mutation killing

Chapter 134 · Lock the first floor of the Demon Tower

Gone with anger and indescribable anger. On the first floor of the lock demon tower, there was a monster who dared to offend him and even broke one of his teeth.

The monster was still pointing at himself after breaking his teeth, which was simply unforgivable, and the head of the gluttonous goat was about to smoke with anger.

Taoyi raised his claws without hesitation and patted Li Jiaming heavily. He wanted to pat Li Jiaming into meat sauce, and then eat it little by little to completely break his soul!

However, when the glutton's palm was patted heavily, he found that the palm could not be patted to the end. At this time, Li Jiaming raised his left arm and easily blocked the claws patted by the gluttony.

The eyes of the hanging ghost stared out not far away. The new monster actually stared at the giant claws taken by Taoyi with one hand. You should know that this layer of monster Taoyuan almost only needed to flick his finger to easily break it. Li Jiaming not only easily blocked the gluttony's attack, but also seemed to look relaxed.

"Hey! Sorry, can you take me to the second floor when you wake up?" Li Jiaming shouted and didn't care about the gluttony's attack. After all, he disturbed his sleep and interrupted one of his teeth, which was really a little indesccurable. Even if he reacted a little fiercely, it was normal.

"Of course, of course..." Taoyi is not a stupid monster. As one of the ten fierce beasts in ancient times, he is also the guard of the demon tower. How can a fierce beast that has lived for thousands or even tens of thousands of years have no IQ? Seeing that Li Jiaming can easily block his attack, Taoyi immediately put on a smile, but his It seems difficult to tell whether he is laughing or not.

"However, the entrance of this second floor is a little difficult, which may cause your misunderstanding..." Taoyi seemed to be very embarrassed.

"Is it difficult? Where is that?" Li Jiaming asked curiously.

"Here..." Tao Yu pointed to his mouth, "You have to go through my mouth to go to the second floor, so..."

"This is no problem, then let me in!" Li Jiaming smiled and walked into the gluttonous mouth. The hanged ghost not far away saw all this. Originally, he wanted to remind him but did not say it in the end. He was really afraid in the face of gluttony.

"Hahahaha!" When Li Jiaming walked into the glutton's huge mouth, the gluttonous man closed his mouth violently and laughed at the same time, "I know that you are a newcomer, and the smell of flesh and blood on your body has not been cleaned up. It's really a lie. I can eat it without any feature. I can eat it for a day. If you enter my mouth, you are ready to be digested and wait for death!"

"Extinct palm! Ten thousand seals!" Li Jiaming's angry shout suddenly came from the gluttonous stomach, but the gluttonous face began to look ugly. His stomach kept making a banging sound, his whole stomach began to grow, and the gluttonous face began to twist.

The power of the extermination palm that Li Jiaming is now using is several times that of the past. All the energy in the gluttonous belly bursts out, and the destructive power is quite amazing.

The glutton is smart, and Li Jiaming is not stupid. When the glutton said that he needed to enter his mouth, Li Jiaming has been secretly alert. There are many ways to leave the gluttony's stomach. One is to blow him with energy, and the other is to condense a small weapon to directly cut his stomach, otherwise there is time and space. The door scripture, at worst, it will be good to do it again.

However, I didn't expect that the effect of the death palm stimulated by blood group energy was so good that it even attracted the blood energy of the gluttonous body. The gluttonous stomach uncontrollably sed, and even began to cracks.

"Big...big...big brother! I was wrong! Let me go! I have to guard the demon tower, otherwise the first floor will be messy!" Goughty began to beg for mercy in pain.

"Do you promise not to play tricks?" Li Jiaming's voice came out of Taoyuan's stomach, and there was a local order. Originally, Li Jiaming did not kill and just wanted to teach Taoyuan a lesson. Since he begged for mercy, Li Jiaming did not intend to punish him again, and he was also worried that if he killed the order of locking the demon tower would not be destroyed by himself. ? Locking the demon tower in the novel is a very important place.

"Absolutely! Absolutely! I really don't dare to play tricks in front of you!" The gluttonous repeatedly said yes.

