mutation killing

Chapter 155 · Force of Nature Level 9

Li Jiaming hit the nine-level natural power. Bai Ze wanted to assist him, but he was worried that the energy in Li Jiaming's body was too impetuous, and he began to practice by swallowing and absorbing in a new human form, which led to his physical energy being too messy.

Li Jiaming has grown up to now and has hardly practiced by himself. It's all through chance that his fate has reached the current level.

Every power improvement can be said to be extremely dangerous. If there is a little carelessness, there is no scum left. Of course, Li Jiaming's promotion is inseparable from his belief. If it hadn't been for his insistence on not killing, he would have absorbed the power of gathering spiritual beads desperately. It can be said that it was made by gathering spiritual beads. It's Li Jiaming now, although Ju Lingzhu has been taken out by the giant.

It took Li Jiaming a year to practice to the height of the eighth level of the power of nature, which takes some practitioners hundreds or even thousands of years to achieve, but because Li Jiaming's body is full of the power of phagocytosis and absorption, which leads to the ability in his body to be very impetuous, and it is almost difficult for him to make Any small control.

This is different from the stable energy cultivated by others over time. Li Jiaming's body is full of too much miscellaneous energy. Before he straightens out these energy, Bai Ze's spontaneously joining his natural power will only make the energy in Li Jiaming's body more messy, like the same bubble building. The cornerstone is unstable, and the stones are piled up randomly, so the higher the construction, the faster it is likely it to collapse.

And Li Jiaming is now wholeheartedly in the state of impacting the nine-level natural power. The surrounding natural power was absorbed by him, and suddenly the nine-level impact was difficult to maintain. At this time, he had only one idea in mind to acquire a lot of natural power.

When there was no natural force around, Li Jiaming instinctively attracted the yellow gas in the space of his left arm, and suddenly the power of Li Jiaming's soul began to pass violently.

Bai Ze naturally felt the passage of Li Jiaming's soul, but now it is difficult for him to remain calm. Bai Ze obviously felt the yellow gas guided by Li Jiaming from his left arm.

"This is..." Bai Ze's face showed a surprised expression "How could he have this..."

With Li Jiaming's consumption of soul power to guide the yellow gas, the surrounding natural power suddenly became stronger again, but this newly strong natural power was absorbed by Li Jiaming again, and the surrounding aura was once again.

However, the natural power generated by the yellow gas guided by Li Jiaming is far from the consumption of the nine-level natural power. Li Jiaming instinctively began to consume the power of the soul again to guide the yellow gas.

However, with Li Jiaming's current state of soul power, each recovery can only guide the yellow gas in his left arm, and another guidance will lead to excessive consumption of soul power. The result will only be that Li Jiaming exhausts the power of the soul, and now his body becomes an empty shell.

Bai Ze naturally knows this. Li Jiaming is now at a critical moment. If he rashly interrupts the cultivation of the light man and becomes a complete waste, the heavy force that has been incorporated into the body will burst away, and then blow up Li Jiaming's body.

"You are so lucky, maybe your fate is like this." Bai Ze saw Li Jiaming's soul gradually passing away. He didn't know how to take out a black sphere from there. The black ball was the size of a basketball. When he took a closer look, it turned out to be a dead beast.

"The necromancer I picked up in the lock demon tower has never been useful. I was going to refine a magic weapon to make you cheaper." The undead beast taken out by Bai Ze is twice as big as the ball picked up by Li Jiaming at the beginning, and its strong soul power has formed a substantial black shell.

Bai Ze exerted his strength slightly, and the necromancer in his hand began to melt and turned into a thick **, and then the stall ** entered his body from Li Jiaming's facial features.

The original soul inflammation that Li Jiaming was about to extinguish burned again with the deadly beast sent in by Bai Ze. The high purple flame in his eyes burned more and more, and a large amount of soul power flowed into the space of his left arm, and more yellow gas was guided.

These yellow gases came out of Li Jiaming's body and instantly transformed into a huge natural force, which actually formed a cyclone centered on Li Jiaming.

After a while, the cyclone began to solidify. Green crystals appeared from Li Jiaming's feet, and then enveloped his body. The original cyclone formed a cocoon of green crystals, each of which contained horrible natural forces.

Seeing this, Bai Ze was relieved, the power of nature formed a cocoon, and the soul power in Li Jiaming's body also stabilized, and it seemed to have changed. If there is no accident, then Li Jiaming will break through to level 9 of natural power after waking up.

"What good luck!" Bai Ze sighed again, and a red light curtain with a wave of his hand enveloped Li Jiaming. The previous abnormal movements have attracted many monsters in the eight layers. Li Jiaming cannot be disturbed by the outside world at a critical moment.

However, Bai Ze seemed to be worried. With him, there should be no monster and ghost that would run to death without opening his eyes. Bai Ze sat on the stone bench * closed his eyes and fell into a meditation, and time passed unconsciously.

However, Li Jiaming in the green crystal cocoon has experienced earth-shaking changes. With the addition of the huge soul power of the necromancer sent by Bai Ze, the soul fire that had been promoted to purple inflammation began to evolve again after it was stabilized. A little gold began to appear in the purple soul inflammation, and a trace of purple inflammation began to appear. The fire of the golden soul.

If Li Jiaming's left arm has not absorbed a lot of soul power, his soul inflammation will completely turn into gold, but Li Jiaming's left arm has absorbed a lot of soul power.

Under the initiative of this soul force, which was originally located in a 100-meter space, began to struggle to open the space of the left arm again. The 100-meter space gradually expanded to 500 meters before slowing down the speed, and the yellow gas was a little stronger.

The blood energy in the body is supported by a huge natural force and begins to precipitate power. The black wings unconsciously grow out from behind them, and the second pair of wings under the wings begin to grow. The moonlight power needed for the blood clan's advancement also comes from the power of nature, with the support of such a huge natural power. Li Jiaming was successfully promoted to the four-winged fallen angel.

Li Jiaming's body and bones are also constantly warmed and strengthened in this strong natural power, and its flexibility and hardness have been horribly improved. The yellow bones began to change to emerald green. When Li Jiaming's whole body bones turned into emerald green, Li Jiaming It has reached the ninth level of natural power.

I don't know how many days passed, the green crystal cocoon outside Li Jiaming's body began to crack, and before long the green crystalline cocoon turned into a natural force and dissipated in the air. At the same time, a strong natural force emanated from Li Jiaming's body.

Li Jiaming opened his eyes, and a golden purple light shot out of his eyes. At the same time, Bai Ze also opened his eyes.

"Thank you for your success!" Li Jiaming immediately saluted Bai Ze after waking up. Although he consumed his soul power uncontrollably in the impact of the nine-level natural power, Li Jiaming clearly knew the situation of the outside world. When he felt that his soul power could not be maintained, he could not stop. Fortunately, there was a dead spirit given by Bai Ze. Beast, otherwise Li Jiaming will be doomed this time.

"Yes, the peak nine-level natural power, you should be able to understand the higher energy after going out to experience a natural disaster. The stronger you are, the greater the opportunity will be. However, you have to pay attention to your power being too complicated. If you have a chance, you have to sort out the energy in your body, and then you won't suffer endlessly." Bai Ze looked at Li Jiaming with relief and mentioned him earnestly.

"Thank you for your teaching." Li Jiaming understood the nine-level natural power and found that even so, he still couldn't see the depth of Bai Ze. This was just a divine idea. How strong is Bai Ze's body? What is he doing more important?

Li Jiaming knows that he can only think about it. Bai Ze will not tell himself that as he said before, maybe his strength is enough, and he will naturally know these things.