Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 19 Hunting Begins

In the morning, the breeze blows and the sun shines high. It is a good day for hunting.

Xiao Chen walked out of the door in a gray gown. There were already a lot of martial artists outside who were talking about it, and the top ten people living in the outer courtyard in other rooms were already ready to go, energetic and high morale.

Today is the day of mountain hunting in Tianyunmen every six months. Every hunting of Tianyun Gate will only allow people within the top ten of the outer court and the third level of the inner court martial arts to participate.

This hunting Xiao Chen has a faint feeling in his heart that he will meet an inevitable opponent, Xiao Feng.

At the beginning of the Xiao family, Xiao Chen ruined Xiao Dong, and Xiao Feng was Xiao Dong's brother. Once he thought that Xiao Feng was just a disciple of the outer court in Tianyunmen, but he didn't expect that he was a disciple of the martial arts master in the inner court, which made Xiao Chen invisible a little pressure in his heart.

It has been half a year since he came to Tianyunmen. Xiao Chen knows little about the inner court, but he only heard from some other disciples in the outer court that the competition in the inner court is more cruel and fierce, and it is completely different from the competition style of the outer court.

What kind of strong characters will be created in such an environment?

"I'm really looking forward to it." Xiao Chen hooked the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were full of war.

Such a while, someone came from the outer court. Xiao Chen saw that the two supervisor disciples who were responsible for supervising their assessment at the time of the original big move.

"Brother Yunxiu, Brother Ji Chang, are you responsible for supervising this hunting competition?" Some people in the top ten knew them, so they asked.

Yunxiu, who was slightly thin, smiled and said, "No, we are just here to lead you to the back mountain. We are just the second level of martial arts, so we are still competitors in this hunting."

"Ah, please take care of the two brothers during the game."

"You're welcome."

I heard that Yunxiu and Ji Chang were also going to participate in the hunting competition. Many of the top ten people hoped to get care of in the competition in order to get close to the past.

In the hunting competition, the first ten of the outer court to participate in the competition is actually just a walk through. This is a rule of Tianyunmen. This is to hope that the people in the top ten of the outer court can see the strength of the martial arts and get inspiration and breakthrough. This is just an opportunity for the top ten of the outer court, and the result of the game is not important.

The protagonist of the competition is finally a martial arts disciple in the inner courtyard.

Yunxiu Jichang greeted the top ten people in the outer court. When they saw Xiao Chen also standing in the top ten, they were obviously stunned. Are you also from the top ten middle school in the outer court?

"Yes, two brothers." Xiao Chen said politely. These two people are also the people who led him to the beginning, so Xiao Chen is still polite.

Hearing Xiao Chen's answer, Ji Chang, with a sharp face, sneered and said with a little airs, "I didn't expect you to make rapid progress. You can squeeze into the top ten of the outer court so quickly. It seems that you are still a little qualified. For the sake of your disciple who is responsible for the big recruitment, I'm giving you a chance now. Would you like to join the 'Tianlong Hall' in our inner courtyard now to be an ordinary league member?

Look at Ji Chang's attitude, as if he opened his mouth to give this opportunity. When other foreign court disciples heard this, they immediately looked at Xiao Chen with envy, hoping that the person who was recruited was the same as himself.

Is Tianlongtang powerful?!

Xiao Chen thought for a moment.

He now doesn't know everything about the inner courtyard, let alone what Tianlongtang is, so he dares not make a hasty decision. After hesitation, he refused, "I'm sorry, Brother Ji Chang. I'm shallow now and don't know much about the inner court, so I can't make a decision yet."

"Hmm, I don't know how to praise!" Ji Chang didn't expect that he would be rejected. His face suddenly became ugly and he stopped talking.

"All right, let's get to business first." Yunxiu next to him stood up and looked at Xiao Chen with a trace of appreciation, and then shouted, "Who is living in Room 1 in your outer courtyard now?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at Xiao Chen again.

Under the gaze of hundreds of eyes, Xiao Chen felt quite uncomfortable. He did not like to be noticed by the public. The principle of shooting the first bird was regarded as the first taboo for survival by Xiao Chen.

Under the premise that there is no need, Xiao Chen has always maintained a low-key principle.

Seeing everyone looking at Xiao Chen, Yunxiu and Ji Chang were more surprised, "Do you live in Room 1?"

No.1 symbolizes the first identity of the outer court.

Yunxiu and Ji Chang never thought that this ordinary martial artist who had been recruited under their eyes had become the first in the outer court in just half a year. Isn't this progress too fierce?!

Moreover, Xiao Chen just came to see the big move, and his cultivation was just level 5 of martial arts, and now the person who can live in Room 1 is the peak of level 9 of martial arts.

That is to say, Xiao Chen has been promoted to four levels in half a year!


Yunxiu quietly swallowed his saliva, even though he was already in the realm of the second level of martial arts, and he was also shocked by Xiao Chen's rocket-like cultivation speed.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Xiao Chen could only stand up and answer with a smile, "Yes, Brother Yunxiu, I don't know what advice?"

After being affirmed, Yunxiu recovered from the shock, and then returned to normal and nodded, "Oh, no, it's nothing. I'm just curious to see who is the first after Qingfengao left. Good, I didn't expect you to really surprise me."

Yunxiu patted Xiao Chen on the shoulder, and then took the lead and walked to the back mountain. Ji Chang looked at Xiao Chen again with a cold hum and left first.

On the way to the back mountain, Yunxiu briefly told everyone about the rules of hunting.

The rules are very simple. Hunting is just a name. There are many fierce beasts in the back mountain, but the purpose of hunting is to find all kinds of cherished herbs in the huge back mountains. The more you collect, the better. In this way, after the hunting, half can be exchanged for the dragon soul incense, and half can be given to Tianyunmen as a reward.

As for the quality of the dragon soul fragrance, it depends on the quality of the herbs you collect.

The herbs are also divided into ten grades.

On the way, Yunxiu intentionally or unintentionally slowed down and walked with Xiao Chen and said, "I heard Qingfeng Ao talk about you."

"Ah?" Xiao Chen was slightly stunned.

"He said that you are very good and highly qualified, and he is the only person he can regard as an opponent in the outer court." Yunxiu laughed.

"Do you know Qingfeng Ao?" Xiao Chen was slightly surprised. Thinking of the handsome figure, Xiao Chen also smiled.

"Like me, he works in Jialan Hall. He mentioned you to me as soon as he entered Jialan Hall." Yunxiu smiled brightly. It seems that he has a good relationship with Qingfeng Ao. Finally, something seemed to ring, and he patted his forehead and said, "Oh, I forgot to tell you that Qingfeng Ao is also hunting this time."

"Really?" Xiao Chen was overjoyed.

Qing Fengao said that they might meet again in the back mountain, but he didn't expect to meet again. For Qingfeng Ao, Xiao Chen also regarded him as an opponent, a transcendent opponent.

"How about it? Are you interested in joining our Jialan Hall?" Yunxiu finally began to recruit.

Xiao Chen was stunned and then said, "Brother Yunxiu, I said that I don't know the inner courtyard yet, so it's too early to talk about these."

"Well, I hope that if you want to join a force after entering the inner court in the future, you will consider our Jialan Hall first." Yunxiu didn't mind and smiled.

"Of course!"

Between them talking, the back mountain arrived. As soon as he stood down, Xiao Chen immediately felt a murderous spirit surrounding him.

Looking up, a lonely and cold figure in the crowd looked at him with murderous eyes. The faintly familiar figure and murderous spirit made Xiao Chen immediately think of a name.

Xiao Feng!