mutation killing

Chapter 226 · See Liluo again

The prince and minister who was reporting suddenly saw his queen shed tears. In the direction the queen was looking, in addition to the sword saint Carl, there was a strange man. The queen saw Carl crying? That was obviously impossible. Obviously, the reason why the queen cried was because of the man. Suddenly, people who did not know Li Jiaming in the court talked about the identity of the man.

What surprised these ministers in the court was that the queen stood up on the throne and rushed to the strange boy despite the royal demeanor.

Li Jiaming saw Liluo rushing at him and opened his arms. It seemed that Liluo must have missed him very much, otherwise he would not help rushing to his arms in the court.

Originally, she thought that Liluo would rush into her arms like a swallow returning to the nest, but the next scene made ordinary people stunned. Liluo, who rushed to Li Jiaming, flew directly to Li Jiaming's face.

With Li Jiaming's current strength, Carl can't hurt him with all his strength, not to mention Liluo, but if Li Jiaming stays still, the power of the rebound will definitely hurt Liluo. Li Jiaming has to fly backwards, but in the eyes of everyone, Li Jiaming was kicked away by Liluo.

On the way back, Li Jiaming not only shook his head with a wry smile. Sure enough, this is Li Luo, although the violent invasion of becoming the queen has not changed.

Li Jiaming was kicked away, and Li Luo followed him. In the shocked eyes of many ministers, she walked to Li Jiaming and stepped on Li Jiaming crazily and kept saying.

"Let me wait so long! Do you know you're back now? Still messing with flowers and grass outside! How can I warn you! Don't think I don't know! I have seen the crystal ball passed back by Uncle Elok! How dare you do such a dangerous thing! It worries me so much!"

"That... Queen... If you step on it like this, Lord Li Jiaming may..." Carl next to him can't stand Li Luo's abuse of Li Jiaming like this.

"Carl, leave this guy alone? I still can't relieve myself by stepping on it a few times! Can I hurt him with such thick skin? Now if you don't control him, it will turn upside down!"

Liluo stepped on it as she spoke. It looked extremely fierce, but Li Jiaming could feel that Liluo's feet were thick-skinned and thick parts. When she stepped on it, it seemed to be very hard. In fact, the foot that fell on her body was not strong at all, but what Liluo said made Li Jiaming cry silently. .

"Liluo..." Li Jiaming suddenly grabbed Liluo's foot. Liluo's center of gravity was unstable and was about to fall down, but it was Li Jiaming's soft embrace, and the two lay on the ground of the court.

"Li Luo, I miss you..." Li Jiaming hugged Li Luo and said softly. Hearing Li Jiaming's gentle words, Li Luo blushed and leaned quietly in Li Jiaming's arms.

"Cough!" From time to time, she coughed dryly and planned the short sweetness of Li Jiaming and Liluo. At this time, Liluo noticed that the ministers of the Man Dynasty looked at the two in horror.

Li Luo quickly stood up from Li Jiaming's arms, gave Li Jiaming a white look, and whispered

"I want you to look good later!"

Then he tidied up his clothes and sat back on the throne in a dignified manner, saying to the minister of the court with pressure.

"The minister of town Li Jiaming returned, and I have decided to hold a banquet tomorrow to celebrate the whole country. What do you have any opinions? If there is nothing else to report, then retreat!" Liluo looked around at the ministers and announced the ebb tide after seeing no one reported. The ministers under the court slowly withdrew, but one of them stayed.

"Minister of Ceremonies, what can I do for you?" Liluo looked at the minister who left him behind.

"Return to the Queen, I have nothing to do, just to salute the return of Li Jiaming, the president of the Great Lord Council." Hearing the minister's words, Li Jiaming blinked his eyes and knew that he was the only blood clan of the great lord and the head of the parliament. Is this person a blood clan?

"Li Jiaming, the lord council leader, I'm Senator Kasadin of the Voutun family. I don't know if you still remember?"

