Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 157 Killing the King of Martial Arts [Please subscribe]

The huge mountains give people a deep sense of depression, and the surrounding environment makes Xiao Chen feel uneasy.

"Is King Wu's treasure in here?"

Qingfeng ao carefully rolled his throat, and even Xiao Chen would feel depressed in the face of the second mountain, let alone him.

This is the general trend left by King Wu, which can give people a deep shock through the mountains.

Yu Wei of King Wu is so terrible, which shows how powerful this King Wu was when he lived.

Xiao Chen looked at the surrounding environment and saw that there seemed to be traces of footsteps on the ground. Obviously, someone had already found this place.

In front of the mountain, there is a deep hole, in which there seems to be a wind roar. Hearing it, the feeling of the hole also makes people feel more like the blood basin opened by a giant beast, which will be swallowed by all people in the future.

"Can we get in?" Qing Fengao looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

Xiao Chen thought for a moment. Now he hasn't found the mid-mountain moon. He is a little worried, but the treasure is in front of him. If he is not preempted by others, this trip will come in vain.

"Let's go first and see what's going on."

In the end, Xiao Chen decided to go first.

The two immediately led the two-headed leopard to go inside, but after reaching the mouth of the cave, the two-headed leopard refused to go any further. They just looked at the mountains in front of them and roared, and their eyes were full of fear.

"Has this leopard seen the King Wu when he was alive?" Qingfeng was shocked.

Looking at the leopard's fear of the mountains, this may be very large, and the Yu Wei of King Wu has made him so afraid of monsters so far.

"Let's go in."

Xiao Chen no longer forced the leopard. This is admiration for the former strong, and Xiao Chen has no reason to let the leopard follow again. The two then stepped into the cave.

As soon as I entered the cave, a cloudy wind came and blew across my ears, as if there was a magic sound in my mind.

The surrounding wind is full of wind, and the dark cave is even more disturbing. Xiao Chen made two simple torches to illuminate the whole cave, but he can only see the things five meters in front of him.

The surrounding rock walls are the same as outside, with black stones everywhere. Occasionally, there is a ticking sound in the cave, and there seems to be drops of water falling on the ground, making a sound.

The two tightened their nerves and moved forward slowly. People always have a trace of fear of unknown things, especially now they want to explore the cave of King Wu.

The cave is deep, and the wind roars in the tunnel, like a ghost crying and howling.

After walking for more than half an hour, they finally passed through the tunnel and came to a vast cave, which was magnificently built, full of black ore structures, green jade on the ground, and glazed columns supporting the whole hall.

In the main seat of the hall, there is a huge white jade statue standing in the center, carved by a middle-aged man. He is strong, with sword eyebrows and eyes, standing with his hands on his back, looking directly at the sky. The arrogant color of his clothes exudes a good power through the jade statue, which makes people excited.

After the jade statue, there is a portal, 15 meters wide and 20 meters high, very grand, like the heavenly gate, which gives people a deep sense of depression.

Next to the door, there are also two huge stone carvings. One is a three-headed snake statue. The snake's head is ferocious, and six snake eyes are inlaid with rubies, shining strangely. The body is hovering, about 15 meters high, which also makes people vigilant.

The other stone sculpture is a huge and powerful lion, the size of a three-headed snake. The lion's head is high and majestic, and its mouth is as wide as roaring, which is very impactful.

At this moment, five people in the temple have been observing the man's jade sculpture again in a daze.

Looking around, Xiao Chen didn't know any of the five people, but one of them wore a hat and exuded a mysterious atmosphere. Xiao Chen's impression seemed to be the man who followed 'Kirin' before entering the secret land.

The other four look at the appearance of the clothes, two of which are from the Cheng family, and the other two are scattered.

Xiao Chen and Qingfeng proudly saw that they stood in front of the jade statue in a daze. They couldn't help leaning forward cautiously. When they approached, they found that four of the five people were blank and seemed to be shocked.

And the infinite mountain man wearing a bucket hat is not clear because he can't see his face, but he should be the same as the other four people.

"What are they doing? Why are they all looking at the statue in a daze? Qingfeng said in a low voice.

Xiao Chen is also puzzled, but looking at the five people, they all seem to be staring at the stone statue. I think the problem should be on the statue.

"Is this statue strange?"

He couldn't help looking at the statue. Unexpectedly, as soon as his eyes stared at the statue's eyes, he suddenly felt a shock, and he suddenly became in a trance. Then he only felt as if he was in a whirlpool, turned around and lost consciousness.

And Qingfeng Ao was shocked when he saw that Xiao Chen was suddenly motionless. He came over and shook Xiao Chen's body and shouted, "Xiao Chen, how are you? Wake up."

But Xiao Chen, like the other five people, was motionless, but his expression was constantly changing, as if he had seen something incredible.

In the sea of spiritual knowledge, Xiao Chen finally regained consciousness, but he found himself in another place, surrounded by clouds floating everywhere, a vast sea of clouds, like the heavenly palace.

"What the hell is going on?"

Xiao Chen stepped on his feet and found that it was also a floating cloud. His whole body really seemed to be in the sky.

In his puzzlement, a man suddenly appeared in the sky, with the same appearance as a statue.

He was arrogant and cold, looking up at the sky, as if ignoring heaven and earth. When he stood there, there was a huge pressure like a vast ocean, making Xiao Chen suddenly feel like the top of Mount Tai, in pain.

