Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 166 Lingxi Ring

Yun Jianfei suppressed people with martial arts, making all the scattered martial artists present ugly. This was contempt for them, but all the martial artists dared not say anything. Yun Jianfei's cultivation was placed there, so that they could only suppress this anger in their hearts.

Xiao Chen saw this scene and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

The discord between Sanxiu and the world is a good phenomenon, which can't be taken advantage of.

After cleaning up the three giant pythons and the Lion King, the jade gate was no longer hindered before, and everyone's eyes began to stare eagerly at the huge jade gate, as if they had seen the countless treasures behind the door.

"Wuwang's treasure, hahaha... Finally, I'm going to see the treasure of King Wu. Everything in it is mine, it's all mine, hahaha..."

Some martial artists lost their minds with excitement and shouted and rushed to Yumen, but they ignored the prohibition on Yumen.

Just when others thought that the warrior who rushed up would be knocked back, they didn't expect that the warrior's body had just come into contact with the Jade Gate, as if he had crossed a wall, and his body suddenly disappeared in front of the Jade Gate.

"Ah, what's going on?" Everyone was surprised.

"Is this cloud door just a blindfold? With the death of the two guardian monsters, the prohibition has also disappeared?"

Someone followed again and touched the jade door with his hand, but his hand magically passed through the jade door, as if his hand had entered the water.

"It can really pass."

The warriors were overjoyed, and the groups began to rush inside. If they rushed inside first, they were likely to grab good things.

Seeing this scene, Yun Jianfei's face changed and began to rush inside, instead of swords, extremely fast, and suddenly disappeared into the hall.

"We're going too!"

Ye Xiaolin of the infinite mountain also rushed in quickly with people.

Everyone knows that it is possible to get the best thing if you go first.

"Master, let's go in as soon as possible. If it's late, all the good things will be taken away." The mid-mountain moon was also anxious and eager to try.

Xiao Chen, you felt that things were not that simple and stopped, "Hour, we are not in a hurry."

"Hmm?" Mid-mountain Yue and Qingfeng looked at Xiao Chen puzzledly.

Xiao Chen said, "From the perspective of the fact that the killing king put two powerful monsters guarding the door, he should not let his things be taken away so easily. Who dares to say that it must be a treasure rather than a trap after the past?"

This words immediately calmed down Qingfeng Ao and Banshanyue.

Yes, the two monsters guarding the door alone are so powerful that killing the King of Wu is not a good stubble, so how can they easily let people take away their own things?

In other words, who would want their tomb to be stolen?!

Therefore, Xiao Chen is not worried at all.

After everyone went in, Xiao Chen and Qingfeng Ao stayed outside for a moment, and then they didn't hear any screams inside before they began to prepare to go in.

Just as Xiao Chen was about to go in and pass by the statue of the King of Killing Wu, his eyes suddenly glanced behind the statue of the King of Wu, with a black ring on his right hand, which was ordinary.

"Huh?" Xiao Chen was surprised. Mid-mountain Yue and Qingfengao also stopped and turned around and said, "Master, what's wrong?"

Xiao Chen came behind the statue, reached out and took off the black ring, observed his forehead, and was secretly surprised.

"How can a statue wear a ring?" Xiao Chen was suspicious.

Then his heart moved, bit his finger, and dropped a drop of blood on the ring. The ring flashed black, and then disappeared into Xiao Chen's finger.

Qingfeng Ao and Banshanyue were surprised, but Xiao Chen suddenly shook his body, and a message came to his mind, making him look happy.

"Young man, congratulations on getting the 'rhinoceros ring'. It seems that you are lucky. This ring is my proud weapon, with one of my domain effects, the field of gravity. Anyone in the field of gravity will be like a mountain. Gravity is controlled by the owner of the ring, and you can arbitrarily designate people not to be affected by gravity.

The words of killing the king of martial arts sounded in his mind, and Xiao Chen was surprised.

The field of gravity? So whoever is going to play against me, I can put gravity on him without being affected. In this way, won't I take a big advantage?

Xiao Chen didn't expect to get such a great treasure outside the treasure house, which is really lucky.

Before the words of killing the King of Wu, he continued: "In addition, I would like to remind you that you are not greedy enough to swallow elephants. Some things look good, but they may not be the best. Everything depends on your own luck."

It's luck again.

In the two words of Killing King Wu, they were talking about luck, and it seemed that luck was very important.

Xiao Chen woke up and saw Ban Shanyue and Qing Fengao looking worried next to him. He smiled and comforted him, indicating that he was fine.

"Master, what's going on?" The mid-mountain moon asked puzzledly.

"Nothing, but I didn't expect to be so lucky that I found a ring of King Wu, which is very effective." Xiao Chen talked about the ring, and then the three began to step into the Jade Gate.


The three of them passed through the Jade Gate as if they were drenched in the waterfall, and their bodies were cool for a while, and then came to another world.

Looking around, they were in an extremely huge palace, surrounded by sheep fat and white jade, a jade-colored world.

There are thirty-six dragon pillars around, which support the whole sky and seem to be integrated with heaven and earth. There are also jade tables and jade tables around, all of which seem to be made of jade.

The vitality around it also suddenly became full of vitality, filled with a faint fragrance.

