mutation killing

Chapter 106 · Bureau 5

PS: Xiaosha thanks his friends who have always supported Xiaosha, especially his brothers who voted for Xiaosha after 12 o'clock... Xiaosha is very moved. He often sees several votes growing at 12 o'clock. In addition, I still hope that my brother can help Xiaosha publicize more.

Li Jiaming was in big trouble this time. Siberia died in his room, and he was alone at that time. Then he pursued the peering blood clan, but only one body was found.

The more blood clans around them gathered, they distanced themselves from Li Jiaming but pointed out from time to time. At the same time, most of the blood clans looked at Li Jiaming with an angry face.

"The evidence is conclusive! Li Jiaming looks at how you explain it. Saien's proud voice came. He was not sad because of the death of the blood clan, as if he was only happy that he could punish Li Jiaming.

Li Jiaming was too lazy to speak. He stood still, and his brain kept spinning.

(Do you want to transfer the tiger away from the mountain? Send a blood clan to attract my attention, and then take the opportunity to kill Siberia! He is very confident in his strength! Make sure I kill Siberia before I return! Since you are so confident in your own strength, why don't you kill me directly? Because I can't go to the earth without my blood clan? No! Even if I die, as long as Sams knows the way to go to the earth, will he tell the rest of the blood clan? Or he was aware of my hidden power, so he didn't dare to attack me directly and could only block it from the side. How did this man know that Siberia would come to me? Can he observe the regional code of the blood clan at any time? What do the two have in common the black smoke produced by the escape of the Riverno family?)

Li Jiaming thought about the surroundings and suddenly calmed down. This unusual silence made Li Jiaming wake up from thinking. Fredrick, dressed in a black robe, stood in front of Li Jiaming, looked at the body of the Reveno blood clan and stared at Li Jiaming seriously and asked

"Did you kill it?"

"I said no, do you believe it?" Li Jiaming replied coldly.

Fedtic didn't say anything, just looked at Li Jiaming seriously with a pair of red eyes and said after a sound

"Bear the body back to the castle of Parliament, and 13 members have a meeting!"

As soon as Federick turned around, a blood clan ran to him and whispered a few words. Randomly, he looked at Li Jiaming with surprised and angry eyes.

"back to parliament!"

Fedrick seemed to be angry and turned to the castle of Parliament.

In the castle hall of the parliament, the atmosphere was very solemn, but Sean looked proud, like an ugly daughter-in-law giving birth to a beautiful baby.

The body of the dry Siberian and the body of the blood clan named Cumo of the Riverno family were put on the round table of the parliament hall together.

"Li Jiaming, how do you explain the death of Siberia and the death of the Refno family!" Fedetic asked seriously.

"I didn't kill it!" Li Jiaming said without emotion. He knew that the evidence in all aspects was against him, and it was useless to defend him. Now he is trying to think about all the clues and hope that he can find the murderer behind the scenes.

"Hmm! Do you still want to argue? The body was found in your room, and you are next to the Reveno blood clan, but who else is there?" Saien was very proud and could finally make Li Jiaming suffer. He felt comfortable.

"I haven't seen this blood clan of the Riverno family. Who can tell me who he is?" spoke by Pan Sen. Although he saw Li Jiaming escape from the body of Siberia, after Morgana showed him something, Panson still believed that Siberia was not killed by Li Jiaming. But he didn't understand the bloodline of the Riverno family.

"Our Referno family lord Cuomo has been on the mainland for a long time. He should have just returned today, but I didn't expect..." The speaker was Senator Sinjid, the lord of the Referno family. After saying that, he looked at Li Jiaming angrily. He had already painted Li Jiaming and the murderer who killed Cuomo in his heart. No.

"You said he just came back today?" Li Jiaming seemed to grasp a key, but the idea flashed by.

"Yes, I haven't seen him for a long time. Goodbye, he has become a corpse! Li Jiaming, he has no hatred with you. Why did you kill him? Sinjid roared angrily.

"You didn't ask him to peep at me?" Li Jiaming ignored Sinjid's anger and asked him a question.

"Hmm! Why did I ask him to peep at you? What are you peeping at! I haven't seen him for nearly a hundred years!" Sinjid snorted coldly and ignored Li Jiaming.

"Didn't you ask him to peep at me? Then who ordered him!" Li Jiaming clearly remembered that when Cumo wanted to say who was ordered, he felt that Siberia had sounded an alarm, which caused him to miss the key name, and the owner of the name was probably the owner behind the scenes.

"What are you pretending to be stupid? Let's vote for the penalty! There is no need to ink with him!" Sean said excitedly.

"Li Jiaming told us what happened at that time!" Morgana suddenly said.

"What does it matter if I don't say it or not? Didn't you think I killed it?" Li Jiaming sneered.

"Beria is the lord of my Torredo family and my proudest subordinate. I need to know the story of his death!" Morgana put away her past charm and became very serious.

"Well, Siberia came to my room to discuss things. We found that the blood of the Riverno family was eavesdropping. I chased out and intercepted Kumo, but I felt the sound waves from Siberia asking for help! When I went back, Siberia turned into a mummified corpse, and then I thought of the plan to transfer the tiger away from the mountain, and then returned to look for Kumo, he also died! That's it." After Li Jiaming briefly said what had happened, he took the matter of Birya to discuss with him.

