mutation killing

Chapter 58 · Takeoff

With the call of Elock, a huge whirlpool appeared again outside the house. Ellensbette's huge golden faucet came out of the whirlpool

"What's the matter?" The golden dragon's voice is still very loud, but it seems that after being roared by Shirley last time, its voice is much lower than at the beginning.

"Send them to the west" Ilock pointed to Li Jiaming and others

Is that right? Are Shirley and the others leaving? That's great." The voice of the Golden Dragon was full of joy when he heard Elok say that.

"Spert, do you seem to want me to leave? But this time it may be unsatisfactory, but Lilo and they left." Shirley crossed her waist and looked at the golden dragon coldly.

"Where, where. I'm saying it's a pity. Is Little Liluo leaving? I just feel sorry?" Li Jiaming saw a cold sweat on the forehead of the golden dragon.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense! Be careful to give them a ride." Shirley nodded to Ilock

"Because the summoning beast can't be too far away from the summoner, Spite can't send you too far. He will take you to a high altitude, and then you can use Shirley's wing glider to fly as far as possible and come back early after finishing things. We may also need your assistance." Elok looked at Li Jiaming

At this time, the golden dragon Ellensbet completely came out of the black whirlpool. Li Jiaming really saw the appearance of this golden dragon. He is not a Chinese dragon, but also a Western dragon. The whole body is golden yellow. The huge dragon has two horns, and the head and tail are several kilometers apart.

No wonder this golden dragon poked out its head every time it was summoned. Its size was too big. As soon as Ellensbette came out, the whole house was his golden figure, and a large number of trees were gently touched by the golden dragon.

Elensbet stretched out a huge golden palm, and Li Jiaming and the other three walked up with wingspan, but the space of this palm was half the size of a basketball court.

"Princess Lilo, I promise! Pay attention to safety, Carl, and the big black mythical beast master, please protect the princess." Kieran waved to the three people below.

The golden dragon's wings shook gently, and a strong wind blew, and Ellensbet's body quickly climbed up, quickly breaking through a large number of towering trees and flying over the forest of mythical beasts.

When the golden dragon was over the whole flying knife mythical beast forest, a little starlight fell, and it was already night outside. Li Jiaming stood in the palm of the golden dragon and looked around. The vast forest of the mythical beast was unimaginable and comparable to the largest tropical rainforest on earth.

Alok's house is only a relatively shallow seat on the edge of the Mythical Beast Forest, but he has to go through most of the Mythical Beast Forest to go west.

Looking at the scenery below in the palm of the golden dragon, Li Jiaming noticed that there were many red dots containing powerful energy around him, but after the golden dragon flew by, these huge red dots were far away. Li Jiaming also tried to explore the energy level contained in the golden dragon, but his eye detection showed But it is incalculable.

Lillo's eyes looked around curiously in the palm of the golden dragon's hand, but Carl looked very nervous. Li Jiaming noticed that his muscles were very tight, and his arm holding the wing glider stretched out and grabbed the deputy's sunken. Fortunately, the material of Shirley's wing glider was good, otherwise he might have been cut off by Carl. , it may be the first time for this advanced swordsman to fly into the sky.

"Okay! I can only send you here! Be careful all the way." Not long after, the golden dragon Ellensbet said

"Thank you, little Tete, I found that your golden scales look better. Remember to give me a few next time"; Liluo looked at the golden dragon with a smile, but Li Jiaming felt that Liluo looked more at the golden scales on the golden dragon.

Roar! The golden dragon roared helplessly

"Little Liluo, the scales of the golden dragon can't be given to people casually. That's the dignity of the golden dragon." Ellensbet said in a low voice

"But are you going to give it to me? Remember to give it to me when I come back next time, or I will tell Aunt Shirley that you bullied me!" Liluo wrinkled her nose.

Oh, the golden dragon roared again. No matter how Li Jiaming heard it, he felt that the roar smelled miserable.

