, the falling speed only lags slightly and then continues to decline.

After the blow, the flame dissipated, so the new human beings watched the iron pillar continue to fall on the ground helplessly. If there is no accident, his fate will be the same as before.

The new human who can incarnate the storm has completely turned into a tornado under the falling iron pillar. The airflow in his space has not stopped the speed of the iron pillar from falling at all.

Li Jiaming raised his arm in the face of the iron pillar that fell in front of him, and the black energy resisted the falling iron pillar after doubling through power.

With the continuous downward pressure of the iron pillar, Li Jiaming can feel that the terrible power is constantly strengthening on his arm. If he goes downhill in one stroke when he first came into contact, then this hill is gradually becoming Mount Tai, or even the Himalayas.

At any time, Li Jiaming did not use all the biological energy to support the falling iron pillar, and even Li Jiaming, who was strengthened, was a little pale at this time.

Finally, several iron pillars completely landed on the ground. Under the iron pillar of the black human, flames rushed out from time to time, and finally with the sound of broken bones, the black flame disappeared and flowed out of only red blood.

It seems that as long as an iron pillar successfully lands on the ground, the other iron pillars will give up falling. As the black newcomer's iron pillar lands, the iron pillars that others are constantly under pressure in class finally stop falling

The new human who used the ice power actually used the icicle to get a gap for him, and he turned into a blue cold air and survived in this gap.

The new humans who used the storm became a storm from the beginning, and the iron column was compressed in the end, but it was difficult to press down again. The air compressed in the extreme could withstand the decline of the iron pillar.

Yang Hu and the teleportation newcomer's weapons were very powerful to withstand the falling iron pillar, and they did not receive any damage, but their faces were very pale.

Li Jiaming also successfully resisted the falling iron pillar under his terrible power. When the iron pillar shrank back, Li Jiaming breathed a sigh of relief. If it continues like this, he may only use the power to kill Jin Dan.

"Little people, two more have died. This time I will give you enough rest time, and there will be more wonderful things waiting for you next time." With the sound of the golden new human back of the iron pillar, it sounded again.

This time, all the new human beings shuddered in his voice, and every test was so dangerous that they were not sure whether they would continue to live next time.

Returning to the room, Li Jiaming touched the green indicator light and smiled at the corners of his mouth. This time, because of the excessive energy consumption, he gave them a ten-hour rest, so he could visit two places this time.

After a brief break, Li Jiaming quietly slipped out of the door after changing the monitoring.