mutation killing

Chapter 140 · Qiongqi

Boom! Boom! Boom! The dense palm prints bombarded the ground, and the monsters and ghosts that besieged Li Jiaming were slapped out like mosquitoes, and the air was filled with a lot of bloody smell, which was the effect of a large number of monsters with shapes being patted into meat sauce, while ghosts without entities directly turned into soul fragments.

With Li Jiaming's move, the skeleton king's eyes widened in horror. Although he guessed that Li Jiaming was very strong, he didn't expect that this was ridiculously strong. Only the defenders on the floor or those who rushed to the * floor could kill such monsters with one blow.

The cold sweat of the skeleton king flowed out. He saw Li Jiaming look at himself coldly. At this time, he knew how ridiculous the domineering in front of Li Jiaming was at that time. Just as if the other party wanted to kill him, one finger was enough, and he was so bold to use it.

The skeleton king trembled uncontrollably, and the condensed body on his body showed signs of collapse. Zhou Lin, who returned to the skeleton king after finishing the matter, noticed that Li Jiaming looked at this side and fell to the ground in fear.

The bosses of the other two forces in the protection circle were ashes. Li Jiaming's attack destroyed at least half of their strength. At the same time, they naturally understood that the skeleton king plotted them and gritted their teeth at the skeleton king, but the skeleton king could not be happy because of the success of his scheme. At this time, he Falling into deep fear, Li Jiaming's sharp and emotionless eyes made him tremble all over.

"Who is messing around in the protective circle!" Suddenly, a dull voice sounded.

Li Jiaming looked up and saw that one was also 100 meters high, with a cow's head, a tiger's body, and wings on its back. Although his body was full of hair, it was not as long as a hedgehog, but its roots were erect like a hedgehog, and its tail had a fox-like tail.

"The gluttony has come out. This guy seems to be one of the four fierce beasts," Li Jiaming thought to himself.

A pair of cows stared at Li Jiaming in the protective circle. At this time, Li Jiaming's position was particularly obvious. He stood there alone in the sea of meat sauce and blood. At the same time, the breath released by Li Jiaming far exceeded the level of the three layers of monsters.

"Did you come up from below?" Qiongqi narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Yes!" Li Jiaming is a little strange why Qiongqi and Taoist all ask this strange question. Of course, this can only come from the lower level.

Listen to Li Jiaming's words. Qiongqi carefully began to look at Li Jiaming, and his 100-meter-sized body turned around Li Jiaming. Qiongqi's eyes were like tigers seeing prey.

Suddenly, Qiongqi noticed the necromancer on Li Jiaming's shoulder, and the huge pupil of the bull's eye suddenly closed. A huge palm poked out at Li Jiaming.

"I just want to go up. Do you want to fight with me?"

Li Jiaming stretched out his left arm to easily block Qiongqi's palm. Although Qiongqi's palm was not an attack, the power in it was enough to smash any monster on the third floor at will, but Li Jiaming easily blocked it.

Hearing Li Jiaming's words, Qiongqi withdrew his huge claws, and his huge bull's eyes kept turning, but more greedily stared at the dead beast on Li Jiaming's shoulder.

"Give me the undead beast and I'll let you go up!" After half a sound, Qiongqi came up with this sentence.

Since Zhou Lin came here, the necromancer has become a soft cloth covering Li Jiaming's shoulder. As an unformed soul fragment product, although its IQ is not high enough to feel the greed of the people around him. The strong soul breath emitted by Li Jiaming's body makes him feel comfortable, and at the same time, he is also getting Li Jiaming calmed down after the assurance that he would not devour him. When the horrible Qiongqi appeared, Mianqiu's body trembled again.

Li Jiaming stretched out his hand and stroked the soft body of the ball on his shoulder, indicating that he should not be afraid. Sure enough, the ball gradually calmed down under the touch of Li Jiaming, but it was more tightly on Li Jiaming's shoulder.

"I have to go up, but the ball won't give it to you!" Li Jiaming said affirmatively.

Hearing Li Jiaming's words, Qiongqi's huge bull's eyes narrowed into a line again. Suddenly, a cold light flashed, and Qiong Qi fiercely slapped his giant claws to Li Jiaming.

