mutation killing

Chapter 54 · Achievement Prince

Back in the house, Li Jiaming wanted to check his body, but found that there seemed to be nothing to explore. Everything was still the same. Except for two inverted thorns on his black left hand, there was basically no change.

Li Jiaming took the spiritual staff and gave it to Sidoya when there was no place to put it. The old vampire didn't know how to put it away. Finally, after thinking about it, it seemed that the only thing he could practice was the killing formula.

I felt that the much smaller golden spiritual pearl in my body gently attracted the idea, and the spiritual pearl slowly turned up, and a trace of golden energy pulled away from it, and then attracted by the eight killing golden elixir.

At the moment I just touched, a pain from the soul, scraping the bones and washing the marrow followed. Even Li Jiaming's strong consciousness couldn't stand it now. Li Jiaming was soaked all over for only five seconds.

"Ai, it's almost impossible to absorb this golden spirit bead when there is no special motivation!" Li Jiaming sighed. The first few times of absorbing the beads were a matter of life and death. Every time he touched the beads on the edge of his birthday, the pain seemed to decrease a lot. Maybe it was because his attention was highly focused on the battle, so he felt slight, Li Jiaming thought.

Since the killing formula cannot be cultivated, how should blood energy be cultivated? Li Jiaming felt the bloody energy in his brain, as well as two simple books floating in the middle of the period. Originally, he planned to summon Xi Duoya to ask about the cultivation method of the blood clan, but suddenly his mind moved and touched the golden spirit beads to draw a trace of golden energy, but this time the golden energy drawn by the spirit beads, the Li family Ming did not let him be adsorbed by the killing Jindan, but was carefully controlled by Li Jiaming and slowly moved to the bloody energy in his brain.

If an unknown Taoist sees Li Jiaming doing this here, he must scold him. The brain is the most mysterious place of the human body and rashly introduces energy into it. If he is not careful, he will be paralyzed. The key is to become a vegetative person. Li Jiaming is fearless!

Anyway, although the process was thrilling, Li Jiaming successfully introduced a trace of golden energy into the blood-colored energy in his brain.

As soon as the golden energy came into contact with the blood energy of the blood clan, it was instantly sucked in. At the same time, the two blood-colored scriptures concentrated in the blood-color energy became violently restless.

Li Jiaming was shocked all over. When his eyes opened, two blood-red lights shot out of his eyes. At the same time, his whole body emitted bloody light from his brain, and the whole room was instantly covered by blood-colored light.

Because Li Jiaming closed the door when he entered the door, the bloody light did not shine outside. When the bloody energy broke out, Sidoya outside looked at Li Jiaming's room suspiciously, and his eyes showed a confused look. Just now, he felt a terrible blood energy, but almost only in an instant. The horrible bloody energy of the matter disappeared.

"Do you feel wrong? That energy fluctuation seems to be able to break out only at the lord level, right? Sidoa's pale face frowned together, "The master is really mysterious"

At the moment when this energy fluctuation broke out, Elok, who was meditating on the third floor, also felt it. He raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said to himself

"What a mysterious little guy"

At this time, Li Jiaming's body was floating in mid-air. The room originally full of blood-colored energy was covered by a golden cage. Almost at the moment of the outbreak of blood-colored energy, the static field of the blood clan holy book was released from it and covered Li Jiaming's room. The static field could not only be static space but also The space energy is isolated, which causes the blood energy to appear and disappear instantly.

Not only the static field of the blood clan scriptures, Li Jiaming's body is constantly changing and bone spurs begin to grow from all parts of the body. The blood clan scripture beasts also began to transform without Li Jiaming deliberately doing it. Before long, Li Jiaming became a three-meter-high beast. Fortunately, this room is spacious enough, otherwise press According to Li Jiaming's figure, he can only break the ceiling.

At this time, two blood scriptures flew out of Li Jiaming's brain, and two simple books stayed in Li Jiaming's chest. At this time, something shocked Li Jiaming happened - I don't know how many years of blood Bible has experienced began to melt, like ice and snow.

A drop of golden ** in the melting fell on Li Jiaming's chest and melted in. Before long, the two blood Bibles completely melted into golden **, all of which melted into Li Jiaming's chest.

After the last drop of golden ** melted, the surrounding blood energy wrapped around the static field and contracted back to Li Jiaming's chest in an instant, and Li Jiaming, who had originally turned into a violent beast, also returned to his original appearance.

Li Jiaming fell to the ground and looked at his body for unknown reasons. He clearly felt everything just now, just because a trace of golden energy into the two bloody scriptures actually melted.

When Li Jiaming explored again, the bloody energy in his brain no longer existed, and there was no bloody scripture, which made Li Jiaming a little flustered, but when he gradually explored his body, Li Jiaming showed a strange smile on his face.

The bloody energy originally in the brain gathered to the heart, which carefully protects the heart. At the same time, the heart speed, which was originally beating like a normal human, slowed down a lot, and only jumped six times a minute!

But Li Jiaming can clearly feel that every beat of the heart brings a lot of energy to the whole body. Under the maintenance of this bloody energy, Li Jiaming's body's defense recovery energy has reached a shocking state.

The original two simple blood scriptures have disappeared. Instead, the two images on the cover of the scriptures quietly floated in the blood-colored energy of the heart.

Li Jiaming's mind moved and touched the image of the tyrant. In the case of deliberately, Li Jiaming only had his right hand to become the form of a tyrant beast, which was almost impossible before. Like Li Jiaming's father, it was almost impossible to transform into a tyrant beast, and it was basically impossible to change a single part. At least Li Jiaming's father didn't do it, nor did he hear that others did it, and Li Jiaming did it after the tyrannical scripture turned into an image. Not only his arms and legs, but also his back could change with his control.

