mutation killing

Chapter 99 · Survival

pS: Today, Chapter 100 will be posted. Xiaosha thought about tonight's 100th chapter and will be updated a little later ~ Evening: 10:00 on time to open a post in the comment area to post as a souvenir. Hey, friends who support Xiaosha go to post and send a blessing. 10:00, although there is an extra 0, these are expectations. I hope this book can write 1000 chapters~~Gaga~~100 chapter commemorative post...

When Elock and others returned to their hut, there was only a huge hole left, which was full of melted and solidified soil again.

The dense woods in half the basketball court-sized field have completely disappeared, and even a branch cannot be found.

"Can Li Jiaming... survive?" Elok looked at the pit below on Shirley's mythical beast and was shocked. He didn't expect that just a thin red thunder and lightning could cause so much damage.

"Maybe..." Sams obviously lacked confidence when he said this.

"Look! What is that?" Shirley was also searching for Li Jiaming's figure, and suddenly a golden light flashed in the pit on the ground.

"Go down and have a look!" Elok also noticed the flashing golden light.

Shirley gave an order for the mythical beast to land, and one of the four vampires on her back jumped to the ground. She looked carefully at the golden light that Shirley noticed was actually a golden finger exposed outside the soil.

"Dig and have a look!" Shirley said to Mike that the strongest body here is Mike, who is two meters tall and has muscles all over his body. Of course, he will complete this kind of physical work.

When everyone dug out the golden finger, it turned out to be a mutilated skeleton, a golden head, connected to half of the left chest cavity, and there were only three ribs left in the chest cavity, one of which was half broken.

Surprisingly, a red heart in the chest is protected by a hazy silver blood energy, but the heart does not beat.

The left chest cavity is connected to this red-gold arm, which is the most intact compared with this incomplete skeleton. There is no lack of flesh and blood on it, but it looks very strong, but this arm is much smaller than Li Jiaming's pure gold arm that day, only about two meters long, and And the color is also different.

"Is this Li Jiaming?" Shirley asked in disbeliebe, and a good young man suddenly became like this.

"It should be..." Samus walked in and looked at it. "There is still very weak blood energy in the heart. He is the only one except me!"

"Is he dead like this?" Stein, with a white beard, asked.

"I don't know, I don't think so... His heart is still there, but I can't feel his breath..." Sams is also not sure that Li Jiaming's current physical condition is beyond his cognition. He has never seen the blood clan suffer such a serious injury, not to mention that Li Jiaming is not an ordinary blood clan.

"So this skeleton... Well, what about Li Jiaming?" Mike asked.

"Can you do this? Take it back! Otherwise, how can I explain to Liluo that Shirley raised her tone

"It's even more difficult for Li Jiaming to explain to Liluo like this." Eluo ke thought so, but he didn't say it.

"Where are we going now?" Sams asked

"Ah! Damn it! My home is ruined! My research results! The sample is gone!" Sams mentioned where to go, which reminded Elock of the ground where his house was supposed to be, and his face suddenly looked sore.

"Go to my place first, only I'm the closest to Ilock!" Shirley proposed

"There is only such a thing first," Elock nodded and continued, "Shirley, you take Li Jiaming back first. I'm waiting for Kieran. By the way, let's see if there is anything left in the room. Kieran is really lucky. He was called out by us to buy things!"

"Okay, pay attention to your safety" Shirley took Li Jiaming's mutilated skeleton and others to sit back on his mythical beast.

"Don't worry, I have Spit... Er... Spit!" When it comes to Spait Ellot, he didn't know what happened when he thought that his golden dragon was robbed and broke a wing in an instant.

"What's wrong... Elok" There was a whirlpool in the sky, despite the golden dragon's head not even coming out, and its voice seemed very weak.

"Are you all right?" Elok asked with concern

"It's okay... It's just that I broke a wing, which has a little impact on the performance of strength. Let me rest for a while." Ellensbette was weak when he spoke.

"I'm sorry, Spit, have a good rest!" Elock said apologetically, and then the whirlpool in the air gradually disappeared.

"What should I do?" Shirley, who was already planning to take off, asked.

"I'll stay. Elok can find your place and I'll go with him in a while." Samus jumped off the Mythical Beast.

Shirley nodded to Sams. With this blood lord, Elock would definitely be all right, and then ordered her mythical beast to fly.

This is a small town not far from the southwest of the Mythical Beast Forest. The name is Longquan Town, because there is a mountain spring near the town. So he has this name.

Where there are mountain springs, there are naturally mountains. There is a hut on the mountainside of a towering mountain not far from Longquan Town. Its style is almost the same as Eluo ke's cabin in the Mythical Beast Forest, and even the decoration in the room is almost the same.

There is a pond outside the small house, and a large number of mountain springs fall from the waterfall on the edge of the pond, and then pass through this pond into the mountain spring near Longquan Town.

At this time, the sun was shining brightly. Outside the house, there was a beautiful short-haired woman, a handsome man, a strong man with black skin and two meters tall, and a white-haired old man seemed to be doing some experiments.

At the door of the cabin, there was a dry old man who looked very old. His skin was very pale, but his eyes flashed wisely from time to time. He stood in the shadow of the door and looked at the four people outside doing experiments.

An old man in the house who seemed to be in his sixties dressed very carefully, and his clothes did not even have any wrinkles. He was carefully wiping the furniture or decorations in the house. He repeatedly wiped everything dozens of times until he was completely satisfied.

And on the second floor of this cabin, in a room by the window, there is a broken golden skeleton in the room**, leaving only one skull half of the left chest and a two-meter-long red gold arm.

