mutation killing

Chapter 33 · I want you to marry me

Looking at the people around the human figure falling from the vortex, they suddenly became quiet and tried to see what kind of mythical beast the princess was summoning.

And they found that it was a young man who fell to the ground, but his left arm was unusually thick and unusual.

"Is this also a mythical beast?" The cold demon king in the distance didn't react when he saw the man falling out. Why does he look like a mythical beast master who uses the system of mythical beasts like you? The cold demon king looks at the black knife

"I don't know, maybe he is a strange mythical beast, but I don't know what kind of ability he has, and I don't know what happened to see if he moves."

Li Jiaming was originally in a coma and shuttled through the black space, and a white light brought him over and fell from the air with his head to the ground.

"It hurts so much!" Li Jiaming opened his eyes and rubbed his head with his right hand and slowly stood up from the ground. He shook his head vigorously and found himself in a forest, and there were several people standing around him and an animal that looked like a tiger.

"Where am I?" Li Jiaming stretched out his left hand to touch his head, but found that his head was covered by the whole shadow. He took a closer look at his left hand and became thick and dark.

"What's wrong with my hand? How could this happen?" Li Jiaming looked at his thick left hand in surprise.

"Let me think about it! Let me think! Damn it! My head hurts!" Li Jiaming squatted on the ground and thought regardless of the people around him.

"I remember fighting with the gold-level new human. My left hand was cut off by him and then hit my chest by him..." Thinking of Li Jiaming's right hand quickly stroked his chest, he found that there was no injury. "Then... Then I didn't know anything... It's really strange! Where is this..."

The people around looked at Li Jiaming alone and said to himself, as if they were thinking and seemed to have a sudden realization.

"Ah, where is this?" Li Jiaming suddenly remembered that there were people around him, so just don't ask. The two people in front of him looked fierce, and there was a girl behind him who could still ask them.

"Ah, what are you talking about?" Princess Liluo found that the mythical beast she summoned actually questioned her. Fortunately, the language here is the same as that of Li Jiaming's earth, and there are no obstacles to all communication.

"I asked where it is" Li Jiaming repeated the question again

"This is the continent of Arand, the kingdom of Siffin" Princess Liluo answered Li Jiaming's question truthfully.

Ah? Ah? What are you talking about? Li Jiaming didn't react, "Isn't this the earth? The Kingdom of Suffin? I haven't heard of it. I've only heard of Russia, Finland and so on..."

"Princess! Order! "Let him destroy the mythical beast master in front of him" Kieran reminded him, and Li Jiaming also heard this. Unexpectedly, the girl in front of him turned out to be a princess

"My summoning beast! I order you! Destroy the enemy!" Princess Liluo looked at Li Jiaming seriously, pointing one finger at the other two mythical beast masters.

Hearing the princess's order, the two mythical beast masters became serious. They were always extra careful in the face of unknown mythical beasts. These mythical beasts may have their unexpected abilities.

Li Jiaming looked left and right and finally stretched out a finger at his nose and said, "Are you talking to me?"

"Well" was stunned by Li Jiaming's question, and Princess Liluo couldn't laugh or cry. Suddenly, the princess said fiercely, "Nonsense! You are my summoning beast! I must be talking to you! Now go and destroy the two bad guys on the opposite side!"

"Cough! "Princess pay attention to the image" Looking at the suddenly runaway princess Kieran coughed and made a warning

The originally cute princess suddenly broke out with such a fierce appearance. Not only Li Jiaming, but also the two mythical beast masters and Carl on the opposite side were stunned.

Princess Liluo blushed and changed her tone and pointed to Li Jiaming arrogantly and said, "My mythical beast, I order you to destroy my enemies!"

"Why should I go?" Li Jiaming blinked his eyes and suddenly came up with such a sentence

"If I ask you to go, you can go!" Princess Liluo's voice became extremely fierce again, like the hot girl in Li Jiaming's previous world.

As soon as she said the words, Princess Liluo's face turned red. She knew that she had lost her image again, and she didn't know why after summoning this strange mythical beast, she was angry as soon as she saw this guy's dull appearance.

Originally, he was the only princess in a country in the empire. Her irritable princess had a temper and lived, but the necessary princess temperament when attending public places under the ** of Kiran's housekeeper still did a good job and would not lose the royal demeanor.

"Hahaha!" The two mythical beast masters opposite suddenly burst into laughter, "My princess! You really make me laugh to death! The mythical beast summoned by himself did not listen to the command! This is the first time I have met! How can you summon other mythical beasts?

In the face of the words of the two mythical beast masters opposite, Princess Liluo blushed and scolded his mythical beast master fiercely, saying that the mythical beast she summoned at the age of 16 would be the strongest mythical beast, but she summoned a guy who made people angry when they saw it!

"Princess! Don't worry! You still have me! Your knight will protect you to the death!" Carl stood in front of the princess again

Li Jiaming looked at the man named Carl when he heard the words. At this time, he was injured all over, the silver armor on his body was broken, and a huge wound on his chest was rolled up. Li Jiaming can clearly feel that this man is actually holding himself in front of the girl.

"Princess, come with us! If you don't want you to die with loyal servants," said the cold demon king

"You can't think of me!" Carl roared and was about to jump on it again, suddenly with an arm on his shoulder.

Carl's face showed a trace of shock. Originally, he had accumulated all his strength and planned to fight again, but he was pressed down by this strange summoning beast with one hand, and he could not move under this man.

