mutation killing

Chapter 84 · Lip Gun Tongue Sword 2

PS: It's been a day since the power went out, and now it's time to call. Now the second update will be sent later

Sure enough, Li Jiaming's words focused everyone's attention on him again, and his painful expression made the blood clans present speculate about what made Li Jiaming so sad.

"Prince Nicholas is a powerful warrior. His phantom blood claws and phantom steps are very powerful. Even I, who have tyrannical beasts and static domain scriptures, can't defeat him!" Li Jiaming showed admiration

"These two scriptures have been owned by me from the beginning. The tyrannical scriptures were left by my father, and the static field was dedicated to me by my servant Sidoa!"

"When Nicholas saw me, I was out to explore at the request of Princess Lilo. He thought that I was a human being for this. In order to fight against his phantom skills, I had to use the power of the scripture to fight with all my strength, but it was still difficult for me to defeat him! For this reason, I have declared my identity as a blood clan! But Prince Nicholas..." The Li family paused and continued

"Prince Nicholas became greedy because I had two halves of the sacred scriptures, and he asked me to dedicate these two sacred scriptures to him! In this way, he can challenge the lord-level blood clan with the strength of the prince! Even..." Li Jiaming hesitated for a moment and showed an embarrassed expression.

"Even what?" Panson's very cooperative inquiry

"He even said that if he gets these two scriptures, then even Lord Feddick, the president of parliament, dares to challenge it! Even... even replaced!" Li Jiaming pretended to have made a difficult decision before saying this.

"Nonsense!" When Li Jiaming said this, a blood clan with a particularly long neck suddenly roared, "Nikolay has always been very calm. How can he say such a thing!"

"This adult is..." Li Jiaming asked

"He is the lord of the Gongro family and Lord Skana, one of the 13 parliamentarians!" Fedetick introduced to

"Ah! Sorry! I don't know that you are also here. I am deeply sorry for Prince Nicholas of your family." Li Jiaming seemed to sincerely bow to Scala, and at the same time, a large number of the same elderly blood clan, as well as the blood clan of the Ganglow family, have animal characteristics. For example, Lord Skana is like a snake.

"Sana, what Li Jiaming said is not unreasonable. Nicholas especially likes to challenge the blood clans of other families when he was in the family. His combat effectiveness and ambition are obvious to everyone." An old man of the slightly ugly blood clan said that his so-called ugliness is only equivalent to the extremely handsome blood clan around him. If you really comment on its appearance, it can only be regarded as ordinary in the human world, and it is not ugly.

"Nethers! You..." Scarna blushed and seemed to want to say something, but he didn't say it in the end.

"Li Jiaming, please continue" Neseus nodded to Li Jiaming

"Who is this adult?" The blood clan that can silence a congressman is definitely not a nobody. The Li family secretly guessed his identity. Although there is some clues, it still needs to be confirmed

"He is the lord of the Nofer family and one of the thirteen parliamentarians!" Panson introduced to

"It turned out to be Senator Nethers, and Li Jiaming was disrespectful! The united father of your family once mentioned to me that if the whole blood clan is like your family, then the blood clan will be unfavorable!" This sentence was purely fabricated by Li Jiaming. He just remembered that Sidoa told him that the Norfer family was very united.

"Your father's bravery is also what I admire!" Li Jiaming's words made Nethers very useful.

"Continue what we just said, Prince Nicholas had the idea of robbing after seeing me have two holy books, hoping that I can dedicate them to him! But! Although these two scriptures are on me, they always belong to the thirteen blood clans! It belongs to my Bruch family, and I'm just lucky to get the approval of the holy scriptures to use them! In the face of Nicola's threat, I definitely can't give it!"

When he heard Li Jiaming say that the Holy Book was the thirteen blood clan, everyone present nodded in agreement and even ignored the sentence behind Li Jiaming that belonged to the Bruch family, but Pan Sen clearly heard this sentence and nodded approving to Li Jiaming.

" So I developed a fierce battle with him! Nicola's strength is so powerful that he can easily break the static field!"

"If Prince Nicholas is so powerful, how did you kill him?" Someone asked under the stage

"Don't worry! Listen to me! Lord Fethick also said before that I brought back three holy books, why did I say that there were only two when I fought with Nicholas? Hearing Li Jiaming's words, the blood clans around him woke up one after another, and the secret of defeating Nicholas must be in the third holy book.

"As I said before, I went with the trust of Princess Liluo! When I went out to explore, Li Luo gave me her amulet all the time! And that amulet happens to be the second item on Liluo's body with blood energy fluctuations!"

"This is the third holy book! Shadow Blood Fantasy! Originally, I didn't know that this amulet was a blood clan scripture! But it happened that when I was against Prince Nicholas, I triggered the ban of the amulet, and the third scripture revealed its original appearance and merged with me! In the face of the danger of life, I did not hesitate to launch a shadow fantasy! But I didn't expect the power of shadow blood magic to be so great! Because I couldn't control my power when I used it, I accidentally bombarded Prince Nicholas to...!" Speaking of this, Li Jiaming's face is sad

"Nikolay is a powerful warrior! His skills can even surpass my father in time! But I... If I had known that the Shadow of Blood was so powerful, I shouldn't have used it! Dedicating the holy book to Nicholas can at least create another powerful warrior in our blood clan!" Li Jiaming even hammered his chest sadly

"Don't care too much! Nicholas also took the blame for himself! If he doesn't have this greed! He won't kill himself!" Neisses made a statement to comfort Li Jiaming, and Scarna, who was not far away, seemed to be blown up.

