mutation killing

Chapter 38 · Dragon Slayer

"Carl, how did you give up the Sword and Tiger Mercenary Regiment and become the royal chief?" On the way to the valley, Li Jiaming talked to Carl without saying a word. He was really curious about the reason why Carl would give up the A-level mercenary regiment

"I just want to repay my kindness. The king once saved me! So..." Carl cut off the branch in front of him with his long sword and looked into the distance.

Now Carl is wearing a gray armor and holding a knight's sword. This set was given by Haddot. Carl can't destroy the fire-breathing dragon. According to Hardott, this set of armor was left by his father when he followed the king to fight in all directions.

"Well, do you like Princess Liluo?" Li Jiaming continued to ask,

"Hen?" Carl stopped when he heard Li Jiaming's question

"I didn't expect the problem of Mythical Beast." Carl continued to move forward

"Do you like it?" After all, although Li Jiaming has experienced so many cruel killings, he is still a college student after all. There was no accident. He should have slept in class and listened to the strange news of the girls around him.

"He is a noble princess, and I'm just a knight!" The prince who will marry the princess, and the knight is just to guard the princess, and I also have someone I like!" Carl said lightly

"Hey, I didn't expect you to have someone you like! I thought you were nothing but the guardian princess. Who is she?" Li Jiaming went to Carl and touched him with his right arm. Carl was already very strong. Li Jiaming called him a big man.

"Hey" Carl's face turned slightly red, and his eyes in the distance were a little longing and a little lost.

Suddenly, the two stopped, and a heat wave came to his face. Carl carefully separated the branches in front of him that blocked his vision.

"That's right. It should be the valley in front of you. You can feel the heat wave here." Carl looked at Li Jiaming

Li Jiaming poked his head to look at the valley in front of him. There was a huge cave on the side of the mountain, in which a large amount of heat flow distorted the surrounding air.

Li Jiaming slowly approached, and the closer the temperature around the cave, the higher. Li Jiaming felt nothing. Carl's forehead was covered with sweat.

Close to the cave, Li Jiaming heard a huge snoring sound, and a wave of air spewed out of the cave with a pungent odor.

With the terrible temperature, the two carefully walked into the cave. The center of the cave had been hollowed out. Li Jiaming noticed that a huge lizard with meat wings in the middle of the cave was lying there. His head was facing the mouth of the cave, and a heat wave spewed out from his huge nostrils. The lizard's body was red, and his body The body is densely covered with dark red scales, and the whole body looks like a small plane on the earth. There are many animals and human corpses scattered around him, some of which are already white bones, and some bones still have minced meat.

Is this the dragon? It looks similar to a huge lizard. No wonder many novels say that this dragon is a flying lizard. The Li family thought to themselves secretly.

The big lizard seemed to be sleeping, which made it much more difficult for them to complete the task. After entering the hole, the two remained quiet and did not speak. Li Jiaming noticed that Carl made several gestures to him. He put the long sword in his hand on his neck and pointed the tip of the sword at his chest.

Li Jiaming understood that the consciousness that Carl wanted to express was to kill this big lizard. One way is to cut off his head, and the other way was to pierce his heart.

Now that the big lizard is lying on the ground and trying to pierce the heart, it seems that Carl is ready to cut off the head of the big lizard, but seeing the big lizard's neck thicker than the tires of a large truck, Li Jiaming doubts whether Carl can cut it with a sword.

Before Carl did it, a flame suddenly burst out of his mouth with a stench in the mouth of the big lizard. Before its horrible temperature touched Carl, his armor had already showed signs of melting. If Carl is completely covered by the flame, he will only become a human barbecue.

In a hurry, Li Jiaming's huge black arm suddenly stretched out in front of Carl, and all the hot flames sprayed on Li Jiaming's black palm.

This is the first time that Li Jiaming has used the black arm since he was summoned. The flame with horrible temperature not only did not burn the black palm, but also seemed to produce a suction in the palm to suck the leaked flame into the palm of his hand.

Li Jiaming withdrew his black left arm with a strange expression, but Carl's pale face and big sweat kept under it. The momentum generated by the flames erupted made him unable to control his body to retreat a few steps, and these steps happened to step on a bone of an unknown animal and made a crisp sound.

It's gone! Li Jiaming knew that it was not good when he heard the sound. Sure enough, the basketball-sized eyes of the big lizard slowly opened, as if he had just woke up, and there was a confused look in his eyes. Suddenly, he saw Carl in front of him. His half-opened eyes were completely open, and his mouth was open, and the flames stirred from it. A flame is about to erupt.

Carl's face changed greatly, and despair flashed in his eyes. In an instant, Li Jiaming's huge black palm stretched out again, grabbed Carl's body and ran out of the cave.

Li Jiaming's body is not thin, but his left arm becomes particularly thick because of the god's arm brought out of the alien ship, and he can actually grab the big Carl in his hand.

Li Jiaming took Carl out of the big hole, and a fierce flame spewed out of the cave. As soon as the surrounding rocks touched the flame, it began to melt.

Li Jiaming took Carl back to the woods in the upper valley and put him aside. Carl's face was pale and sweaty. He took off his almost melted armor, and his skin was burned into several burnt black places.

Carl, who escaped from death, was secretly glad that he came with Li Jiaming, otherwise he would not even have bones left in the flame just now.

