Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 75 Teaching

After being stationed on the mountain for two days, Tianlongtang and Jialantang have been safe. Maybe the people of Tianlongtang still don't know where Jialantang is, and Jialantang is because of the steep terrain of the place where Tianlongtang is stationed, and there is no major action on either side.

The people of Jialan Hall also continue to explore the terrain near the mountain and clean up the surrounding monsters.

Xiao Chen also took four people in the middle of the mountain to practice fighting monsters around him, which looked no different from life outside.


A crisp sound sounded in the woods, as if someone had slapped someone.

One palm was removed from Yunxiu's arm, and the palm was his own.

"Damn, there are too many mosquitoes." The mid-mountain moon couldn't help muttering.

Two days after they came out, Xiao Chen did not return to the legion to report. Anyway, the four Jialan did not give him any orders or tasks, so they left the legion and acted on their own at the foot of the mountain.

In the deep woods, Xiao Chen kept saying nothing, because he began to feel something, which made him frown slightly.

"Xiao Chen, what do you mean by asking us to come out? Where are we going?" Qingfeng Ao couldn't help asking.

Others also looked at it.

Xiao Chen came to his senses and smiled and said, "I brought you out just to play the role we should play."

"What do you mean?" Qingfeng is puzzled.

Xiao Chen continued, "Why do you think the commander didn't assign us a task, but let four people act on their own?"

Yunxiu thought for a moment and said, "Isn't it because our combat effectiveness is low?"

After saying that, he knew it was not.

He and Qingfeng Ao may be because of this, but the cultivation of Banshanyue and Xiao Chen is absolutely not low. Even if Xiao Chen is ostensibly the fifth-level strength of a martial artist, the people of the legion should also know Xiao Chen's strength, but they still do so.

The mid-mountain moon couldn't help laughing and shaking her head.

Qing Fengao couldn't help asking, "Do you know why?"

Banshanyue took a look at Xiao Chen and saw that he did not object, so he said, "Actually, it's very simple, because we are bait."

"Hmm?" Qingfengao and Yunxiu were surprised at the same time, "What do you mean?"

"Because we have always followed a group of people behind us, and we are very strong. Because of your low cultivation, we can't feel it. This group of people has been following us since we went down the mountain. Obviously, they are from the Legion. Even if they are very secretive, they are just like you..."

Mid-mountain Yue looked at Yunxiu and then said, "If you are bitten by mosquitoes, you can't help shooting them. They will also shoot mosquitoes, so I heard them."

Hearing the words of Banshanyue, he seemed to be a little surprised in the dark. A little sound moved slightly behind them, which also verified the words of Banshanyue, making Qingfeng Ao and Yunxiu frown at the same time.

"Why are we bait?"

"I don't know about this. Maybe there is another reason." Mid-mountain moon waved his hand, indicating that he didn't know.

"The bait is not you, it's me."

At this time, Xiao Chen, who had never spoken, spoke. Everyone looked at him in surprise, with the meaning of questioning in their eyes.

"Because I have a grudge against Tianlongtang, and... I think the battle of the Ice Palace may have been known outside, and Lu Tong was killed by me again. The people of Tianlongtang may have guessed that my cultivation has progressed rapidly. They are afraid that I will grow up in the future. Not only will I be their enemy, but also a knife of Jialantang, so they will definitely send someone to kill me, so the people of the legion will also Let us move freely, in order to let me be bait, attract the people of Tianlongtang to kill me, and then surround and kill, consuming the combat effectiveness of Tianlongtang.

Xiao Chen also felt that someone was following them yesterday before he thought of this layer. After such an analysis, everyone understood.

The mid-mountain moon suddenly said half after another, "Maybe... From the beginning, Tianlongtang will launch this legion battle, and the root cause may be because of you.

After listening to this sentence, Yunxiu and Qing Fengao opened their mouths in shock, "How can it be?"

None of them expected that a legion battle that shocked the whole Zhenwu battlefield would be caused by Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen frowned, and he didn't want to believe it, but the reason is also very big.

As he guessed, Tianlongtang was afraid of his potential, so he wanted to suppress the growth of Jialantang quickly.

After thinking about this, everyone was silent.

Yunxiu has a deep affection for Jialantang, because with his strength, it was impossible for the Grand Army to accept him, and if he wanted to enter the real martial arts battlefield, he had to join the legion.

At this time, Jialantang accepted him and always made him grateful to the legion.

He was afraid that everyone would resist the legion because of Xiao Chen's bait, so he couldn't help saying, "Maybe things are not what we imagined."

But even he can't convince himself to say this sentence.

"I don't mean to blame anyone, but I would like to know whether this idea is her attention or someone else's attention?" Xiao Chen looked at the flame and guessed.

Qingfeng Ao knew who he was talking about. After all, Jialan and Xiao Chen had been alone for such a period of time, and he guessed that Xiao Chen might have been moved by Jialan.

