bi tian jie

Chapter 46 Peach Blossom Banquet

"I naturally can make people, but I don't know how mortals make people." Although he knew that the tourmaline was angry, Ziyao couldn't help his curiosity and felt angry that he didn't need to worry about the tourmaline, so he ignored the weight of his feet and turned his head and asked Zhao Zhiyuanjun, "It seems that you know?"

"This...hehe, no matter how God made it, mortals naturally made it." Zhao Zhiyuanjun wiped his cold sweat and said with a dry smile. As soon as the words fell, Bixi's eyes shot like a sharp arrow, which made him panic.

Ziyao can't believe it: "Will all mortals today make people?"

"Of course not."

"What is that?" Ziyao asked for advice with an open mind.

Zhao Zhiyuanjun dared to open his mouth under the eyes of Bixi and the Queen Mother, and looked at the Jade Emperor as if asking for help. The Jade Emperor clasped his finger on the table, attracted the attention of the Queen Mother and coughed, "Mingyao, I heard that the Guanghan Fairy has practiced a new dance to celebrate Bixiao. Why hasn't anyone come?"

The Queen Mother turned her head and asked the little Xian'e behind her. Xian'e pointed to the outside and said, "The fairy has been waiting outside for a long time, just waiting for your majesty's order."

"Now that you're here, let her in." The Queen Mother nodded.

So, the seven fairies changed their songs, and the Guanghan fairies walked gracefully and half flew into the banquet, and their sleeves danced in the sky. The immortals turned their eyes away from the three people of Ziyao and carefully watched the wonderful dance of the Guanghan Fairy, but inadvertently, they had to glance over there.

As soon as Wang's mother's eyebrows unfolded, she heard Ziyao pull Zhao Zhiyuanjun and continue to ask, "Why don't you talk about it? You haven't explained how mortals make people yet. And just now..."

"Ah, ah, God!" Zhao Zhiyuan jumped up excitedly and hurriedly stopped Ziyao from talking. Then he winked and said, "This peach blossom brewing is very intoxicating. The little fairy is a little dizzy. He is a little dizzy. Um, he needs to go outside to blow the wind of the Yaochi. Your Majesty the Jade Emperor, Your Majesty the Queen Mother, forgive the little fairy for your rudeness. Let's leave first.

According to Zhiyuanjun's escape, Ziyao seemed to see him hide the album in his sleeve and take it away together. After thinking about it, he also explained a few words to the Queen Mother and chased him out.

The ears were not heard and the eyes were not clean, and the Queen Mother also closed her eyes when they left the table halfway. After sitting for a while and seeing that the atmosphere at the banquet returned to normal, he chatted with Bixi.

"I heard that the Jade Emperor said that this heavenly disaster was a wrong body, which made you suffer a lot in the mortal world. It's really wrong you."

Bixi looked up at Wang's mother in surprise and told her that King Ning was the reincarnation of Feng Qingming, and it was not wrong for him to cherish his green body in this life. Could it be that the Queen Mother did not know about this? Since this was said to her by the Jade Emperor, the heavenly disaster was also set by the Jade Emperor, so naturally there is a reason.

Looking at the unfathomable Jade Emperor again, Bixi said to the Queen Mother, "Thank you for your concern. In fact, it is not suffering, but there are many evil debts and grievances in the world, which must be repaid."

"Alas, I always hear Yue Lao say that there are mostly crazy men and women in the world, and it's really very tiring to be entangled in love and hatred." Wang's mother nodded and said, "I have never been to the mortal world since I came to Yaochi, and I don't know what the situation is like in the mortal world now?"

"The population has increased a lot, large and small towns are connected, and there is a lot of traffic everywhere, which is very prosperous. Mortans are much smarter than before and have created a lot of novel things that even I have never seen before.

The Queen Mother sighed: "Yes, I remember that when I was young, mortals still lived in caves wrapped in animal skins. My mother had mercy and taught them the art of weaving and architecture in a dream. Now they have built their own city, which is really gratifying. Mortans have changed so much."