"Okay! It can only be sent here," the golden dragon suddenly said, and his huge palm gently loosened forward. The wing flyer held by the three flew by the wind, and then the golden dragon head would not get into the black whirlpool behind him.

Li Jiaming, who used the glider for the first time away from the Golden Dragon, was also inevitably a little nervous. Thinking about the method he had seen on TV before, he tried his best to stabilize the fuselage and maintain balance. Liluo next to him closed his eyes directly, and although Carl opened his eyes, everyone could see that he was extremely nervous.

It just seemed that she felt that the wing flyer was flying smoothly and Liluo opened her eyes. Her big eyes were full of curiosity and felt the blowing of the wind in the air. Liluo seemed to be excited to call out, but her mouth filled with air.

Three people are on the wing gliders, under the starlight all over the sky. Fly from the sky above the Mythical Beast Forest to the west of the continent of Aland.

I don't know how long it has been flying. The unchanged forest picture below makes Li Jiaming feel a little boring. Liluo beside her seems to be a little tired because of such a flight, and Carl is still as nervous as ever.

Suddenly, a huge red dot appeared in Li Jiaming's right eye and was rapidly approaching them. Soon, a huge tree in the mythical beast forest suddenly rushed to the sky, and Li Jiaming saw him clearly through the starlight.

The monster is as huge, like a broadcasting plane, with a pair of bat-like wings on its back. Its skin is dark green. At night, it looks like black, its head is triangular, its mouth is very sharp and long. Its protruding beak is more than one meter long. When its beak is opened, it is full of fine fangs. Li Jiaming even saw a large amount of minced meat left in his teeth. At the same time, the monster still has human limbs. The lower limbs are particularly thick and long. Because the forelimbs are connected to the bat wings, they are much thinner, but the sharp nails on it seem to tell his enemies that if they are caught, they will break their intestines.

"Sedoya!" Seeing the monster appear, Li Jiaming quickly summoned Sidoa. A black vortex appeared, and Sidoa stood up from inside

"Lord..." Sidoya, who just came out, didn't know that it was in the air. As soon as he said a main word in his mouth, he fell from the air. He quickly turned into a big silver bat and caught up with Li Jiaming.

"Master, what's the matter?" Sidoa's tone as a bat was a little surprised, but he didn't expect it to be in the air.

"What kind of monster is that?" The Li family made it clear that Sidoa looked at the cyan monster that was flying towards them

"fu Pterosaur" breathed a cold breath when he saw the flying monster Sidoa. "Master, this is bad news! This is the eighth-order Batterosaur! Originally, he should have been a ninth-order dragon, but because he did not know the elemental attack of the ninth-order mythical beast, but his speed and strength were also very terrible! And he is very grumpy"

"Didn't Shirley say that there is the blood of the ninth-order mythical beast on the wing plane? How can it attract mythical beasts?" Li Jiaming asked

"The blood of the ninth-order mythical beast can only drive away those low-level mythical beasts without IQ. The eighth-order bat pterosaur already has a certain IQ, and what's more, he can challenge the existence of the ninth-order mythical beast. Seeing that you invade his dragon sky naturally launches an attack," Sidoya explained.

In words, the bat pterosaur has flown behind Li Jiaming and others. Now there is nothing Carl and Liluo can do in the air. They can only nervously grab the handrail and look at Li Jiaming.

"Sedoya! Hold it in control! It is not suitable for fighting here, and there are two people on it." Li Jiaming ordered Sidoya to

Yes! "Master" Sidoya's tone was very solemn. He knew that he had no chance of winning against the eighth-order mythical beast, but Li Jiaming ordered him to go even if he died.

"Just hold it! Just hold on a little longer! Run if you can't beat it! Don't work hard! Now it's still over the Mythical Beast Forest, and it's not convenient for me to fight." Li Jiaming didn't expect to encounter such a difficult thing as soon as he set out. He looked at several mountains in the distance and seemed to fly out of the Mythical Beast Forest. As long as he landed successfully, he could safely fight.

The Sydoyaized silver bat nodded, turned around and flew to the Pterodactyl, and began to recite obscure spells.