Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 44 Kill the Dragon Commander

"What?!" Countless people were shocked by Xiao Chen's words.

In the eyes of others, Xiao Chen is crazy at this moment, but only he knows that he is sober.

On the body of the commander of the Qinglong Legion, Xiao Chen felt hostility. He guessed that the commander of the Qinglong Legion was likely to attack him after leaving. Before others wanted to kill him, Xiao Chen's consistent principle was to kill his opponent first.

In addition, the power of his secret medicine is still playing, and he wants to solve this potential threat at one time.

The long pupil of the Blue Dragon Legion contracted in an instant. Seeing Xiao Chen rushing, he could only passively fight.


The two fought together in an instant, and the whole tree heart city square boiled again.

At this time, Jialan finally began to be powerful. She looked at the legion around her indifferently and shouted, "Anyone who can't get along with my Jialan Legion will be destroyed and killed!"

The Blue Army finally began to show the strength of its ten legions and began to retaliate against the surrounding legions.

"Kill!" The legislators and elders of the Jialan Legion rushed up first, and the elite members were also masters of level 6 and 7 of martial arts. In addition, they all had revenge and were particularly warlike. On the other side, the people of the major legions began to retreat as soon as they saw the arrival of the Jialan Legion's reinforcements, so naturally The combat effectiveness was greatly reduced, and he was beaten all the way by the people of the Blue Legion and was at a disadvantage.

The general glanced through the crowd, aimed at the cold biography of the elders of Shuratang and threatened on the spot, "Suratang didn't expect to participate in it. Dare to attack our legion commanders. Do you also want to fight with Jialantang?"

"Hahaha... What about Jialan Hall? Our Shura Hall is not afraid of you. Cold biography of loneliness and pride.

"Okay, today I'm going to see how many catties you have and whether you have the life to go out alive!" The general rose from the ground, and his momentum exploded. With a wave of his hand, his true spirit was overwhelming and bombarded like a mountain and sea.

Leng Chuan stood with him rudely, and it was equally difficult to fight.

Soldiers against soldiers, generals, and the huge Shuxin City Square immediately became a battlefield, bleeding like a river.

When the Qingfeng Legion of the possession legion of Shuxin City saw such a scene, they immediately retreated. They had not participated in the besiege and killing of Jialan. Now they are afraid of such a thing.

Jialan was in a safe state under the protection of several league members. When the whole war broke out, she couldn't help looking at Xiao Chen's war situation.

Looking at Xiao Chen, her heart was rippled and a little complicated, and she didn't know how she felt about Xiao Chen.

Originally, she was besieged by the major legions. She didn't expect that there would be someone from the Blue Legion at that time. When Xiao Chen appeared with her in the Anti-Japanese War, she had no feelings for Xiao Chen at that time, but as Xiao Chen protected him again and again and fought desperately, unconsciously, The shadow is imprinted in the heart.

Especially when there was no water in the desert, she didn't expect Xiao Chen to cut herself and use blood to help her prolong her life. At that moment, Xiao Chen's heart was touched.

Until later in the Green Forest, when she was misunderstood as Xiao Chen's wife, there was no disgust in her heart, but there was a feeling of joy.

She doesn't know if she likes it.

However, she is the commander of the army, she is Jialan, she is superior, and her identity determines that she can't like Xiao Chen yet.

She also has her own goals!


Strong and turbulent, killing the sky.

Xiao Chen's fighting spirit is unparalleled, and the battle with the commander of the Blue Dragon Legion has entered a white-hot stage.

The eyes of the Green Dragon Legion have also turned red, and his face roared ferociously. "Xiao Chen, today I'm going to destroy you to end the future."

"There are many people who want to kill me, but their end is to report to the king of the world, and you are no exception. Kill!" Xiao Chen rushed up again fiercely.

Baquan, seven-star fairy thunder chopping, dragon and tiger hands kept fighting, but they were all taken over by the commander of the Green Dragon Legion one by one.

"Well, it's just five-grade and six-grade martial arts, and you also want to compete with me. Suffer to death!" The commander of the Qinglong Legion made a world-class punch. In terms of power, it is definitely the power of seven-grade martial arts.

In terms of skills, Xiao Chen suffered some losses. His dragon and tiger hands are just four-grade martial arts, and the seven-star immortal thunder chopping is only five-grade martial arts. Previously, he could rely on the increase of the power of the secret medicine to make up for the shortcomings of the skill and kill the deputy commander of Tianlongtang. However, with the passage of the effect of the medicine, Xiao Chen's attack power has no longer At the beginning, it was so fierce that the shortcomings in skills began to appear defects.


Xiao Chen was shaken back five or six steps, and his qi and blood surged, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth.

"Kid, your confidence is gone so quickly. What else are you going to kill me now?" The commander of the Green Dragon Army took a step forward and hit him with one foot.

Xiao Chen retreated again, and his figure was already slightly embarrassed.

Yes, his power is indeed about to be exhausted, and the effect of the secret medicine is about to be lost, but it has not been lost. All the weakness he has done now is confusing his opponents, creating an illusion that the commander of Qinglong thinks that he has lost the effect of the medicine, and relaxes his vigilance and reduces defense.