Then with an angry roar, a dark red dragon flew out of the hole, and a huge flame kept spewing out of his mouth, as if someone disturbed his rest.

"This fire-breathing dragon is at least a sixth-order mythical beast! This task is too difficult! Only the Imperial City can send a special mythical beast master to deal with it!" Carl looked at the fire-breathing dragon hovering in the air and said

Suddenly, the fire-breathing dragon in the air was not spewing flames, and his mouth roared and flew away. Carl's face changed at ease when he saw the fire-breathing dragon flying away

"It's not good! That's Cro The princess is still there! If this head breathes fire and goes crazy! So..." Carl began to run back quickly

Hearing Carl say this, Li Jiaming's face also changed. Although he thought he had nothing to do with the unruly princess, he didn't want the princess to die!

"I also promised to help him restore the country! I still need an alchemist to help me go back!" Li Jiaming found a good excuse for himself.

"You run too slowly! Li Jiaming caught up with Carl in three or two steps, and his black palm pinched Carl in his hand again. Originally, they walked for an hour to reach the valley. It took Li Jiaming ten minutes to run back. This is also the reason why he took Carl. If he didn't take Li Jiaming to transform his wings with biological armor, he could fly in a few minutes. Arrived.

Back to the town, Cro Town has fallen into a sea of fire, a large number of houses have been lit, and the huge fire-breathing dragon is constantly hovering over Cro Town and bursting out of flames.

"Princess!" Carl exclaimed! He quickly rushed into the town, even regardless of the discomfort caused by Li Jiaming running with him at high speed.

Carl found the princess and Kieran at Hadott's residence. Hartlin, Hadott's son, summoned a blue mythical beast. The mythical beast was like a dolphin, but he had a horn on his head and legs.

This strange blue mythical beast kept spewing out a blue column of water from its mouth to extinguish the flames spewing out the fire-breathing dragon around Hadott's house, but they had no choice but to do it in a farther house.

When Li Jiaming arrived, the fire-breathing dragon also seemed to find this guy who could extinguish his flame. More flames sprayed out of Hadott's home, and the blue mythical beast also spewed a thick column of water to confront the flame.

But the fire-breathing dragon seems to be more powerful than the blue mythical beast. The flame is connected to the water column, and the ejected flame actually pressed down the water column, and in a while, the flame will spray on Hadott's house. The terrible temperature may melt the people in the house in an instant.

At the critical moment, Li Jiaming stretched out his right hand, and the black biological armor appeared again. At this time, the black armor was faintly flowing with some golden light, but Li Jiaming did not pay attention to these and launched the power. The original mind power shot out of his hand and pinched the neck of the fire dragon flying in the air.

The flying fire-breathing dragon didn't know what happened. The throat that was still spraying fire suddenly seemed to be pinched by a big hand. A large amount of Mars choked out of his nostrils, and then his whole body was out of control and smashed to the ground.

When he was in the cave, the energy detector of Li Jiaming's right eye detected the energy of less than 100 million creatures in Carl's mouth, which was completely vulnerable to him! It's just that in this strange world, Li Jiaming didn't want to expose his power too much, but when Princess Liluo's life was threatened, he couldn't take care of so much and used his former power again.

The fire-breathing dragon was fiercely smashed into a house under the control of Li Jiaming's mind. The rock-stacked house collapsed like a piece of tofu. Li Jiaming thought about how to kill the fire-breathing dragon was only obvious. His heart moved and pinched the huge black left palm to the fire-breathing dragon's neck.

In the ruins of the house, Li Jiaming looks very weak compared with the fire-breathing dragon, but the weak one has this thick black left arm, and this left arm picks the fire-breathing dragon's neck to lift him up, as if a person had lifted an airplane.

In the distance, Carl and others looked at Li Jiaming in a stunned way, with a shocked expression in their eyes. Although this was only a little combat effectiveness of Li Jiaming, it was too shocking to show.

The fire-breathing dragon was caught by Li Jiaming and struggled violently, but it could not get rid of the black palm at all. The fire-breathing dragon wanted to spit out flames, but its neck could only spelt out a large amount of Mars from its nose.

Suddenly, a few inverted cis grew in the black left palm of the fire-breathing dragon's neck and inserted them into the neck of the red dragon's neck. A strange look flashed in Li Jiaming's eyes. He could feel that the life energy of the fire-breathing dragon was constantly flowing into his black left arm. That's right arm. Not in his body.

The huge body of the dark red fire-breathing dragon constantly turns yellow and dry in Li Jiaming's black giant palm at a speed visible to the naked eye. The fire-breathing dragon kept struggling, with a look of fear in his eyes. He didn't understand why a weak human could make it powerless to fight back! In the Mythical Beast Forest, he is also a relatively powerful existence as a sixth-order mythical beast!

As the body dried up, the struggle of the fire-breathing dragon became more and more weak, and the dark red scales on its body kept falling off. Finally, the original small plane-sized fire-breathing dragon's whole body was so dry that there were only skin and bones left. Li Jiaming released the skeleton of the black left palm fire-breathing dragon fell to the ground, and the hard keel turned into dust on the ground. When the wind blows a lot of ashes, it flies like dust.

Carl and others looked at Li Jiaming in the distance, and their hearts were shocked!