mutation killing

Chapter 144 · Corpse

The corpse hand, the legendary Cain's left hand, is said to have the secrets of the world hidden in his left hand, but today it seems that all this is no longer a secret.

When the corpse hand was on Cain's body, Cain had enough power to make him a world, and Cain, who had a corpse hand, could even compete with God.

But now that the first sacred weapon of this blood clan fell into Li Jiaming's hand, Li Jiaming does not have enough power to touch the world of the left hand, so the original world in the left hand has become chaotic and unopened.

In addition to being hard, the left hand constantly absorbs energy according to the current state of Li Jiaming's body, hoping to reshape a new world as soon as possible.

If according to Li Jiaming's current evolution speed, the left hand will be reshaped into a new world space, I don't know how many years it will take, but the chaos was angered by Li Jiaming and actually used its own chaotic power.

The world in the left hand is in a state of chaos. It takes this chaotic power to touch the formation of the world. Li Jiaming, who only understands the fifth level of natural power, does not know how long it will take to understand the high-level chaotic power, or even in his life.

But chaos has just used this power of chaos, but this power of chaos is like a long drought, and the left hand feels this power of chaos and absorbs it without hesitation.

The chaotic and unopened world in the left hand suddenly reacted violently when it came into contact with this pioneering chaotic power, as if a little Mars had been thrown into the gunpowder depot.

However, with Li Jiaming's current strength, he can only form a space of about 100 meters, and this 100 meters of space almost killed Li Jiaming.

A world is made into a world because there is life in it, and the world itself has a soul, just as the soul of the earth has become Gaia.

In addition to the necessary energy to form a real world in the hands of the corpse, that is, the soul. Li Jiaming, as the master of the failure, naturally becomes the source of this soul.

Although Li Jiaming's soul strength is not weak now, and even forms a blue soul inflammation, it is far from enough for the world with a 100-meter space. If it hadn't been for the help of the dead beast, Li Jiaming would have drained his soul because of the formation of this 100-meter space world.

The so-called blessing and misfortune depend on each other, Li Jiaming has also been rewarded at the same time of great danger. The mysterious yellow qi at the beginning of the world is a rare energy, which can not only refine his body, but also other wonderful uses, but Li Jiaming does not know this now.

With the formation of this world, Li Jiaming will be closely associated with the world. After his energy is enough, the world of the left hand will continue to expand and even appear life. Li Jiaming's soul will become the will in the world of his left hand. When there are more and more lives in the left hand, Li Jiaming will become one An unimaginable powerful existence.

He looked at Li Jiaming, who had regained his strength in a confused way. It was difficult for him to imagine what his expression was now. He stood up and walked towards the distance.

"Come with me and take you to the next floor." Chaos didn't seem to like to talk much. After leaving this sentence, he walked forward by himself.

Li Jiaming is still stunned. He didn't know what had happened. He only felt that when his whole body was about to collapse, his soul would be sucked dry again. Then the help of the necromancer provided him with a lot of soul power, and then a huge natural power gushed out of his left arm, making He not only recovered the energy of his injured body, but also became a little stronger.

If the giant hidden in the mainland of Aland knew that Li Jiaming regarded Xuanhuang's Qi as a natural force to recover from his injury, such a precious thing would have been wasted by Li Jiaming.

However, Li Jiaming didn't know all this. Except for the accident that the power of nature was full of his body, he didn't even know the strange changes in his left hand.

After seeing the chaos leave this sentence, Li Jiaming was as confused as the second monk, but he at least knew that he could go to the next floor.

Chaos opened the passage on the fifth floor. Li Jiaming stepped in directly and saw Li Jiaming enter the fifth floor, and there was a chaotic and slightly worried voice in the air.

"The prophecy has begun..."

As soon as Li Jiaming entered the fifth floor, he felt that the whole five floors had stronger natural power than the previous four floors, but he was surprised to find that the fifth floor did not have a protective ring.

At the same time, a large number of monsters and ghosts are sitting on the ground. There are as many monsters and ghosts here as the second floor, and there is obviously a lot of harmony here, and there seems to be no devouring and killing.

Li Jiaming was very sharp-eyed and found that there was a gold-level new human among the monsters sitting quietly around him. This was the third new human that Li Jiaming had seen for so long, and Li Jietmund and Fedetic had died before.

Li Jiaming exposed his biological armor, which he hasn't used for a long time. If his defense is not as good as his skin now, it really has no other effect except that he can wear it as clothes.

But Li Jiaming is now wearing this gold-level biological armor. He hopes to have a better talk with this new human. Li Jiaming has a lot of questions in his mind.

Fee that someone walked in, and the gold-level new human opened his eyes warily, but when he saw the biological armor on Li Jiaming's body, he opened his eyes with a surprised look.

"Hello, can we talk?" Li Jiaming sat down in front of the golden new human.

"What's there to talk about? Do you want to devour me? The gold-level new human looked at Li Jiaming warily. Although the monsters around them sat quietly on the ground, the monsters that can go up from the first floor to the fourth floor will not experience a lot of killing, and naturally have a sense of vigilance and rejection from outsiders.

"No, it's not necessary. I just want to ask you a few questions." Li Jiaming answered very directly. It is true that it is useless to devour a gold-level new human in Li Jiaming's current energy, and Li Jiaming himself rejects devouring creatures to obtain energy.

"Okay, you ask!" Gold-level new humans nodded.

"What's your name? My name is Li Jiaming." Although more and more killings keep people indifferent from each other, and Li Jiaming is getting farther and farther away from the category of people, he still retains the courtesy before becoming a new human being. Perhaps he thinks that this is his only human characteristic.

"Chen Jiahong." Gold-level new human beings pronounce three words.

"Hm, hello, Chen Jiahong, when did you enter this lock demon tower?"

"I don't remember clearly. There is no concept of the sun and moon in this lock tower. I just know that I came in four years after the new human change of the earth."

(four years? That should be after he left the earth, he should know how the earth left the earth itself.) Li Jiaming thought.

"Then can you tell me what happened on earth before you came in? I mean the previous battles between new humans and humans, and some major things that happened, if compared with a year ago.

"Yes." Chen Jiahong nodded

"When I came in, the consciousness of the brain just ordered another battle with human beings. This time, the new humans below the purple level on the earth are almost gone, but human science and technology have also been greatly enhanced. Their beam cannons are more powerful, and unlike the previous fixed one-way launch, they can In order to carry out fan-shaped shooting, the purple level and below can't be spared at all, and some weak black levels will also be injured.

"The huge spacecraft on our side appears every time, and at the same time, more biochemical beasts will be dropped. Now the biochemical beasts are also more mature and will no longer attack their own people randomly. We also have gold-level new human beings to participate in the battle, but the human side has also dispatched a very powerful swordsmen, which can be equal to human beings."

"However, a third-party force suddenly appeared on the earth. They seem to be the so-called practitioners who have been hiding on the earth. Originally, we thought that he belonged to the residents of the earth and should help human beings on the earth, but I don't know why he didn't help each other, but if human beings and new humans happen in the wild He intervened in the battle. I was caught by them fighting with a human swordsman in the wild when I was retreating. The hateful thing is that they released the human swordsman directly.

Li Jiaming nodded. It seems that other forces on the earth have also took action, but I don't know why they don't directly repel these invading aliens.

"So why are the five floors so harmonious? I mean it's not as full of killing and devouring as the previous layers.

"Don't you know?" Chen Jiahong looked at Li Jiaming in surprise,