mutation killing

Chapter 132 · Lock the Demon Tower

It is difficult to explain the time in the portal, maybe for a while, maybe for a long time. When Li Jiaming saw the light in front of him and walked out with ambition, his feet suddenly became empty. He remembered a serious problem - it seemed that every time Elok took back the crystal ball, he fell from a high air, so now he Not high in the sky.

Thinking of this, Li Jiaming quickly stretched out his wings behind him, but his face had touched the floor. Li Jiaming fell out of the space door and fell a dog to eat shit.

The portal opened and said whether it was high or not. Li Jiaming had just spread his wings and fell to the ground, and then the space door disappeared from the air.

"It hurts! How to locate this coordinate? It's too tricky!" Li Jiaming sat up and covered his chin. Suddenly, the cold air around him made Li Jiaming shiver. With Li Jiaming's current physique, he would not feel cold even if he went to the North Pole, but the cold around him actually made him shiver, which immediately raised Li Jiaming's alertness.

This is no longer cold, but should be regarded as yin. He once felt this breath in the ancient castle of Cappadocia. The breath emitted by a large number of necromancers creatures is creepy.

"What the hell is this..." Li Jiaming looked around warily.

"This is a ghost place..." Suddenly, a gloomy voice sounded behind Li Jiaming.

"Ghost!" Li Jiaming felt goose bumps constantly climbing up his back. He slowly looked back, his eyes suddenly widened, and he couldn't help shouting out involuntarily, and his body couldn't help retreating.

Behind him, a shawl spreads, his tongue stretched out, and his feet could not be seen. His hands were stretched forward to appear behind him. In this way, it is easy to think of hanging ghosts in various ghost movies.

Although Li Jiaming has experienced a lot of things and has seen a lot of strange creatures for so long, as a normal human on earth, he has a certain fear of ghosts. Even if you like to watch ghost movies, it is already psychological quality that you don't feel scared to faint after you really meet ghosts. All right.

At this time, in a space crack in the Aland continent, the giant who had rescued Li Jiaming suddenly opened his eyes and muttered a few words.

"It seems that the coordinates of the plane beads are located in the place where he has been before. I don't know if it will be troublesome for the little guy to go. It's okay for him to experience it. Anyway, it's also the earth."

After saying that, the giant closed his eyes again.

Li Jiaming, who retreated quickly, suddenly hit a wall and suddenly woke up from panic. How could he still be afraid of ghosts? Aren't you just a vampire?

Thinking of this, Li Jiaming began to look around. It was foggy, and he could only see a range of about 100 meters in Li Jiaming's eyes, and the natural power here was very thin, even not enough to condense the green steel sword. The surrounding atmosphere was very gloomy. This is only accumulated by the existence of necromancers all year round. Cold weather.

Li Jiaming stood up and found that what he hit behind him was not a wall, but a stone tablet, a high three-meter stone tablet. The stone tablet was divided into two parts, with six big words written in the sky, "Lock the demon, go to the devil!"

wrote half a cup of the locked demon to depict a six-winged angel, but the angel did not look holy at all, but had a ferocious face.

The plate cup surface written by the town depicts a giant horn and a burly demon. The devil's teeth and claws are also ferocious.

When Li Jiaming stared at the stone tablet, he seemed to see a big war. The two creatures engraved on the stone tablet flew all over the sky, and all kinds of horrible energy burst everywhere, blood-stained feathers and broken limbs...

Just when Li Jiaming was fascinated, a whirlpool appeared faintly on the tablet. The whirlpool gradually produced a trace of suction and was slowly sucking Li Jiaming into the stone tablet, and Li Jiaming seemed to have fallen into the illusion and had not noticed this.

Suddenly, Li Jiaming's left arm became hot, as if thrown into the charcoal, which made Li Jiaming wake up from the illusion, and then sweated heavily. The whirlpool on the stone tablet slowly disappeared from the stone tablet after Li Jiaming woke up.

