Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 171 Crossing the Cloud Bridge

The death of the warrior made everyone stop breathing for a moment.

It's really not so easy to walk alone!

Everyone was looking at the jade bridge, and they couldn't help but feel a trace of fear. What frightened them more was that they didn't know what was dangerous on the bridge at all.

"It's really a good way to kill the King of Martial Arts. One move will make us avoid it." Ye Qilin looked at the stone tablet and said sentimentally.

Everyone thinks that killing the king of martial arts is really too bloody. It is really worthy of killing the king of martial arts. After everyone entered the treasure house, it is full of killing all the way. This is not like selecting the inheritors of martial arts, but more like killing all the layouts placed by the king of martial arts in order to create killing.

But they have to follow everything arranged by King Wu, because they all want to get the treasure of King Wu. As long as there is this, they will not be trapped by killing King Wu.

"Come again!"

Yun Jianfei grabbed another warrior and threw it to Ye Qilin. The warrior wanted to resist, but he was slapped on the ground on the spot and could only let the mermaid meat.

"Well, you'd better explore the way honestly, or I will imprison your cultivation and have no way to live!" Yun Jianfei opened his mouth and said intimidatedly.

The warrior knew that there was no room for resistance at this moment. If even his cultivation was sealed, there was really no way to live.

Ye Qilin made the spiritual jade slip again, and the warrior began to go on the road and strode inside.

"Master, how sure do you think he is?" The moon asked in the middle of the mountain.

The martial artist just now is also the first level of Wuzong, which is good among the people, which is why the mid-mountain moon has this question.

"I don't know. Let's take a look first!" Xiao Chen did not dare to make a conclusion.

After an hour, when everyone thought that the warrior had broken through, the spirit Yujian suddenly burst into pieces.

"Ah, it's broken again!"

"If even the martial artists at the first level of Wuzong have died, what's the danger on the Yunqiao Bridge?"

"Shouldn't the king of Wu still be alive and guard himself on the cloud bridge?"

This speculation shocked everyone.

If the killing king is still alive, it is impossible for them to inherit at all, but this speculation was quickly rejected by everyone. The message left by the killing king in the statue in front of the jade gate said that he had failed to survive the disaster and died, and it was impossible for him to still live in the world.

"What should I do now?" Someone muttered in a low voice.

Yun Jianfei was unwilling and wanted to catch people again, but before he could take action, he was immediately empty beside him.

One after another, some warriors were sent to the Jade Bridge to die, and many poorly trained warriors have begun to retreat.

"We don't want King Wu's treasure. We won't go. Exit!"

Some low-level warriors began to leave the door of the backyard, and many people responded and retreated together. Even the masters of Wuzong died, so they were even hopeless. Even many strong warriors at the Wuzong withdrew from this competition, and the number of them suddenly decreased by more than half.

Most of the remaining people's cultivation is from the first and second levels of Wuzong. These are not easy to mess with. Even if Yun Jianfei has the intention to force them, it is already difficult to do it.

If he still wants to force those warriors to quit, I'm afraid he will provoke those people to join hands.

No one wants to die, not to mention that they have quit and will naturally stand together.

Yun Jianfei suddenly did not break.

There are still more than 20 people left, these are all three sects and four families. In the Sanxiu, there are only three martial arts third-level and one martial arts fourth-level martial artists, and the four of them are held together.

Xiao Chen saw the current situation clearly and said to Qingfeng, "You can also stay. If you want to go the next road, I'm afraid it will be very dangerous."

Even the martial artists at the first level of Wuzong died, not to mention the ninth-level martial artist Qingfeng Ao.

Qingfeng Ao also knew that his cultivation did not have a chance to cross the jade bridge, so he nodded and took the initiative to stay. Xiao Chen secretly gave him an elixir, which was the elixir he took in the elixir in the front hall before, which has the effect of helping the warriors to break through.

Immediately, Qingfeng Ao also came out of the competition and stood with those warriors outside.

"Let's talk about it. What else can you do?" Ye Qilin saw that there were many people left behind, and they were also highly cultivated people, and he couldn't help saying.

Dugu coldly did not say anything. He stood aside and, with his cultivation, no one would ask him to test Yunqiao.

Duanmu Yang smiled and said, "It's very simple. There are still seven forces left. Since everyone wants to get the treasure of King Wu, it should be fair. Every door finds someone to take turns to go to Yunqiao. Whether they can pass or not depends on everyone's ability."

This was fair as soon as it came out. After pondering for a while, everyone agreed.

Xiao Chen still has him and Banshanyue. Xiao Lei of the Xiao family has not seen anyone since he was in the forest for a long time. He wanted to be killed in the secret place.

Now the two of them are the fewest among the many strengths.

In addition to Sanxiu, there is also a sword boy of Yun Jianfei. He took a look at Yun Jianfei and said coldly, "Since I proposed it first, let us Tianzong start first. Yun Tong!"

Everyone looked at Yun Jianfei's sword boy. When the sword boy heard Duanmu shouting at him, he immediately shook and looked at Yun Jianfei for help.

Yun Jianfei didn't expect Duan Mu Yang to call his sword boy, and he immediately thought of Duan Mu Yang's thoughts.

Among Du Gu Leng, he and Du Mu Yang, he has a sword boy to follow, which is inevitably unbalanced. Du Mu Yang is a person who deliberately wants to take the opportunity to eradicate him.

