Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 29 Zhenwu Battlefield, Lifeng Gobi

The sun is scorching overhead, and the wind around it is hot. Looking up, the yellow sand grains in the eyes are all over the whole line of sight, and the occasional mound sand castles all show the customs of the Gobi Desert.

Ten days later, Xiao Chen finally stepped into the battlefield of Zhenwu and was transported to this hot and unbearable Gobi. The environmental differences before and after make Xiao Chen feel as if he were in another world.

"It's really hot." Xiao Chen wiped a handful of sweat and began to move towards the desert, looking for a place with towns.

According to the tips of the Zhenwu battlefield manual, the places that enter the transmission array of the Zhenwu battlefield are random. Everyone does not know where they will be transmitted. In the Zhenwu battlefield, there are a lot of experience, especially in places where there is no lack of particularly fierce beasts.

Xiao Chen is very glad that he was transmitted to this gentle Gobi. According to the manual, this is a relatively safe experience area, because most of the beasts that appear here are beasts from the first level of martial arts to the fourth level of the martial arts, and this state is still within the range that Xiao Chen can deal with.

After reading the introduction to the Lifeng Gobi in the manual, Xiao Chen felt a little relieved, and then continued to travel. On the way, he had solved many of the unique beasts in the desert.

This is a desert mutant beast, with a bear-like body, a wolf-like head, and a green skin that is particularly conspicuous in the desert. It can walk vertically and attack is particularly fierce.

And the beasts here are all in groups, and the number is uncertain.

Surviving in the battlefield of Zhenwu, beasts are inevitable, which is also a way to earn military industry.

Military can be used as money in the whole Zhenwu battlefield, or exchange any items you need with the legion to improve your cultivation.

Many things on the beast are materials that can be refined into weapons or secret drugs and dragon soul incense. These things can be handed over to the legion and exchanged for military industry, among which the most precious is the Beast King.

In the beast group in the Zhenwu battlefield, there will be a mutant beast king every once in a while. A beast king will produce a beast bead in his body, which is a cherished material that can refine the best dragon soul incense and secret medicine, so it has become the target of members of the major legions.

Stepping on the desert, the speed of walking will be greatly affected until Xiao Chen is still wandering in the desert for half night.

"Where the hell is the town?" Xiao Chen's face was faintly tired, and he forgot to bring water and food because of his lack of experience. Now his mouth has begun to peel, which is a sign of water shortage.



At this time, there was a sudden sound of weapons behind the sand dunes in the distance, and there was a faint roar of human beings and the roar of beasts.

"Someone?!" Xiao Chen was happy. In this Gobi where birds don't shit, it is still very close to human beings.

He hurriedly ran across a sand dune and saw five warriors in light armor fighting against a group of more than 20 looking teeth demons in the desert not far ahead. The warrior side was obviously at a disadvantage.

"Damn, it's going to be dark. How can so many beasts suddenly pop out? It's really unlucky."

"The tooth-seeing demon beasts I usually see are five or six, up to * appear. How can there be so many at once this time?"

"Use the communication Yujian to summon to see if there are any people from our Green Dragon Legion in Lifeng Gobi, and ask them to come and support quickly."

One of the five martial artists, one of the 30-year-old man obviously plays a leading role, and his cultivation is also the third level of martial arts. The other four are the second-level martial arts masters. In the face of a group of demons with similar strength to the first level of martial arts, their situation is not optimistic.

"Captain Tu Gang, what should we do if there are no people from our Green Dragon Army nearby?" Someone in the team has already shouted at the communication Yujian, but obviously no one has received their request for help.

After the leader Tugang heard this, there was a trace of despair in his eyes, and then a trace of cruelty appeared on his face and shouted, "Brothers, rush out with me. At worst, you will fight with these beasts."

Forced by the desperate situation, five people exerted their instincts to survive, and the five people began to break through in one direction.

However, neither the number nor the attack power can be broken through by the five of them.

After Xiao Chen saw the situation clearly, he pondered for a moment and rushed over. No matter who these people are, he now needs someone to take him out of the desert.


The thunder step exploded, and the electric step followed. Xiao Chen's body rushed into the group of looking tooth demon beasts like a lightning. The dragon and tiger's hand attacked left and right, and the seven-star fairy thunder swept out. With each of his movements, he would bring up a large area of blood flowers and harvest the life of a beast.

The five Tu Gang, who had already felt desperate, suddenly felt a little pressure. Looking up, they saw that the dense looking demons around them had fallen to the ground, and the light of life lit up again.

"Brothers, we are saved and kill all these beasts." Tu Gang roared excitedly.

Others also saw Xiao Chen, who fell from the sky. They were shocked and began to work together to kill the remaining teeth demons.

When the battlefield was cleaned, Xiao Chen did not intend to give out all the materials on the demon's body and clean up the harvest by himself, and then turned back to look at Tu Gang and others.

