bi tian jie

Chapter 60 Test

At the gate of Bitian Mansion, I accidentally saw Yin Zhu and Danhua waiting side by side. As soon as Danhua saw Ziyao, the red skirt immediately flew over and clung to Ziyao for fear that he would suddenly disappear again.

And Yin Zhu is in a ten-thousand-year-old posture, standing quietly at the door, carefully restraining and not attracting attention. Seeing the tourmaline coming, he bowed his head slightly and saluted her.

Bixi remembered that position, it turned out that he always walked back to the station, and his mood became a little complicated. The appearance of Yin Zhu seems to fill the gap of leaving step by step, but after all, it is not the same person, and no one can replace anyone.

And what if one day Yin Zhu also leaves?

Take a breath and close your eyes. You can't imagine it. It's better not to think about it. Cultivation and immortality should have been taken lightly a long time ago, but I didn't expect myself to be so gaffe. Perhaps she practiced Taoism, which is exactly the one who is greedy for eternal life, eternal and eternal reincarnation.

"Let's go. I'll go in with you to see the night before leaving." Ziyao put his hand on the tourmaline's shoulder and walked in with her in his arms.

The Bitian Mansion has been in a mess: the warm jade sat on the ground and did not respond to anyone; the two fairy children were afraid to take care of the night but were still worried about the warm jade; the remaining pearl jade wiped tears while appeasing others, and had to bother to deal with the people in the department.

"God!" As soon as the tourmaline entered the door, the fairy waiters gathered around and looked at her with tearful eyes, waiting for her to preside over the overall situation.

Only then did Bixi reflect that her gaffe not only affected herself, but also affected others. She is not alone. This is her home. These are all her family. She is their support. She left on impulse, but threw this mess on their heads.

Step back, her life will continue, and the life of this group of people will depend on her.

Touching the heads of the two fairy children, Bixi gave a look of peace of mind and said, "Today, something big happened in Bitian Mansion. I suspect that it was done by the evil immortals. I have asked Ziyao God to help me find out this matter. The murderer has got what he wants and should not come back again. You can rest assured for the time being. It's just that you should be careful about going in and out these days. In addition, it is absolutely not allowed to reveal half a word about the things in Bitian Mansion.

Turned his head to look at Nuan Yu and sighed, "Zhu Yu, take Nuan Yu back to your room and let her have a good rest these days. You should also comfort her more. Runyu Qingyu, you continue to stay by the night, as for the things in the house..."

Bixi looked at the little fairy who was not in the house, but she didn't know how to speak. Suddenly, she heard a humane behind her: "God, leave the affairs in the house to the fairy for the time being."

Outside the door, Leng Yu came in with two little Xian'e, looked at the warm jade in the corner, looked dark, and said to the blue seal: "Your Majesty the Jade Emperor has arrived at the office, and the god is in charge of the affairs. The god must be very busy with his official business these days. If the god does not give up, leave the affairs of the house to Xiaoxian.

"I didn't expect the Jade Emperor to move so fast this time." Seeing that Bixi was still hesitating, Zi Yao answered for her, "If you are in charge of that office, there must be a lot of official business. These trivial things in the house are handed over to the little fairy below. Anyway, I went out of your house. I'm already very familiar with it. You can also worry less.

Ziyao secretly thought that Lengyu Xiaoxian looked relatively reliable, and it was better to make Bi Xi completely relieved. He stayed in the secretary all day long and didn't have to come back home at night.

The tourmaline finally nodded. Looking at the sky outside the door, it turned out that a day had passed unconsciously, and nine days were slightly dawned. It was time to go to the secretary's room.

Bitianfu entrusted Leng Yu. Bixi quickly went to the room to see the sleepy night and made sure that he was okay. Then he rode Yin Zhu and hurriedly flew to the secretary's room.

After sending the tourmaline away, Ziyao breathed a sigh of relief. When no one noticed, she set up a boundary outside the Bitian Mansion, appeased the little fairy in the Bitian Mansion, drove Danhua back to rest, and called Duo Xingyun to sneak back to the Shenxiao Hall.

In the distance, I saw that the place where he smashed a big hole had been repaired, and it seemed that the Jade Emperor had come back. No, maybe he didn't leave at all last night? Ziyao didn't believe that the Jade Emperor went to Yaochi to meet the Queen Mother.

As usual, he climbed over the wall and did not enter the main door. In the same position next to the lotus pond behind the Shenxiao Hall, the Jade Emperor set up a chessboard as if he was waiting for someone.

"It's later than I thought. Why is the road delayed?" When the Jade Emperor saw Ziyao, his expression remained unchanged, as if he had already expected it.

Zi Yao snorted and said bluntly, "Where is Li Changrui? Where was he last night?"

"Do you doubt him? No, it can't be him. He was not in heaven at all last night, and it will never be him.

"To be so sure, is it you?" Ziyao stared at the Jade Emperor with burning eyes, with a joking expression, but his tone did not look like a joke at all.

"Yiyi!" This is the first time that the Jade Emperor called him by name and surname, "Have you had enough? I do have a lot of things to hide from you, but I will never kill immortals, let alone collude with the demon clan.

Ziyao sighed, sat down in front of the Jade Emperor, pinched the cup and drank all the tea. Suddenly, he threw the teacup to the ground angrily and said, "I don't want it to be you, but you tell me, besides you, which immortal has the ability to break the original seal? If it weren't for the immortals, would it really be a demon clan? Mo Lian, the demon master, was killed by my own hands. It is impossible to be reborn. His wife and daughter are also in the seal, and they have checked it a few days ago.

Ziyao knocked on his forehead: "Is there something wrong with the seal? Did the demon clan use illusions to deceive me? Impossible. The seal is on me. How can I not know? Who the hell is that person? Who is that person?

After saying that, he patted the table with an irritable face.

I haven't seen such a hot-blooded appearance of Ziyao for thousands of years. The Jade Emperor was surprised and pressed his shoulder and said, "Calm down. When it comes to the demon clan, you won't calm down. Now the abnormal movement of the demon clan is a fact, but no trace has been found so far. They are hidden in the dark, we are in the bright place, and we should be careful in all words and deeds. The seal of the demon clan will not be untied so easily. If you are in a hurry, you will reveal the secret of the seal.

"So that's it, so you don't listen to it and don't respond to the affairs of the demon clan, just for the secret sealed by the evil way?" Ziyao nodded, suddenly changed his decadent and smiled at the Jade Emperor, "For good, even you don't know the secret."

"What do you want to say?" The Jade Emperor frowned.

Ziyao stood up, seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and said, "Nothing, it's nothing. Thank you, I suddenly thought of something. By the way, why did you repair your Shenxiao Hall by yourself? I remember that you didn't smash half of your wall last time, and you forced me to build it back brick by brick in person.

Recalling the past, the Jade Emperor couldn't help bending the corners of his mouth: "I have this plan, but the fairy below repaired it by himself. They also suspected that it was done by the thief who entered the Bitian Mansion. If I had known it was you, I would have asked them to keep broken tiles for you to repair it.

"Being the Jade Emperor, you don't have to be so careful, do you?" Ziyao waved his hand and said, "I've been tossing around all night. Now I'm very weak. Let's go to sleep quietly first."

When he swaggered out of the Shenxiao Hall, Ziyao shook his head and smiled coldly. The person who is not calm is obviously the Jade Emperor.


Don't think it's plain... Xiao Gao X has to wait for two more chapters~ If you can't understand it, you will understand it later!