mutation killing

Chapter 213 · Xingtian

Li Jiaming, who fled back to the nine hell passages, was relieved and entangled with a resentful woman was more tired than fighting with the ultimate biochemical beast at the beginning.

"Wow, Lilo, I'm keeping my virginity for you. Don't let your scissors swing in front of my eyes." Li Jiaming read a sentence silently.

"Ah Qiu..." Liluo, who was inspecting the reconstruction of the imperial city on the mainland, suddenly sneezed. She rubbed her little pretty nose and pouted.

"Strange, it's not cold at all. Is that bad guy Li Jiaming thinking about me? I don't know if that guy has any trouble on the earth. A woman's terrible intuition is just a sneeze and can feel that Li Jiaming is thinking about him.

After a little sorting out and resting, Li Jiaming found that his power recovery in this space channel was much faster than in hell. In a short time, the energy consumed by the battle with Meier was restored. At this time, he looked at the space channel on the fifth floor and hesitated to enter.

"I don't know what it is this time? How can the people here be more horrible than the other? Damn, Emperor of Heaven, how do I feel that you are playing with me when you let people go?

In the end, Li Jiaming still gritted his teeth and walked into the fifth floor. It seems that he can't leave this damn place if he doesn't finish the nine layers of hell. Li Jiaming is now holding the idea of early death and early birth.

Entering the fifth floor, Li Jiaming suddenly had a very depressed feeling. There were cliffs and broken arms everywhere in this layer of hell. The peaks were inserted everywhere like swords, and each peaks had a smooth section. If you look carefully, there were several peaks like bread in this hell. These bread slices Combined seems to be a completed mountain.

These smooth section were obviously made by sharp weapons. Obviously, this layer of hell is another powerful character. This peak is probably the masterpiece of this person.

With the vibration of the air, a thunderous purr sounded. Li Jiaming was shocked. The sound of snoring alone had energy fluctuations. Who are the people at this level?

Li Jiaming approached the sound of snoring. A ten-meter giant with a ten-meter upper body was snoring against a broken peak. Looking carefully, the giant actually had no head, with breasts as his eyes and navel as his mouth. This image is exactly the image of Xing Tian in the ancient mythical stories of Zhonggong.

"No way! It turned out to be Xing Tian!" Li Jiaming's face suddenly became sad. He didn't expect that he could really meet this mythical character. Xing Tian is a fierce general in the myth.

"Hey, hello, wake up..." There's nothing he can do. Li Jiaming finally has to step forward to wake up the giant. It's not that Li Jiaming doesn't want to go out to change a door. At first, Li Jiaming tried. If he can't pass the test after entering, he can't leave this hell at all, and even if he temporarily leaves. Sooner or later, you have to walk in again.

"Hm?" The eyes on the giant's body suddenly opened, and his eyes turned to stare at Li Jiaming in front of him, and then a huge mountain axe swept past Li Jiaming without saying a word.

Li Jiaming was shocked and didn't expect that Xing Tian would do it directly without saying a word. The mountain axe in his hand was really huge. The mountain axe was ten meters high, and the handle of the mountain axe was ten meters, and the axe surface was half the size of a basketball court.

The normal response to the attack should be to avoid it quickly, but Li Jiaming suddenly became energetic and got the inheritance of Xiang Yu's power. Coupled with the skills he had learned before, Li Jiaming had the impulse to be more powerful with this ancient mythical character.

Suddenly, his body was horizontal, and the two spectrometer light swords crossed his chest, and golden energy burst out from his whole body. Facing the huge axe swept over, Li Jiaming was immediately ready to shake his waist.

Boom! With a loud noise, the peaks in hell were faintly shaken. Although this was only a random blow by Xing Tian, the power could not be underestimated. Li Jiaming stood by the two-yi splitting sword and actually blocked the axe swept by Xing Tian.

Li Jiaming's feet sank into geography, but his body did not move half a step. At the moment of contact, Li Jiaming kept using two layers of power. Occasionally, he only intended to use two layers, but he did not expect that a moment of coincidence to be superimposed to four layers. At the same time, Li Jiaming realized that in fact, complex moves are It is composed of simple moves, and the superimposed power that connects two layers naturally becomes four layers.