"Okay, open your mouth and let me out!" Li Jiaming ordered that after hearing the words, Taoyi quickly opened his mouth, and Li Jiaming, with black wings on his back, flew out of it.

From Li Jiaming being eaten by gluttony to gluttonous belly and spitting out Li Jiaming, it didn't take much time during this period, but the hanging not far away felt that he seemed to have been struck by lightning. Li Jiaming's strength was really shocking. It seemed that he inadvertently picked a baby. It should not be a problem to follow the second floor to survive under his protection.

After Li Jiaming flew out of Taoyuan's mouth, Taoyuan's original swollen stomach speed and his digestion ability was indeed very strong. If he could not break him at one time, no matter how much energy he had, it would probably be digested by him. In the end, he must have been trapped to death. Li Jiaming couldn't help but be relieved when he thought of this, and Fortunately, I have enough energy to burst his energy once.

"Who the hell are you? Normally, the group of people in Shushan will not send you to such a strong one floor. Did you come up from below? Taoyi respected Li Jiaming a lot, and seeing the Lock Demon Tower is also a place to talk about strength.

"I don't understand what you said, but I just happened to be transported here, and I just want to get to the ninth floor and leave this place. Now let me pass!" Li Jiaming fell in front of the glutton, put away the wings behind him, and at the same time adjusted his breath to a slightly stronger than hanging ghosts.

The slow voice of the hanging ghost came over and looked at Li Jiaming about to leave him.

"Bold monster, why did you come to me? I'm not afraid that I will eat you!" In the face of the shrinking demon, the gluttony suddenly gained momentum, and he immediately scared the hanging ghost to move in place.

"Don't be excited, he is my friend." Li Jiaming patted the gluttonous calf. Compared with Li Jiaming's height of 100 meters, he could only be his friend's knees.

"Well, in this case, come here." Hearing that it was Li Jiaming, although he was a little confused, he still asked the hanged ghost to follow, but his words were always full of disdain for the hanging ghost.

"You go to the second floor with me, or stay here for yourself, but I can't guarantee your safety!" Li Jiaming said to the hanging ghost.

Originally, the hanging ghost planned to go directly to the second floor with Li Jiaming, but the last sentence made the hanging ghost change his mind and said after glenging at the gluttony

"If I choose to stay on the first floor, how long can I stay?"

"I don't know about this. How long can you let him stay?"

"This... Originally, after passing the lower level, you must go up to the second floor, but when I see your face, I can make an exception to let him stay in the lower level of the first floor. After that, you must go to the second floor, otherwise it will destroy the balance of the first floor." Taoyi's voice was a little serious and frightening, and his eyes looked at Li Jiaming.

"Well, that's it! I'll pay you back!" Li Jiaming nodded, and the hanging ghost also told him that there is very little aura here. If it is estimated that only monsters will devour each other, more than one layer of monsters with an average level will definitely affect the balance of one layer, and even a monster will devour all other low-level monsters. In order to avoid this situation It is found that each layer has guards and limits each power division,

"Thank you! Thank you!" After getting this guarantee, the hanging ghost has repeatedly thanked him. If he can cultivate his lower-level strength and then enter the second-layer pressure, it is basically guaranteed. You should know that the limited strength of the second-level is also lower middle-level.

When arranging to hang the ghost, Li Jiaming walked to a ten-meter-high stone monument not far away under the leadership of Tao. The stone monument is very simple, with many mottled traces on it, but the two-character Confucius written on it is powerful, and I don't know who wrote it.

"That's it. The above is the second floor. After the second floor, the devouring and killing inside will be much more serious. Be careful, and the guards on the second floor are also quite powerful guys, but if you can, please don't kill them. We guards are also ordered to act!" Taoyi was grateful to Li Jiaming for spare his name, which reminded him of the danger of the second floor.

"Allah, Allah! Open the door!" Li Jiaming waved casually.

"Good!" Taoyi roared and held the stone tablet fiercely with both hands. The ten-meter-high stone tablet was removed from its original position, and a speed of light shot down to the sky. Li Jiaming walked in directly without hesitation.

Taoyi looked at Li Jiaming's disappeared figure and muttered, "It seems that the lock of the demon tower is going to be chaotic, and the world will be chaotic!"