bi tian jie

Chapter 22 Informing

The tourmaline fled from the emperor's bedroom and hurried back to the Yong'an Palace at dusk. Unexpectedly, before entering the door, she saw the empress dowager sitting in her room waiting for her, talking leisurely with Ayi behind her.

Slowing down, Bixi was very puzzled by the Empress Dowager's behavior. Fearless of her majesty, she went straight to the Empress Dowager and asked, "What does the Empress Dowager mean like this?"

The Empress Dowager raised her eyes and motioned slightly to the back. Ayi immediately felt worried when she saw this and wanted to retreat.

Bixi was originally unhappy. He raised his hand to stop her behind her and said loudly to the empress dowager: "If the empress dowager has something to say, please say it directly. There is nothing between Xilu and the empress dowager."

"People are yours, and naturally they are also yours." The Empress Dowager glanced at Ayi, "I'm just afraid that King Ning won't follow."

The blue queen quietly watched the empress dowager without saying anything, and still maintained the posture after entering the door, as if she would see the guests off after the empress dowager finished speaking. For her, it was already extremely rude, which fully showed her dissatisfaction.

"Presumably the emperor has also mentioned to you that he wants to make you queen." The Empress Dowager straightened up, frowned slightly, and said calmly.

"This is absolutely impossible, and I won't agree. Moreover, the emperor should not do this."

The Empress Dowager shook her head, with an incomprehensible smile on the corners of her mouth. Looking at Bixi, she seemed to be a clown: "The imperial edict has been drawn up, and the mourning family of the harem has also been prepared. The emperor will plead guilty to the world and admit that the child in your belly is his.

"The Empress Dowager can rest assured that Xilu knows who is pregnant in her belly and is by no means the emperor." The tourmaline firmly guaranteed that he faced the eyes of the empress dowager with awe-inspiring awe-inspiring manner.

Unfortunately, for the Empress Dowager, this is not so important.

"What you said, a letter of mourning. I don't want to make you the queen, but the emperor insists that he would rather change your name. And what my family wants is just a crown prince.

The Empress Dowager's eyes were on the blue seal's stomach, and her eyes flashed, looking at her hope for the future.

The blue eyebrows frowned deeply. He should have thought that the Empress Dowager had such an idea.

Although the empress dowager has been in power for many years, most of them are in the name of the emperor. If the emperor dies and the emperor has no children, no one among the other princes of the former emperor can resist King Ning, and she will also lose her qualification. And if the emperor leaves a son and inherits the throne, the empress dowager is the empress dowager, and she can listen to the government over the world.

It will take at least ten years to wait for a baby to be close to politics. For the Empress Dowager, it may be enough for her to cultivate her own power, deeply rooted in this court, and even make people accept the fact that women are in power.

The Empress Dowager wants to be the queen, which is indeed the best way.

As for the current emperor, anyway, he has not had a long life and voluntarily left a righteous heir with a guilty name. Why is the Empress Dowager not happy?

It turns out that it is not because the mother and son are deeply affectionate, but because they want to drain the emperor's last use value.

The pupils of the tourmaline contracted slightly, and anger and sympathy were intertwined, but she was still the king of blue sky.

"Did the Empress Dowager count less than King Ning?" The tourmaline said coldly.

"King Ning is now convinced that your child is emperor. With your ability, I will bet five points on him and be willing to let your child be emperor. The Empress Dowager went to Bixi and patted her on the shoulder. "The remaining five points may be angry, except for you and the child in your womb. The family may be able to protect you, but it depends on how you choose.

"The time to consider will naturally be given to you. It's just that my family wants to come for you, but there is no better choice. You can take care of yourself." After saying this, the Empress Dowager waved her sleeves and left. Finally, she did not forget to tell Ayi to take good care of the fetus in Bixi's abdomen.

The empress dowager is really sure that she doesn't leave her a way out at all.

What a empress dowager, she actually calculated her like this. On that day, he still provoked Ziyao God for her. Bixi's face turned pale. For the first time when she came down to earth, Bixi wanted to use her fairy power to teach mortals a lesson. It's true that Pingyang was bullied by dogs. Recently, it has consumed Jingyuan one after another, and Yuans recovery progressed slowly, but the heart-wounding group was disturbed by these mortals again and again.

The tourmaline stood still, taking several deep breaths, and his heart was still undulating.

She is a blue sky king, and even the Jade Emperor wants to give her some face in the nine heavens. How can these mortals treat her as a soft persimmon? Assassination, poisoning, imprisonment, use... If she doesn't care about it, mortals will have to take an inch.

Bixi really wants to leave and quickly change his body. The kindness of King Ning and so on will be rewarded ten times. When she returns to heaven, but she doesn't suffer from this crime of waving her sleeves.

She sighed heavily. Well, she just doesn't bother to care about it. Bixi also told himself that mortals also have the pitifulness of mortals, but after living for just a few decades, what can they do?

Thinking about it, a cold night wind blew in from the window and blew through the tourmaline's hair, as if his hands gently stroked the green silk around his fingers. The tourmaline's scalp was numb and he couldn't help shivering.

Seeing this, A Yi hurried to close the window. Before she arrived at the window, she suddenly stopped and shook. She fell to one side, but stopped in mid-air. Behind her, a purple figure slowly appeared, holding her waist in one hand, and not forgetting to remove the broken hair scattered in front of her forehead with the other, and smiled at the tourmaline.

"Bier, I haven't seen you for a long time. Do you miss me?"

When Bixi sees Ziyao, it is still a frivolous and indiluted intimate name that people are very unsatiable. But I don't know why I have an inexplicable expectation for him. She sat down silently, reasoned her confused thoughts, and poured a cup of tea into her mouth.

