mutation killing

Chapter 146 · Green Snake

In the face of the lightning light ball transformed by the white tiger, the giant snake seemed to sigh slightly, and the 100-meter wings behind it gently patted out. The lightning light bulb transformed by the white tiger came into contact with the wings. Suddenly, the whole lightning light ball was scattered, and a large number of electric snakes were moving around, and the whole six layers of air were full of charge.

The thunderball dispersed, and the ten-meter body of the white tiger bombarded heavily to the ground. Unexpectedly, the giant snake broke the powerful attack of the white tiger with just a gentle slap.

After falling to the ground, the white tiger seemed to want to stand up again, but his limbs trembled for a moment and finally fell down, leaving only his ten-meter body to rise and fall violently.

"With your strength, you can enter the seventh floor, but now is not the time. Go away. I won't kill you. Don't come back before it's over!"

After this sentence, the giant snake looked sharply at Li Jiaming's position, and then the injured white tiger was blown down again.

"I've been watching it for a long time. What's the matter with you?" The giant snake stared in the direction of Li Jiaming without emotion and said something.

"Hey, isn't it because you're busy, so I didn't bother you. I just want to come to the test and go to the next level." Li Jiaming walked out with a smile, hoping to leave a good impression on the giant snake, but it didn't seem to work.

"I haven't seen you before. Are you from below?" The giant snake stared at Li Jiaming for a while and then spit out this sentence in his huge mouth.

"This is another problem. I must have come from below!" Li Jiaming is a little distressed. Don't these guards who have lived for many years have some IQ? They all ask such idiotic questions.

"Well, after I am a snake, you can call me a green snake. Since you come to be tested, you must have the consciousness of death after failure!" The green snake stared at Li Jiaming with a pair of upright eyes.

"Green Snake..." A trace of cold suddenly appeared on Li Jiaming's body. He remembered that there was a very famous series on the earth, and one of the beautiful women's name was also Green Snake. Although the snake was also a snake, the green snake in the TV series seemed to be much more beautiful.

As the green snake reported his name, his originally coiled body stretched out and his body kept rising. Li Jiaming's eyes widened in horror. The green snake's body is more than a kilometer long. Seeing that it is winding in the air, it is at least 5,000 meters, right? If you add the dragon horn dragon claws and remove the wings behind it, it is not an exalong to say that it is a giant dragon.

Didn't you say it was a test? Don't be so serious, right?" Li Jiaming did not understand why he used his body and showed mercy everywhere in the face of the challenge of the white tiger. He was so serious when he challenged himself and did not hesitate to show his whole body.

"For you, there is no test but life and death! Otherwise, I will stay on the sixth floor forever. I can treat it as if it hasn't happened. This green snake still looks a little kind. At least tell Li Jiaming that if he doesn't come to break through the barrier, he won't have a life-and-death battle.

"That doesn't work. My parents asked me to go back to dinner. How can I go back to eat if I don't go out? Thank you for your kindness!" Li Jiaming smiled and suddenly began to pull up. Bone spurs grew from all parts of the body. At the same time, a ten-meter-long meat wing appeared behind him, which was the third meat wing formed by bone wings in the tyrannical beast scripture.

However, with Li Jiaming's current five-meter-sized body against this nearly 5,000-meter snake, there seems to be a big gap in strength. Anyone can see that this is also a battle without suspense.

The green snake gently shook its wings, and suddenly began to appear dense clouds and fog on the six layers. Soon a large number of clouds and fog covered the six floors of the lock demon tower. If it was like the fog on the river in winter, the concentration of the clouds even made Li Jiaming unable to see the outstret palm.

Li Jiaming was wary of a large number of surroundings and carefully felt any slight movement around him. There was a constant rustling sound around, as if the snake was moving, but the sound filled all the space around, making Li Jiaming unable to tell where the giant snake would attack from. .

