mutation killing

Chapter 62 · Saint-Lotan City

Although Li Jiaming leaned against the wall and closed his eyes to rest, his spirit was always vigilant. Suddenly, he felt that there seemed to be something wrong with the wall he leaning against, and how could the surrounding wall be particularly smooth.

Smooth! Yes! Yes, why is a naturally formed cave so smooth, and the cave unscured by human beings should not be so smooth. Looking at the dark depths of the cave, it seems to lead to an unknown place.

"Sedoya!" Li Jiaming called in a low voice, and a whirlpool appeared, and Sidoa came out of it.

"Master, what can I do for you?" Sidoya bowed respectfully to Li Jiaming as usual after coming out

"I'm sorry, Sidoya, I called you again before I let you rest," Li Jiaming said apologetically

"It's an honor to serve you" Sidoya said he didn't mind

"Did you find this cave?" Li Jiaming asked

"Yes? Master! Does anyone have any questions?" Sidoa nodded

"Look, the wall is very smooth, not like it formed naturally." Li Jiaming stroked the wall next to him with his hand.

"Is it formed naturally, and it doesn't seem to be man-made! Otherwise, there should be traces of chiseling," Sidoya said after exploring the wall

"You have lived for a thousand years, what do you think of this?" Li Jiaming looked at Sidoa

"For example, if an animal often enters and exits, it will also cause this smooth mountain wall. For example, if the same snake often enters the cave of the day, the surface of its body will rub around the cave very smooth, and of course there is another possibility." Speaking of this Sidoa's thoughtful look

"Forget it, I don't think about it!" Seeing Sidoa's increasingly solemn expression, it seemed that his eyebrows were wrinkled together, and Li Jiaming persuaded him

"I'm sorry, master. Sidoa really can't remember what other possibilities are, but there is indeed a way to create such a wall. Do you need Sidoa to go in and check it? Sidoya said apologetically

"No," Li Jiaming thought for a moment and said, "Now our main task is to escort Liluo to find his Uncle Shada and then recover the kingdom. As for other things, it's better to do less than one thing. As long as we don't have much to do with it, don't provoke them."

Yes! Master!" Sidoya nodded, "Master, what else does Sidoya need to do?"

"Nothing, by the way, you don't have to fly in the air now. Take out Carl's sword, and then you can continue to rest." Li Jiaming pointed to Carl's direction.

"Yes" Sidoa took the golden sword out of the whirlpool and disappeared into the whirlpool.

Holding the golden sword in his hand, Li Jiaming felt that it was meaningless to rest again. He walked out of the cave and threw the huge sword in his hand to Carl and then said sideways

"Let's go"

Carl took over the golden sword and was stunned. He didn't expect Li Jiaming to rest so soon, and then nodded and walked to the front.

"Why don't you rest? When I first looked at you, I felt that you seemed to be very tired." Liluo approached Li Jiaming and asked

"In a strange environment, one minute more is more dangerous, so we'd better hurry up to find your Uncle Shada." From a college student who only knows how to sleep to be vigilant all around all the time. After such killing, how can Li Jiaming gradually change to a qualified soldier?

"We have flown out of the forest and continue to the west to reach the place of the Western Jihad Army, where General Shada is! When I was still in the Sword Tiger Mercenary Regiment, I took on a mercenary task, which was to assist the Western Jihad Army to eliminate vampires. At that time, Liluo's father saved me! If I remember correctly, we will pass a village and town where we can rest and move on! Then there was the Western Jihad Army." Carl pointed to the front with the golden sword in his hand.

"You lead the way" Li Jiaming nodded to Carl

Li Jiaming followed Carl forward with Liluo. After leaving the Mythical Beast Forest, Li Jiaming always paid attention to the detection of his right eye and remained vigilant at all times, but the road was much more stable and there was no danger for the time being.

Even if there were some low-level mythical beasts on the road who were deliberately exuded by the breath of Li Jiaming and walked not too far, as Carl said, a village and town appeared in front of him.

From afar, this village seems to occupy a relatively wide area, surrounded by walls, compared with the mythical beasts used to guard against raids.

When the three walked in, they found that the gate of the village was still guarded, and the gate said St. Lotin.

"When I came here, it was still a small town, and I didn't expect that it had developed into a town! It used to be called Lotan Town, but now it's called St. Lotan City. What a big change!" Carl sighed

"Let's go in and have a look? Did you bring any money this time? Li Jiaming asked

"Well, I brought it. Before leaving, Her Royal Highness Shirley gave me a bag of gold coins, in which there were about 100 pieces." Carl took out a bag from his body and shook it, making a rattling sound.

"Hm, that's good, otherwise we will go to the mercenary regiment to receive the task like last time! If Kieran is not here, he will not be able to earn such gold coins if he receives the task of cutting wood," Li Jiaming joked.

Carl then laughed a few times, and Lilo also laughed twice. When several people first fled, they had no money to spend in Wallo Town. The first money was earned by Carl going to the mercenary regiment to receive the task. Originally, it was only a task of 100 silver coins, but he knocked a gold coin from his employer in a few words.

"Hight! When he walked to the gate, the guard guarding the gate stopped the three people.

"Mythical Beast Master? Swordsman?" Looking at the costumes of Li Jiaming and Carl, a guard asked

"The Sword and Tiger Mercenary Corps accepted the task to escort the employer to find his family." Carl nodded and lit up the emblem of the mercenary union.

"You need to pay to enter the door! One gold coin for each person!" Another guard looked at the three and stopped him when his partner was about to be released.

"Knight?" The previous guard just wanted to say something, but the guard named Knight used a look to stop his words.

