Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 155 Flower Back Spider

Although the previous vitality was absorbed by Taijitu, after all, it also passed through Xiao Chen's body when it flowed. So the magnificent energy constantly washed his veins and body, so it was difficult not to break through.

After figuring out the reason, Xiao Chen smiled bitterly and laughed at himself, "That's okay."

The atmosphere of heaven and earth in the woods is very beneficial to practitioners. Maybe this is the treasure of King Wu.

The next day, Xiao Chen began to search west of the forest while checking the traces of Wuwang's treasure.

The ancient trees in the west are getting thicker and thicker, and the tall trees give people a feeling of towering clouds. The roar of beasts in the depths of the forest is also more majestic and oppressive.

After Xiao Chen broke through last night, his mood changed again and became much calmer. He began to be less eager to find a companion. Maybe he would miss it because he was too anxious.

Compared with the east, the forest in the west is a little humid and heavy, and the crows and birds above their heads begin to become strange and full of ghosts.

The deeper you go inside, the more dead bones on the ground begin to become. Some bones can be seen in some tree poles, emitting a smell of rotten smell, and the atmosphere is indescribably strange.

The double-headed leopard also didn't like the atmosphere around him. He roared slightly and walked slower and slower, looking even careful.

Xiao Chen patted the leopard, calmed him down, and continued to move forward.

The woods in front were denser, the trees were in a hurry, and there was a faint fog, making the air more and more strange.

"No wonder this place is so gloomy, with branches and leaves covering the sky and full of miasma. I'm afraid many people have died here."

Xiao Chen occasionally has a feeling that the environment here is simply different from the east. If it is heaven over there, this is hell.

No one would have thought that there would be two completely different environments in a huge secret place.

further forward, even the ground changed color and turned black. As soon as he stepped in, the vitality around him seemed to disappear, which immediately made Xiao Chen uncomfortable.

The east side is full of vitality and the tank body, while the west side is ghostly and lacks vitality, two completely extreme places.

If you fight in the east, you may not have to worry about your own consumption at all, but here, even if you want to restore your vitality, it is impossible if you don't rely on secret medicine.

There is no energetic energy in the air, and there are strange things everywhere.


After taking two more steps, the leopard became more and more uneasy, and suddenly had no way ahead. A swamp appeared. In the muddy place, more than a dozen crocodiles could be faintly seen rolling in the muddy swamp, setting off waves. In some muddy places, you can also see some warrior clothes.

In the secret place of King Wu, the transmission place is random, and no one knows who will be transmitted to where.

The environment here is so dangerous that Xiao Chen began to worry about whether the mid-mountain moon and Qingfeng Ao would be transmitted here.

"You must find them both as soon as possible, otherwise you can't feel at ease." Xiao Chen was heavy-minded, cut down a few trees and tied them into rafts, supported the raft and began to walk on the swamp.

The leopard also followed, staring around from time to time. Suddenly, a big crocodile in the mud pool suddenly rushed out from the bottom of the pool, setting off a big wave, and the mud was flying, blocking Xiao Chen's sight.

Xiao Chen was shocked and was about to take action, but the two-headed leopard suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a glow, while the other leopard's head spit out a blow and recorded it on the mud wall.


The mud wall was smashed, and the huge crocodile body was also smashed.

It is a raft that wants to sink Xiao Chen. When he and the leopard fall into the quagmire, it will be the crocodile's territory, and there will be absolutely no life.

At the critical moment, Xiao Chen shouted loudly and grabbed it, "Pluck the salary from the bottom of the kettle!"


The huge body of the crocodile suddenly disappeared as it descended. Xiao Chen waved casually, and the crocodile's body suddenly appeared ten meters away, and then fell heavily into the quagmiment, stirring up a mud and dust.

The two-headed leopard roared again, but this time it seemed to be in awe of Xiao Chen, and the means shown by Xiao Chen made him afraid.

Through the swamp, the smell of mold in the forest became more and more intense, which made people dizzy. Xiao Chen hurriedly held his breath. In such an environment, it was a great challenge to survival.

Walking forward another hundred meters, Xiao Chen suddenly heard a strange roar and fighting sound. Xiao Chen was nervous and immediately took the leopard over, passed through a small jungle, and suddenly came to a wide field. Xiao Chen was also shocked by the scene in front of him.

I saw two warriors fighting for life and death with a monster.

The monster is a huge flower-backed spider, about two meters high, as huge as an elephant, and the fluff on the eight waving claws is as hard as a steel knife.

The two warriors seemed to be from the three families. They met each other here, but they didn't want to be noticed by this poison. The two bombed the spider, but the back shell defense of the spider was extremely perverted. No matter how they attacked, they could not do anything about the spider.

The spider's strength is probably level 9, but because of the strong defense and the special environment here, it is full of poisonous miasma, so that the warriors can't deal with it wholeheartedly, and they have to protect themselves with true qi from poison miasma, which is subject to spiders.

Both of them have been sweating. It seems that they have been fighting for a long time. Their cultivation is not weak, but in the long-term battle, there is no vitality around them to provide them with energy, resulting in their rapid consumption and gradually becoming more and more powerless.

