bi tian jie

Chapter 77 Purpose

Merry Christmas! I really missed Christmas Eve...

I only scanned it once, and I will take a closer look at the typos tomorrow.


"General Guangmu, let me ask you, Kong Li, the master of Nanyan, who asked you to kill it?"

General Guangmu was stunned for a while before slowly recalling who Kong Li was. He said strangely, "There is no one. Kong Li, the national master, is a monk on his face, but in fact, he practices evil ways. He secretly colludes with demons and persuades the king to kill the right way. It is really unforgivable and corrects the law on the ground."

"The law on the spot?" The tourmaline frowned and looked a little erratic.

General Guangmu was straightforward. Seeing her like this, he asked, "Why, did you kill the wrong person?"

Bixi shook his head: "It's really him."

"Is there any entanglement between him and you?" The heavenly court knows that Bixi had a disaster in the mortal world. I heard that she had also left the jade emperor's mother to repay her kindness. Is it this Kong Li? General Guangmu did not speak tactfully, so he asked bluntly.

"If you really count it, he did offend me. It's just..." Everything is just speculation, and Bixi doesn't know how to say it.

General Guangmu immediately breathed a sigh of relief and patted the table and said, "So it is. No wonder the little fairy of the night is going to take action. It turns out that you teach people a lesson for the god."

"How do you say this?" The tourmaline looked slightly sideways.

General Guangmu said with great interest: "Although Kong Lixiu's practice is evil, his Taoism is not low. At that time, he only asked him to come and ask questions, and he dared to lose his temper and hurt my heavenly soldier. The little fairy of the night was so angry that he took action on the spot and took him down with one move. If it hadn't been for him, a few heavenly soldiers present at that time might have been escaped by Kong Li.

Speaking of this, General Guangmu couldn't help praising Bixi with admiringly: "Ha ha, Ye Xiaoxian's understanding is really good. I just taught him this trick, and he has used it freely and has the momentum to be perfect."

The tourmaline frowned slightly: "It's the hand that came out of the night..."

"Please rest assured, although Ji Ye Xiaoxian took action, he was not hurt at all. I have promised Ziyao that I will never ask Xiaoxian to lose half a hair.

Suddenly remembered that Jiye was not around now. For fear that Bixi would ask, General Guangmu hurriedly assured Bixi.

Bixi didn't mention that he wanted to see the night. He pondered for a while and then asked again, "What's wrong with Kong Li before? What did you say after being captured?

"There is nothing unusual. He is probably guilty and will take action directly when he sees the heavenly soldiers. Later, after being taught a lesson by Jiye Xiaoxian, he was honest and explained everything. He also said that he was confused by demons, did something harmful to heaven and asked himself to kill the earth.

Bixi frowned more tightly, walked two steps in the room, and left.

As soon as he sent the tourmaline away, another head also came into the door and saluted General Guangmu, "General, I heard that you are looking for me?"

"It's okay. I don't see you all of a sudden. I'm just a little worried." General Guangmu waved his hand, "Yes, Bixiao Shenjun has just left. It's really strange that she suddenly came down, but she didn't see you. Instead, she kept asking me about Kong Li. What's the entanglement between Kong Li and her?

"Na Kongli once cheated the god. The general also knows that Shenjun hates people cheating her the most. Maybe she originally wanted to do it herself.

General Guangmu nodded: "So it is. Speaking of this, it was also my anger for a moment, and I directly...hey!"

"It's clear that Kong Li's rude words are not to blame the general. If the general is worried about the god, it's better for me to explain the situation to her. I don't care about it.

Jiye spontaneously petitioned for a plea, and General Guangmu naturally couldn't ask for it. He patted Jiye's shoulder and praised him for being sensible.

It is said that Bixi got the news of Kong Li's death and found a few heavenly soldiers to confirm General Guangmu's words, and there was no contact at all. This made her more and more worried. What is the purpose of the people behind her using Kong Li to lure King Ning to commit a serious crime and make such a big movement that the heavenly court should pay attention to? If the demons want to rise again, isn't it better to endure the accumulation of life?

