Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 259 Strange Thief

Late night, the bright moonlight was shrouded in a thick dark cloud, and the capital fell into darkness.

In the inn, when all the guests had rested and were sleepy, they didn't want a figure to sneak into the guest's room.

There are still people working at this time, and he is very dedicated.

Unfortunately, no one will praise him, because he is a thief in his night clothes.

He was very cautious and carefully came to the inn. He sneaked down from the roof and successfully came to the top floor of the inn. He turned over and fell into the corridor inside. His movements were very light and sensitive, like a cat walk. He seemed to be very skilled. It should not be the first time to do this.

He took two steps in the corridor, came to the door of a room, poked a hole in the window with his fingers, and didn't even drool, but he easily poked a hole without making any sound. From this, it can be seen that he was a master.

gathered in the hole and looked inside, and there was a 'snoring' sound, which was dull and powerful, like thunder, which made the man in black frown involuntarily.

"Is this guy a pig? It's just you!"

With a sense of snoring, the man in black chose the room in front of him, and then touched the door of the house. With a slight shock, the bolt inside was shaken open. The man in black pushed the door and sneaked into the room like a night charm.

The people inside were not alert, and still snored loudly, ups and downs, like waves, like singing the general's order again.

The man in black became more and more disgusted and slowly came to the owner of the house. A cold light flashed in his eyes. He suddenly took out a blue dagger from his sleeve, with a fishy smell, which was obviously very poisonous.

"Don't blame me. If you want to blame yourself, why do you snore when you have nothing to sleep?"

As he spoke, the man in black raised his dagger and was about to plunge down at the **, a voice suddenly remembered, "Is it guilty of snoring?"

** people suddenly opened their eyes and looked at the man in black angrily.

Although there was no electric light in the room and it was very dark, Yanchuan still locked the face of the man in black angrily, even if he was covered with a piece of cloth.

Now I'm very angry and extremely angry.

I didn't want to talk so much. As soon as the thief took action, he immediately fought back, but the thief's last sentence made him very angry.

"Do I steal it just because I snore? Then you still want to kill me?!" Yanchuan heard such a strange reason for the first time.

The man in black did not think that Yanchuan would wake up and was shocked at the first time, but then the murder suddenly appeared and said coldly, "Go and ask the king of Yan!"


The blue dagger drew a light blue light in the dark and wiped it on Yanchuan's neck. Yanchuan had a black face, grabbed the other party's wrist in one hand, and continued to say coldly, "Is it guilty of snoring?"

The man in black was stunned and seemed to be surprised by Yanchuan's persistence, but he did not answer. He quickly kicked a foot and kicked Yanchuan's *. His hands were fierce, no, his feet were fierce, his moves were shady, and his movements were crisp.

Yan Chuan was immediately smoked by this angry trick and shouted, "Your grandma has turned against you!"


With an explosion of gas, Yanchuan became angry, and the surging martial king's momentum broke out at this moment, and a true air formed a protective shield on the right side of his body.


The man in black kicked Yanchuan's lower body, but Yanchuan stood still and stared wide, like an angry King Kong, and shouted, "Are you happy to be kicked?!"


When he said this, he slapped him. Now the people in black were stunned. Unexpectedly, the important parts of the human body were kicked, and Yanchuan was fine.

Is this thing made of iron?!

With a crack, the man in black was slapped out of the room. Only then did Yanchuan dissipate his true anger. He looked down and said disdainfully, "In fact, you can kick this thing with one kick."

The man in black was photographed out of the room and was about to escape, but he didn't think that someone had stopped him from retreating.

The other guests outside have long been shocked by their movements. Many people left the room in their clothes. Xiao Chen stood in front of the man in black with cold eyes and said coldly, "Who are you?"

The man in black looked around and knew that it was difficult to get out today. He looked a little solemn. He looked at the two people in front of him and saw that Xiao Chen was young and should not be far high. He wanted to use it as a breakthrough from here and shouted, "If you can catch me again!"


He decisively pounced on Xiao Chen, and the blue dagger in his hand stabbed him, which was as fast as lightning, improving his attack power to the extreme.

Wuwang Level 4!

He felt that he was very smart at this time. He could still see the other party's flaws at such an urgent time and seize a weakness here as a breakthrough. If he was not assassinating, he would praise himself: I'm really witty!

But then he knew what a wrong decision he had made.

