mutation killing

Chapter 235 · Blade

Li Jiaming sat quietly on the ground and understood the rules of the Heavenly Emperor. There were constantly monsters coming out of the magic world. The previous ten-bone hammer beast was only a small wave of forces. After entering Qin Shihuang's hell, it was quickly wiped out, but this was just beginning, and the bone hammer beasts came more and more as the channel expanded. The more you get, and the size is getting bigger and bigger.

Just now, another wave of bone hammer beasts rushed into Xingtian's hell. The level of this wave of bone hammer beasts is obviously much higher than before. The bone spurs of the bone hammer in the hands of a large number of bone hammer beasts are already black, which shows that they have killed a large number of adult bone hammer beasts, and these bone hammer beasts have exceeded the level of chaos one after another. Force one level.

Xing Tian was as brave as ever. In the face of the first-class bone hammer beasts that rushed in, the huge axe in his hand opened and closed. At least one bone hammer beast would go down, and most four or five skull hammer beasts were affected. Soon, the hundred skull hammer beasts died under Xingtian's axe.

Not long after Li Jiaming sat on his side, a golden light appeared on his body. The light included Li Jiaming like a fog. If you don't understand the power of the rules, then these golden fogs seem to be a strong expression of energy, but once you understand the power of the rules, you can find a trace of these golden fogs. The silver-white silk thread connects Li Jiaming's body.

At first, there were few silver-white silk threads, but only one or two silk threads in the clouds. With the increase of Li Jiaming's perception of rules, more and more silk threads appeared in the golden fog. Soon, there were hundreds of silk threads connected to Li Jiaming's body in the surrounding fog.

The Emperor of Heaven noticed a surprised look in Li Jiaming's eyes. This Li Jiaming really gave him too much surprise. Hundreds of silver silk lines indicate the hundreds of applications of this golden power rules. At this time, it is only an hour away from Li Jiaming to understand the law given by the Heavenly Emperor. Li Jiaming's understanding of this power rule The speed of understanding is really amazing. You know, it will take more than 100 years for the Emperor of Heaven to understand this rule by himself. Even if Li Jiaming has his own experience, the Emperor of Heaven thinks that Li Jiaming can understand about ten rules in a short time. Unexpectedly, he has realized hundreds of rules.

With another drop of dew, the emperor's expression became serious again, but this time there was no image on the dewdrop, only four words - come to hell quickly!

The lock demon tower and the upper world are completely separated. In order to prevent the demon world from reaching the human world directly after breaking through hell, only the only the only exit is set, unless any energy information can be transmitted from this exit of the channel, so the situation in the lock demon tower also only used spells to record and pass it to the sky after the dewdrop. Emperor, and now the dewdrop actually said the four words "Come to hell quickly" to show that there has been a dangerous situation in hell. The way the dewdrop transmits images is too slow to cope with the changes in hell.

The Emperor of Heaven moved a silver armored general to appear in the Heavenly Palace.

"If I don't come back after he wakes up, tell him to come to me in the lock demon tower!"

"The last general is ordered!" The silver armored soldiers arched their hands, and then the Emperor of Heaven turned around and disappeared from the sky. Soon after, the Emperor of Heaven entered the Lock Demon Tower and arrived at a strange space where the Earth Treasure King was located.

This space is surrounded by darkness, just like being in the universe. Although this space is in the lock demon tower, it is impossible to enter if you don't know the formula. The king of the earth and Tibet sits tightly in this space, listening quietly lying on the side of the king of the earth and the king of the earth. The ten light curtains in front of the hell reacted to the situation of the nine-story hell and the passage in time.

At this time, the ten monsters that appeared in the light curtain were only about ten meters long. Compared with those monsters that moved 100 meters in size, the size of these ten meters was really nothing, but when the Emperor of Heaven saw this monster that was only ten meters in size, his face suddenly changed greatly.

"Blade! How can it be!" Although the Warcraft appeared in the picture, although it was only ten meters in size, its skin seemed to be full of blades, and these blades turned out to be his scales. The two silver-white blades on his arm were like two sharp machetes. Three of the many Missy's small blades behind were stretched from the spine to the waist, with three knives on the forehead. The film is as high as a single horn, and the knees and feet are full of sharp knives. If his whole body is only covered with blades like this, it's nothing, at most it's sharp. The key is that all the blades on the blade beast can leave the body, forming a terrible blade whirlpool to kill his enemies, every knife The sharp beasts are all horrible killing weapons, and years of killing make these blade beasts easily have the three-level strength of chaotic power.