"The life of mortals is getting richer and richer and more complicated. And the mortal's mind is getting more and more refined..." As if thinking of something, Bixi sighed and didn't go on.

The Queen Mother was curious to ask, but the Jade Emperor said, "Well, you have returned to heaven. Why do you two have to struggle with this again? You don't have to worry about the mortal world. Bixiao, now that you are the god, it is not appropriate to be a fairy official. But in the heavenly court, there are very few people who have the ability to get out of your right. Now I'm thinking, how about you in charge of the department?

The blue eye flashed and lowered his head and said, "Thank you for your appreciation. It's just that the time to enter the immortality is still short, the experience in handling official documents is still shallow, and my ability is limited. I'm afraid..."

The Jade Emperor waved his hand: "I know you are worried that other immortals will not accept it. It doesn't matter, it's up to me. Your status as a god is above them, and I believe that your ability will not be picked out. By the way, have you thought about the right person for the vacancy in your position?

Bixi thought for a moment and said, "Actually, my clerk Leng Yu, although she is just a fairy, has excellent ability..."

Seeing that the Jade Emperor and Bixi were discussing official business, the Queen Mother lost interest and turned her head to see that the night was in a daze at a table of delicious food, so she said to the fairy envoy beside her: "This child is still young and may like to eat sweets. Go and ask someone to deliver his snack first.

The fairy floated away and soon came back with a pile of snacks. That's the dessert that the seven fairies learned from Nuanyu. She called Xueji, soaked the glutinous rice in the milk, dried it and ground it into powder. It was kneaded into such a small ball with water, embedded in various kinds of nuts, and sprinkled a layer of powdered sugar on the outside, which looked sweet.

Jiye pinched one and bit it in his mouth. He probably bit the nuts he liked and smiled brightly at the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother looked at her heart in full bloom, and she clearly had a purple face at night, but she was more obedient than him. These dark eyes flashed at you, which made people refuse to be close**. Unfortunately, I heard that I can't talk yet.

There are not many young immortals at this age in the sky, and there are many fairy fairies around the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother really likes it at night, so she wants to open her mouth to Bixi to keep him.

But before he could speak, Bixi suddenly stood up, with an extra note in his hand, and his eyebrows frowned slightly. Realizing that he had lost his composure, Bixi turned around and hurriedly said to the Queen Mother, "Your Majesty, I have something urgent and need to go back to deal with it immediately."

"What's wrong with the house? Do you need help?" Wang's mother became nervous when she saw her anxious.

The Jade Emperor and Jiye looked at themselves with concern in their eyes, which made Bixi a little embarrassed, so they had to tell the truth: "I owed two maids a favor in the mortal world, and I will come to help them in response to difficulties. Now, they have sent messages for help. After all, there is a big difference between heaven and the world. I'm afraid of a slight delay. They may encounter accidents in the world, so they request to go to the lower world immediately.

The Jade Emperor frowned slightly, and the fairy's lower world still needed a warrant, which could not be downloaded casually.

The Queen Mother was understanding and nodded for a while and said, "If so, go quickly. This matter can't be delayed. Remember to go early and come back early. Don't come back until the peach blossom banquet is over.

The tourmaline saluted the jade emperor's mother, and his mind disappeared directly from his position to the entrance of Yaochi.

The Jade Emperor's eyebrows have not been loosening for a long time, and the Queen Mother said lightly, "Bixiao has become a god now, so you don't want to tie her up with the fairy's way."

"What do you mean by that?"

"It's not interesting." Wang's mother smiled slightly, "I just want to remind you that she is a Protoss now, just like you."


Happy Singles' Day~ Of course, I hope everyone can leave the group as soon as possible and don't have to celebrate the holiday!

Shawu went home today, and most of the holidays were quite pleasant... Then the cup was picked up by my mother for education and listened to how the boyfriend of the eighth aunt and seventh aunt's daughter was... The time is 3.5 hours uninterrupted, and the yarn dance is physically and mentally exhausted. Today, I can only meet people in this 2k...

Save the manuscript!