mutation killing

Chapter 98 · Tenth Thunder Robbery

Finally, the thunder and lightning remaining on Li Jiaming's body dissipated, and the three-meter body fell to the ground, and the bones kept shrinking back to the size of a normal human.

However, there was still no bleeding on its slightly golden bones. Li Jiaming raised his head with difficulty. He only looked at the body with only bones left in his empty eyes, and his face seemed to be a little helpless.

The nine thunderstorms finally passed. Li Jiaming breathed a long sigh of relief. Although there were only bones left, he finally survived. Now Li Jiaming lies on the ground and doesn't want to move.

"Li Jiaming, trying to stimulate the energy of the blood clan can promote the growth of flesh and blood," Samus said aside.

"Can I help you? Li Jiaming?" Eluo ke asked from a long distance, but he still didn't dare to approach Li Jiaming, because he was not sure whether the thunderstorm had passed.

"No, let me lie down for a while. Nine thunderstorms have passed!" Li Jiaming listened to Sams's suggestion and tried his best to stimulate the blood energy in the heart. Without the body, he could even make a sound. Blood vessels extended from the heart, and soon the corresponding muscle and internal organs grew next to each other. Without the thunder, he destroyed the flesh and blood in his body. Li Jiaming's resilience was still very horrible. When he spoke When his vocal cords have grown up.

Hearing Li Jiaming say that nine thunderstorms have passed, although they don't know why they are nine, everyone thinks that at least there will be no more terrible lightning in the sky, and one vampire of the four surrounded them.

Especially Samus is the fastest one to run. Li Jiaming's body can quite attract him. Well, don't misunderstand this. It attracts Samus's research.

"Hey, Aunt Shirley, don't come over." Seeing that Shirley seemed to be coming, Li Jiaming quickly stopped her. He was wearing nothing. After the muscles grow, the whole body is **.

As soon as Shirley wanted to ask the reason, she immediately reacted and stopped moving forward.

"Elock, you can get him into the house first, and then check him to see if any important organs have been electrocuted by lightning!" Shirley didn't know whether she was concerned or sarcastic, but after Li Jiaming heard this sentence, a black line appeared on his forehead - an important organ was electrocuted? My brother hasn't used it yet! Keep it with your niece! Li Jiaming thought evilly in his heart.

Just as Elok was about to pick up Li Jiaming, a strange feeling suddenly appeared in his heart, as if the end of the world was coming, and the stopped muffled thunder roared again.

"Leave!" Li Jiaming's face changed. Before, he instinctively thought that there were only nine thunderstorms. After the ninth one, his heart was relieved and even ignored that the strange feeling did not disappear.

And this time, the feeling was completely boiling, gushing out like a volcanic eruption, and a red thunder fell silently in the sky. This thunder was not as thick as the hair, but the horrible energy emitted made everyone present feel like the end of the world.

The red thunderstorm landed very quickly, and in less than a blink of an eye had passed through the branches blocking the sky. After the red thunder passed through the cabin, the vision suddenly widened, and a large amount of carbon slag fell from the air.

Just passing through the branches that covered the sky, this red thunderbolt cleared the whole sky full of crisscrossed branches the size of a football field, and a large number of branches directly carbonized into ashes before they burned.

If the red thunder falls, not to mention whether Li Jiaming can bear it, the people around him will definitely be electrocuted by the Yu Wei of the thunderstorm.

Seeing that the owner was in danger, the golden dragon Ellensbet immediately stretched out his huge golden wings to try to resist the red thunderbolt.

As soon as a 200-meter-long golden wing touched the golden lightning, Ellensbet let out a miserable howl. The golden wings began at the contact point with the red thunderstorm and instantly sanded, during which there was no trace of flesh and blood.

The speed of sanding is very fast, and it has spread to the middle of the wings in less than a second from the tip of the wings. It seems that if the sanding is not stopped, it will definitely spread to the whole body of the golden dragon.

"Spet! Tear off the wings!" As Alok's summoning beast, the golden dragon Elensbet can be said to be connected with him.

Elok has just shouted this sentence, and the golden dragon has taken action. The huge golden head bit its wings in the thunderstorm, tearing the whole wing from the root, and a large amount of golden blood spewed out of the wound.

The torn wings were thrown aside by the golden dragon, and the 200-meter-long wings had been completely sanded in an instant. If it hadn't been for Ellock's timely reminder, maybe the ninth-order golden dragon Ellensbet would have died of thunder and sandification.

Elensbette, the golden dragon, lost his wings but bought a second for Li Jiaming. Li Jiaming jumped up to the red thunder without any hesitation and shouted at the same time.

"Run! The farther the better!"

In any case, this thunderstorm was caused by himself. If Elock and others die for this reason, Li Jiaming will be very guilty. Now he only hopes to give up his life and buy them time to escape.

Li Jiaming began to stimulate the energy in his body crazily from the beginning. The killing golden elixir of the big bear constellation spewed out energy crazily, and the silver gathered spiritual beads like a star was also crazily extracted energy from it by Li Jiaming.

Li Jiaming kept sending this horrible energy to his golden left arm, and only his left arm could withstand such a huge amount of energy. If it was his right arm, it would have exploded because of too much energy.

Shadow Blood Fantasy has been launched for a short time, and it can't be launched for the second time. The speed of the red thunderstorm can't urge the palm to block him, but even if there is time to launch the palm Wanyin, it is estimated that it has no effect on the red thunderstorm. The only thing Li Jiaming can rely on is the golden left. Arm.