Looking at this minister Li Jiaming, I felt a little familiar, but I couldn't remember who it was. After his mention, I didn't expect that Lord Casadin of the Wotune family actually served as the Minister of Ceremonies in the human world, but this is just right. Who knows more about etiquette than the blood clan? It is also a happy thing for Li Jiaming, the head of the Blood Clan, to see the blood clan and human beings living in peace with the mainland.

"Of course I remember, how about the blood clan? Is everything all right?" Li Jiaming smiled.

"Everything is fine, because with the efforts of the council leader and Prince Sidoa, the blood clan can go out of the west and integrate with human beings. Since the council leader left, the blood clan has been thinking about you. I hope you can go back and have a look." Casadin said respectfully.

"Ye, of course. Things in the palace are troublesome. Your contribution to the blood clan will be rewarded in the future." Li Jiaming naturally did not believe that the blood clan would remember his statement. At the beginning, he did not let Sidoa torture these blood clans less in order to prepare for the war.

"Thank you, Mr. Kasadin, who left first." After saying that, Casadin walked out of the palace, and then Carl also left the hall knowingly, leaving Liluo and Li Jiaming in it.

"Liro, my little baby, don't you think I have it?" Seeing that the people around him finished walking, Li Jiaming came to Liluo with a face. At this time, Liluo did not look like her mother before, and she was completely a little girl.

"Hmm!" Liluo looked at Li Jiaming and turned her head.

Seeing that Li Luo ignored him, Li Jiaming smiled and turned his back as if he was digging out something. This made Li Luo peek curiously and found that Li Jiaming turned his head after peeking at him.

"Liro, I gave you a gift?" After saying that, Li Jiaming took out the pearl earrings given to him by Aunt Qian. It was a common problem for women to like jewelry and accessories, and Li Luo was not surprised. When Li Jiaming took out the pair of pearl earrings, Li Luo's eyes were immediately attracted by the magnificent earrings.

"It's so beautiful! For me?" Liluo's eyes lit up and grabbed the earrings from Li Jiaming's hand and observed happily.

"Of course, it's for my Liluo baby." Li Jiaming took advantage of the situation to hold Liluo, and Liluo did not resist, but gently pinched Li Jiaming's ear and pretended to be aggressive.

"Don't think that the bribery will be over. Uncle Elok sent me what's going on with the three women in the crystal ball. You have to tell me everything that happened."

"Okay, I'll definitely tell you all!" Li Jiaming quickly agreed. Originally, he was still worried about how to mention Fang Jing's affairs to Liluo. Since Elok had said it, he had to be honest with Li Luo.

"In addition, when are you going to pick me up?" Liluo suddenly said something amazing.

"Ah?" Li Luo's words surprised Li Jiaming.

"Eh? What are you? Why are you still not happy? At the beginning, you said you wanted me to marry you. If it weren't for the gentleman's words, I wouldn't have been willing to marry you! I just want to keep my original promise!" Liluo is just this arrogant temper. Although she says so, what she thinks in her heart is Li Jiaming. If you dare to say no, I want you to look good.

"I know this, but I have to meet my parents first, right? I also want to take you to the earth to meet my parents this time.

Really? Go to the earth? Meet your parents?" Liluo said in surprise, and even stood up from Li Jiaming's arms, but then sat back helplessly with a depressed expression on her face.

"What's wrong?" Li Jiaming asked with concern.

"I also want to go, but if I leave my kingdom, how can my people be half? I can't leave them alone!" Liluo looks very embarrassed.

"It's not that you can't go back, and you can ask Aunt Shirley to help with politics during your absence. I think he should help with this, and he was also your father's sister, and there will be no problem in assisting in managing the government." Li Jiaming came to think of a solution, and now it's just to see if Shirley is willing or not.

"That's right. I'll tell Aunt Shirley later, how long will you stay when you come back?" Liluo asked.

"I won't stay long. I may go back soon. There is another big thing waiting for me. Let's go. You change your clothes and we'll go out for a walk. Isn't it convenient for you to walk in such a grand dress?" Naturally, Li Jiaming can't tell Liluo about the magic channel.