mutation killing

Chapter 230 · Blood Activation

80 percent! The value of 18 percent appears on the gray-black box like a display screen! Li Jiaming's blood concentration of Nuwa has reached 80%. You should know that his mother, as the person with the highest blood concentration in the Saint Nvwa family, was only 30% before fusion of Nuwa's blood. After fusion, it can be seen that it reached 60%, while Li Jiaming, a child mixed with the blood clan, actually has 100%. 80 concentrations!

The mother-in-law rubbed her eyes and seemed to think she had read it wrong. She picked up the box and looked at it. There was no problem with the box. Then her mother-in-law seemed to press some part of the box, and the box turned back into a gray-black brick.

"Try a new drop of blood!" My mother-in-law said to Li Jiaming excitedly.

"Good!" Li Jiaming forced out a drop of blood again, which was as complicated as just now. After the repeated colorful light, a strong light broke out. Fortunately, the three of them were prepared. They were calm in the face of this dazzling light. When they looked at the box again, it was still 80% of the value!

"Great! Great! Eighty percent! How long has it been since this concentration appeared! Linger! You and Adong have a good son!" My mother-in-law said excitedly.

"Mother-in-law, can I activate my blood?" Li Jiaming asked.

"Of course! Of course! Blood vein activation! That's for sure! There will be a blood activation ceremony tonight!" My mother-in-law was very excited and quickly walked out of the door to arrange the ceremony.

"Mom? Is it necessary for my mother-in-law to be so excited? Li Jiaming asked his mother.

"Yes, not only my mother-in-law, but I guess all your aunts, including your father, will be excited..." Mom looked at Li Jiaming with relief. She was really gratified to have a son like Li Jiaming.

The blood activation ceremony was held in a large room, in which a larger statue of Nuwa was enshrined. Li Jiaming stayed for less than a day when he came to Miaozhai. He didn't even find such a room in Miaozhai.

In this room, Li Jiaming's father, Li Luo, Fang Jing, Xia Yu and Xia Xue, were asked to stay outside the door. This special ceremony of the Nuwa clan is not allowed to be seen by outsiders. They are as close as husband and wife, as long as they want Nuwa's blood.

In this room, 37 Nuwa descendants, including Li Jiaming's mother, sat on the ground to form a triangle, while Li Jiaming was sitting in the middle of the triangle. His mother-in-law stood in front of the statue and read words in her mouth, and her hands kept drawing some strange trajectories in the air. Li Jiaming faintly felt With the trajectory of her mother-in-law's hands, some strange energy is constantly gathering to her mother-in-law.

Suddenly, her mother-in-law turned to face Li Jiaming, with a sacred and dignified expression. She saw that his hands were connected with ten fingers, and his hands stretched forward to form a triangle. From her mother-in-law's point of view, Li Jiaming happened to be circled by the triangle formed by this finger.

Starting from the mother-in-law making this strange gesture, 37 femalewa people around made the same gesture at the same time, and the triangles formed by the palms of each finger circled Li Jiaming in it.

Everyone on the field read this quaint spell uniformly. These spells Li Jiaming couldn't understand, but this neat singing like a Sanskrit sound faintly made the blood in Li Jiaming's body boil a little.

With the singing of the spell, the surrounding Nuwa people showed a difficult expression on their faces. Thirty-seven Nuwa people, together with their mother-in-law, showed their snake bodies. When there were outsiders, they would not reveal their snake bodies but to ordinary human beings.

But now in order to recite this spell, they can't control their changed body. An aunt coiled up the snake's body, and the triangle in her hand continued to turn to Li Jiaming, and the spell in her mouth kept chanting.

At this time, Li Jiaming saw the purple fog gushing out of his aunts around him, but the purple fog gushing out of these aunts was very thin, and the fog gushing out of his mother was the thickest, followed by his mother-in-law's, and her purple fog was like green smoke.

After the purple fog gushed out, it gathered to Li Jiaming, but these fog did not pour into Li Jiaming's body, but hovered over Li Jiaming's head.

Seeing that the purple fog gathered on the top of Li Jiaming's head, it became thicker and even formed a purple light ball. At this time, the frequency of all Nuwa people chanting spells on the field was significantly faster. With the acceleration of the frequency of this spell, the blood in Li Jiaming's body also boiled, and the gestures forming triangles around him began to change uniformly. , the triangle facing Li Jiaming from vertical to horizontal, just like shining this triangle at Li Jiaming.

With the change of the gestures of the surrounding Nuwa people, the purple photosphere above Li Jiaming's head also changed, and the photosphere formed a triangle on the top of Li Jiaming's head like the gestures of the surrounding Nuwa people.

With the gestures of the surrounding Nuwa, the purple triangle on Li Jiaming's head also shined on his body. The gestures of the Nuwa moved up and down, looking like a person, and the purple triangle also moved up and down on Li Jiaming. Gradually, Li Jiaming's boiling blood made him hot all over. The purple fog overflowed from Li Jiaming's body and gradually connected the triangular beams shining on Li Jiaming's body.

With the purple fog gushing out of Li Jiaming's body, the gestures of the surrounding Nuwa people became slower and slower, which seemed to be restrained by the purple fog of Li Jiaming's body.

