mutation killing

Chapter 123 · Reversal 3

Dang! One sound.

The Qinggang sword cut heavily on his left arm and burst into a large spark, but the imaginary blood splashed, and the arm fell to the ground without happening. The red-gold left arm was still on Li Jiaming's shoulder, and the Qinggang sword was broken into a gap instead.

"Well, it seems that your left arm is quite strong. I just changed my mind!"

Fedlik looked at Li Jiaming with great interest.

Li Jiaming and Liluo were relieved to hear this sentence at the same time, but Fedetick's next words made the two of them nervous again.

"Since you can't cut off your left arm! Then cut off your limbs!"

Fedtic smiled ferociously and said viciously. He actually asked Li Jiaming to cut off his limbs!


Lillo exclaimed, but her fingers stroked her face and interrupted her words.

"Little girl, you can't protect yourself, or worry more about yourself"

Fedtic looked at Lilo gently, as if he were looking at his lover.

"Cut off your limbs, or I will kill this girl"

Fedtic suddenly looked at Li Jiaming fiercely.

Li Jiaming looked at Liluo in Fedetic's hand. In addition to his tender body, there was more determination in his eyes, and the Qinggang sword in his right hand was with his left hand.

"No...I want..."

Liro shook her head and tears came out silently.


Li Jiaming snorted, suddenly sweating coldly, his face was unnatural **, and his right arm fell in response, and a stream of blood spewed out.

Alok and others watched this happen not far away, but they were unable to stop it. They had a little more admiration for Li Jiaming and were also worried about the future of the Aland Continent.

"Hahaha, that's good! Keep your feet!"

Fedick looked at Li Jiaming with excitement.

Li Jiaming's breath was a little heavy. He raised his head and looked at Fedic with a sarcastic smile on the corners of his mouth. He knew very well the reason why Fedic asked him to give up his limbs.

Puff! With the spewing of two strands of blood, Li Jiaming cut off his legs at one time. At this time, his face had twisted with pain, and the loss of a large amount of blood made Li Jiaming's face look very pale.

Liluo kept shaking her head, and tears kept flowing out of her eyes. Liluo turned her head and looked at Li Jietmeng behind her, hoping that he could help her, but his second uncle, who was once loved most, had been buried in his head, with a struggling look but she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Good! OK! Now throw away the sword in your hand!"

Fedtic's expression became more and more excited.

Li Jiaming did not hesitate to throw away the Qinggang sword in his left hand. As soon as the Qinggang sword left Li Jiaming's hand, it directly dispersed into a natural force and floated into the surrounding air.

"Hahaha! If you don't have limbs and weapons, will you still be my opponent? Even if I don't get the natural power given by my master, you are no match for me! God's arm is mine!"

Fedtic smiled ferociously and held Liluo in one hand. His body suddenly appeared in front of Li Jiaming. An empty hand grabbed Li Jiaming's two-meter-long left arm and fell like a rag bag.

The ground vibrated continuously, and the ground near Fedic was broken by Li Jiaming's fall.

Li Jiaming lost his legs and an arm, and dissipated the green steel sword formed by the power of nature. In addition, Liluo only allowed herself to statter like a rag bag in Fedetyk's hand.

The continuous collision with the ground and the deliberate deployment of a layer of natural forces on the ground make Li Jiaming receive more damage every time. Except for Li Jiaming's heart, other internal organs have been broken in the continuous collision, and a large number of cracks in the golden bones begin to appear.

"You can really resist! I see how long you can hold on!"

Fedetic said ferociously that he could directly smash Li Jiaming's head, but he did not do so. Fedetic was more like to torture Li Jiaming before he died. Since God's arm was so strong, it was actually not the best choice to break Li Jiaming into meat sauce. He tripped again and again and felt The skin and muscles of the body gradually turned into meat sauce, and the bones shattered little by little, which made Fedtic excited to think about it.

Fedtic tripped Li Jiaming's body more vigorously and laughed wildly. The blood splashed from Li Jiaming's body had completely dyed the surrounding ground red.

Fedick's cruelty made Elok and others change color one after another. Although they all clenched their fists tightly, no one dared to go up. This huge gap in strength is like an egg hitting a stone.