The spider also seemed to see that the human beings in front of them were gradually weak. They climbed up and down and began to attack from the tree. Eight huge claws were like eight steel knives, which quickly made the two people tired and bloody.


The spider made a strange noise, as if they were excited. The two warriors finally couldn't stand it. The spider's claws were poisonous, and they couldn't hold on.


After the spider fell, a cobweb spewed out at the end of their buttocks, entangling them, wrapped them in circles, and then climbed to the tree and tied the cobweb to it, leaving only a head for them to breathe and keep their food fresh.

Xiao Chen was shocked by the spider's methods, but he was even more surprised after looking around, because on the trunk near the spider's nest, there were still several cobwebs, all of which were entangled with one person, leaving only one head outside.

What surprised Xiao Chen more was that Qingfeng was proudly in it.

Under a tree trunk, Qingfeng's feet were tightly wrapped in white cobwebs, leaving a head hanging upside down on the trunk, his eyes tight, his face blue, and seemed to be poisoned by spiders.

Seeing that Qingfeng is here, Xiao Chen can no longer ignore it. He flew up, stretched out his hand and flicked. A sharp wind shot away, and immediately shot the cobweb. Qing Fengao fell from the air.

Xiao Chen was about to catch Qingfeng Ao, but his behavior suddenly shocked the flower-backed spider. Seeing that someone was going to take away its food, the flower spider immediately ejected out, and the huge body fell from the sky and suppressed it overwhelmingly.

The eight claws in mid-air have begun to wave, which is to remove Xiao Chen's eight pieces.


Xiao Chen shouted loudly and stretched out his hand to point. An air knife suddenly cut over. Looking at the back of the flower-faced spider, it actually made a jingling sound, which showed how perverted the spider's defense was.

Even so, the spider's body was still shaken out. The spider cried in pain, and then quickly climbed over and stared at Xiao Chen. The leopard stopped in front of Xiao Chen and confronted the spider.

Xiao Chen took the opportunity to take over Qingfeng Ao and found that the latter's situation was very unsatisfactory. It seemed that he had been trapped for a few days. His face was faintly dark and deeply poisoned. Coupled with the lack of vitality in his body, he should have been caught by the spider until he fought with the spider until he finally collapse.

Xiao Chen hurriedly broke the cobweb around Qingfeng'ao's body, and then took out a large number of herbs from the storage ring and stuffed it into Qingfeng's mouth one after another. Luck helped him exert his medicinal power. The black gas on his face was also under the effect of the medicine. He was quickly forced back, and his face was also rosy. Qingfeng'ao's breathing also began to heavy. Get up.


After finishing all this, Xiao Chen's forehead sweated. Qingfeng Ao hasn't woken up yet, but there is no life problem. He should be fine after a period of rest.

The other two martial artists who had just been suspended saw Xiao Chen appear and immediately asked for help, "Xiao Chen, save us. For the sake of all the people of Luoxian Town, save us once."

Xiao Chen looked at them and hesitated for a moment, but still took action.


Two strong winds directly cut off all the cobwebs on their bodies, and the two regained their freedom.

After the two came down, they immediately hugged Xiao Chen and said, "Thank you, Master Xiao Chen, for your help. We are very grateful."

The two people stared at Xiao Chen's storage ring while thanking them. Just now, Xiao Chen saved Qingfeng and suddenly took out so many herbs. The two suddenly moved and wondered if Xiao Chen had got the treasure of King Wu.

Some people tried and said, "I don't know if Master Xiao Chen has found the treasure of King Wu after coming in for so many days."

Xiao Chen saw the little action of the two of them, and Xiao Chen sneered.

The reason why he saved them is that the environment here is dangerous. If there are two more people, even if there is any danger, they can let them explore the way. Unexpectedly, these two people still want to pay his attention. They really don't know whether to live or die.

He remained calm and said flatly, "No."

"Oh, well, let's act together next, so that one more person can contribute." Those two people's eyes are shining, and I'm afraid it's true to find an opportunity to harm Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen's heart was murderous, but they were still useful, so he nodded.

At this time, the double-headed leopard and the spider also began to fight. The two warriors were surprised to see this scene and asked, "Is this the mount you subdued?"

Xiao Chen didn't say a word, which is considered to be the default.

The two-headed leopard and the spider seem to be sworn against each other and immediately drew their swords as soon as they met.

The double-headed leopard roared repeatedly, and the spider squeaked, full of vigilance and a little uneasiness, as if they were also afraid of the leopard.

The two looked at each other for a while, and the leopard suddenly launched an attack and shot it. The spider seemed to have known the leopard's method for a long time. The body actually shot a bullet, and then used the cobweb to hang upside down on the tree trunk, and eight huge claws cut at the leopard.

The leopard roared and dodged. The other head suddenly spewed a glow and hit the spider's back.


The glow seemed to have an effect on the spider. When it hit the spider's back, it immediately seemed to have been burned. A thick black smoke appeared on the spider's back, emitting a stench.

The sound of the spider is getting more and more sad.

The two warriors next to them who watched the battle were also shocked. They didn't expect that the spider that made them feel difficult was injured by Xiao Chen's mount. They were suddenly a little panicked.