"Master, are you all right?" Li Jiaming, who was feeling physical changes, heard the sound of Sidoa knocking on the door and walked over to open the door just thinking about everything.

"Master! You..." As soon as Li Jiaming opened the door, Sidoya, who was also a blood clan, left and felt the change of Li Jiaming. The pressure of a high-level blood clan on the low-level blood clan was emitted from Li Jiaming, which was only a pressure that the blood clan could feel.

"Master! Have you reached the level of a prince? Sidoa's pale face was full of horror.

"Prince? I don't know, but it feels a little better than before!" Li Jiaming said casually, and then his right hand stretched out to Sidoa, with a golden glow on his right finger.

Sydoya dominated the golden light of Li Jiaming's right finger, and his instinctive reaction was wrong, but he did not resist because he thought that Li Jiaming was his master.

But when his golden fingers touched him, Sidoa found that he could not move at all. Although he could sense the things around him, his body could not move, he could not even blink his eyes, and the energy in his body was completely static.

Sidoa's heart was full of shock. This is a phenomenon that only exists in the static field, but the owner of the golden static field did not release it. Everything around him was normal, but he was still. Is the golden light of the owner's right finger the static field?

"It's surprising, isn't it? I just tried, but I didn't expect it to succeed." Li Jiaming withdrew his right hand. At the same time, a golden light flew out of Siddoa's body and flew back to Li Jiaming's hand. Poor Sidoya was regarded as an experimental mouse without his knowledge.

Master? How did you do it?" After the golden light flew out, Sidoya regained her mobility and looked at Li Jiaming with a surprised face.

"Two blood scriptures have melted!" Li Jiaming said lightly

"Melted!" Sidoya was scared by Li Jiaming's words, and his simple pale face turned red.

"Oh! Sidoya, your face is red! This is the first time I've seen it!" Li Jiaming seems to have found something new

"Master! Satan! That's the sacred scripture of the blood clan! Melted! It melted there!" Sidoa was scared by Li Jiaming.

"Are you so excited? Even the blood scripture is mine! And he just melted." Li Jiaming shrugged his shoulders

"The master's holy book melted there," Sidoa asked unwillingly

"Here..." Li Jiaming pointed to his chest and explained with a wry smile, "The two scriptures have melted into two images in my heart, and the ability of the blood clan has also moved from the brain to near the heart. Although the ability can be used, it can be used very accurately as if I only hold you still. But these two scriptures can be completely integrated with me, even if I want to take them out."

"Wow, that's almost the same. The master is also advanced to the prince, but the energy has moved from the brain to the heart?" Sidoa showed a contemplative expression, "Yes, I remember. It seems that I have heard the old people say before that after the blood clan reaches the lord level, the energy will move from the brain to the heart, but the master is the prince? What's wrong with this?" Sidoa looked very confused.

"Almost, I originally wanted to cultivate the blood energy, but I was going to ask you how to practice, but I didn't expect the two books to melt like this." Li Jiaming spread out his hands

"Cerctivation blood energy?" Sidoa heard Li Jiaming's statement and a drop of cold sweat appeared on his forehead

"What? Isn't it right?" Li Jiaming asked curiously

"Master, the blood clan never practices. The first way to grow energy is to suck a lot of blood, but to devour the same kind, and the third is to grow naturally over time. The old monsters in the clan are all gradually upgraded to prince lords after tens of thousands of years of adulthood! I have been promoted to marquis because I have been a blood clan for a thousand years!"

"A thousand years!" This time, it was Li Jiaming's turn to sweat on his forehead. Although he had already guessed that Sidoya was not young, he didn't expect that it would be a thousand years. How old is he? It should be 21, right? Sidoa's age can be his own ancestor! However, Li Jiaming also heard more interesting things.

"Do you think you can be promoted by devouring the same kind?"

"I knew you would ask that, master..." Sidoya still reached a fearless expression with a respectful face. "The devouring is limited to devouring high-order or the same level. Devouring is invalid, and killing of the same clan is prohibited within the blood clan. If it is found, 13 clans will be found to hunt down together!"

"Hahahaha! Sidoya doesn't have to be so nervous. Even if I am the same level, I won't devour you. I hope you are my friend more than a servant." Li Jiaming slapped on the shoulder of Sidoya. Li Jiaming, who lives on the earth, does not have the concept of the master and servant of the palace aristocracy. At first, he asked Sidoa to make a contract to restrict him, but now Li Jia Ming felt that there was no need for it. Sidoya was better than he thought.

Sedoya's expression was stunned, but he didn't expect Li Jiaming to say so, and then bowed and said

"Master, Sidoya dares not. Sidoya is always your most loyal servant"

"It's up to you. What about absorbing blood and advancing?" Li Jiaming continued to ask

"Master, although this is useful, it is almost useless. There is very little energy in ordinary human blood. Unless it is a noble virgin with royal blood, or the blood of a high-level strong man, it is almost impossible to rely on the blood of ordinary people to advance." Sidoya's voice no longer seems to be pure respect, and stays in it. Some sincerity, which even Sidoa himself did not find.

"Oh, I understand why you wanted to suck Liluo's blood so much. It turned out that it was because of this. Hey hey, Sidoyami said that if I told the savage princess what you wanted to play with Liluo, guess what would happen to him." Li Jiaming smiled narrowly.

"Master!" Sidoa shouted in horror. The contact with Liluo in the past few days and the experience of Liluo have made the vampire who has lived for a thousand years understand that it is often not only demons, but also women with beautiful appearances, especially princesses.

"Hahahaha, I'm kidding, don't worry, I won't say it." Looking at Sidoya's frightened expression, Li Jiaming laughed and walked out of the room. At the same time, a grumpy female voice sounded outside the house

"Alok! Get out of here!"