Tu Gang's five people saw that it was a 17-year-old young man who saved them. They were surprised, and then laughed, "Thank you very much for saving my life. Thank you very much. If you have any requirements, just say it. As long as we can do it, there is absolutely nothing wrong."

The other four people also looked at Xiao Chen with worshipful eyes. Judging from the action just now, it was obvious that Xiao Chen was more powerful than Tu Gang, the third-level martial artist. Such cultivation at such a young age makes them envious and jealous.

There is also a female martial artist in the team, about 2122 years old, with a hot figure, and Xiao Chen's eyes are also full of enthusiasm, which does not hide her admiration at all.

The strong always make people look different.

Xiao Chen smiled and said rudely, "I need food and water. In addition, I want you to take me out of this desert."

Tu Gang and others heard that Xiao Chen's request was so simple, and then couldn't help laughing, and then said, "Hahaha... No problem. It seems that you have just entered the real martial arts battlefield. I don't know which legion you are from?

Originally, I thought that Xiao Chen was from the Qinglong Legion and rushed to receive their distress message, but this idea was quickly ruled out. Because all Xiao Chen's performances show that he is a rookie in the real martial arts battlefield.

Xiao Chen, who took over food and water to replenish his physical strength, asked doubtfully, "How do you know that I just came to the Zhenwu battlefield?"

"Hahaha..." Everyone laughed.

Tu Gang explained, "Because all people in the real martial arts battlefield will prepare maps for the Gobi, and there will never be a situation where they get lost and can't get out of the desert."

"Well... So that's it." Xiao Chen was relieved. However, he never mentioned which legion he was from.

Before entering the Zhenwu battlefield, Yun Xiu layer reminded him not to report his legion casually in the Zhenwu battlefield, and not to wear the clothes of the legion to wander in the place of experience, otherwise it would lead to death.

In the Zhenwu battlefield, the biggest competition is between the legion and the legion. Jia Lantang can squeeze into the top ten forces in the Zhenwu battlefield, and establish a lot of hostile forces in the process. If you can easily report your name, you are likely to be surrounded and killed by the enemy legion.

Xiao Chen still doesn't know the relationship between the Blue Dragon Legion and the Blue Army, so he doesn't dare to report his legion.

Tu Gang and the others also realized that Xiao Chen intended to avoid this topic, and then did not mention it much. After nodding and resting for a while, everyone began to rush back to Gobi Town before dark.

On the way, the martial artist always walked with Xiao Chen intentionally or unintentionally. She always chatted with Xiao Chen when she had nothing to do, and there were some euphemistic confessions in the words.

For potential stocks like Xiao Chen, they are young and powerful. Of course, they attract the attention of the opposite sex. In the eyes of several other martial artists, they are even more jealous of Xiao Chen, because they all have admiration for this female martial artist.

Xiao Chen kept a distance from the female warrior, which was not lure or hot, which made the female warrior's eyes feel resentful.

Tu Gang laughed at this scene.

In the evening, before it got dark, Xiao Chen and his party finally rushed back to the town of the windy Gobi. They saw more and more warriors. When they walked into the streets, they had a larger population. Those who came and went were all warriors, including some masters with strong breath.

Looking at the surrounding streets, although the environment of Lifeng Gobi is harsh, I didn't expect that there were all kinds of shops on both sides of the street. There are many, and the bustling Luoxian Town is no different.

Seeing Xiao Chen's curiosity, Tu Gang explained, "Most of the business here is opened by the possessive legion of the Lifeng Gobi, and some major stores are operated by themselves within Tianyunmen, which is also a source of income. Military consumption is generally used here, and dragon soul incense and secret medicine are also acceptable."

After hearing the explanation, Xiao Chen was relieved. It seemed that this real battlefield was not blindly about competition and fighting.

Under the leadership of Tu Gang, the group came to a Tiger Inn in the city and looked at the logo printed with the Tiger logo, indicating that this was an inn opened by the Tiger Legion.

"Brother Xiao Chen, you saved us today. Let me treat you well tonight."

Tu Gang boldly hugged Xiao Chen and walked into the inn. As soon as he came in, many people inside looked at it one after another. After seeing that Tu Gang and Xiao Chen were nothing special, their eyes fell on the female warrior in their team, and many people's eyes exuded desire.

And the female martial artist also proudly raised her chin at this moment, deliberately glanced at Xiao Chen, as if to say again: See, I am also very capital.

Just as Xiao Chen and the others found a seat to sit down, another person came in at the door of the inn. Her appearance made the whole room suddenly light up.

And the eyes that had been staring at the female warrior also moved to the door in an instant, and then all of them held their breath.

Because it was also a woman who came in, a cold and arrogant woman, a beautiful woman who couldn't breathe, and a woman who didn't want to look away at a glance.

Jia Lan!!!