"Well... I said, although I don't admit that I'm a summoning beast of this hot girl! But I can't bear to bully a girl." Li Jiaming curled his lips

Although the two mythical beast masters couldn't hear what the hot girl meant, they understood that Li Jiaming wanted to take action.

"Up to the blue monster!" The cold demon king roared, and the blue tiger beside him rushed to Li Jiaming, and his huge mouth and blue light shot straight at Li Jiaming.

All of the cold demon king have this cold word, precisely because of the blue light ball spewed by the blue monster like a tiger, anyone touched by this blue light ball will become ice fast almost instantly, and then attack the ice will break under the blue monster attack, blue demon The beast easily killed many opponents with this move.

"Be careful! Get out of the way!" Carl's statement

Seeing the blue light ball, Li Jiaming did not dodge. Under his feeling, the ball did not contain much energy. The blue light ball accurately hit Li Jiaming's chest, and a white frost appeared on his chest.

Seeing Li Jiaming's desperate expression in the eyes of Kilan and others by the blue ball of light.

Li Jiaming felt anything except that his chest was a little cold by the blue photosphere. In the face of the blue monster Li Jiaming stretched out his hand and grabbed the neck of the mythical beast.

The people around immediately widened their eyes. They thought that Li Jiaming had been frozen by the light ball of the blue monster, but they didn't do anything and grabbed the neck of the blue monster.

Being held by Li Jiaming, the blue monster kept struggling. His sharp claws kept grasping Li Jiaming's body, but Li Jiaming was not only not injured, but his claws were broken several times.

Then Li Jiaming gently exerted his right hand, and the neck of the blue monster made a crisp sound and twisted it strangely.

"No!" The cold demon king in the distance exclaimed. He clearly sensed that his blue monster had died in the hands of the strange man and did not hesitate to escape quickly. From then on, he was no longer the cold demon king without the blue monster.

On the other side, the black knife followed the previous period after seeing that the blue monster attacked. Seeing Li Jiaming being concentrated by the blue light ball, but he was not frozen, he vaguely felt that something was wrong and stabilized his figure and quietly retreated aside. Seeing the black knife that easily killed the blue monster, he was shocked and quietly escaped away.

And there was only a man in gorgeous clothes left on the field. Carl strode over and grabbed his neckline and brought him to the princess.

"Princess, please forgive me!" The man in gorgeous clothes immediately knelt down in front of Princess Liluo without his previous arrogance.

"Go back and tell your second uncle! I will definitely take back my father's kingdom! Get out of here now!" When Princess Liluo said this, she exuded a king's momentum.

"Thank you, princess! Thank you, princess!" The man in gorgeous rolled and crawled away. He thought that he could have grabbed the princess steadily with two mythical beast masters and made contributions, but he didn't expect such a change to happen.

Seeing that the matter was solved, Li Jiaming patted the dust on his body and planned to leave

"Hight! Don't go!" The princess's unruly voice behind her came out again.

"Why am I not allowed to leave?" Li Jiaming looked at the unruly princess with great interest. After being summoned, there was no depressing atmosphere of killing and survival at the previous time. Li Jiaming felt a little relaxed.

"Because..." The princess blushed for a while before eating a sentence, "Because you are my summoning beast!"

"Cut, I don't admit that I'm your summoning beast. I'm a living person! Look! I'm alone!" Li Jiaming stretched out his hand to draw on him.

"You are a human! He is also a bad person! Anyway, you are not allowed to leave!" Princess Liluo has a bad temper.

"Okay? If I don't leave, as long as..." Li Jiaming thought about it, if he was really called here, then this is definitely not the world he is familiar with, and he also needs a person who is familiar with the world as a guide and it is also convenient for him to find his way back.

"Just what! I promise you whatever you want!" Princess Liluo answered very anxiously. After he saw the power of Li Jiaming, he understood that as long as Li Jiaming was there was hope of returning to the country.

Seeing Princess Liluo's answer so quickly, Kelan secretly cried in his heart. How could he not know what Li Jiaming wanted to open his mouth now, but he didn't know what kind of request he would make.

"You said, I want you to marry me..." Li Jiaming said this with a smile

"Nonsense!" Kilan opened his mouth immediately!

"You are rude to the princess! Even if you are better than me, I will fight with you!" Carl looked furious

"Okay! I promise you." The princess bit her lip and actually agreed to Li Jiaming's joking request.

"Princess!" Kira seems to want to stop it

"Princess!" Carl's face was angry, "You hateful guy! I want to fight with you"

Hearing the princess's answer, Li Jiaming's expression was stunned. He thought that the unruly girl would scold him after hearing his rude request, but he didn't expect that the girl gritted her teeth and agreed.

"As long long as you help me take back my kingdom! Then I'll marry you," Princess Lilo continued

"Okay! All right! It's boring! No kidding! I'll help you!" Li Jiaming waved his hand impatiently. If this girl is serious, it will be really troublesome. And the reaction of the two people around was too big.

"Don't worry! I keep my word! As long as you help me subdue the country! Then I will definitely marry you!" Li Jiaming said that he was joking, but Princess Liluo became serious instead.

Li Jiaming shook his head helplessly

"Okay! It's up to you, where are we going now?"

"Go to my master in the Mythical Beast Forest!" Princess Lilo stretched out her finger in one direction.