Li Luo looked at Li Jiaming's dilapidated appearance, and her whole heart was broken, as if a person was cutting the flesh of her heart with a knife. Li Luo looked back at Li Jie Temeng again, but Li Jie Temeng still didn't say anything. When she looked at Li Jiaming again, there was already a trace of determination in her heart - Li Jiaming seemed to Death, then I would like to die with you.

Liluo closed her eyes and felt the power stimulated by the spiritual staff at the beginning, and the surrounding water elements slowly converged to the imperial city under the control of Lilo.

At this time, a space crack suddenly opened behind Li Jiaming, and Sidoa ran out of the crack.


Sedoa made an exclamation, and then became extremely angry. Originally, he concluded a contract with Li Jiaming only because he lived, but in the subsequent contact, his master did not treat himself like a servant at all. Instead, he treated him as a brother and gave him strength. Over time, Sidoa has been Li Jiaming is determined. Although he also wants to be a brother with Li Jiaming, he can't serve Li Jiaming like a servant. It has been Sidoya's greatest wish.

And now the owner who attaches the most importance to has been thrown into a rag bag. Sidoya is angry. He must tear the fragments of the people in front of him and throw them under the sun.

Sedoya's anger even made him forget how powerful Li Jiaming lost. Since the other party could trip Li Jiaming like a rag bag, he could fight against it and make the angry Sidoya ignore so much.

Sidoya did not hesitate to use the air to grab. This was the ability obtained after Li Jiaming gave him the power to the prince. A bloody claw print appeared in front of Fedetic out of thin air, but the air grab that could have torn the lord's flesh and blood only left a shallow scratch on Fedetic's body.

"Yo, isn't this Sidoa, the servant of our center? Then die with your master!"

Fedtic roared cruelly and directly smashed Li Jiaming in his hand as a weapon to Sidoa.

Sidoya's eyes were about to crack. When he saw that his master was thrown as a weapon like himself, he dared not fight back at all. Suddenly, he thought of what Li Jiaming gave him at the beginning.

A bottle appeared in Sidoya's hand and threw it directly to Ferrit, and a small bottle burst into a mass of smoke on Ferritick's head.


Looking at Sidoa taking out the bottle, Li Jiaming, who could no longer see the human appearance, made a hoarse voice. He was half dead, but Li Jiaming was still worried about Li Luo.

Sedoa frowned and was going to throw a small ball back in his arms. Then he began to quickly pronounce obscure spells, and a huge whirlpool appeared in the sky.

Fedic saw the small bottle thrown by Sidoa, but he didn't care. Until after the bottle burst into smoke on his head, he suddenly found that his body was temporarily unable to move.

The bottle was filled with three bottles of numbness medicine given by Shirley when she asked Li Jiaming to help Li Luo go to the West to find Shada. This numbness medicine was really powerful and could numb Fedetic for a second.

Although this time was only less than a second, it also made Fedelik sweat coldly. Fortunately, he let Li Jiaming waste himself before, otherwise less than this second was enough time for Li Jiaming to kill himself.

When Fedetic looked at Siddoya again, he was angry. This little prince almost killed himself. Fedetic took Li Jiaming and hit Sidoya, who was chanting spells again.

"You become meat sauce with your master!"

Fedtic roared ferociously.

At this time, the surrounding ground makes a rumble sound, which is getting louder and denser, like beasts in the forest.

Lolo's whole body was wrapped in a light blue light. That's why she also avoided the invasion of numbing potions. A large number of cracks appeared on the ground in the previous battle. With the acceleration of the roar, water columns spewed out of some cracks, and then the water columns instantly became thicker and larger, and the thick water dragons broke. Out of the ground.

Liro's power is to control**. Control all the water and liquid in the nearby area to launch an attack. The more water and liquids, the more powerful it will be. If it is in the ocean, then Liluo is equivalent to manipulating a large number of natural forces. Although this is not the ocean, it is also in Wangcheng, which solves the problem of a large number of people. Naturally, there will be no shortage of liquid.

A thick water dragon soared in the air and directly bombarded Fedetic's head. Fedetic, who was injected with a lot of natural power, was tilted by the body of the water dragon, which did not cause any substantial damage, but it was enough to make him angry.

"Do you want to die, stinky woman!"

Fedtic said viciously.

At this time, Sidoa's spell was finally finished, and with a scream, a mountain-sized skull dragon head poked out of the huge whirlpool.

PS: Please collect it. If you see it and think you can see it, please collect it...