"Nonsense! You said that Siberia came to you to discuss something. What can you have to discuss with him? Siberia should come to ask you for mercy after finding out that you were the real murderer of Oakes and De Carter, but you still killed him cruelly. As a result, Cuomo of the Riverno family found out that you didn't expect that Siberia was proficient in rhythm and could ask for help through sound waves, so you were arrested at the scene, and then you chased out to kill Cuomo together!" Sean stood up excitedly and pointed to Li Jiaming's nose and said.

Li Jiaming secretly felt funny in his heart, but Saien, an old monster, was very imaginative and made up another plot with his own explanation.

"I believe what Li Jiaming said!" Morgana stood up and said seriously,

"Magana? Although I know that your Torredo family and the Bruch family have always been a good relationship, it was Siberia that died! Lord of your family, do you even ignore the life of your blood clan in order to protect Li Jiaming? This will chill your people!" Saen was very excited and seemed to have to go to Li Jiaming and die.

"Saen, I will never tolerate killing people in Siberia! Even if he is a member of the Bruch family! I said this because the sound wave sent by Siberia recorded the appearance of the murderer. Panson and I have seen it. That's not Li Jiaming's body shape. Morgana said this without any emotion, but everyone could hear the murderous spirit in his tone.

"Mogana, do you have the appearance of a murderer? Show us!" Fedetick said.

"The sound wave is invisible to the naked eye. Panson lent him the sound and fantasy scriptures, but everyone knows in their hearts that I can't worry about giving you the sound and fantasy scriptures." It seemed that the death of Siberia stimulated Morgana, and her voice did not have any emotion from the beginning.

"Is there no way for us to see the shape of the murderer?" The speaker is Nethers of the Norfer family, the worst-looking family in the blood clan.

"Yes! Sound waves are generated by vibration, just like shock on soft things, such as **, smoke, etc.

"** is really not good. There seems to be no ** ability in the blood clan. As for the smoke..." Nethers fell into meditation and seemed to be thinking about who would smoke.

"Do you still need to think about this? The dark spell of the president of Fedetic's parliament will produce smoke. Just ask the president for help! I also want to see who is the guy who killed our three lords in a row." When Saen said this, he deliberately stared at Li Jiaming and almost pointed to Li Jiaming's nose and said that the murderer was you!

"Fedrick's parliament leader, good work!" Morgana looked at Fedic and took out a simple book from her arms. The cover of the book depicted three ripples, which should mean sound waves.

Fedtic saw that many legislators were looking at him without ambiguity. He stood up and cast a spell on the middle of the round table, and suddenly black smoke rose from the huge round table.

(Black smoke?)

Li Jiaming's eyelids jumped.

(The black smoke of the Remer family, the black smoke in his own room, is there any connection with the black smoke here? Is it Fedetick? Although he is strong, he should not have the ability to kill an enemy lord in an instant, right?)

Li Jiaming could clearly feel the strength of the epoch-old lord, and at the same time, he looked at the smoke on the round table.

Morgana seemed to recite a few spells. A wave of visible to the naked eye came from the scripture, and the smoke on the round table began to shake, and soon a humanoid shadow appeared in the smoke.

Looking at the body shape, this person is about two meters tall, and there are many rectangular parts on his body. It is estimated that it should be armor or something. The whole appearance looks very burly, and it is not like the thinness of the blood clan at all. If anyone among the many blood clans can meet this appearance, there is only...

All the blood clans in the parliament hall will look at Panson after seeing this image, and only Panson's burly body is similar to the shape that appears in the smoke.

"What do you think I do? The murderer is not me! I've always been with Morgana! If you don't believe it, ask her." Seeing that the people around him were paying attention to himself, Panson quickly explained.

"It's not Pansen. He has always been with me. I can't imagine who in the blood clan is like this." Morgana took back the magic scripture, and Fedetic also eliminated the smoke from the round table.

(It looks like Panson's body shape! Panson was not by my side when he committed several crimes, but this time Panson broke my door when I just rushed back. Didn't they feel the assassination of Siberia in the castle? Is it really Panson? But I don't think so. I'm his younger brother and my father's token. Even if he doesn't like me, it's unlikely that he should frame me, but why do I feel that this smoke is very familiar and seems to have seen it there?)

Li Jiaming's brain was spinning rapidly, but this time he did suspect the wrong person. The murderer was indeed Panson. Pan Sen did take Li Jiaming as his younger brother. Although he also had his motives, and Pan Sen and Morgana did not have the strength of Li Jiaming. When Siberia was killed, they did not feel that the murderer was doing the murder. When Siberia made a sound wave for help, they found that something was wrong, and when they rushed to Li Jiaming's room, the murderer was gone. , I only saw Li Jiaming who ran back to rescue.

"Isn't it that Li Jiaming has become a violent beast?" Seeing that Li Jiaming was the murderer when everyone was not in their arms, Saien quickly said.

Li Jiaming looked at Saen and just sneered and didn't say anything. He didn't even bother to defend himself.

"Saen, thanks to you still lived for tens of thousands of years, Li Jiaming turned into a violent beast at least three meters tall, and his body was full of bone spurs. What's going on? And when the blood clan scriptures are used, blood clan energy will burst out. How can Li Jiaming kill silently?" Panson laughed.

"Then... then... he will always kill the blood clan of the Riverno family, right?" Saen blushed and stammered, and suddenly he thought of the blood of the Riverno family.