Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 200 The Power of the Ring

On the street, the atmosphere becomes more and more tense, and the smell of gunpowder is getting stronger and stronger.

Hearing the treasure of King Wu, a trace of greed flashed in the eyes of the warriors around him, but then these desires disappeared again.

Neither Xiao Chen nor this powerful and mysterious 'Prince Lei' can afford to provoke them, so they can only think about the treasure of King Wu psychologically. They don't want to die like this because of the treasure.

But as long as there is a chance, they will definitely fight.

Mr. Lei stared at Xiao Chen with a gloomy face and had already lost the previous indifference. He said coldly, "Well, have you thought about it? Are you dead or are you willing to hand over the treasure as my servant?"

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold and stared at Mr. Lei and said, "It turns out that you are also for the treasure of King Wu, so I will also give you a sentence. If you want the treasure, it depends on whether you have this ability!"

"You are looking for death!" Mr. Lei's face turned cold, "Kill!"

The two attendants took action again, and Qi Qi rushed to Xiao Chen.

The two nine-level strongmen of Wuzong work together, and their power is earth-shaking. What's more, the combat effectiveness of these two nine-level martial arts is not bad. Even in the ninth-level martial arts sect, they are definitely the top masters, and there are definitely not many people who can beat them.

What's more, the current two people work together, which makes Xiao Chenton feel greatly stressed, as if he were fighting with a second-class martial arts king.


The attack of the two attendants is very simple, but the attack power is huge. The energy contained in each attack is enough to open the mountain and crack the stone, which is extremely fierce.

Xiao Chen kept wandering and fighting with the two people. Wan gathered together to protect his body silently and fought with them. The whole street was full of anger. The whole street was bombarded by the battle of the three people, as if it had been destroyed.

When the people around saw that Mr. Lei's two attendants were so powerful, everyone became more and more awe of Mr. Lei and more affirmed that this must be the son of a super family, otherwise he would not have such great ability and style.


Xiao Chen punched the two martial artists again and withdrew more than ten meters. The anger in his heart was gradually fought.

"Okay, if you want to fight, then I'll have a good fight with you!"

Xiao Chen was angry.

The ring in his hand unconsciously released a stream of energy, which was mysterious and imperceptible. Even Mr. Lei, the second-class king of Wu, could not detect it.

After forcing Xiao Chen back, the two nine-level attendants of Wuzong rushed up immediately, giving Xiao Chen no chance to breathe at all. However, as soon as they came to take a step forward, they suddenly stopped and only felt as if they had been pressed by a boulder in an instant, and their actions suddenly slowed down.

"Ah, what's going on?" The two warriors were shocked.

Seeing their reaction, Xiao Chen knew that the gravity effect on the ring was working and immediately jumped up.

When he got this ring, the message of Killing King Wu introduced this ring, but it was the best weapon of King Wu and the effect of increasing gravity.

Among the weapons, the weapons before the realm of King Wu are called spiritual weapons, which are divided into white, good, top, boutique and best.

The weapons refined after reaching the realm of King Wu are divided into white King Wu weapons, good King Wu weapons, top-quality King weapons and so on.

Upward are white Wuhuang weapons, good Wuhuang weapons, top-quality Wuhuang weapons, high-quality Wuhuang weapons, and the best Wuhuang weapons.

followed by the weapons of the god of war, which is already the highest existence on the mainland.

Two nine-level attendants of Wuzong fell into the scope of gravity, and their movements were slightly slow. Xiao Chen came and immediately took the upper hand and launched a counterattack.

The gravity of this ring is only for the enemy. He is the owner of the ring and will not be affected by gravity.

And the gravity of the rhinoceros ring produces different gravity according to the user's true qi shock level.

The gravity generated by the first-level true gas oscillation is 10,000 catties; the second-level oscillation gravity is equivalent to 20,000 catties, which increases 10,000 weight per liter.

And Xiao Chen is now a five-level true qi shock, that is, 50,000 gravity.

This weight is already quite horrible.

If you are a martial artist in the realm of martial arts, I'm afraid that if you enter the gravity, you will be directly crushed.

Now the two nine-level warriors of Wuzong enter the gravity area, which also seems to be carrying a mountain and become very difficult to move.


Xiao Chen was not affected, and the speed was extremely fast, so the two martial artists could only be beaten. In just half an hour, the two were beaten all over their bodies with bruises and blue noses and swollen faces.

For good, both of them seem to have practiced physical skills, with rough skin and thick flesh, which can also save a small life.


Xiao Chen hit the two people with one move, standing in the void, his hair flying, and his momentum soared to the extreme. He looked down at Mr. Lei and said, "Do you want to kill me like this with your two attendants?"

Mr. Lei's face became more and more ugly. Looking at his two attendants being beaten like this, he immediately became angry: "Two useless things, get out of here!"

He looked up at Xiao Chen coldly and said, "Okay, I will personally send you on the road today!"


Mr. Lei flew up in the air and rushed to Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen watched him fly, sneered at the corners of his mouth, and said gently, "Double gravity!"


The air shook heavy, and Mr. Lei's flight stopped slightly, as if he had crooked his feet. His body shook, and he frowned, "What's going on?"