His axe was blocked by the ten-meter giant and looked at Li Jiaming in front of his chest. With a huge mouth, an urn sound sounded.

"The boy has a little strength. Who are you and why do you disturb my sleep? What are you doing here?"

Sure enough, strength is the absolute truth. If you don't have power, you will definitely be killed by this axe, and the reason for death is that you disturbed this guy's sleep.

"Come from the trust of the Heavenly Emperor." Li Jiaming is not as much as when he just came in. Since the Emperor of Heaven has arrangements, his own words are enough to make the other party understand. I guess the next step is to fight.

Sure enough, when he heard the word Heavenly Emperor, Xing Tian opened his eyes angrily and chopped down directly at Li Jiaming with the mountain axe in his hand.

Fortunately, Li Jiaming was well prepared, and the two-ignit splitter sword in his hand could withstand the axe cut by Xing Tian.

Boom! With a loud noise, all the broken peaks were shaking violently, a large number of rocks rolled down from the peaks, and Li Jiaming's feet fell deep into the ground.

This axe shocked Li Jiaming's arms, but without waiting for Li Jiaming to rest, Xing Tian also split an axe at Li Jiaming.

Boom! Boom! Boom! The heavy blows recalled one after another, and Xing Tian's axe was like a wheel constantly splitting under the two-piece splitter sword held high by Li Jiaming.

Li Jiaming stared at the axe cut by Xing Tian, and his whole body sank to the ground with Xing Tian's bombardment point. When Xing Tian stopped, Li Jiaming completely fell to the ground below his waist.

In the continuous bombardment of Xing Tian, Li Jiaming's raised arms almost lost consciousness. When Xing Tian stopped, Li Jiaming's strength returned to his arms regain consciousness, and then patted the whole person on the ground and jumped out of the ground.

"Does the boy know why?" Xing Tian's huge mouth made a sound.

"I don't know, but what you do is what I regard as the fifth level test. I just want to know how to pass!" Li Jiaming replied.

"Well, don't think I'm so simple. I tell you that I hate the Heavenly Emperor very much. Those few times just now can only be regarded as your bad luck to replace the Heavenly Emperor and let me be angry with me, but since the Heavenly Emperor asked you to come here, it's also your misfortune. I have no limit. Boy, you have to have a sense of death!" Xing Tian showed a sneer at the corners of his mouth, but it was very ferocious to cooperate with him.

"I understand, I just want to know how to pass?" If he knows the standard of passing, then Li Jiaming has at least a direction of his efforts. He doesn't think that passing this level of requirements is to defeat the mythical monster Xing Tian.

"Well, it depends on my happiness! Eat a few axes first and let me calm down!" After saying that, Xing Tian opened the mountain axe and chopped at Li Jiaming again.

If there is no standard, it will be troublesome, and this Xingtian seems to be at peace with the Heavenly Emperor. He also said that he is not limited by power, so Li Jiaming's station will be very difficult.

Passive beating is not Li Jiaming's character. Since there is no standard, he can only try his best to fight. However, Li Jiaming still believes that Xing Tian will not kill himself so easily. Otherwise, those axes at the beginning will not be as simple as beating himself to the ground. Xiang Yu, Qin Shihuang, eight Snakes themselves are difficult to defeat, not to mention a god of war in Chinese mythology.

Facing the axe cut by Xing Tian, Li Jiaming used the superposition of the power he had just mastered, overlapping four times, and the eight gravity channels were emitted. This is the largest number of layers that Li Jiaming can achieve at present, and the superposition of more than eight layers of power will be recalculated.

Boom! The two-yi splitter sword collided with the giant axe, and the terrible energy storm suddenly swept up fiercely. Xing Tian actually stepped back half a step under the blow of Li Jiaming, and the big eyes on his chest looked at Li Jiaming interestingly.

Under Xing Tian's carelessing, he suffered a secret loss when Li Jiaming hit with all his strength. Then the huge axe in Xing Tian's hand hit Li Jiaming again. Li Jiaming didn't even see the rules of the axe clearly, but instinctively fixed the two instrument splitting sword on the top of his head, and then a strange force came from his heavy arm.

Suddenly, Li Jiaming's hands lost consciousness, and his body fell directly into the ground, leaving only one head on the surface.