At this time, it has been a week since Li Jiaming caused the disaster, and the skeleton was also placed in the second floor room for a week, but under Kieran's careful cleaning, the whole room was still unstained, and the skeleton wrapped in Li Jiaming was carefully wiped by him.

At that time, Kieran couldn't even believe that this was Li Jiaming. He had been in contact with Li Jiaming for a period of time, but Kieran always thought that Li Jiaming was a human or a martial artist. When he saw this incomplete skeleton and was told that Li Jiaming was not dead, he knew that it was so unusual to have contact with him before. . At the same time, Kieran also hoped that Li Jiaming could wake up quickly so that he would know the news of Princess Liluo earlier.

"Master Sams, look! We succeeded! We took back another one! Shirley, this place is so good! The scenery is good! Good luck!" Elok shouted excitedly, holding a crystal ball that had just been withdrawn from the black hole.

"Go! Go and see what's recorded this time!" Mike suggested that the four people outside the house walk towards the house.

At this time, two blue flames suddenly rose in the hollow eyes of Li Jiaming's mutilated skeleton on the second floor, and the skeleton that had not been moved for a long time moved, and the heart shrouded in a hazy energy in the chest cavity beat fiercely.

If Sidoa is here, he will be surprised to find that the rise in the eyes of Li Jiaming's golden head is actually the inflammation of the soul, which will only occur after the soul is highly condensed.

Although blue is the lowest level of soul inflammation, its degree of condensation can be said to be quite difficult. The ninth-order mythical beast master swordsman of the mainland, including Shada, and even the dead strongest god of war, has not condensed the blue soul inflammation, which is just a legend in the undead summoning in the Cappadocia clan. Say.

Having the inflammation of the soul can almost mean that the soul is immortal. Even if the body is completely destroyed, as long as the container that can carry the soul is found again, its existence can also continue, and what rises in Li Jiaming's golden eyes is the inflammation of the soul.

Li Jiaming opened his eyes and looked at everything strange around him. He was a little confused. With the return of his memory, Li Jiaming found that he was not dead and survived.

Of course, when he just wanted to sit up, he found that he could not move. The golden skull was raised. Li Jiaming saw his mutilated body, and the blue flame in his eyes shook.

"It's really miserable this time! Sure enough, the novels on the earth can't be trusted, but the nine thunderstorms have dropped ten! NND's golden skull fell again in **, and Li Jiaming smiled bitterly in his heart, "But no matter what, at least he survived"

Li Jiaming took a deep breath, but it seemed that his head just moved, and at this time, Li Jiaming found that the world he felt was different.

It is surrounded by hazy green light spots, which are very dense and ubiquitous. Through these lights, Li Jiaming can clearly feel that the people downstairs are watching this crystal ball. Even Li Jiaming can see the graphics in the crystal ball and feel that Elok is constantly transported from his hand to the crystal. The energy in the ball.

And these green light spots seem to be able to listen to their own call. When their minds move, the surrounding green light spots quickly gathered to form a pigeon egg-sized light ball over Li Jiaming's head.

This feeling is very strange. If the feeling of waking up after causing moonlight energy* in the blood clan is only the expansion of energy, then the feeling after waking up this time is omnipotent control. It seems that the world is integrated with himself. Li Jiaming's senses can easily be emitted with the help of the green light spots around him. When I opened it, I saw everything around me, such as the mountain spring outside the room, such as the fish swimming in the mountain spring.

Li Jiaming's mind moved to disperse the green light balls gathered on his head. He did not dare to test the power at will. It would be too troublesome if there were other people in the house to cause damage again. Thinking of this, there was a trace of apology in Li Jiaming's heart. Eluo ke's house must have been destroyed because of himself, otherwise he would not have appeared. This strange place.

Li Jiaming tried to stand up and found that he could not move at all, but his left arm could be used. When Li Jiaming woke up, his left arm also gave him a new feeling.

Originally, Li Jiaming thought that his left arm had been destroyed in the fight against the red thunderstorm, but it seemed that it had not been destroyed. Instead, it seemed to be stronger, like a piece of iron had been forged into steel.

Although the left arm has changed from more than three meters long to only about two meters now, it feels very much like his left arm. It doesn't always have some grudges when he used his left arm. Li Jiaming was even surprised to find that he could use energy through his left arm, unlike the previous energy entering the left arm.

Generally speaking, the left arm has become stronger and more real after experiencing the thunderstorm, rather than being placed on itself like a prosthetic limb before.

And now Li Jiaming is thinking about how to grow into the bones of other parts of his body and then make blood, otherwise he can't live like this all the time, which will scare the children.

seemed to be inspired by Li Jiaming. The surrounding green light spots boiled up, and a large number of green light spots surged to Li Jiaming's mutilated skeleton, some of which crowded Li Jiaming's heart.

After receiving the injection of green light spots, Li Jiaming's heart, which had not been beating for a long time, beat heavily three times, and even made three thumping sounds.

You should know that the low-level blood heart may beat like a normal person after becoming a blood clan, but it is much slower than a normal person. The higher the blood class, the slower the heart beats. When it comes to the lord, the heart will hardly beat, so the blood of the blood clan is also the source of energy.

And Li Jiaming's heart beat four times after waking up, which was absolutely impossible for the blood clan, but it happened to Li Jiaming.

With the beating of Li Jiaming's heart, vigorous energy spewed out of his heart, accompanied by green light spots into various parts of his body.

After the people downstairs who were concentrating on watching the crystal ball scene heard the three loud thongs, they raised their heads one after another, and they felt as if the surrounding energy was gathering over their sky.