Suddenly, the rustling sound accelerated, and Li Jiaming knew that the giant snake was about to attack. Sure enough, as soon as the idea fell, Li Jiaming was hit hard behind him, and several bone spurs collapsed in an instant. Li Jiaming bombarded into the distance like a cannonball until it hit a solid wall.

Li Jiaming stood up from the ground and coughed. The impact force just now was not even weaker than the secondary impact force of nature, which made him suffer more or less internal injury.

But the thick clouds around him still made it impossible for him to see the location of the green snake clearly, and the rustling sound around him became clear again. Suddenly, a blue shadow in front of him suddenly enlarged.

Li Jiaming was bombarded out again, but before he could stop hitting him in front again, another huge force knocked him away. Similarly, without waiting for him to land, another strange force hit Li Jiaming again. Li Jiaming's five-meter body was continuously hit in the air like a ball, scattered in the air from time to time. Bone fragments, that is the bone spur that Li Jiaming broke in the impact.

"Damn, it's over!" After being hit hard again, Li Jiaming suddenly mobilized all his strength and fiercely incited the meat wings that stretched out his hand and forcibly stopped his body in the air, but before he finished his words, another strange force bombarded him to the ground.

Boom! A violent impact sounded through the six floors of the lock demon tower, and the whole six floors of the ground shook. Li Jiaming fell heavily on the ground and smashed a cracked cobweb on the ground, and then the crack quickly recovered again.

Li Jiaming coughed violently and broke several ribs in the impact. The ribs pierced into the lungs and affected his breathing. At this time, Li Jiaming even thought that if there were no internal organs, there might not be such a troublesome thing as internal injury.

Li Jiaming just wanted to stand up, but a strange force pressed on him, and then a violent friction began. Li Jiaming could imagine the nearly 5,000-meter body of the green snake rubbing over him.

The friction between flesh and blood made Li Jiaming painful, which made him reconfirm that it was indeed a good choice to have no flesh and blood in battle.

The five-meter body quickly rubbed past Li Jiaming's back. There was no flesh and blood behind him again. The golden flesh and blood were rubbed and shiny, but it was still a little frightening to see the flesh and blood in his body and on the front through his back.

"Damn!" Li Jiaming roared and directly dispersed the remaining flesh and blood. Li Jiaming turned into a golden skeleton again. Anyway, he thought that flesh and blood could be regenerated. If the defense of flesh and blood did not reach a certain level, it would not be better than direct bones.

Sure enough, after the flesh and blood dispersed, the tyrannical scripture at the heart turned into a mass of red energy through the bones of Li Jiaming's whole body. He obviously felt the improvement of strength and speed in this state.

There was another rustling sound around him. Li Jiaming moved his body in an instant. The speed was indeed much faster than before. Even if Li Jiaming reacted before, the speed of avoidance did not keep up. He had just felt that the green snake launched an attack, and his body had already reacted.

The green snake was shot, but the surroundings quieted down, and the rustling sound became lighter and lighter. In this almost impossible to see the environment, Li Jiaming even thought that the green snake hidged and no longer attacked himself, and let himself stay on the sixth floor.

However, Li Jiaming quickly denied this idea. Looking at the tone of the green snake talking about life and death with him before, it seemed that he would easily let go of his people. There must be some trick in this sudden silence.

Li Jiaming was wary of the abnormal movements around him. Since he could not see the situation around him, he simply closed his eyes. In this case, it was more useful to feel very auditory.

But Li Jiaming became more and more confused. There was indeed no movement around. It seemed that the green snake was really not around. Li Jiaming moved carefully.

Suddenly, he moved his body after leaning forward, but his upper body hit a hard object. Li Jiaming stretched out his hand and stroked the hard object, and there were some scales on it.

"Sleam!" Li Jiaming suddenly opened his eyes, and he entered a corner of the huge body of the green snake. I don't know when the clouds around him had dissipated, but he still closed his eyes stupidly.

The huge body of the green snake actually floated in mid-air. At this time, his body rolled up, and Li Jiaming was in the center of his winding. When Li Jiaming closed his eyes, the green snake had quietly surrounded him.