Ziyao put Ayi on the chair. Seeing this, he came behind Bixi and held her hand holding the cup: "Look at you, your hand is so cold. Obviously, I'm afraid of the cold, but I still want to drink herbal tea. If the immortal power is not enough, let me heat it up for you.

While talking, the cup of tea warmed up in an instant, but Bixi only felt hot.

deliberately stood up, hit Ziyao's chest with his elbow, retreated again, and stepped on his foot fiercely. Then he turned around and saluted, "The fairy didn't notice it for a moment and bumped into God. I hope God's forgiveness."

Ziyao rubbed her chest hit by the blue and just looked at her and smiled gently, as if it was just her coquettishness.

Bixi woke up. He must be too entangled by mortals to look forward to seeing Zi Yao, let his mind temporarily get rid of those annoying trivial things, and remember the leisurely days in the sky.

Originally, he was alone and drifting with the wind, but now he has fallen into the quagmire. Even if he can't smell it and watch coldly, he will inevitably gradually sink and get deeper and deeper. However, I understand that if I struggle, I'm afraid it will be ruined in an instant.

And Ziyao, the wind above his head, reminds the blue seal of his former freedom, and on the other hand, he ruthlessly blows the stagnant water, making the blue seal sink deeper and faster.

Yes, I almost forgot that if it hadn't been for this Ziyao Shenjun's painstaking efforts**, the Empress Dowager would not have stared at her now. Seeing that the primordial spirit can be restored to heaven in only a month or two, now it takes time to distract himself again and again. The culprit is this Ziyao God.

Thinking of him pretending to be a red wolf fairy to deceive her, Ziyao was a little guilty of undisguised disgust and resentment in Bixi's cold eyes.

"I don't know why the gods come to the world again and again to play tricks on the immortals?"

"No, don't have to be so polite..." Zi Yao sighed and finally restrained a little when he saw Bixi's face and said seriously, "How can I come to tease you? I'm serious and want to inform you."

"The affairs of mortals have nothing to do with me." Probably not to talk about the emperor's illness, or the fate of King Ning, the great cause of the Empress Dowager. At this moment, Bixi can't wait to get rid of these people from his mind.

"Really, you don't even want to listen to the Qingming thing?"

Bixi was stunned, Feng Qingming, Feng Qingming... The name had no impression in his mind, but the moment he heard it, his heart stabbed fiercely. The pain spread little by little, as if it had brought back some memories and struggled to rush into his mind.

Bixi rubbed his temples and couldn't help thinking about it, but there was a voice in his heart that tried his best to stop him. It seems to be able to indicate that once you think about it, it is a moment when the sun and the moon are turned upside down.

"It's strange that you don't remember the name." Ziyao was afraid that Bixi would not admit it and said quickly, "He was your husband when you were a mortal thousands of years ago."

The wall that sealed the memory finally collapsed, but Bixi gritted his teeth and set himself a barrier to prevent the memory from gushing out.

Why? It happened thousands of years ago, and he also disappeared in the loess. You can't let the three words Feng Qingming destroy her life, and now she still has to make her restless.

"So what? If the god doesn't say anything, I really don't remember it. It's just a mortal thousands of years ago, what does God think?"

Ziyao shook his head: "It's more than a mortal thousand years ago. I went to hell to check it out. This Qingming Dynasty is the only one, and there will be no reincarnation after that.

"I'm afraid it's a lot of evil, and you can't turn over after entering the 18th floor of hell." The tourmaline said casually.

Seeing that the good Bixi actually said such angry words, Zi Yao knew that he had found the wrong person and continued with a little excitement: "It's not that he hasn't been reincarnated, but that he went directly to other places. This is what the Lord of Hell secretly told me. It seems that it was the person in the nine heavens who took away this wisp of wandering soul.

The expression of Bixi finally loosened and looked at Zi Yao in surprise: "How can it be that the sky is full of immortals? What do you want to do with that wisp of mortal soul?"

"You don't know that some fairy beasts are going to eat people's souls. Oh, I only feel sorry for those innocent souls." Yao pretended to sigh, but when he saw that Bixi was completely unmoved, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"It's really boring to joke with you. Forget it, I'll tell you directly. Thousands of years ago, I happened to be sleeping. I really don't know who took away the man's soul. Almost no one in the sky knew about it. But recently, I happened to know something about you. Once the two are combined, it is not difficult to guess.

"You probably don't know that when you came to the lower world this time, you looked at the wrong three thunderstorms, which was messed by Zhiyuanjun's group of little immortals. In fact, they are just used by people. The real behind-the-scenes pusher is the Jade Emperor. Your lower world is a catastrophe. If you can get through it, it is not impossible to go back and fly to heaven.

Bixi was so surprised that she couldn't speak. She should be happy, but she always felt strange. She wanted to be happy but felt that it was not that simple. For a moment, she didn't know what to say.

"Jade Emperor, I didn't ask your opinion first, but set you up a robbery to make you a heavenly master. It's really domineering." Ziyao began to complain about the Jade Emperor.

Bixi has no idea about this. After all, Tianzun is not a child's play. Naturally, it is not good to rob a scene casually. However, what she thought of at this time was another thing: "Do you mean that the Jade Emperor may have drawn the soul of Qingming to set me up today's disaster?"

Zi Yao shrugged his shoulders. The tourmaline is too smart, which doesn't show his wisdom.

"Bier, look, I risked a great relationship to inform you. Such friendship can be seen from heaven and earth. I have a small thing to ask you, and you won't refuse, will you?"