"What do you want to pay quickly?" Hearing that it costs money to enter the door, it was still a gold coin. Carl couldn't help wide-eyed and holding the golden sword slightly hard in his hand.

"If you want to go to the city, pay quickly! Or get out of here!" Seeing that the three people did not respond, Knight raised his tone and urged

"Is a gatekeeper so arrogant?" Liluo laughed coldly

"Miss! You are very beautiful, but you don't have a small temper. If the two brothers stay here, you have to follow their rules. If you don't pay, don't go in. Of course, beautiful women are free, and you can only pay two gold coins." Li Luo's words attracted Knight's attention. His noble temperament lit up, although he only received two gold coins. Indeed, because they just guard two people, one person and one gold coin are easier to share.

"What if I break through?" Liluo said with a smile. When Li Jiaming saw Liluo's appearance, he knew that the unruly princess was angry.

"Hardbreak? Haha" Knight seemed to hear a funny joke, laughed a few times, and then pointed to several black boxes on the wall

"See those black boxes, which are full of rockets! If you don't cooperate, I just need to gently strengthen the switch plug-in in my hand, then sw! These rockets shot at you all." Knight took out a strange object from his arms and moved to the wall behind him, with a clear red depression on it.

"Nate, that's an emergency defense weapon! Above..." Another guard wanted to say something, but was stopped by Knight.

Rondo! Shut your mouth!" Knight looked at Li Jiaming and the others, "Okay, don't talk nonsense! Give me two gold coins."

Karl now has a guard named Knight who enjoys a golden sword and kills him. According to Rendo's words, this Knight is obviously blackmailing them.

Car resisted Liluo but couldn't help it. He stepped forward and wanted to kick the guard with his foot, but a dark shadow stood in front of him.

"Okay, we'll give you the money. Please let us in." Li Jiaming stood in front of Li Luo, who was about to lose his temper, and motioned Carl to take out gold coins.

Although reluctantly, Carl took out two gold coins and threw them to Knight

"You are familiar" Knight turned out to open the gate with two gold coins with a sneer.

Li Jiaming carefully protected Liluo, who was about to run away, and walked in.

"Looking to treat you to tea later, beautiful lady." When Lilo passed by Knight, he made an invitation gesture like a gentleman.

"Knight? Why did you do this?" When the three entered the gate, the guard known as Rondo asked

"Rondo, my brother, it's very hard for us to guard the door. How can we not take the opportunity to get some extra money? The three of them knew at a glance that it was a rich lady who entrusted someone to find their relatives. They had to enter the city, and generally this kind of people didn't want to publicize it. Otherwise, I wouldn't have dared to ask them for money so boldly. A mythical beast master, a swordsman, any of them could easily kill me." There is still a drop of cold sweat on my forehead.

"So that's why you scared them with the rocket on the wall?" Rendo asked

"Take it? My brother, the greater the risk, the more you earn." Knight continued after throwing a gold coin to Rendo, "I'm also gambling. I don't think the rocket on the wall will do anything to them. The sharp eyes of the swordman with a golden sword crawled out of the dead at first glance! If I hadn't lost a lot of money last time, I wouldn't have done this."

The conversation between the two people at the gate was heard by Li Jiaming. He just smiled and didn't say anything. Li, who was protected by him in gorgeousness and was about to leave, made him even more worried.

After entering the city gate, Liluo made an angry scream despite the surrounding microcosm

"I'm so angry! I have never been blackmailed when I grew up! I'm going to be blown up!" Lilo roared loudly, and suddenly a large number of wine cans exploded in a pub near the gate.

"Is this a coincidence?" Li Jiaming said to herself. Liluo was angry and the wine jar exploded? Does it have anything to do with her liquefaction power?

"Li Jiaming? Say it! Why did you stop me from kicking him! Are you and Carl afraid that these two people won't work?" Lilo, who was angry, didn't notice that there was an explosion in the pub not far away.

"Calm down, Lilo! You are still on the run! It is a secret act to come to find your Uncle Shada. If you cause trouble on the road, you may be found by the second uncle who robbed your throne, and then there will be a lot of trouble," Li Jiaming explained

"I know! But I'm just angry! I'm a princess! Blackmailing the princess is a death penalty! I can't be angry! I can't be angry!" Liluo roared, and in a house across the street, a large amount of water suddenly burst into the fish farming pool, which instantly wet the owner who was feeding the fish.

"Okay! A king needs patience, and a person who doesn't know patience can't achieve great things!" Li Jiaming moved out a set of adults on earth to teach Liluo

When Li Jiaming said this, Li Luo calmed down and looked at Li Jiaming with flashing big eyes and asked

"Are you true?"

Li Jiaming looked at Liluo's big eyes and sighed that she couldn't control it. The lovely girl was also a demon full of **. He turned his head and said after not looking at Liluo's eyes

"In ancient times, there was a man named Goujian on the earth. His kingdom was broken and captured by the enemy country. Then he became a cow and a horse in the enemy country and endured for ten years! Ten years later, he continued to successfully recapture the kingdom"

"Really? Is there really such a patient person? Oh, Li Jiaming, why don't you dare to look into my eyes?" Li Luo asked Li Jiaming with her big shining eyes

"You are so beautiful that I dare not look at you! I'm afraid that you will be hooked if you see too much," Li Jiaming said half seriously and half jokingly.

"Does Li Jiaming also think Liluo is beautiful?" Li Luo blushed when Li Jiaming said this.

"When...of course" Li Jiaming's stammering answer

"Princess, Mythical Beast Master, let's find a hotel to rest first." Carl, who was beside him, obviously did not know that he was a watt light bulb. Despite the two people who were flirting, he reminded him that it was time to go to the hotel.