bi tian jie

Chapter 110 on the month

Moon Palace, it is not the first time that the tourmaline has come. This is indeed the most lonely place in the heavenly court. It can't be said that it is the head of the dust and insects in the makeup box. In the nine heavens, there is no room for insects to spread wild. Only the white dress and the dark fairy guarded the stars for several years. In the past, when the tourmaline was still a heavenly aunt, she often came to sit down. After that, even the tourmaline almost forgot her existence.

Stepping into the Moon Palace again, the tourmaline was inevitably a little guilty and his footsteps were extremely light. However, the old moon was afraid that it was not lively enough. He greeted enthusiastically all the way, from the crystal tiles on the roof to the glazed well in the courtyard, just like the tourmaline, full of energy.

After the Taiqing Hall, he wore Lingyun Pavilion, and even passed the last meeting Sendai. Seeing a few steps out of the Moon Palace, Bixi stopped and frowned and asked, "Where is this going?"

"The cold house is there..." Yue Lao pointed to the eaves that can be seen in the dense peach blossom forest outside the Moon Palace, "That's the small building next to my Moon Palace. After all, the Guanghan Fairy is a girl. What kind of style is it that I, an old man, live with her? Although my small building looks simple, it is still complete, which is much more popular than this cold moon palace.

An idea flashed in Bixi's mind in an instant. With her friendship with the Guanghan Fairy, there is no problem to stay for a while. Yue Lao, who suddenly saw through her mind, said, "Guanghan Fairy is indeed a good little fairy, but it's better not to have too much to do with her now. After all, she is still a fairy in heaven.

The truth can be thought of as soon as Bixi's mind turns around, but it's just came out of Yue Lao's mouth, which makes people feel awkward. In this case, why do you have to take me through the Moon Palace? Why don't you go straight to your small building?

"This... I don't think you may have visited the Moon Palace to fulfill the friendship of the landlord."

Bixi sighed, looked at Yue Lao with a sincere face, shook his head and said, "What kind of backbone should I be? It's really different from what ordinary people think. Like him, you always do something you don't know for unknown reasons.

"If you think so, there's nothing you can do. But I don't know whether it's so-called or not, but there is a reason. Yue Lao looked back, and the Guanghan Fairy seemed to have heard the news and rushed out. She narrowed her eyes and smiled proudly. Dead boy, when he came to pester Guanghan, he should have thought that he would be entangled one day.

"Actually, there is nothing difficult to understand. Just think about Bi Ning. What she did is completely inexplicable to you, right? You should know that the so-called common sense in your mind now, the standard used to judge right and wrong, appears long after our existence. At that time, there was no good or bad, and there was nothing to restrain ourselves. It was all about our own hearts. Just like Ziyao, who never took killing a few demons or even killing people as a thing, didn't tell him to be like this when the heavenly court was built. It's normal that it's hard to adapt at once.

The first sentence is still a brainless joke, and the second sentence begins to explain the truth deeply. Whether it is crooked or right, it can always attract people to think. The blue seal is silent. Together with this, Yue Lao and Zi Yao are also very similar.

As soon as the tourmaline lost his mind, Yue Lao achieved his goal. He hurriedly pulled the tourmaline into his small building and went upstairs with the tourmaline in a group of winding red lines.

This red line is naturally invisible in people's hands, but it can't be seen in the old house, so it's hard to say. In the low attic holding the osmanthus tea that Yue Lao didn't know where to change, Bixi suddenly found a red line on his little finger.

The surroundings are full of red lines, and it is thought that they were accidentally wrapped up. Because he was still holding a tea cup in his hand, Yue Lao began to talk to her again, and Bixi put down this. It was not until the business was settled and Yue Lao hurriedly said goodbye to leave. Bixi put down the tea cup in her hand and remembered to take it off.

It's just that if the red line is taken off, what else do you have to do in the world?

Yue Lao smiled secretly and stumbled downstairs in the red line pile.

Bixi couldn't get down the steps full of red lines. Seeing Yue Lao go out, he held him on the window sill and shouted, "What the hell is going on?"

"God's line, old man, I don't have the ability to hold this red line. If you want to ask, just ask the person who led you. Yue Lao waved his hand and said so.

Almost at the same time, Bixi also saw Ziyao lying under the window sill outside the small building in the posture of a gecko.

If it was a tourmaline, he would almost kick it out. Fortunately, Bi Ning's calmness and self-reliance were still there. Bixi endured and reached out to close the window.

"Wait a minute!" Ziyao grabbed the edge of the window with one hand, stuck in the window with the other, and smiled at the blue seal.

Probably, Bixi wanted to escape by himself. In an instant, Bi Ning's memories and feelings all surged into her heart and became a completely different person. Bixi squeezed his mouth and smiled. His eyes were cold. Although his tone was soft, his words were like poisonous daggers: "It's really ugly."

Ziyao was stunned, and Bixi had turned back to sit in the room, as if he had never seen him. Ziyao climbed into the room from the window, patted the dust on his body, and bowed his head to prevent him from hitting the roof.

Bixi sat there, as if it was just a buzzing fly flying into the room. Her slightly frown was a little impatient, but she didn't care much. Her eyes floated elsewhere until Ziyao came to her.

"Long time no see." After haircut, Ziyao smiled charmingly.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. I can't recognize you. How could that god of war Ziyao fall to what he is now? I didn't expect you to have changed so much and become so ugly. You have lost all the face of the gods.

"It's ugly? It's just a little sloppy, and I don't have the spare time to take care of myself. At least, nothing ugly has been done." Ziyao said and naturally sat next to the tourmaline.

The tourmaline subconsciously moved to the other side, and the arrogance just now suddenly disappeared.

Ziyao came over to her ear and said softly, "Bier, don't listen to that old woman's nonsense. She used to have a crush on me..."

"Bang!" As soon as he slapped the table and stood up, pointing to the tip of Ziyao's nose, Bixi said coldly, "Shut your mouth and don't let me hear such words again."

Ziyao shook her head and said, "Tut, it's a pity that there is no mirror in this room, otherwise you should really see how ugly you are now."

In a trance, he saw the familiar Zi Yao again. Bixi smiled instead, and his slightly open red lips said faintly, "It's ugly? No matter how ugly it is, you like it, don't you?"

Ziyao looked up at her with burning eyes.

"Although it's unbelievable, you seem to have done a lot of things, and what kind of red line do you have? Do you really like it that much? Am I wrong? Isn't Ziyao, the god of war, the one who hates people approaching and being touched the most?

"You made a mistake." Ziyao stretched out his hand and said, "But I don't mind remembering it for you again."

After saying that, he quickly grabbed the tourmaline's back and shrank into his arms. The other hand quickly catched the tourmaline's face and leaned his head at the same time.

The moment his lips collided with his lips, Bixi shouted in surprise, but just asked Ziyao to put his tongue in.