mutation killing

Chapter 29 · Father

came to the room marked with a red dot, which was much less than the previous several local defense systems. There was no guarded eight-legged robot, and the defense outside the door was only a few alt rays, which looked like the room where Li Jiaming rested.

However, since it seems that there is something important in it from the original square machine, otherwise it will not be marked by the red dot. Li Jiaming quickly opened the door of the indicator light with the palm of his hand and quickly went in and closed the door.

The door is very quiet. It seems that there is almost no light except the flashing indicator light by the door, and you have to turn on the lights. Almost every time you enter this kind of room, you need to turn on the lights. Fortunately, there is almost no one on the spaceship, otherwise the lights will definitely attract the attention of the people in the room.

However, every time Li Jiaming entered such a room, he checked whether it was safe, and made sure that there was no one before issuing instructions to turn on the light. However, after the light in the room was turned on, Li Jiaming was shocked, and his whole body suddenly turned on, and there was a human at the end of the room under the light!

Li Jiaming was very shocked. When he entered the room, he found nothing, and the detection of his biological armor did not find the existence of this person.

Li Jiaming's whole body is full of energy. If this person suddenly issues an alarm, it will definitely startle the golden new human. If necessary, he will have to use the energy of killing Jindan to kill the man with one blow.

But when Li Jiaming turned on the light, the man didn't react at all. He just lowered his head and stretched out his hands against the wall without moving.

Li Jiaming slowly approached the human. The dark room was enough to turn on the light, but the man did not react at all, which made him very strange.

As he approached the human Li Jiaming, he found that the man was not leaning against the wall but tied to the wall. His hands were nailed to the palms of his hands by a white cross, and a cross was inserted into the center of his chest, and a large number of catheters were inserted into his body.

The closer Li Jiaming is, the more strange he feels. According to him, this person's injury should have died. Why is he still nailed here? And this person gives Li Jiaming a very familiar feeling! It's just that this person lowered his head, and Li Jiaming couldn't see him clearly for a moment.

Not far from this person, Li Jiaming saw a square machine similar to that in the monitoring room and touched it. There was indeed information about this room.

And the introduction to this person is a non-human race, a non-sitic new human, a special race experiment, and a power attribute: strong resilience, long-range corrosion of powers!

I was a little surprised to see this person's introduction. He is not a human! Not a new human? What kind of creature is this person in front of you?

The growing familiarity made Li Jiaming explore the personal information and approached to take a closer look at the man's appearance. When he squatted down and looked at the man's face, Li Jiaming's pupils suddenly contracted and shouted uncontrollably.


Li Jiaming can't believe it! The man in front of him looks exactly like his father! His brain immediately shouted when he was excited, but then he thought that it might just look like his father.

But the more carefully you look at Li Jiaming, the more sure he is that this person is his father! With the same resolute face and the same black mole under the earlobe, Li Jiaming looked carefully at the man's palm, and there was also a tooth mark on it. He remembered that when he was a child, he was afraid of pain when he was injected. His father asked him to bite his palm. That time, he actually bit his father's palm and left a mark.

How can these characteristics be the same if it weren't for a person! Li Jiaming can be sure that this person is his father. After a change three years ago, he woke up and the world changed and he had no way to contact his family! And now his father has been nailed in front of him.

"Damn it! Who did this!" Li Jiaming was extremely angry. His father had no breath of life in front of him. His hands and chest were nailed to the cross. Li Jiaming's hands trembled close to the cross, but he didn't know whether he should be pulled out.

In the end, Li Jiaming gritted his teeth! Even if his father dies, he can't let his body be nailed here like this! He held the cross on his father's chest with both hands and pulled it out.

With the removal of the cross on his chest, Li Jiaming's father's heart seemed to beat, but there was no movement after this.

"Is it an illusion?" Li Jiaming also felt his father's heart beating, but he didn't feel it at once, which made him a little suspicious.

"No heartbeat! No breathing! Father!" Li Jiaming's eyes shed uncontrollable tears, and he didn't expect it to be like this when he saw his father again.

Li Jiaming held his father's body in his arms, tears kept dripping, and the fragments of his childhood were constantly played back in his mind, but at this time, a thick palm touched Li Jiaming's face.

Li Jiaming was stunned and looked down. The father in his arms actually opened his eyes and touched his face with one hand.

"Dad! Dad!" Li Jiaming shouted in surprise.

"Ming'er..." Father's voice is very weak

"It's me! Dad! How are you doing? You..." Li Jiaming was very excited to see his father wake up, but he suddenly found that his father in his arms still had no heartbeat and breathing.

"I'm fine! Just take a break!" As his father spoke slowly, his physical injury recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the wound nailed by the chest had completely healed. Soon after, his father sat up from Li Jiaming's arms. Except that his face was still pale, there seemed to be no problem.

"Dad! You?" Li Jiaming was very surprised to see his father come back to life

"Surprised, right?" The father smiled

Li Jiaming nodded in a stunned way.

"It's time for you to know something!" The father looked at Li Jiaming and continued, "Have you always been strange? Why do you like to sleep so much during the day?" Go to bed early tomorrow night! But I still don't sleep enough during the day!"

"Hm, I thought it was a problem with my living habits? Otherwise?" Li Jiaming was very curious that his father actually said such a thing to himself.

"Actually, that's not the case! That's because of your bloodline!"


"You have the most authentic bloodline!" The father said word by word, saying that the pride in his eyes when he was the most authentic bloodline could not be concealed.

"Blood? Vampire?"

"Yes! We are the most powerful Brujah among the thirteen blood clans." When he said this, his father exuded a majestic momentum

Brujah? Thirteen blood clans? Dad, are know..." Li Jiaming stretched out his hand and wrote it down without saying anything.

"Bad boy! Do you think I read too many novels to tell you fantasy stories? My father knocked Li Jiaming for a shudder.

"Well, our country is still like a zombie Maoshan Taoist priest. Vampires should be Western, right? And aren't vampires afraid of the sun? I'm not afraid of the sun except that I want to sleep during the day!" Li Jiaming rubbed the place knocked by his father.

"This is hard to say, and now I don't have time to explain it to you in detail. After the invasion of this damn octopus creature three years ago, your mother asked me to come to you, but she didn't find you! Your mother disappeared after I went back! And I kept looking for your mother and son for the next two years, but there was no news until I was caught by the gold-level new humans on this ship and imprisoned here not long ago!"

"Mom? How's mom?" Li Jiaming was excited when he heard the news of his mother, but his father shook his head

"I didn't find him, but don't worry, your mother is not an ordinary person. She won't be as miserable as me!"

"Mom is not an ordinary person? Is she also a blood clan?

"She is not a blood clan! But she is also very strong! But you want to know what your mother does! Then wait for yourself to find her." A smile appeared at the corners of his father's mouth

I found my father in this strange room, and then my father told me that I was a blood clan. Finally, I learned that my mother was not an ordinary person. Li Jiaming felt that his brain seemed to be a little distracted, as if someone told me to come back tomorrow to attack the earth before this appearance civilization. No one would believe it. !

But if someone tells you now that aliens are attacking the earth, then 100% of people will believe that although what his father said makes Li Jiaming feel ridiculous, he doesn't believe that all this is true.

I can't think of the reason why I'm sleepy, but because I have bloodline? In his eyes, his ordinary father and mother are not ordinary people? If it's an alien invasion, I don't know how long they will hide it from themselves. Is your father a blood clan? My mother is still a stronger existence.

Li Jiaming felt that the whole world had changed when he woke up, and even his parents had changed...