mutation killing

Chapter 70 · Vampire Attack

As soon as Li Jiaming and Kevin walked out of the door of the mansion, a seven-year-old black bat flew down. Li Jiaming frowned and launched his mind. Before the bat fell, its heart and brain had been crushed.

This vampire bat is not a viscount. Its energy defense is pitiful, and its power power easily breaks through the defense god and kills him unconsciously.

Almost while the bat was killed by Li Jiaming's mind, a blue-blue beam penetrated the heart of the bat that had been crushed by Li Jiaming, and Kevin's right hand became a sword finger. Pointing to the chest of the bat.

The great swordsman can release his fighting spirit, and Kevin, a swordsman, can easily release his fighting spirit without any weapons.

Kyle nodded to Li Jiaming and took the lead in stepping out and leaving the broken bat body at the door, but he didn't know that the bat had died before he vented his fighting spirit.

After Li Jiaming stepped out of the door, he found that there were more vampires attacking St. Lotan than expected. The sky was full of huge bats flying, and human corpses that were constantly sucked up blood fell in the air.

When they stepped out of the door, a corpse that looked like a little human fell from the sky, but it could no longer be seen as a human!

"Damn vampire!" Seeing this scene, Kevin roared, and his whole body exuded a blue-blue fighting spirit. Then his body suddenly bent down and exerted his feet hard. His whole body ejected from the ground into the air, and then the dense blue-blue light shot out of Kevin at the speed.

At this time, Kevin looked like a laser turret. The dense beam swept around Kevin as the center, and a large number of black bats in the air were hit by the blue-blue beam and fell like raindrops.

Li Jiaming noticed that most of the bats shot down by Kevin are only as much as a viscount. Most of the bats above the viscount can open more Kevin's beam, or even if they can't avoid it, they will not be easily penetrate the body by this beam. At most, they are only injured, and in terms of the resilience of the blood clan, this injury can be recovered soon. Reply.

This is not to say that Kevin's strength is not enough. As a swordsman, he is only one level lower than the swordsman, but there are too many vampires turned into bats in the air. With such a large number, Kevin disperses the fighting spirit into a large amount of light speed, which greatly reduces his power of his fighting spirit.

A laser turret suddenly appeared in the air, which soon attracted the attention of other high-level vampires, and several silver bats quietly approached Kevin.

Li Jiaming temporarily stayed at the door of the mansion without moving. There were too many bats outside. He was afraid that it would be troublesome if he accidentally ran into a few, and so many vampire attacks should not be without the leadership of the leader. Li Jiaming was carefully looking for the leaders of this group of vampires.

Kevin's attack attracted a large number of bats, and soon the dense bats surrounded him, forming a huge sphere. The bodies of bats that kept falling from the sphere had burst out several blue-blue fighting spirits from time to time, proving that Kevin could still withstand it.

Suddenly, several silver bats flying not far away by Kevin attracted Li Jiaming's attention. Sidoya was also silver when he turned into a bat. It seemed that these bats should have the strength of a marquis.

If it is in a one-on-one situation, killing a marquis vampire is like cutting melons and vegetables for Kevin, but although Kevin still has a great chance of winning in the siege of so many vampires, injuries may be inevitable.

Although Li Jiaming also believes in Kevin's strength, the so-called ants bite the elephant to death. Li Jiaming decided to help and launch his mental power to control a silver bat. Li Jiaming found that the copied mental power could break through the Marquis's defense power and could not directly destroy his heart and could only control his body. This silver bat still I don't know what happened, and my whole body got out of control and was thrown away.

The thought power was not lethal. Li Jiaming's power was changed. The thin snow sword that originally belonged to Yang Hu was held in his hand again and was launched. The black fine snow sword soared to 20 meters long and cut down the bat sphere surrounding Kevin in the air.

This sword was like cutting open a watermelon. A large number of low-level vampires were killed by Li Jiaming's sword. Kevin, who was surrounded by Li Jiaming opened a vacancy, and the pressure suddenly rose, and a strong blue light burst out in an instant. Almost all the bats surrounding him were stabbed in this blue fighting spirit. Wearing, there are dozens of holes in the unlucky body.

Kevin's mansion was cleaned for a while, but it also attracted the attention of more vampires. A large number of bats flew to Kevin, including a large number of silver bats, and even huge bats with a golden light.

At the same time, a girl's scream came from nearby, followed by an old voice that was slightly familiar to Li Jiaming

"Miss! Come on! Help!"

Li Jiaming looked at Kevin, who had fallen to the ground and looked slightly embarrassed and gasped slightly. After nodding to him, he quickly rushed to the place where the scream sounded.

At the door of an equally huge and luxurious house, Li Jiaming saw the old Peter who bought Medusa's tears at the auction, when he was half fell to the ground and his hands helplessly reach into the air.

The sky has been full of silver bats, and its wings have turned golden. When they wave their wings, they are ten meters long. In his hand, they are holding a girl in white pajamas. The girl looks about the same size as Lilo and looks panicked. The bat's mouth is slowly approaching the white girl. At the neck.

"Cdown!" Li Jiaming roared and launched his mind, but the copied mind power only slightly pulled the bat with golden wings.