The blade beast that appeared in Xiang Yu's hell is as strong as the sixth level of chaotic power! His silver-white blade faintly changes to red. If it is completely transformed into red, then he will break through the power of chaos. Such blade beasts are generally lords of the demon world.

Hell ushered in a powerful demon world warcraft for the first time, and he entered the level of Xiang Yu, who was relatively weak.

"Xiang Yu is not the sixth level of the power of chaotic power. Although Xiang Yu can break through the level of the rule after transforming, it is still a little troublesome to encounter this six-level medium-level Warcraft blade! And I don't know how many monsters there are in the back. If you waste too much power on the blade beast, it will be detrimental to him later!" The Emperor of Heaven was vaguely worried about Xiang Yu.

At this time, the blade beast and Xiang Yu were fierce fighters. The blades all over the blade beast had formed a horrible strangulation zone in front of him and could not enter any objects. The nine giant tripod controlled by Xiang Yu kept spinning around him, and each attack of the giant tripod was shaken back by the horrible blade belt.

The blade of the blade is transformed from the essence of the whole body, and its hardness and sharpness are amazing. Under the continuous impact of Xiang Yu's nine tripods, the nine giant tripods actually showed dense cracks.

The blade beast seemed to find that Xiang Yu's giant tripod was not as tough as his weapon. After several fights, it took the initiative to control its blade storm and hang Xiang Yu.

In the face of the strangulation of the blade beast, Xiang Yu's nine-mouthed giant tripod was juxtaposed in front of him to form a tripod wall. The hard blade collided with the giant tripod and kept making a crash sound of Thunderbolt. There were more and more cracks on the tripod, and even many dust fell from the giant tripod.

Seeing that the nine giant tripod did not seem to be low, Xiang Yu's expression was a little solemn, while the blade beast shouted excitedly, and the sound was like two patches constantly hitting each other.

With the strange cry of the blade beast, the blade storm hit the defense shield formed by the giant tripod more violently.

Bang! With a loud noise, a huge tripod exploded into debris under the attack of the blade storm. As the first giant tripod exploded, the remaining eight giant tripod burst into debris one after another, and the blade storm frantically turned through the giant tripod and twisted Xiang Yu.

The nine giant tripod burst, and Xiang Yu's face was a little ugly. In the face of the strangled blade storm, a double pupil flashed, and the chaos was suddenly shrouded by a golden energy. The blade storm of the blade beast suddenly sounded Xiang Yu's continuous metal impact. Under this golden light, Xiang Yu's body was bigger than nine mouths. Ding also needs a sword blade.

The blade beast's face was a little ugly. Unexpectedly, its unfavorable blade storm was amazingly unable to strangle such a weak creature. It suddenly increased its control force to strangle Xiang Yu, and the metal impact sounded more densely.

Roar! With an angry shout, Xiang Yu's whole body burst into golden light and immediately scattered the blade storm that enveloped him. At this time, there were dense knife marks on Xiang Yu's body. Although the blade storm of the blade beast could not cut into the muscles under the condition of Xiang Yu's divine body protection, it could still cut some surface skin. Xiang Yu's skin was The cut was torn apart, and the exudation of blood made him look very tragic.

Jin Guang returned to Xiang Yu's injury and completely recovered. Although it looked tragic, in fact, Xiang Yu was not seriously injured.

Xiang Yu waved his hand, and a burst of golden light sprinkled on the fragments of the nine giant tripods. These fragments slowly floated into the air and then reconstituted three golden giant tripods. Each of these three giant tripods was three meters wide, three meters high, four feet under the top and two wings on the top, and the inscription engraved on the tripod was more profound.

Three giant tripods floated in front of Xiang Yu. Suddenly, Xiang Yu's hegemonic spirit was strengthened a hundred times, and an invincible momentum was released from Xiang Yu.

The blade beast looked at the reappearance of what was obviously smashed by itself. The creature in front of him actually gave him a pressure that he felt from the demon master. Although it was not as strong as the demon master, it still vaguely made him a little afraid.

Fear does not mean retreating. The blade beast once again manipulated its blade to kill the creature in front of it. The dense blade attack could not cause a trace of damage on this giant tripod. The nine giant tripods were condensed into three, and its power hardness was at least three times higher!

Looking at the useless attack of the blade beast, Xiang Yu smiled contemptuously, hit the blade beast with a huge tripod, instantly scattered his blade storm, and then smashed the whole blade beast to pieces!