He immediately sounded Xiao Chen's means of 'painting the ground as a prison', thinking that this was also one of them. His eyes showed a trace of disdain and continued to fly.

"Double gravity!"


The pressure increased again, making Mr. Lei's body shake again.

This time, the gravity was obviously felt. He only felt as if his hands, feet and body were pulled.

When the warriors below saw that Mr. Lei's speed had slowed down a little, they immediately made a sound.

"Well, look at what's going on. That man seems to slow down all of a sudden."

"Is it because he is afraid of Xiao Chen and dares not fight against him?"

"It is possible that both of his attendants have been beaten like that. He may be afraid."

Listening to the following comments, Mr. Lei's face became even more ugly, and then continued to kill Xiao Chen regardless of his body.

"Triple gravity!"

Xiao Chen continued to sneer and watched Mr. Lei fly in and add gravity little by little, just to see if he could withstand several times the gravity to be effective.

"It's heavy again, what's going on?" Mr. Lei felt that his body was heavy again, and his heart was very strange.

However, he is the second-level master of King Wu, and the sixth-level true qi shock. Coupled with the realm of King Wu, he needs to change his bones and nirvana. The strength of his body is far from being comparable to that of Wuzong, and his endurance is much stronger than that of Wuzong.

Therefore, the current triple gravity only makes him feel a little pressure.

"Four times the gravity!"


The air suddenly became heavy again.

The weight of 40,000 catties is like a hill pressing on his body, and Mr. Lei's speed has obviously slowed down.

And he is still flying without a focus, so he feels more and more oppressed.

"Bastard, no matter what means you use, I will kill you!" Mr. Lei was furious. He didn't know what secret method he used. His speed suddenly became faster and came to Xiao Chen's side. He punched out and the sky collapsed.

Xiao Chen sneered at the corners of his mouth, "Five times the gravity!"

However, Mr. Lei was ready this time. He guessed that Xiao Chen might aggravate gravity, so he had been prepared for it. This time, the intensity did not make any difference to him.

Seeing this, Xiao Chen's smile became more and more strange.

He received Mr. Lei's punch and followed him and said, "Mr. Lei, don't you like to watch the play? Next is the beginning of the play!"


The five times the gravity suddenly disappeared, and Mr. Lei's body suddenly felt as light as a swallow. Just as he was about to be happy that he was no longer bound, the sudden five times the gravity suddenly pressed down, which was so abruptly.


At this time, it was like a mountain suddenly suppressed from the sky. The strong pressure almost made Mr. Lei fall from the air and throw a dog to eat shit, but it also made his body suddenly escape, and his body was like being struck by lightning, and his anger was really scattered.

"Damn it, asshole, you have a gravity treasure!"

After all, Mr. Lei was the son of a big family, and he quickly figured out the reason.

Xiao Chen was slightly surprised, but he was quickly relieved and said, "You are not stupid. I didn't expect to think of this."

Seeing Xiao Chen admitting that the murder in Mr. Lei's eyes is getting stronger and stronger, Xiao Chen does not know how much a weapon with gravity has on martial artists. With such a weapon, he can definitely challenge him.

"Okay, good, I didn't expect you to have such a good thing, but these should all be mine. Go to hell!"

Mr. Lei's murderous intention towards Xiao Chen became more and more firm, and the attack became fierce.

From the reflection of the former, Xiao Chen suddenly understood that gravity weapons may be a fatal** for King Wu.

Has the treasure of King Wu has put Xiao Chen in a deep danger, but for the bigwigs who have been able to refine the secret world, it is nothing.

But if the news of a gravity treasure is spread together, I'm afraid that some people of King Wu will also come to him to kill and seize the treasure.

"No, he must die!"

Xiao Chen also had a murderous intention towards Mr. Lei.

No matter what exists behind him now, he must kill this surnamed Ray.

Now only Mr. Lei knows that he has a gravity treasure.


Xiao Chen was cruel and no longer avoided Mr. Lei, and began to fight with him.

Under the interference of gravity, Mr. Lei did not take advantage of it. Xiao Chen suddenly weakened the gravity, strengthened the gravity and changed it back and forth, making Mr. Lei very uncomfortable and fell into a passive for a moment.

"Bastard, you have the guts to fight with me openly. Don't use these little tricks." Mr. Lei was furious, and he was tortured by gravity.

Xiao Chen sneered, "You are not mentally ill. If you want to be fair, suppress your cultivation to Wuzong's ninth level to fight with me. Do you dare!"

Hearing this request, Mr. Lei's eyes flashed and his heart became lively.

Under gravity, the change of gravity makes him unable to adapt, and his combat effectiveness is greatly reduced. He can't exert his attack power at all.

But without gravity, even if he lowers the realm, he is also the body of the King of Wu. In terms of body, he is more than twice as strong as Wuzong. Changing the marrow nirvana is the real rebirth and bone change, and his physique will change greatly.

Moreover, his various means can also be used normally, and the purity of true qi can also exert its due attack power.

Therefore, he is confident that even if he is at the same level, he can definitely suppress Xiao Chen.

At the critical moment, he will even suddenly improve his level and then kill Xiao Chen in one fell swoop!

Thinking of this, Mr. Lei smiled sinisterly and said indifferently, "Okay, I will lower my realm and fight with you!"