mutation killing

Chapter 87 · Out of control

When Panson arrived at the Sams family castle, a two-meter-long silver beam of light shot straight into Samus's room from the sky, and its fierce energy completely dispersed the dark clouds that had been dense over the whole west.

A considerable number of blood clans have gathered outside the castle of the Rimell family, and the thirteen senators gathered around. Panson found Sams' figure from it and immediately walked over.

"What's going on?"

"This has to be asked your brother!" Sams has a strange expression

"My brother? Li Jiaming? What's wrong with him?" Panson asked puzzledly

"I don't know either! I was studying his blood, but after he asked me about the accumulation of blood energy, I didn't say anything. When I didn't pay attention to it correctly, there was already a hazy silver light gathered to Li Jiaming's body. Finally, the energy became more and more violent, and I couldn't stay in the room. To be precise, I didn't have any castle. The way to stay! So my whole family had to come out, and then it became what you see now!"

"I'll go and have a look!" Panson did not give up and planned to walk in, but he retreated to the castle just near Sams

How's it going? I said no! You are not the only one who wants to go in, but many people have tried it! When you get close to the castle about five meters, the violent energy makes it difficult for you to enter any more," Sams said.

"Yes! I feel it! It seems that if I take another step, this violent energy will smash me! I dare not try! This is really caused by my brother!" Pan Sen said with lingering heart

"It's true!" Sams nodded with certainty.

And Li Jiaming is now in the center of this silver-like beam of substance. Originally, Li Jiaming just planned to try to absorb the power of moonlight and can't absorb the energy of moonlight. After all, this is someone else's saying. You have to try it yourself to give up.

When he closes his eyes and carefully feels the feeling of the moonlight shining on his body, he can obviously feel that the silver energy around him shines down through the moonlight and then enters his skin and collects into his blood.

But this process is really quite slow. Such precipitation is like a drop of water falling into the sea. No wonder the high-level blood clans have lived for thousands of years. Only the accumulated precipitation of tens of thousands of adults can accumulate such a large amount of energy.

Li Jiaming also tried to contact and attract these energies, but as Sams said, it was completely ineffective. Just when Li Jiaming wanted to give up, he suddenly remembered the fact that the spiritual beads attracted the blood scripture that led to the fusion with his blood.

Li Jiaming resisted the bone erosion pain brought by the golden spirit beads to attract the silver energy around him, and tried to touch it for five seconds! This five-second pain made Li Jiaming wet in an instant.

But suddenly there was a silver light around it and was attracted by the spirit beads, which was like a little Mars thrown into 10,000 tons of explosives, and there was a violent reaction in an instant.

The first thing that was ignited was the eight killing golden elixirs in Li Jiaming's field. After the original black golden killing golden elixir absorbed a trace of silver energy from the spiritual beads, the eight golden elixir was stained by the silver energy and immediately rotated violently, emitting silver light at the same time.

Li Jiaming naturally noticed that there was something wrong with killing Jindan in his body. When he took a closer look, the killing Jindan was moving slowly. The original eight killing Jindan only formed a circle in Li Jiaming's Dantian, but now Li Jiaming found that the killing was actually moving, as if in Form a shape.

When the change was completed, the eight killing golden elixir actually formed a spoon shape, which looked like the Big Dipper in the sky, and one of the golden elixirs occupied the North Star.

When the killing golden elixir completed the shape change of the Big Dipper, a strong silver light suddenly burst out, which produced a strong attraction, and the silver energy sprinkled by the surrounding moonlight was attracted by the killing golden elixir.

Not only that, with more and more absorbed energy, the attraction is increasing. When Li Jiaming realizes that something is wrong, a silver-white beam of light has formed in the sky to cover him.

It's useless for Li Jiaming to stop now, because he finds that his body can't move at all! A large amount of energy in the sky rushed to Li Jiaming's body.

Li Jiaming noticed that the influx of moonlight energy around him was the golden elixir occupying the position of the North Star among the eight killing golden elixirs! The condensed silver-white beam energy in the sky is injected directly into the golden elixir that occupies the position of the North Star through its own body.

Then the golden elixir injected a large amount of energy to become brighter and brighter. The original black gold of the killing golden elixir could not be seen at all, looking like a silver diamond.

When the killing golden elixir in the position of the North Star was completely transformed into a silver substance photosphere, its energy began to flow into the Big Dipper below, and the killing golden elixir in the position of the Big Dipper became brighter and brighter and finally completely condensed.

Then the huge energy began to precipitate into Li Jiaming's blood, and his body began to emit silver light. A pair of thick golden wings penetrated through the body, and the 20 meters long wings continued to grow and soon broke through 100 meters. Dense spells began to appear on its golden wings, and these spells became more and more The more intensive.

Panson and others around the castle were surprised to find that a pair of golden spell-filled wings stretched out of the wall in Samus's room, and they were constantly growing and bigger!

"Wings of the Lord!" Sams's surprised expression

"Li Jiaming... has become the lord? No way!" Pan Sen was also surprised to see Li Jiaming for more than a day. He obviously only had the power to approach the deputy lord level. How could he reach the lord level so quickly!