This shot of the giant palm is completely different from the previous one. The huge palm burns a blazing flame on it. The flame is not ordinary red, but a hellfire symbolizing the fire of evil. Its terrible temperature distorts and deforms the surrounding air.

The temperature near the protection circle suddenly surged, and some weak monsters and ghosts suddenly burned even if they were separated from a long distance. This was not burning from the outside, but strangely spewing flames from the body, and the ignited monsters and ghosts howled in pain.

For good, the Li family was on alert early. Seeing that Qiongqi's eyes were wrong, they moved quickly while patting his huge palm. Qiongqi's burning right forefoot bombarded the ground heavily, and the black flame formed a circle of shock wave radiating outward. A large number of monsters and ghosts were swallowed up by the black flame without even howling. There is nothing left.

Jumping away from Qiongqi's attack range, Li Jiaming instantly condensed a quaint shield in front of him. This is Li Jie Temeng's power. Although Li Jiaming's use after copying is not as good as Li Jie Te Meng, it is not a problem to block the residual black flame energy impact.

The remaining black flame energy and the condensed shield of Li Jiaming disappeared at the same time. The fake goods are not genuine and strong. If Li Jietemon uses his own power, the shield should continue to exist after the aftermath of the original black flame.

The shield in front of Li Jiaming was an hour, and at the same time, an extremely dangerous feeling appeared in his heart. The wings behind him vibrated, and the two 100-meter-long wind blades that had almost solidified into white solids shot at Li Jiaming.

The speed of the wind blade was extremely fast, almost shooting in front of Li Jiaming's shield after it disappeared, and a touch of blood splashed from Li Jiaming's right button.

The left arm put down a wind blade, but the right arm was by no means as strong as the left arm. The wind blade cut Li Jiaming's right arm and instantly shattered the flesh and blood of his right arm, revealing the golden bones under it.

Li Jiaming hummed. The pain of being stripped of flesh and blood in his right arm was not as simple as the words said. At the same time, the strong resilience of the blood clan took effect, and the flesh and blood of his right arm began to regenerate.

But Qiongqi did not intend to give Li Jiaming a chance to rest. The other front palm hit the ground heavily, and the whole three layers of the lock demon tower shook fiercely. Suddenly, a large number of saplings grew under Li Jiaming's feet crazily. These saplings grew into thick vines almost instantly and moved like snakes.

Li Jiaming was caught off guard from being entangled in these vines and wanted to break free, but found that these vines were surprisingly strong. Even the steel rope would be broken by Li Jiaming, but these vines firmly entangled Li Jiaming.

At this moment, Qiongqi's tail twisted strangely against the sky like a fox, and a heavy object fell into the broken air.

Li Jiaming looked up, and a hill of about 100 meters unexpectedly appeared in his sky and fell heavily down. Boom! With a loud noise, Li Jiaming was pressed down at the foot of the mountain.

Qiongqi felt that it was not enough. The burning black palm waved again, and a black dragon swept towards the hill that pressed Li Jiaming.

The whole hill distance burned, and the rocks began to melt at this terrible temperature. The three layers of solid ground even showed a trace of cracks, but these cracks disappeared immediately after they appeared.

The black flame of the bear burned violently, and the 100-meter mountain stone melted and contracted at this terrible temperature. Soon the 100-meter mountain stone was concentrated into a size of ten meters, and its sediment and other impurities were completely refined, leaving the essence of the mountain stone.

As soon as Qiongqi took action, it was a big move. Li Jiaming was completely caught off guard. He was trapped in the essence of the mountain stone and did not know whether to live or die, but Qiongqi had not relaxed. A pair of huge bull eyes looked warily at the rock essence that trapped Li Jiaming.

Suddenly, a crack appeared on the essence of the mountain stone, and then the whole burst, and Li Jiaming's whole body with hematitis rose in place.

A moment of carelessness made him suffer a great loss. At this time, Li Jiaming's whole body was black, which was carbonized under the burning of poverty and black inflammation. As Li Jiaming collapsed, the essence of the mountain stone began to fall from his body, revealing the newborn skin below.

Li Jiaming roared angrily. Since he couldn't make peace, let's fight. Li Jiaming clenched his fists tightly, and two huge fists appeared on his side.