Suddenly, Li Jiaming was afraid. The whirlpool on the stone tablet also noticed after Li Jiaming woke up. It seemed that he was adsorbing himself into it. The carvings on the tablet could unconsciously fall into illusion. This stone tablet was so strange that Li Jiaming did not dare to look at it any more.

After a short break, Li Jiaming summoned the Holy Book of the Gate of Time and Space. After checking and checking the coordinates of the Aland Continent, Li Jiaming put it away. Since he could feel the coordinates, it was not a big problem, so he should be able to go back.

Li Jiaming tried to summon Sidoa, but there was no response after a long time. When he was about to give up, a whirlpool appeared in front of him, and Sidoa came out of the pale face.

"Master, what's the matter?"

"Well, I didn't expect that I could successfully summon you. I thought it wouldn't work. Your contract is really good! But why did it take so long to come? Li Jiaming raised his eyebrows and didn't expect that he could praise the plane to summon Sidoya.

"Please forgive me, Master, Sadoa came when he felt your call, but the distance was too long and it consumed too much energy, so it was delayed for so long." Sidoa lowered his head.

"Lao Xi is not to blame you. I just tried it. I didn't expect it to be so troublesome. Go back and tell them that I'm fine. The door of time and space can also be transmitted back. I'm going to take a look here first and let them develop a large two-way portal as soon as possible!"

"Yes, master!" After listening to Li Jiaming's words, Sidoa immediately returned

This is Li Jiaming's thick crystal ball handed over to Shirley, slightly injecting energy, and Liluo's appearance appears on it

"Li Jiaming, you were already on earth when you saw this crystal ball. I can't go back with you, because my king in charge of my father, and then you have to promise me to take good care of yourself and must live. Come back and see me more when you have time, and you are not allowed to make trouble outside. You promised to be me. Husband, if I know that you have other girls outside, I will use the scissors here to take you..." On the picture, Liluo found a pair of scissors from there. She wiped the card hard and cut it twice, and suddenly Li Jiaming sweated profusely.

"Obviously, you promised to marry me, how did I promise to be your husband, but I will definitely survive!" Li Jiaming put away the crystal ball and walked far away.

I don't know that after walking hundreds of meters, Li Jiaming saw the hanging ghost again, and the hanging ghost also seemed to have noticed Li Jiaming's body floating towards Li Jiaming.

Seeing this hanging ghost in white floating, Li Jiaming's eyelids beat fiercely a few times. It seemed that this guy was really a ghost.

"Brother, you came out of the forbidden area. I really admire you!" The hanging ghost said gloomily.

"Restricted area? This brother, I just came here. Can you tell me where this is? Li Jiaming was very humble, although he clearly felt that the hanging ghost was no more than the third-order mythical beast master.

"I can see that your newcomer hasn't faded your yang. Generally, the brothers who just came in here have this breath, but no newcomer has come in here for a long time!" The speed of this hanging ghost's speech made Li Jiaming a little depressed. He always read it out slowly one by one, and his voice was so calm and dead.

" what...di...fang" Li Jiaming simply imitated the tone of this guy.

"Don't learn from me. I speak slowly because I will bite my tongue quickly, and this is Shushan Lock Demon Tower!" The hanging ghost looked at Li Jiaming with contempt.

"Shushan Lock Demon Tower!" Li Jiaming was shocked and didn't expect that he came to the lock demon tower that only appeared in novels or TV series. Is this lock demon tower the lock demon tower in the famous Legend of Sword and Fairy?

Li Jiaming's brain rotated rapidly. If he came to the lock demon tower, does it mean that the cultivation forces on the earth have begun to intervene in this invasion? Is the earth in a mess now or has it been controlled by the Xiuzhen forces?

Li Jiaming was still meditating, and the hanging ghost continued, "Brother's strength is extraordinary. Many newcomers who have just entered the stone forbidden area will be sucked in as soon as they get close to it. The brother who sucked in has never appeared, so we dare not go anywhere at all."

"Well" Li Jiaming answered, although he suddenly asked, "Do you know what's going on outside?"

PS: Please collect and click to recommend all kinds of red tickets. Xiaosha burst into tears, and the editor did not recommend it to me