"Master!" Sidoa has been guarding around Samus Castle since he was summoned by Li Jiaming. Because Sams did not take him in, it was naturally difficult for him to enter. When he saw the golden bat wings full of spells, Sidoa's face was excited and he knew that Li Jiaming's strength had been greatly improved.

When Li Jiaming's wings grew to about 200 meters, the moonlight energy that can be accumulated by blood in his body has reached a quite horrible level, which can be said to be completely saturated! Together with Li Jiaming's bones, they emitted a silver light.

However, the injection of this silver-white light column energy still shows no sign of stopping. The blood and body have reached saturation, and a large amount of energy is re-injected into the Big Dipper. In the dark, a little shining photoelectricity began to appear around the Big Dipper in Li Jiaming's Dantian, and the energy gathered in the Big Dipper began to these shining lights. At the point, these light spots become brighter and brighter after being injected with energy.

Li Jiaming reads books with his only constellation knowledge. The light spots near the North Star in Dantian faintly form the shape of the big bear constellation. Is his Dantian going to become a star map? Li Jiaming felt that he could not laugh or cry.

However, as this did not develop as Li Jiaming imagined, after the formation of a complete big bear constellation in Dantian, its horrible energy began to be transmitted to Li Jiaming's body.

Originally, Li Jiaming's body had reached a saturated state in the previous transportation, but now a large amount of energy has been collected, which is like a balloon blowing up to gas into it, and it will explode if you are not careful.

Li Jiaming felt that his body seemed to expand, and the indescribable squeeze filled his whole body. Li Jiaming even felt that his flesh and blood were constantly being crushed and then being repaired in this violent energy.

The wings that originally reached 200 meters stopped stretching began to grow again, but this time it was not normal growth. Li Jiaming roared in pain, and the wings behind him were constantly swelling! The golden skin was torn and a lot of blood flowed out, and the dense charms on it were broken one after another.

Soon Li Jiaming's whole wings became bloody, 500 meters in size! However, not a drop of blood fell down, and its blood has been highly condensed. It can be said that it is completely full of moonlight energy. As long as one drop can be regarded as the accumulation of an ordinary blood clan for thousands of years.

Li Jiaming's flesh and bones are constantly being destroyed and repaired. This repeated destruction and repair forged Li Jiaming's body like steel, like making steel. Li Jiaming's body can be destroyed and repaired more than a hundred times, or even thousands of times in a short period of time! Later, the bones and flesh of Li Jiaming's whole body almost became silver! It is completely condensed by pure moonlight energy.

Although Li Jiaming's body is constantly strengthening the cocoon, the energy of the moonlight is too huge. Li Jiaming has uncontrollably turned into a violent beast. His body has been doubled to more than six meters high, and Sams' room has been completely destroyed.

In this way, Li Jiaming must only explode directly like a balloon blown up. At that time, even if Li Jiaming, who was blown to pieces, had no matter how powerful he had, no matter how horrible the resilience he was.

The horrible energy kept pressing in, and Li Jiaming gradually couldn't stand it. He turned his eyes and completely fainted, so that anyone could experience the pain of thousands of bone flesh being constantly crushed and reorganized in a short period of time.

Li Jiaming has persisted for a long time with his strong consciousness of exercising under the spiritual beads. Until now, he fainted and his willpower can be said to be quite strong!

However, the inflow of moonlight energy will not stop because of Li Jiaming's coma. A large amount of energy is still pouring in. Many knowledgeable blood clans around him have begun to evacuate. Anyone can find that Li Jiaming's body is growing uncontrollably, and maybe Li Jiaming will explode the next moment.

"Panson! Get out of here, Li Jiaming is going to explode! Damn it! My castle!" Sams shouted at Panson and ran away first.

"Damn!" Pan Sen took a look at Li Jiaming, who had risen round, squeezed his fist tightly, and began to evacuate.

"Hey, I still needed to consider ways to deal with him! As a result, I found my own way to die! That's great! I don't know if the blood sacred scripture on his body will stay after the explosion." Saen smiled coldly and quickly evacuated after taking a look at Li Jiaming.

Many blood clans have the same idea as Saien. Although they have evacuated, they have not gone too far. They have read proud defensive spells one after another. Everyone wants to rob the possible blood clan scriptures as soon as possible after Li Jiaming's death.

But they don't know that according to the energy absorbed by Li Jiaming now, if Chengdu explodes, the whole Aland continent may disappear because of this.

Many blood clans who had been watching around the castle have withdrawn from the scene one after another. Only one person is still staring at Li Jiaming, who is constantly growing and round, that is, Sidoya.

"Satan! The ancestor Cain! Bless my master!" Sidoa kept praying that he did not leave even if he knew that Li Jiaming's explosion would kill him.

has gradually expanded to 30 meters in size, and Li Jiaming's body, which is completely like a ball, began to show traces of cracking. The silver light is revealed from the traces of cracking. Maybe Li Jiaming will explode the next moment.