"Then it was almost as Oaks said, because I was injured in the battle with Prince Nicholas, and Lilo launched the recovery effect of the spiritual staff to heal my wounds, which attracted Oaks. Three lords of Siberia and Decat!

At the beginning of the attack in Lotan City, I knew that the city had sent a powerful Mythical Beast Division to the Western Jihad Army for assistance! Liluo is here and Shada will definitely come! So I have to do enough in front of Liluo, or I will lose all my previous efforts! Everyone knows what happened later! I returned to the western ethnic group with the three lords!"

"This explanation is very reasonable! I can't find any loopholes." After listening to Li Jiaming's words, Fedetick said that he made Li Jiaming's words a reasonable explanation, which still seemed to make people around him not believe Li Jiaming's words!

"This is not an explanation! It's true! Oaks! Is everything I said a little bit wrong with what you saw? Li Jiaming said sternly.

"Well! No!" Oaks tried to find the differences, but finally affirmed Li Jiaming's words.

Although Li Jiaming's expression is serious, he is smiling secretly. It's the same as what you see, but the process is different. Li Jiaming is also gambling when he says this. He gambles on Nicholas's interpersonal relationship in the ethnic group.

From Sidoa's introduction to Nicholas, he must be reckless and impulsive and likes to challenge around! If you like challenges, you will definitely offend people! In this way, Li Jiaming attributed the fault of killing Nicholas to himself, and there was no flaw.

Because Nicola is ambitious and greedy! And Li Jiaming is guardian and loyal! Maybe the people of Nicola will understand his nature, but they don't think so in the eyes of others. If Nicola is a low-key and friendly person, there will be loopholes in Li Jiaming's lies, and his next words will attract suspicion. Li Jiaming is secretly grateful to Nikolay. It would be difficult to make up if he didn't meet his lie tonight.

"Do any of you still have any distrust of my brother Li Jiaming? Please bring it up! I believe he will prove his innocence to you with facts!" Pan Sen looked at the blood clan in the audience like a torch.

"Brother! It doesn't matter! These things are easy to misunderstand! It would be nice if everyone could understand Li Jiaming's loyalty to the blood clan!" Li Jiaming's words not only resolved his crisis, but also won the favor of a large number of blood clans on the field.

"Go on to what I said before! My father! Great warrior! Distinguished Spartan Lord! He appeared on the earth for some reason! And I got his first embrace there!"

"But the good times don't last long! A group of strange creatures with eight claws entered the earth from the sky in a huge mysterious object! At the same time, start killing all human beings on earth! That's my home! But they destroyed it!"

"My father has been on the earth for a long time, where he developed a descendant, but all of them died on that group of octopus monsters except me! Finally, my father fought against those octopus monsters to protect our home! Just like the strong man who fought against human beings in the holy war!"

"Unfortunate, the enemy is very strong! And there are a lot of them! They caught their father when he was weak! And my father used the last time to open the portal and sent me back here!" Li Jiaming said with a sad face, but soon he roared resolutely

"So I asked my brothers! What will happen to you if the enemy invades your home?

"Kill him! Suck his blood!" The blood clan under the stage was stunned, and then answered loudly

"What will happen to you if humans launch an attack on our last western region?"

"Fight to the death! Vow to defend our last holy land!" The angry answer of the blood clan under the stage

"Earth! It's my hometown! There are also compatriots of our blood clan! My father! In order to protect the home of the earth! Caught by the octopus monster! What should we do?" Li Jiaming roared loudly

"Kill it! Rescue the lord! Get rid of the eight-clawed monster!" The roar of the response from the stage

"Kill the past! Rescue the lord! "Exvict the octopus monster" Li Jiaming roared angrily

"Kill it! Rescue the lord! Get rid of the eight-claw monster

"Kill the past! Rescue the lord! "Rel away the eight-claw monster" shouted together in response. Seeing his successful call for the fighting spirit of the blood clan, Li Jiaming showed a smile that no one would notice.

"Quiet!" Federick made a majestic sound, and the scene immediately calmed down.

"Fedtick, please vote on whether to send troops to rescue my father! Get rid of the octopus creatures on earth!" Panson looked solemnly at Fedetic.

"Panson! Your father is also a person I admire! But this matter is very important! We need to have a meeting before we can decide!" After all, Fedetic is the head of parliament. What he said is quite weighty

"What's there to discuss! Kill it! Rescue the lord! Get rid of the eight-clawed monster!" Someone under the stage roared, and the surrounding blood clans seemed to intend to continue shouting slogans

"Quiet!" Federick roared majestically again, and then he glanced at the surrounding blood clan and said in a slightly gentle tone

"Earth, a place we are not familiar with! This is not like Arad. We have known any corner of the Aland for tens of thousands of years! So we must know more about the earth before we can send people there! This requires Li Jiaming to explain to us in more detail! As the head of parliament, I must be complicated about anything related to the fate of the blood clan! I will announce my feelings about this matter after tomorrow's meeting! Now the banquet is over! Everyone, please come back!" After experiencing this, Fedetic felt that there was no need to continue the party. His original plan was changed by this sudden change, which put him into a passive situation.