Xiao Chen was shocked.

"I killed the king of martial arts, and finally achieved supreme martial arts in my life. I killed countless enemies in my life, and I have never been defeated. However, in his life, there were too many killings, which provoked enemies everywhere. Finally, he wanted to break the day when King Wu became the Emperor of Wu. After the disaster, hundreds of King Wu's strong enemies have joined hands to attack, but what are they afraid of?!"

The man's words are plain, but there is a domineering spirit of contempt for heaven and earth, but Xiao Chen has set off a big wave in his mind.

Kill the King of Wu?!

He has never heard of the name, but from the name, this person is definitely a cruel person, and he has never been defeated by the enemy in his life. It can be seen that he is talented, superhuman, and wants to break into the Wuhuang. What a character he is.

The man continued: "Hundred kings attack, and I have only one battle. With my supreme martial arts of killing, I was defeated by the enemy under my feet, and the blood flow drifted. Who is my enemy..."

In simple terms, he has already told the situation of the war, and Xiao Chen has even imagined the scene of the war in his mind.

What a horrible situation it is that hundreds of martial kings join hands to attack. The battle must be earth-shaking, cracking and landslides, and killing King Wu is defeated with a hundred enemies that can be killed by one enemy. How earth-shaking it is.

"Although all the enemies died in my hands, I was also deeply damaged, and the Emperor's heavenly disaster also came. Twelve thunderstorms fell. I took over the eleven with a seriously injured body, but I never wanted to be defeated by the 12th heavenly disaster. I was helpless, sighed and unwilling."

The man's voice is gradually full of loneliness.

Xiao Chen can imagine how amazing a king of martial arts is. He kills a hundred and then a thunderbolt. This cultivation is too horrible. He can even imagine that if he hadn't been hit hard by the battle between the king of Wu and people before the disaster, he would not have failed if he greeted the disaster with a prosperous attitude.

"If the enemy hadn't attacked during the heavenly disaster, I'm afraid that the killing king would have become the killing emperor!" Xiao Chen sighed.

also understands the helplessness of the last sigh of King Wu.

"Failure to cross the disaster, leaving only a wisp of remnant gods left in the secret place I created before. I hope that future martial artists will find me and inherit my martial arts to kill martial arts, so as to inherit the martial arts glory, so that the world will once again sound my reputation of killing the king of martial arts!"


The clouds suddenly changed, and Xiao Chen suddenly woke up and his body was shocked.

"Xiao Chen, you woke up."

Qingfeng Ao hurriedly greeted him. Seeing that it was Qing Feng Ao, Xiao Chen gradually recovered. Looking back to the picture just now, he still felt like a dream.

Around, the previous five warriors also woke up earlier than Xiao Chen. When they saw Qingfeng Ao and Xiao Chen, they obviously looked alert, but Fortunately, they did not take action.

Qingfeng Ao knew that the problem must be on the statue because Xiao Chen was also distracted, so he did not dare to see the statue. Only then did he stay awake and have been waiting beside Xiao Chen.

Otherwise, they will lose consciousness, and it will not be good if others come in and take the opportunity to kill.

"Well, what's wrong with you?" Qingfeng Ao asked hurriedly.

Xiao Chen looked at the other five warriors, and then remained vigilant. After a sigh of relief, he whispered to Qingfengao about the scene he had just seen.

"Ah, kill the king of martial arts?" Qingfeng's proud look was obviously shocked.

"Do you know?" Xiao Chenqi said.

"Oh, I don't know, but I have read some records in some books of Tianyunmen. It is said that 800 years ago, an extremely powerful martial king appeared on the mainland. He crossed the mainland and was invincible. It was a rare defeat against the enemy in his life. His methods were earth-shaking. Later, because of the excess killing, he created hundreds of martial kings to surround him, and then unfortunately fell.

Qing Feng Ao told Xiao Chen what he knew.

Xiao Chen nodded, almost the same as what he heard in his consciousness just now, but the result of killing the king of martial arts was that he was injured by the heavenly disaster, rather than being surrounded and killed by hundreds of martial kings.

This may be due to the face of the hundreds of martial arts kings, and some people have distorted the facts.

The atmosphere in the hall was strange for a while, and they were taking care of each other, but at the same time they were recalling the events they had just seen and heard. Looking at their expressions, you will know that what everyone sees and hears should be the same picture.

The killing of King Wu was shocking.

But after waking up, everyone is most concerned about the sentence 'inheriting the martial arts of killing' that King Wu cares the most.

Killing the martial arts king can kill a hundred with one, and finally defeat the anti-sky means of the world's martial arts king, which is no different from his killing martial arts. Such an anti-sky martial arts, I don't want to miss it.

After thinking for a long time, the two martial artists' eyes became brighter and brighter, and their greedy look could no longer be blocked. They looked around the others and looked quite excited. Finally, they stared at the huge jade door behind the statue and suddenly shouted crazily: "The inheritance of King Wu is mine, and no one can take it away. , Hahaha... It's mine!"

The two warriors had already rushed to the Jade Gate, but as soon as their hands touched the Jade Gate, they suddenly banged, as if they had been bombarded by the prohibition on the Jade Gate.

This scene also poured down a basin of cold water directly from several other warriors who were burning with desire, making everyone realize a reality that the inheritance of the king of martial arts was not so good.