But in the current situation, he can't object, so he can only take this loss.

"Yun Tong, you can go!" Yun Jianfei's black face did not look at Yun Tong's poor eyes and was suppressing his anger.

Yun Tong saw that his young master had no choice but to step forward, let Ye Qilin make a spiritual cloud, and then walked to the Jade Bridge.

After an hour, Yu Jian broke up again, and everyone's mind became more and more depressed.

Followed by the Cheng family, the Cheng family led the team this time. Wuzong was second-class, and his strength was not bad. The three people who followed him died outside, and the remaining two were all Wuzong's first-class.

No one will let the head of the Cheng family go first, because they are afraid that the owner of the family will pass, and all the treasures in the apse will be taken by the Cheng family.

Therefore, in everyone's subconscious, the more powerful the cultivation, the last they must stay.

The Cheng family went up, but the result was the same. Soon Yu Jian broke up again and died again.

Everyone began to feel depressed when they saw this scene.

When it was the turn of the people of the infinite mountain, Ye Xiaolin couldn't stand such a situation and took the initiative to step out to ask for the jade bridge.

Everyone looked at each other and then defaulted.

Ye Xiaolin's cultivation is the third level of Wuzong, and he is also the strongest among those who have crossed the Jade Bridge at present. If he can pass, many people will feel at ease. At least it proves that as long as the cultivation is high, he can pass.

Ye Xiaolin did a good job of spiritual jade, and then came to the bridge, took a deep breath and raised his speed to the extreme. Then he rushed into the sea of clouds without looking back. Looking at his appearance, he actually wanted to rush over quickly.

Everyone held their breath and waited quietly until a long time, when the message of Ye Qilin's communication came, and Ye Xiaolin actually passed.

This news shocked everyone.

"Wow, someone finally passed, that's good, at least it proves that there is still hope." The Jin family said, and then someone began to be eager to try.

The Jin family was also at the third level of Wuzong. When he saw that Ye Xiaolin had passed, he felt that as long as he was at the third level of Wuzong, he immediately stood up, made spiritual jade slips, and crossed the jade bridge.

He thinks that maybe he can get good things by going there early now.

Immediately after, the owner of the Jin family also disappeared into the sea of clouds. Just as everyone guessed that he might be able to pass, the jade slip suddenly broke up.

"Ah, what's going on, dead?"

This scene suddenly confused everyone again. Ye Xiaolin passed away, but the owner of the Jin family died. He was also the third level of Wuzong, but the result was different, which made the martial artists confused.

"Is it fast to rush through?"

Soon someone thought of the way Ye Xiaolin rushed through, which seemed to rush in at a very fast speed from the beginning.

This gives everyone another glimmer of hope.

Next, it was the Shi family's turn, and a Wuzong first-class person came out. The man was trembling and obviously was scared by the end of the martial arts in front of him. He began to rush quickly, but everyone did not dare to praise his speed, and it didn't take long for Yu Jian to break.

Everyone's eyes have spread to Xiao Chen, and it's time for the four families to turn the Xiao family.

"Master, I'll do it!"

The mid-mountain moon stepped out fearlessly, not afraid of color, but eager to try.

Xiao Chen was worried and told him in his ear, "Remember, you can rush many pieces as fast as possible. Maybe it's really speed to win!"

"Well, don't worry, master!"

The mid-mountain moon answered carelessly, and then raised her cultivation to the extreme. She turned into a golden light, which was even faster than Ye Xiaolin and rushed into the sea of clouds.

This time was shorter. Only 15 minutes later, the message of the mid-mountain moon came, and he passed by.

Everyone can finally be sure that speed seems to be the only way of the past.

The next people began to imitate Ye Xiaolin and Banshanyue and spread their speed. Yunjian flew by, Ye Qilin passed, the owner of the Cheng family passed, Duanmu passed, the owner of the Shi family passed, and finally left Du Gu Leng and Xiao Chen.

took a look at Xiao Chen, Du Gu's cold eyes, and then stepped on the cloud bridge and left Xiao Chen at the end.

Xiao Chen did not argue. He let him go, and finally it was Xiao Chen's turn.

Crossing the cloud bridge, Xiao Chen was eager to figure out what was going on, so he didn't rush fast at the beginning.

The sea of clouds churning in front of him, and his sight is not far away, which makes his spirit highly concentrated to prevent changes around him.

I felt that I was in the middle of the Yunqiao. Suddenly, a man stopped on the Yunqiao and shouted, "Huh, there is another boy, hey... Come on!"

Xiao Chen looked carefully, but saw a strong man more than two meters tall standing in front of him, like an iron tower, as strong as an elephant, with two thousand pounds of hammers in his hand, like a beast in the middle of the bridge.

"Who is the senior?" Xiao Chen was not in a hurry to do it, but asked calmly.

Since the person in front of him can pass, he believes that he will be able to pass at his own speed.

The big man laughed and said, "Kid, you don't have to think about pleasing me. I will never release water. The guys in front of me use their speed to break through my defense. It's really abominable. If they hadn't agreed to kill the King Wu, they could only fight with the same level of strength, otherwise I would have killed them with a hammer. They are arrogant in front of me."

"So that's it!"

Xiao Chen already had a plan in his heart, and then arched his hand and said, "In this case, please forgive me for being rude!"


When the flash word appeared, Xiao Chen's body flashed away and almost disappeared from the big man in the blink of an eye.


The big man was surprised...