If it is said that King Ning is implicated for her, then let her come to the lower world. What is it for? Or, it's just to lead her away from the heavenly court. Is the target the people around her?

Bixi was depressed and impatient and didn't pay attention to the things around him. Suddenly, he looked up and saw several maids coming. He subconsciously avoided sideways and forgot his immortal body. As a result, he bumped into the heavenly soldier on the other end. Bixi herself was naturally fine, but the soldier asked her to hit the ground that day, and a large book was smashed on the top of her head.

Tianbing, who opened his mouth and scolded, obediently after seeing the tourmaline, patted the book that was about to be thrown away, and respectfully presented it to the tourmaline. The slightly apologetic tourmaline took the book. It was King Ning's life ambition. He immediately pulled it back and pinched it in his hand, with a slightly embarrassed face.

"Be careful in the future and don't be so reckless." Bixi gave a lesson with a straight face and continued to move forward. While taking the life of King Ning as an official document, he read it carefully.

Page by page, word by word, Bixi found that the king of Ning was no longer the king of Ning in his memory. After that, he seemed to have changed a lot, but he couldn't tell the specific difference. The tourmaline continued to turn forward until King Ning was born, and there was a thick book in front of him.

Turning forward, in the last life, Liao Hongxue, a depressed scholar in his family, died of tuberculosis at the age of 22. His life was mediocre.

In the last life, Peng Ziren, a prominent rich gentry, had nothing but to collect bronze ware and no other hobbies. He died at the age of 60.

Then, Lu Hao, an unknown Jianghu ranger, later became a dart master and died under the knife of a horse thief.

Wei Hongting, an official eunuch, later became a monk.

Zheng Jincheng, a foreign relative who plotted to usurp the throne.

Fan Yue...


The tourmaline has been turned to the front and looked back and forth several times, but I didn't see the three words "Feng Qingming".

King Ning, it's not Qingming.

So everything is not the cause and effect of the past and present life, but just a simple disaster and simple use? King Ning is so innocent that now he is still guilty of murder and tyranny.

What about Qingming? According to Ziyao, the soul of Feng Qingming was taken away by the heavenly court, and then his whereabouts were unknown? Did you take him away because of her or him? Or maybe everything that happens to you is not because of yourself, but because of Feng Qingming?

Bixi tried to recall, but at this time everything about Feng Qingming became blank in his mind. It seems that there has been such a person who seems to remember how he did, but it is not real at all. There are no deep feelings and no accumulated resentment. Naturally, he still can't remember Feng Qingming's face.

However, Bixi hated it this time and had to remember it. Even if the blank is like a soul-absorbing black hole, she resolutely got into it. The real darkness can't be felt. Only the darkness with a few faint and faint lights makes people more and more disgusted with the darkness around them and want to grab that little light.

"God, what's wrong with you?" The crisp voice poured into my ears and echoed in the dark. It took me a long time to piece together into a sentence. After a long time, I realized who was speaking.

Bixi wanted to turn his head, but suddenly his footsteps were weak. He only felt that his head was heavy and his feet were light. He suddenly collapsed and fainted for a long time before he slowly recovered his feeling. He hurriedly said to the still confused figure in front of him, "It's okay. Don't worry about me."

Jiye frowned, silently picked up the tourmaline, and seriously patted the dust off her body.

Bixi quickly recovered. First, he hid the life aspirations of King Ning, and then smiled at Jiye, "It's really nothing. I lost my temper for a moment, which made you laugh."

Jiye squeezed his mouth and said no, as if he was angry with Bixi.

Bixi is feeling novel, but she has always been sensible and rarely be angry with her. As soon as she relaxed, she heard a heavenly soldier rushing in and reported all the way: "A suspicious evil was found 800 meters away from the palace, and the rest personnel rushed to the south gate to gather."

The south gate, 800 meters, seems to be the place where she left King Ning.