The bat with golden wings looked up around because of its inexplicable shaking of its body, and finally fixed its eyes on Li Jiaming under it.

The pirated version is not as good as the genuine version. Li Jiaming thought to himself that the thinking effect of copying is really not good when he meets a master.

"Despicable human beings!" The bat with golden wings spoke and suddenly changed in the air. Its body turned into a human adult man, but there was still a pair of golden bat wings behind it.

This man has black hair, slender eyes, sharp chin, and a very handsome face, but a pair of eyes in his slender eyes are strange red.

The man held a frightened girl in one hand and looked into the girl's eyes with strange red eyes. The girl's expression gradually relaxed, and her eyes seemed to be a little confused.

"Wait for me to enjoy this delicious virgin blood! I'll deal with you again!" The man in the air said faintly, and his mouth with sharp teeth slowly approached the girl's white neck.

"Mythical Beast Master! Save my lady! I'm willing to give you everything you want!" Peter beside him cried for help when he saw Li Jiaming.

"Hey! Do you think I don't exist?" Li Jiaming shouted at the man in the air

"Hmm!" The man in the air snorted coldly and let go of the girl in the air and suddenly disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already in front of Li Jiaming. A pale claw grabbed Li Jiaming's neck, and its sharpness would be torn off in an instant if it was caught by ordinary people.

However, Li Jiaming is not an ordinary person. Although the man is very fast, Li Jiaming can also clearly capture his movement. When he stretched out his claws to grab Li Jiaming's neck, Li Jiaming's right fist also hit his chest.

But the man's hand had not yet caught Li Jiaming's neck, and disappeared from his front of him in an instant. When he appeared, he held the girl who had not yet fallen from the air in his arms.

When stretching out his claws, the vampire also felt the terrible power of Li Jiaming bombard his chest. Seeing that the speed may not have caught Li Jiaming's neck, and his chest has been bombarded by him. The vampire didn't want to do this loss-making business, so he returned to the air and hugged the girl.

"It's a little interesting! Despicable human, what level of mythical beast master are you? Seventh level? Or the eighth level? It's worth playing with you, Prince Nicholas!" The vampire voice in the air is full of magnetism.

Nikolai flew to the ground with the girl in his arms. Under his strange red eyes, the girl slowly fell asleep. Nicholas put the girl on the ground and stroked the girl's white neck with a pair of slender hands.

"Miss!" Old Peter climbed over desperately

He was very nervous to see Peter crawling over Li Jiaming. He was afraid that the vampire would hurt the loyal housekeeper, and his old body could not withstand the prince-level casual blow.

However, it seemed that Prince Nicholas didn't care about the old man and did not stop his intention, which made Li Jiaming breathe a sigh of relief.

"What you hang on your chest is!" Nicholas, who suddenly walked towards Li Jiaming, stopped and looked at the pendant on Li Jiaming's chest with a surprised face. This was a vampire pendant that Li Jiaming dragged Kevin to buy for 1.5 million yuan at the auction. After he got it, he hung it around his neck before he could study it.

"Hahaha! Praise Satan! How dare you let Prince Nicholas get this thing!" Nicola suddenly laughed and then suddenly disappeared and appeared in front of Li Jiaming, holding Li Jiaming's chest with one hand.

"That won't work! I bought this for 1.5 million yuan!" Li Jiaming suddenly disappeared from Nikolay before he touched him. He saw that Nicola just wanted to grab the pendant on his chest and stretched out a finger to shake in front of him.

"Despicable human beings! There is nothing that Nicola can't get! I'm very happy today if you want to give me what's on your neck! I would like to give you my first hug! Think about it, not everyone can get the first support of a prince!" Nicholas felt that Li Jiaming's extraordinary strength suddenly changed his attention to forced robbery.

Is that right? But I don't care," Li Jiaming said truthfully. How could Li Jiaming, who has the strength close to the lord, care about the first support of a prince?

"Despicable human beings, don't drink and don't drink! I'm going to tear you to pieces!" Nicola's voice became fierce and seemed to be angry. His originally handsome face suddenly grew some black hair, his nose was elongated, and the fangs in his mouth were protruding a lot. It seemed that he had a little wolf shape.

Li Jiaming thought of Sidoa's introduction to the Gongro family, whose vampires inevitably have the characteristics of wild animals during battles. It seems that Prince Nicholas should be a member of the Gongro family.

At this time, Prince Nicholas had rushed to Li Jiaming's body and grabbed Li Jiaming's chest with a pair of sharp claws! Its speed was extremely fast, and there was a violent gas explosion across its claws. At the same time, countless phantoms of hand grasp appeared in front of Li Jiaming, and the dense hand grasp seemed to grasp every part of his body.

The power speed of the prince's blood clan is much higher than that of the marquis's blood clan, and he has learned more blood clan skills in the long years.

Phantom Blood Claw is one of the proud skills of Prince Nicholas! The claws all over the sky are not real, but they are all real! And if you are injured by the phantom blood claws, the wound will bleed!

PS: Today's click was cut again! To be honest, I really didn't click and I don't know who was maliciously brushing me. It's a little shocking to see thousands of clicks cut off. And this is the second knife! The second knife! How many cuts can a man be cut? But Xiaosha still resisted it! Keep updating! Three thousand words a day!