He is waiting for a suitable opportunity and then giving his opponent a fatal blow.


The commander of the Green Dragon Army gave Xiao Chen another kick. This time, Xiao Chen failed to escape. He was kicked away and fell to the ground. A mouthful of blood spewed out, which was shocking.

Seeing this scene, the chief of the Qinglong Legion finally felt much more at ease, because he could no longer feel Xiao Chen's threat. He laughed and said, "Without the power of secret medicine, you are just a four-level waste of a martial artist. I kill you like a dog."


A kick on Xiao Chen's body, Xiao Chen was hit by lightning, rotating 360 degrees in the air, and his blood sprayed long.

The commander of the Qinglong Legion was very proud to see Xiao Chen's embarrassment at his feet. Scanning the four directions, there is a sense of superiority.

"Look, Xiao Chen, the heroic figure who killed the deputy commander of the Tianlong Legion just now, is rolling at my feet like a dog. Where is your momentum just now? Take it out. Without the secret medicine, you are not as good as a dog."

Jialan on the other side saw Xiao Chen so embarrassed and frowned slightly. When he was about to come to support, Xiao Chen suddenly broke out.

The commander of the Qinglong Legion has been proud to be arrogant. When his opponent looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, Xiao Chen's weak eyes suddenly shot a sharp light. He slapped the ground on the ground, and his whole body shot him like a cannonball. He punched out with all his strength and took the head of the Qinglong regiment.

"You're right. Without the power of the secret medicine, I'm really just a fourth-level martial artist, but this power is enough to kill you!"


The commander of the Green Dragon Legion looked at Xiao Chen, who was suddenly killed again, and his face immediately changed dramatically. The feeling of danger enveloped his heart in an instant. His heart suddenly contracted. He felt the arrival of the sickle of death and hurriedly raised his hand and patted Xiao Chen, hoping to resolve this crisis.

However, it was too late, and Xiao Chen, who suddenly appeared as irresistible as a demon god.

With a wave of left and right, the seven-star fairy thunder cut off the arm of the commander of the Blue Dragon Legion, and the hegemonic fist of his right hand patted on the opponent's head.


There was a muffled sound, like a watermelon falling to the ground.

In an instant, the commander of the Blue Dragon Army stiffened his eyes and stunned on the ground, and his frightened eyes were full of incredible.

"No... Maybe, how could I die in... You..."

Without his words, the body fell down, and the blow of his fist bombarded his whole skull, and there was no more life.

Xiao Chen fell down and stood unsteadily under his feet. At this time, a gust of fragrant wind hit him and caught him. Xiao Chen looked up at her and smiled at the corners of his mouth, "Thank you..."

After saying that, Xiao Chen also tilted his head and fell into a coma.

Looking at Xiao Chen in his arms, Jialan's eyes are complicated, worrying about him in his heart, but suppressing this emotion, which is a complex contradiction.

Jialan held Xiao Chen in this way. In the flying battlefield, the two stood alone...


I don't know how long it took. When Xiao Chen woke up, it was quiet around. Looking up, he was lying in a room and didn't know where it was.

"Ah..." Xiao Chen wanted to sit up, but as soon as he moved, he was involved in the injury on his body. He couldn't help grinning, looked down, and his body was covered with white cloth belts, and he was about to tie him into a mummy.

Xiao Chen smiled slightly and still struggled to sit up. He slowly came to the door and opened the room. A ray of sunlight shone in, which was very warm, which gave him a smile on his face.

"Hey, Xiao Chen, you finally woke up. You have slept for almost five days and five nights."

At this time, a man came from the yard and looked up. It turned out to be Qingfeng Ao, whom he had not seen for a long time.

Seeing him, Xiao Chen smiled, "Why are you here?"

"This is the headquarters of Jialantang. I'm a member of Jialantang. Why do you think I'm here, hahaha..." Qing Fengao gave Xiao Chen a big hug. Xiao Chen's wound was hugged and he couldn't help grinning again.

After hugging, Xiao Chen looked at Qingfeng Ao, who was basically the same. He was still so cool and cheerful, but his breath became a little thicker. He couldn't help nodding and said, "That's right. I didn't expect you to break through again. You've become a third-level martial artist."

The last time he was hunting in the back mountain, Qingfeng Ao was still a second-class martial artist. I haven't seen him for a while, and he has also made progress.

Qingfeng Ao's happy smiling face suddenly froze when he heard Xiao Chen's words. He looked at Xiao Chen resentfully and said, "Isn't that on purpose? You are a martial artist at level four. Why do you still come to praise me? Isn't this purely to stimulate me?

"Well, it's okay. You are so talented. I believe you will catch up with me soon." Xiao Chen couldn't help comforting him.

Who knew that as soon as he heard this, Qingfeng Ao looked at him more contemptuously and sighed reluctantly and helplessly: "Chasing Mao, I thought I could catch up with you in the Zhenwu battlefield for more than a month. Who knew that as soon as I broke through, I saw the news that you killed the commanders and elders of the enemy's major legions. How can I chase him? Ah."

When Xiao Chen heard the words, he finally couldn't help laughing.

It seems that I won't be bored in the future.