Suddenly, the tone of her mother-in-law's singing suddenly became higher, and the aunts around her immediately followed her mother-in-law's tone. The sound of their chanting spells was like coming to Xuangu Honghuang, and the neat and loud singing sound spread throughout the whole Holy Lady Mountain. Outside the hall, Li Jiaming's father and four daughters heard this singing voice generated a kind of something from their hearts. With the impulse of worship, many of the creatures of the whole Holy Lady Mountain have crawled to the ground and worshipped devoutly.

At this time, the gesture of the Nuwa people around Li Jiaming was like a triangle, and their hands were suitable. The triangular light pillar around Li Jiaming suddenly melted into Li Jiaming's body, and Li Jiaming's body suddenly burst into a dazzling purple light.

"80 percent of the blood activation effect is so strong!" At this time, the blood activation ceremony had been completed, and the mother-in-law said this sentence with a pale face, not only the mother-in-law's face was abnormally pale.

Li Jiaming's whole body burst into a strong purple light, and his head suddenly rose. The original short hair began to grow rapidly and soon reached the ground. At this time, Li Jiaming's body floated uncontrollably. A purple ball wrapped around Li Jiaming. The photosphere touched the roof, and the wooden roof was silent. After annihilation, Li Jiaming's body slowly rose to the sky.

"What's wrong with Li Jiaming?" Fang Jing noticed the broken roof, and Li Jiaming was floating from it. It was difficult for people outside the house to pay attention to such a big movement.

"What's wrong with Uncle Li Jiaming?" There are no people around to ask. All they can ask is Li Jiaming's father.

"I don't know. Should it be the process of the ceremony?" His father looked at Li Jiaming floating in the sky, with a slightly worried look in his eyes.

At this time, three pairs of black wings behind Li Jiaming stretched out uncontrollably, and six ten-meter-long wings were listed behind Li Jiaming.

An illusion of a snake body appeared on Li Jiaming's legs. At first, the illusion was only hazy. Gradually, the illusion became more and more real. Li Jiaming turned into a snake's body below his waist, but the body was covered with golden scales.

As the snake came out, Li Jiaming's eyes suddenly opened, and a terrible purple light shot out of his eyes. Uncontrollable power came from Li Jiaming's body. The purple-gold energy formed a terrible flame around Li Jiaming, and Li Jiaming's power was constantly climbing.

Chaos power level 1, level 2, level 3, chaotic power level 3 is already the highest energy that Li Jiaming can achieve now, but Li Jiaming's surging energy has not stopped, and with the growth of a pair of black wings, Li Jiaming's chaotic power begins to soar again.

It didn't take long to break through the fourth level of the power of chaos, but the energy still showed no sign of stopping. The new black wings soared to ten meters in an instant, and purple-gold light flowed on the wings.

After Li Jiaming's strength reached the fourth level of chaotic power, he continued to soar and soon reached the boundary of level five. Behind him, a pair of wings stretched out. With the extension of the fifth pair of wings, Li Jiaming's strength broke through the fifth level of chaotic power.

Everyone looked at Li Jiaming in horror. The violent energy formed a terrible flame around Li Jiaming. Vibrations of violent storms shot out with Li Jiaming as the center. If it hadn't been for the father's open energy cover to protect the four women, the weak bodies of the four women would have been blown away by the raging energy storm.

Li Jiaming's whole body is now undergoing earth-shaking changes, and waves of purple fog spewed out from Li Jiaming's body to wrap Li Jiaming.

The world in the left arm greedily absorbs the energy of Li Jiaming*. These energies are pure chaotic forces. This power is expanding to Li Jiaming's world more and more. In a short time, it is two-thirds the size of the Aland continent. A bursts of dark yellow gas swept through the land of the world, a green The grass emerged from the ground.

The purple fog spewing from Li Jiaming's body formed a cocoon to wrap Li Jiaming, and the five wings behind him also began to shrink and wrap Li Jiaming in it. At this time, a purple photosphere appeared in the sky. The light ball of light constantly released soft light, and a silver-white beam in the sky directly shone on the light sphere. The continuous power of stars is injected into it.

With the formation of the photosphere, the raging energy storm finally stopped, but the photosphere still floated quietly in the air and was illuminated by the silver beam of light.

"E elder, what's wrong with Li Jiaming?" Looking at the mother-in-law coming out of the room with the people, his father quickly went up and asked. Although Xiaoling were husband and wife, the mother-in-law did not allow his father to call him mother, but asked him to call him elder.

"I don't know..." My mother-in-law glanced at the light ball in the sky. This was also the first time it happened, and even she didn't know what had happened.

"However, it seems that Li Jiaming should be undergoing a transformation. When he comes out of this light cocoon, it may surprise us!"

"It's okay! As long as it's okay!" Compared with Li Jiaming's strength, as a father, he is more concerned about Li Jiaming's comfort.

The light ball stays above the Holy Women's Mountain. Even if the silver-white beam of light still shines on this light ball during the day, and time goes by day. Although the light ball is no different from the time of formation, everyone feels the increasing energy fluctuation.

pS: The finale is coming. Hey, let's allow Xiaosha to be lazy in December and update 3,000 words of chapters every day, so that I can also struggle with a brother who supports me for a while. Gaga, try to arrange another recommendation for me in this last period of time, and Xiaosha's also Looking back on the plot, I filled in everything that should be filled in.