mutation killing

Chapter 218 · Armor Refining 2

Bum! Bang! Bang! With three loud noises, Li Jiaming hit the ground again. This time, he used a million catties to challenge Jiuli Sanxiong, but it seemed to fail.

Li Jiaming has been on the sixth floor for some time. After the failure of the first 900,000 catties of armor refining challenge Jiuli Sanxiong, Li Jiaming simply began to train from 100,000 catties, and now he can carry a million catties to fight, although he is still slightly lacking in agility.

"Black, Xiao Li, failed again, Gaga, is this armor defense good?" Li Jiaming sat aside to rest when this challenge failed. At the beginning, the green monster approached Li Jiaming and said with a smile. During this period, Li Jiaming was not only in touch, but also got acquainted with the monsters around him in his spare time. This green skin happened to be the first monster to discover Li Jiaming.

"The armor refining is good, but every time the bones are shaken are broken. Why do you want to wear it?" Li Jiaming also said casually. Without dripping blood to recognize the Lord, the weight of 1.8 million catties is really worn on his body. Although these little monsters have some strength, they do not stay at the level of second-class power and natural power. It is impossible to wear armor.

"Forget it, I don't want to be crushed to death. Why don't you come and tell us the story after this challenge?" There is some expectation in the green eyes.

After Li Jiaming became familiar with these monsters, he didn't know who proposed to tell them about the outside world. As a result, Li Jiaming's story was out of control. For the monsters trapped in this hell for a long time, the outside world was full of ** power for them.

At the beginning, some high-level management monsters also came to drive away the onlookers. As a result, as long as Li Jiaming began to write the story, almost all the monsters nearby would stop their work and come to listen to the book.

The leader of 81 cottages was embarrassed to participate in the onlookers, but his ears stood tall and listened from a distance.

"Yes, this time I'll tell you about some games in the outside world. It's quite boring here. It's good to have more entertainment activities."

"Okay, everyone has a rest. Li Jiaming is going to tell a story!" The green skin shouted, and suddenly the monsters around him put down their things and gathered around.

Then Li Jiaming introduced some sports on the earth, such as football and basketball, and then explained some * activities.

"Look at these chess pieces, the character Xiang Feitian is not over the river, the cannon overturns the mountain, and Ma Zorichi character! If you eat the king of the other party, you will win! Do you understand?" Li Jiaming introduced him to how to play chess.

"Wow, it's clear. Let's play some football and basketball, chess and gobang later. It's time to rest. Let's go to work!" With a shout, the monsters around them returned to their posts.

"Okay, Xiao Li, I'm going back too. Soon, a batch of feather and arrow grinders will be sent over. Hey hey, I'll tell you quietly. Personally, I think there should be a reason why 81 tribes here have begun to make weapons and equipment in recent years. Maybe Wang has been ready to assist human beings for a long time, but Wang's thoughts are not what we little monsters can guess. You can add it well. Oil, but to be honest, I hope you can stay here. Life here was so boring before you came!" After saying this, the green skin trotted back to his post.

Li Jiaming watched the green skin walk away and didn't know what he was thinking. Then he sighed slightly and immediately activated his whole body again. At this time, Li Jiaming has reached the level of world power. When he weighed 900,000 pounds and moved freely, his strength was also improved.

"The next million catties will be challenged again." People's adaptability is very strong. Li Jiaming controlled the weight at one million catties and did not change it back. It doesn't mean that he only wears one million catties when challenging. Although the challenge has just failed, Li Jiaming still wears a million catties when telling stories to monsters.

Let the body adapt to this weight. When a million gold is worn on the body as if there is no weight, then Li Jiaming can continue to increase the weight.

Brother Xiong, Brother Hu, Brother Leopard! Am I ready to do it again?" Li Jiaming went to Jiuli Sanxiong, and the three people are getting together to discuss something.

"Look, there are three of us, and then call the two guys in the Jiuli Department, and we can form a basketball team. I heard that Dongyi also had this idea after hearing from Xiao Li, and then prepared to compete with us." Li Xiong said to the two.

"Well, three brothers, are you going to form a basketball team?" Hearing Sanxiong's words, Li Jiaming came up.

"You didn't hook up yet. You told us about some sports that were very interesting, so we are going to try the football and basketball you mentioned this time. Would you like to join us?" Li Xiong looked at Li Jiaming.

"Hey, I can demonstrate, but it's okay to join you. I still have to work harder to contact. I don't have so much time to waste!"

"Well, that's fine, but you have to be the referee for the first game and explain the rules to everyone!" Li Xiong nodded.

"This is no problem, so now I continue to challenge, and I hope the three eldest brothers will show mercy." Li Jiaming arched his hand and immediately distanced himself from Sanxiong, leaving a shadow in the same place.

Li Xiong frowned, and the giant hammer in his hand hit his side. Li Jiaming's body was suddenly hit by the wolf tooth hammer. However, at the moment of contact, Li Jiaming slightly reversed his body and removed half of his strength. In addition, the defense of armor refining Li Jiaming was not injured at all, and the figure that was hit was blurred. Li Jiaming was blurred again from Li Xiong's Disappear on the side.

And this is Li Hu. Li Bao waved the weapon in his hand at the same time. They all felt Li Jiaming's attack at the same time, but after the weapon was thrown out, it was just a fantasy, which made them look surprised.

Then with a heavy blow, Li Jiaming unexpectedly appeared in front of Li Xiong again, and the two-point splitter sword in his hand hit Li Xiong.

Li Xiong was a little surprised. Just now, he only lost his trace after he first caught Li Jiaming's figure. Although he was covered with the illusion left by Li Jiaming, Li Xiong could not tell which one was Li Jiaming's real body. He didn't expect that Li Jiaming would progress so fast.

Although Li Xiong was shocked to see the splitter of the split light sword, tens of millions of years of combat experience made him react instinctively, and the wolf tooth hammer in his hand smashed out into the air. At the same time, the cooperation of the three heroes over the years made them launch an attack tacitly at the same time.

Three weapons bombarded a point in the bombardment at the same time. Li Jiaming originally planned to attack the east and west, and the expansion was smashed out for the first time, which made them mistakenly think that they would not attack Li Xiong, and then suddenly launched an attack. The front of them did a good job, but he was still small. Look at the ability of these three generals.

As soon as Li Jiaming launched the attack, Sanxiong's three weapons were locked inside, not only blocking the attack route, but also the avoidance route. In the eyes of others, Li Jiaming was like the weapon raised by Sanxiong.

Bang, Li Jiaming was blown out again and pulled out a long track on the ground.

"Well, didn't you say you would show mercy? It's so hard!" Li Jiaming stood up and muttered that the power he had just suffered and even the armor defense were faintly fierce.

"We have mercy! However, Xiao Li, your progress is very fast. We can't see the weight of one million catties clearly. You can move. You should be able to increase the load to 1.1 million catties! It won't take long for you to carry 1.8 million pounds to challenge at this speed. Li Xiong looked at Li Jiaming and said with some relief.

"Hey, isn't it? Then you have to be careful, but I'm going to take revenge. You have beaten me a lot during this period. Li Jiaming rubbed his nose and smiled. At the same time, he also increased the weight of armor refining to 1.1 million, which immediately made Li Jiaming's body sink.

"I have to adapt and continue later!" Li Jiaming said and began to run, constantly repeating some exercises such as squats and push-ups. In short, he made his body adapt to this weight as soon as possible.

"Hey, let's form a basketball team and see if the green side has done this ball..." After saying that, he walked over to the Jiuli Department.