And this incident made Xiao Chen sad again.

"You have to understand that she is the commander of the army after all!" Qing Fengao couldn't think of any comforting words, so he could only say such a sentence.

But the meaning is also obvious. Because Jialan is the commander of the legion, she must consider the whole legion. As long as it is beneficial to the legion, she has to do so.

"Yes, because she is the commander of the army." The corners of Xiao Chen's mouth were a little bitter.

Before, he never knew what his feelings he had for Jialan, but this time he was used, he would have an inexplicable heartache. This feeling made him know that he had indeed been moved by Jialan before, otherwise he would not feel disappointed and heartache.

At dawn the next day, everyone started and continued to explore in front of the lost heights.

After a night's rest, Xiao Chen looked much better. Maybe he had thought about it or put it down. He was in a good mental state.

Four people passed through the woods and came to a plateau.

The terrain of the lost highlands is very complex, with woods, rivers, mountains and basins. In short, it is a strange place.

As soon as the four walked out of the woods, they saw a small group of wild rhinoceros. A rhinoceros bigger than an elephant had a pillar-like rhinoceros horn in front of them. When they saw Xiao Chen, they immediately rushed over.

This is a group of warcrafts equivalent to level 8 of martial artists. Their skin is very thick and powerful, especially when a group of rhinos are together, they are more aggressive.

"Very good, I was about to have an early morning activity, but I didn't expect you to bump into me, quack..."

The moon moved its muscles and bones in the middle of the mountain, and it didn't seem to pay attention to a group of rhinos.

Qingfeng Ao and Yunxiu were a little frightened, "Let's avoid it. We don't have to waste time with a group of beasts."

They are just the strength of the third level of martial arts and the fourth level of martial arts. They are lifeless against these rhinos.

When Banshanyue saw that they were scared, she curled her lips and turned to Xiao Chen and said, "Master, why don't we compare and see who kills more?"

"Good!" Xiao Chen smiled at the corners of his mouth.

With that, the mid-mountain moon had already run and faced a rushing rhinoceros, did not dodge, and punched it.



With a loud noise, the mid-mountain moon actually blocked the rhinoceros from running with all his strength. The rhinoceros retreated by two steps, and the huge bull's eyes flashed a red light and roared and hit it again.

"The skin is really not thick." Half of the mountain moon was unconvinced and rushed up again.

His full blow did not kill the rhinoceros, which showed that this group of rhinos was not easy to provoke.

Xiao Chen motioned to let Qingfeng Ao and Yunxiu stand aside and look at a rhinoceros rushing towards him. He smiled and stood still. Seeing that the rhinoceros was about to hit him, he suddenly took action, grabbed the horn of the rhinoceros above the rhino's head with both hands, and turned over, and a huge force gushed out of his arms. The rhinoceros With a scream, his huge mountain-like body was turned over by Xiao Chen and fell to the ground.


The soil splashed, and the rhinoceros struggled to stand up. Xiao Chen's infernal strength shot into the rhino's eyes, and the rhinoceros stopped moving

On the other side, when the mountain moon saw Xiao Chen finish it so quickly, she couldn't help but feel faceless. The Buddha's words burst out wildly. The whole rhinoceros was blown into meat sauce by him, and then looked at Xiao Chen unyieldingly.

Xiao Chen smiled gently and pointed to his brain.

Sometimes it depends on the brain!

The mid-mountain moon looked embarrassed, and he also knew that what he did was indeed not the best.

Half an hour later, cooking smoke floated on the grassland, and the rhinoceros beef was roasted on the fire rack. Yunxiu and Qingfengao became barbecue chefs.

These days, all the monsters they met were caught and roasted, and all kinds of meat were eaten. Qingfeng Ao and Yunxiu knew that they had not contributed, so they took the initiative to wrap the barbecue and carried out it seriously.

Half Yue looked at the ground in a little discouragement, stretched out her finger and calculated, "I killed 17 of them, but you can kill 34 of them. Why on earth?"

He is very unconvinced. Obviously, his cultivation is relatively high.

Xiao Chen smiled and said, "In addition to being strong enough to deal with Warcraft, you also need to use your brain. Rhinos have thick skin, so it is definitely not a good way to fight with them. The key is to attack their weaknesses.

"Weakness?" Banshanyue didn't think about it, "But the skin of the rhinoceros's whole body is like armor. There is no weakness."

"Their weaknesses are the same as people. They are internal organs. As long as they can destroy their internal organs, it's very simple." Xiao Chen seemed to say with deep meaning.

"Destroy their internal organs?" The moon in the middle of the mountain was thoughtful, and then recalled Xiao Chen's battle and suddenly found that every time Xiao Chen could knock down the rhinoceros with one blow, how did he attack the rhinoceros's internal organs?

Is it... True shock?!