Li Jiaming rushed to the red thunderstorm, and his left arm mixed with this huge energy bombarded the red thunder with the thickness of hair. The sensational trajectory of his golden left arm actually tore some black gaps in the surrounding space.

Golden's left arm touched the red thunder with the thickness of his hair, and there was no sound during this period. If it was a silent movie, everyone around him felt that his heart seemed to have been pinched fiercely.

Then the flesh and blood of Li Jiaming's whole body exploded. The newly reborn flesh and blood suddenly burst from Li Jiaming's body like popcorn, revealing the bloody bones, and then the remaining blood evaporated, leaving only a slightly golden skeleton.

When everyone thought that Li Jiaming was destroyed and smashed in an instant, and then he was carbonized by the remnant of the robbery, a miracle happened. Li Jiaming's golden left arm withstood the landing red thunder in the air. Although his whole body became only a skeleton again, it did withstand it!

Everyone looked at Li Jiaming with a shocked face, and then Elok immediately reacted and pulled everyone to escape to the distance. The golden dragon with a broken wing returned directly to the whirlpool.

Li Jiaming, who resisted the red thunderstorm, had no time to take care of the situation around him. He knew that life and death were fighting here, and he had devoted himself to the control of his left arm to feel any slight change in his left arm.

Li Jiaming's body is no longer there. The golden left arm withstands a lot of power of red thunder, and its residual current is still destroying Li Jiaming's bones.

The slightly golden bones have begun to crack under the erosion of the terrible thunder, and tiny cracks have covered Li Jiaming's whole body.

If you lose your internal organs, you may still grow up. If you lose your internal organs and bones, you don't know if Li Jiaming still has such great ability to come back to life.

However, Li Jiaming could not be distracted to pay attention to the problem of cracks in his bones. The red thunderbolt made him unable to distract him. His consciousness was highly compatible with the golden left arm, but even if he could be distracted by his bone condition, there was no way to change. It can't stop the red thunder from disappearing like ashes.

Pang, a crack appeared in the golden left arm under the erosion of the red thunder, which made Li Jiaming horrified. Since he got this left arm, he has never seen this left arm damaged. Its strength and mystery make it difficult for Li Jiaming to believe that there is anything else in the world that can destroy this left arm.

But this situation was broken. Ten seconds after resisting the thunderstorm, a crack appeared on the golden left arm, and a three-meter-long left arm crack extended from the palm to the shoulder.

Then there were more and more cracks, and the cracks began to spread from the palm, and soon the whole three-meter-long gold left arm was covered with dense cracks.

Although Li Jiaming noticed this, he couldn't adapt all this. His left arm was broken and he only lost an arm, but he would definitely die if he couldn't stop the thunder! And Elok and others behind him may also be affected.

Thinking of this, Li Jiaming sent energy into his left arm more crazily in order to survive the bombardment of the red thunderbolt.

Pa! Another crisp sound came out, and a trace of despair flashed in Li Jiaming's empty eyes. From the golden bone spur extending out of his palm, the whole golden left arm began to disperse.

It's over! Li Jiaming thought in his heart, and this distraction, the red thunder shot down Li Jiaming from the sky, and then the remaining red thunder bombarded the ground.

Boom! The whole continent of Aland shook fiercely, and a violent energy storm blew in the forest of mythical beasts, and a large number of low-level mythical beasts were easily wiped out by this plundering storm.

Elock's hut was first damaged in this energy storm. As soon as the grazed energy storm touched the house, it completely tore it apart, like confetti torn into countless pieces and sprinkled in the wind. A large number of thick trees around it were uprooted and broken. One night was a disaster for the whole Mythical Beast Forest.

Fortunately, Shirley summoned her own mythical beast when Li Jiaming jumped up to resist the red thunder. Although Shirley is only an eighth-order mythical beast master, her mythical beast is also an eighth-order flying mythical beast, which is not much smaller than the golden dragon. The mythical beast has red feathers and colorful feathers on its tail. , like the legendary phoenix image on earth,

Shirley's mythical beast carried this group of people to fly out of the mythical beast forest at a critical time. Fortunately, the flight speed of the mythical beast was not bad, and under the full urging of Shirley, it raised its speed to the extreme.

As soon as everyone flew to the edge of the Mythical Beast Forest, the horrible energy storm came from behind, and its spread was quite fast. The residual energy storm quickly caught up with the people who escaped from the Mythical Beast, and the violent airflow generated blew the eighth-order Phoenix-like Mythical Beast beyond its own body.

The energy storm swept over, and everyone looked at the Mythical Beast Forest behind them with a shocked expression. The clouds in the sky had disappeared, and the starlight fell again. Only then did everyone feel that the previous red lightning was the real last thunderstorm.

"Li he... dead?" Shirley stopped flying phoenix.

"I don't know, the possibility of living in this horrible lightning..." Elok didn't finish speaking, and his eyes showed panic, and he seemed to be still afraid of the destructive red thunder.

"Go and have a look! Maybe... I mean, maybe Li Jiaming still has a glimmer of vitality. As long as the blood clan's heart and brain have been there is still hope of rebirth..." When Sams said this, he didn't seem to believe that Li Jiaming would survive in this terrible lightning. He felt a pity for the fall of a genius like Li Jiaming, and at the same time, I was relieved that I had escaped.

PS: Click to collect. Today's third update is Chapter 100. Xiaosha wanted to celebrate, and the new book was sent to Chapter 100 as a souvenir...