And the warriors who came in before were all shocked and intoxicated with this palace.

"Oh, my God, these are all top-quality warm jade, which can help people practice."

"These jade tables seem to be connected to the whole ground. Is the whole palace made of huge warm jade?"

"What, no way, how can there be such a big warm jade?"

Countless people were shocked.

The palace built by the King of Killing Wu is so big that some people are even trying to pry out a jade cup from the jade table with weapons.

"This killing of the martial arts king is also rich. It's incredible to build a palace with such a large piece of warm jade."

Qingfeng looked around and also admired.

Everyone wandered around the palace and found that the construction of the palace was like a huge house, divided into a front yard and backyard, a lobby and a back garden, which felt like a home.

"Ah, the best dragon soul fragrance!"

At this time, someone suddenly shouted, and everyone hurriedly looked at it and saw more than 100 pieces of dragon soul incense in a jade furnace in the hall. No wonder the whole hall was so full of vitality.

Everyone knows the dragon soul incense, but the best dragon soul incense is rare. Now more than 100 yuan has appeared all of a sudden, and it is also used as a spice for killing the king of martial arts. I really can't imagine how rich it is to kill the king of martial arts.

In an instant, more than a dozen warriors fought for the dragon soul incense, and it became more and more fierce, and soon some people died for the dragon soul incense.

The battle began and ended quickly. More than 100 yuan of dragon soul incense were quickly divided. The people who grabbed the dragon soul incense all hid aside warily for fear that someone was killing and crossing the goods.

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly fell to the freezing point, and everyone began to be prepared.

"Oh, it's a pity that it's too late to take action. Such a good dragon soul fragrance can increase the cultivation speed by five times." Mid-mountain moon is a little annoyed and even more regretful.

Just because they were too far from the incense burner, by the time they reacted, the battle had entered the end and the dragon soul incense had been divided.

It's really too fast for other warriors.

Seeing this scene, even Yun Jianfei of Tianzong looked a little embarrassed. He finally took action just now, but it was too late to take action. In the end, he didn't even get a piece of dragon soul incense.

Other warriors hid far away in order to guard against him.

"Damn it!"

Yun Jianfei's face was ugly, and a trace of fierceness flashed in his eyes.

Xiao Chen doesn't have much regret. For example, dragon soul incense should be just gadgets for killing the king of martial arts. Good things should be in a more secret place, and it is absolutely not easy to get.

He still remembers the reminder of killing the martial arts king, and he was greedy enough to swallow elephants.

If he robs a lot of things now and will rob them in the future, then it is bound to attract people's attention in the end. One of his things may be remembered by everyone in the end, and then they will attack it in groups.

That's why Xiao Chen didn't take action. He wanted something good, but not much.

With the appearance of the dragon soul incense, the martial arts were shocked and no longer wanted to give up any corner and began to wander around the whole hall.

Soon someone screamed, "Oh, my God, they are all ten-grade martial arts classics!"

The sound came from the study. As soon as the sound came out, several figures rushed to the study, followed by the crackling sound of fighting again.

"Grandma, I can't wait any longer!"

The mid-mountain moon couldn't help it this time. She suddenly rushed out and rushed into the study. The battle inside became more and more fierce.

"Hmm, a group of little people dare to fantasize about ten kinds of martial arts!"


A spiritual sword shot into the bookstore, and a ball of blood floated out in an instant.

Yun Jianfei also took action. The first Dragon Soul Fragrance did not grab anything, and this time he did not allow himself to return without success.

"We'll go there too!"

Xiao Chen also rushed there with Qingfeng Ao.

On the one hand, it is because of the ** of ten martial arts, and on the other hand, it is not safe.

By the time they came to the study, there had been an inexplicable fight in it, and seven or eight warriors had died here.

Xiao Chen rushed into the study and found a row of bookshelves with a book of martial arts classics recorded in jade carving. The lowest one was eight-grade martial arts.

For these things, the people inside have already broken their heads.

We all know what a good martial arts classic means, which means strength. Some people can rely on advanced skills to challenge, while some martial artists can make great progress with appropriate skills.

Martial arts will always be an existence that cannot be ignored by human beings.

There are many seven* grades of martial arts, but there are only three books of ten grades of martial arts. At this moment, there is a jade slip in the middle of the mountain moon, which is a jade slip that records ten grades of martial arts.

"Half the mountain moon, how dare you fight with me!"

Yun Jianfei's arrogant voice sounded inside, and his eyes had been locked on the jade slip in the hand of the mid-mountain moon.

Banshanyue's face changed, and then said fiercely, "Yun Jianfei, you have grabbed a piece. Do you still want to rob my piece? If you want to fight, come on. Don't think that the Buddha is afraid of you!"

Yun Jianfei's face turned fierce and said angrily, "I don't measure myself!"

Just as he was about to shoot, suddenly the huge dragon claws slapped him.

Yun Jianfei's face changed greatly, and he hurriedly retreated and couldn't help staring at the person who took action.

Xiao Chen!

"Yun Jianfei, you have got a piece and want to rob my apprentice. Do you want to die?"

Xiao Chen exuded a cold murder all over his body, which made Yun Jianfei suddenly calm down.