Because he saw the disdain in Xiao Chen's eyes, he saw that his opponent didn't even mean to hide for a moment. Seeing that his dagger capital was about to pierce the opponent's lower abdomen, Xiao Chen suddenly took action, and a big ear scraper pulled up.


It was crisp and loud. The whole inn heard this slap in the face, and some people couldn't even turn their heads.

This slap also stunned the man in black and grew up in surprise. Although his mouth was covered by black cloth, Xiao Chen could guess from the surprised eyes that he must have opened his mouth.

This slap is actually useless.

It's just an ordinary slap.

Maybe the man in black did not expect Xiao Chen to take action, or stop his stab in time, but Xiao Chen stopped him. Although this was unexpected, it was not enough to make the man in black so difficult to accept.

What he couldn't figure out was why Xiao Chen could draw him and why he didn't use true anger. Otherwise, he would have been lying down long ago.

He could feel Xiao Chen's strength, so he asked, "Why?"

"If I say that I'm too fast, do you believe it if I forget to use the truth?"

Xiao Chen answered such a sentence seriously.

The whole inn was silent, and the weapon in someone's hand fell on the wooden board and made a thump.

The corners of the man in black's mouth twitched.

Is this a joke?!

I was scared by a second-hand man.

Such a fast man thought he was a very strong man, but he didn't want to be an ass.

The man in black was angry. He rushed to shame that he was scared by a second-rate warrior like Xiao Chen. He covered it with anger and shouted, "Go to hell!"

As a result, Xiao Chen slapped it again.




This time, the man in black got what he wanted and was finally pulled from upstairs to the downstairs. The ground of the whole inn was smashed out of a big pit. The man in black struggled to get up from the ground and looked at Xiao Chen incredulously.

"I said you believed it. The first time I didn't use it. It was a chance for me to explain honestly, but I didn't expect you to choose not to believe it, so you can't blame me." Xiao Chen coldly looked at the man in black upstairs, and then shook his head disdainfully.

This kind of warrior makes him lose his identity.

The man in black wanted to cry after listening to Xiao Chen's words.

Who told you not to say it earlier and let others guess? I know what you mean?!

He jumped down from upstairs with a cold smile, looked at the man in black, and said sarcastically, "I've never seen such a stupid martial artist as you. I really thought you were young and had low cultivation, but I didn't know that you chose the hardest iron plate and hit it twice. You're lucky that you didn't die."

The person in black is even more powerful.

The martial artists around couldn't help shaking their heads when they saw this scene. They thought there was a good show, but they were a stupid thief. It was really boring, and then everyone went back to their respective rooms.

As for the thief in black, Xiao Chen was not in the mood to take care of it and gave it to Yanchuan and cold eyes.

The two took the man in black to Yanchuan's room, then temporarily restrained the cultivation of the man in black, tied it to a chair, and then took off the mask of the man in black. At first glance, it turned out to be a small old man.

The old man narrowed his eyes and had a small beard. He looked quite funny. After showing his true face, he looked timid and afraid of things. It was hard to believe that he would be the fourth-level king of martial arts.

Seeing his appearance, Yan Chuan and cold eyes couldn't help but feel funny.

Yan Chuan stepped forward and asked, "To be honest, what's your name?"

"Wang Erxiao." Seeing that it was already man-made fish, the little old man simply reported his name.

Hearing the name, Yan Chuan and his cold eyes puffed out the tea that had just been drunk and sprayed the tea on the old man's face.

"This name is really strange." Cold eyes feel uncomfortable all over.

The little old man also smiled and said awkwardly, "I can't help it. My parents named it."

"You are honest, then talk about it. What are you doing here?" Yanchuan asked.

"Stealing martial arts stickers." The old man replied.

As soon as he heard this, Yanchuan and cold eyes immediately tightened their nerves and said, "How did he know that the master had a martial arts sticker?"

Just when the two were suspicious, the old man himself had already explained and said, "Actually, this also depends on luck. At present, there are so many people in the capital. Who knows who has martial arts stickers? I also try my luck to find them one by one. It's natural to find them."

"You mean you hit someone casually, and then searched for martial arts posts?"

When Yanchuan and cold-eyed listened to the old man's words, they couldn't help but be a little stunned.

For the sake of martial arts stickers, it's really strange to come up with such a method.

"Yes, in this way, our adults have found a martial arts post." The old man is quite proud.

"What, you? Give back yours? So, someone instructed you to steal martial arts stickers, and it's still a gang?!"

Yan Chuan and his cold eyes were stunned.